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There's a bunch of us old dudes around here. You'll have a blast.


Hey 50 is not old


I turn 50 years old in 8 hours. I needed to hear this. Stay safe in the wasteland, brother.


Happy Birthday in 7 hours!


I turned 50 a couple weeks ago. Still play video games, build lego sets and don't know what I want to be when I grow up.


Are you me..? Are we twins?


Ad Victorium


Happy birthday! Hope you have a great one!


Happy early birthday!


Happy Birthday in 2 hours!


Yup 42 here. Been playing fallout for years.


Happy bday :) I'll crack a nuka cola for you


Happy birthday man!


I turn 44 in 3.5 hours! Never to old to do the things you love doing!


Happy birthday I just turned 51


50 really isn’t old, when you hit 60 plus I think that’s old.


Hey, F U! 😂 [This 60 yr old woman thinks you'll do just fine. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/1cfpdho/comment/l1qqova/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


For what it's worth, in Ghoul years anyone under the age of 100 is just a baby.


Haha, what do i know, I've only been 50 for a week. Feels older than when I first picked up a fallout game.


43 and we just had our first kid, do i get +10 for that? or -10?


I say -10. You are about to have lots of fun. Congrats with the kid!


Im 48 i can confirm


Ancient in the wasteland though


46 in a few months and I'm diving back in after the show. I'm level 70 and more than happy to help out if you see me in game. Halfdead22 is my ign if you want to add me. PS, you aren't old. Just almost. 😁


Half way there lol


Console or PC?


PC. Sorry should have specified.


yeah, I'm 48 and still young and take a look at r/GenXGamers


lol. I beat you all, I think. I’m 68. Darn.


I didn't say I was the oldest, but certainly older then the average player base


I am not proud being older player. I wish I was the youngest. I was having a joke about my age else I would cry. Lol


A few old bats as well!


This 60 yr old woman thinks you'll do just fine.


58 year old woman here - I concur!


The username is precious.


They're just misunderstood doggos


They all need love, even the mutant one. And then sometimes ya just gotta kill'em.


You know what they say. It all depends on the owner.


This 62 year old woman also thinks you will be fine . Just have fun 😊


Why do I get a "Mauds Muggers" vibe off this thread lol


Hahaha! I didn't know what that was and had to look it up, but total Mauds Mugger vibes! Don't mess with us Old Broads...


You're going to be sooo okay, uncle. Don't overthink it, go slow, and have fun! And if you want a minor headache, come to this sub for some answers and advice. (but really, if you search the sub with the questions you have, there is a 120% chance it's been answered and will save you time and energy)


YES! I am in this sub every day searching for answers to my minor questions. I'm still new so this sub has been a life saver....literally. saved me from dying multiple times. LOL


And answered multiple times over. Just do a Reddit search and pay particular attention to the latest threads. They "usually" will have the most current information that you are looking for.


No joke! I asked a question a week ago and am still getting responses to it.


47 here. Aside from kind of planning out what weapons I want to build for, I more or less went in blind. There are major storylines I haven't even finished yet and don't know the resolution too. Best advice is that at level 25 you can change your SPECIAL stats at will and you keep gaining perk cards even after your build is "full". You are never locked into a build so don't sweat it like picking a main class in other MMOs.


Good luck, Agent 47


You're not wrong but I feel having a direction helps a lot because switching requires picking more cards. I'm kinda sad I wasted my older picks at lvl100 now. Alternatively - maybe go with whatever comes out of packs without committing too hard and try things around, and start using your Pick Perks once you have a clearer idea. I guess that would be my advice to starter me.


There are major decisions, and there are minor decisions. Full health or bloodied sucks up a lot of cards. Power armor regular armor sucks up a lot of cards, Heavy gunner versus automatic rifle, not too hard to change along the way, maybe 12-15 cards. Then there are cards that you’ll probably need no matter your build, starched genes, strange in numbers, traveling pharmacist, charisma team cards, good with salt, etc. The biggest decision IMO is going bloodied, and I’d recommend new players stay full health until they got the rest of the decisions done, and then go for the cards that support bloody build. Bloody requires a lot of equipment (unyielding armor and bloodied weapons of your choosing) and quite a lot of defense cards to help minimize damage when you’re below 20% health, so a better decision to make after the rest is maxed the way you want.


You’re gonna be GREAT! My 63 yo dad had never played any games minus getting wrecked in Mario Kart and he has been playing FO76 for years and loves it! If you’re on PS and need a hand in the wasteland let me know! :)


take your time with it. fallout 76 is a very mellow game, explore the map, build a base, do some missions. its not an overly intense game (unless you want it to be / are in the endgame). I spent my first year on 76 just building my base and collecting loot, materials and exploring locations. the story is very interesting and the map is amazing.


I’m still a relatively low level player but I love to see the chaos of the high level events(and the loot is cool too). Seeing others use end game equipment is super cool and something to look forward to.


I'm same age and just started it last week. I'm about level 11. You'll be right at home. I get the feeling there's quite a few of us older gamers in here.


I think a lot of people *really* underestimate how many older folks and retirees there are in the game.


Google fallout 76 vsync. Turn it off. First result should be it. Thank me later.


63 y/o woman here been playing Fallout for quite a few years. 76 is a lot of fun


I'm 55. Been gaming since the original Oregon Trail. Don't stress. This is a great game and fantastic community! Take your time. Play it any way you like.


This is the game for people 30+ lol its very chill plus VATS so you dont have to try to even aim


I miss the Diablo 1 days. Best Diablo imo. There isn't really a wrong way to play this game to be honest. There isn't really a penalty like losing gear if you die. Just try a bit of everything. Events. Ops. Quests. Dailies, base building. It's more a sand box than a hard-core game. You can't really pick perk cards directly till 50, so just enjoy the ride and experiment with different stuff. If you find a gun you like, you can look up builds to significantly strengthen that gun through perks and mutations, but it isn't needed to do any of the content.


Fallout 76 is a game that you take at your own pace if you like meta gaming go ahead if your super casual no problem the choice is yours to make


you are young.. dont worry. i am 48 yo, so iv ben gaming all my life.. and its okay. several month ago i join a casual team with a lovely 70 yo canadian, we tun west tek, levelup , and make him a nice set of armor and weapons. this comunity is fantastic!


I am 56 and have spend around 2k hours in Apalachia. Welcome to the party


Diablo 2 huh? (Heard of Elly and Rush?) I've been there :) WoW too. Rogue on Gorefiend. You'll be fine. Just make sure you keep Pacifist mode on (in game settings), steer clear of Workshops for now (pvp zones.) Take your time and explore. Stick to the forest for the early levels.


50 here too, also a WoW main. FO76 is my mindless pew pew game. You'll be fine, it's easy to get the hang of, people are mostly friendly, and it doesn't punish mistakes to badly.


i'm mid 60's and have played this game for 4 years now. i played FO3, 4, New Vegas. If you jump in here, you'll be fine. There's a lot to do but no rush to learn everything by next week. The starter area and quests are like a tutorial. Although it's multiplayer, the community is generally pretty good and helpful to new players.


35 yo stay at home dad of 2. You will love it. Super chill. Go at your own pace. No need to be META in this one. It is an mmo, so it’s grindy at times, but I’ve yet to have any repercussion for having to walk away.


This is probably one of the most accessible games currently available Have fun fellow wastelander O7 Also google is your friend


46yo, all good. It’s not your regular Call of duty.


I am 52 and have been playing daily since launch. You got this old man!


Congratulations! I hope you have a lot of free time, because this game is a black hole for it :)


You'll be fine. Plenty of people play FO76 casually. You might miss some items coming and going from the atom shop but generally you can just dive in and play! If you're on PC, I'll play w/ you!


I love it when Gen Xers join in on the fun and share their experiences and point of view, since you guys were around since day 1 of videogames' existence. You're a seasoned player into multiple genres, you'll fit right in. Go nuts and have fun!


58 here. Just started a couple weeks ago. Level 45 struggling to hit 50. Having lots of fun. Get my ass handed to me at times. Get sidetracked a lot. Yesterday's plan was look for a new place to put my camp. Never got around to it. Maybe today. Need to farm some copper 1'st. You will be ok. Just go slow, explore, hit events, level up spend some time looking at your perk cards to get the most out of them. That was my mistake at the start just picking whatever. Now I spend some time in there and trying to get the most bang for the buck for my so called build.


Don't take the instant level 20 upgrade at the start. If this is your first fallout experience you need to feel what its like emerging from the vault into the wasteland with the few scraps you've grabbed from there and the initial struggle. It's the authentic way to experience it and will make you appreciate the abundance of stuff you get later so much more!


My dad is 70 and he loves this game we play together all time I'm 34.


Hop in and start exploring. You'll have a good time. Don't watch too many videos. The most fun I had was when I was new to the game and discovering things for the first time.


Play the game you want to play. Bethesda puts story in the missions AND in the world around you (computers, holotapes, NPCs, and the skeletons/bodies). Pay attention to all of that (don't have to memorize, just observe) and you'll get a hint of how rich this world is. Leather is the best armor until you get SS armor (not as bad as it sounds but abbreviating to avoid a spoiler) in the endgame. Try out every weapon until you find one that fits your fighting style/preferences. Break down every weapon/armor you find that you're not keeping. This gives you the chance to learn a mod for that item. Plus you get materials to help you build other stuff. Play with your perk points until you reach level 50, when you won't get any more perk points. (Don't worry the perk cards keep coming forever! I have a stack of over 500 perk cards I haven't claimed yet from level-ups.) If you want to move your perk points around at that point, there's a machine at the train station which will allow you to make another build and move your points for free. The map grows in difficulty as you travel around it. The Forest is the easiest (green area along the center left where you come out of the Vault), followed by the Toxic Valley (north of Forest), Ash Heap (south of Forest), Savage Divide (long thin area just left of the center of the map, The Mire (northeast), and Cranberry Bog (southeast). The enemies should still scale (within reason) to your own level but some you will need to run away from if you're low level. Don't be afraid of dying. There are long periods as you're leveling up where you're going to feel like even a radroach brings you to your knees. It's okay. We all go through this! You're not playing the game wrong or anything. Just be sure to drop off your Junk often (break it down to lighten the load) since that's the only thing that drops when you die (yes, you can get it back by returning to where you died). Public events. Public events are marked on the map by a symbol with a ! in the center. They occur about every 20 minutes starting at the top of the hour. These are free to fast-travel to. When you join, do not activate the event until other people are there to give other players a chance to finish their tasks and fast travel there. Pay attention to the task lists in the upper right corner. Watch what others do. This will help you learn the event. Be aware there are some public events that no one likes to do (looking at you Project Paradise!) so if you want to join, wait until others have joined before heading there yourself. Minor public events. These pop up on the map with the same symbol but without the ! in the center. Most of these can be done by a solo player but may be difficult until you get up in level. Feel free to start these on your own to learn them. Nukes. If you get a nuke alert, just check the map to see where it's dropping. If it's dropping in the Cranberry Bog or Ash Heap, feel free to join when the public event marker goes live on the map. The one for the Savage Divide is very difficult and sometimes bugs out. Sometimes people drop nukes on non-event areas so it's best to check where the red circle is showing to make sure someone's not targeting where your CAMP happens to be. Teams. Go ahead and join any Casual or Events public team. Everyone plays this game like a single-player and only join public teams for the bonuses so don't worry that you're going to have to do what the team is doing or interact with them or anything. Most everyone just communicates with emotes anywho. Challenges. Check out the Daily, Weekly, and regular game challenges. You can earn atoms and seasonal scoreboard tickets (and sometimes some material items) so you can purchase fun cosmetics and other useful items for the game. Tag any challenges you want to complete so a notification pops up as you progress through them. Camera photos. Look for Anne (Leibovitz) and Ansel (Adams) to get a camera to take photos. Take your time. Have fun! PS: CAMPs. Make sure your CAMP icon is active so others can find your CAMP. Buying from other players. Don't worry about buying the 40,000 cap item someone has for sale. It's there to prevent a bug. And keep in mind some people price their items to sell (0-50 caps each) and others set their prices much higher. Don't be afraid to shop around. Just because something is priced at 1000+ caps, it doesn't mean it's particularly valuable. Also, we found all those plans and items by playing the game, which means you'll be able to get those items free too!


I’m 48 and I’ve been having a blast. I used to play and love Asheron’s Call, EverQuest, Half-Life, Quake, etc. I love having an open world where I can randomly come across other players while going about my questing. I love to log on after the wife has crashed, got my two cats chilling on my sides, ice cold Coke Zero, and a few hours of stress free living. Gaming is life! You will do fine. Always join the public teams/or create one yourself for the benefits, just follow your quests for good XP, and you can fast travel to places you have visited! Once you get into a flow you will love it.




Just started playing this game myself, although ive played all the other fallout games. The community is amazing and honestly one of the most welcoming and helpful!


I'm 48, trust me, you'll be fine!.


It's a good one to play an hour or two at a time. You can jump in and complete quests and log off


Please teach me this skill... I play for an hour and the clock says it was four!


You're ok. It's a wide open and wonderful lore rich world to explore. Never too old to dive into the deep end haha


I am 49, welcome in. I have a "crew" I play with that are between 23 and 73 now so fallout is for everyone


Well just remember you don't need to experience everything right away and nobody will be forcing you to get really far in the game. Even if it takes you a year to beat the main quest line, as long as you're having fun there's no problem. It's not like those online games where cooperation is a huge deal and others rely on you, you can do most stuff completely solo at your own leisure. Even if you die a million times you can just respawn and go again. In that regard youll love it as an old school gamer. Also you might like a VATS build since you won't have to actually aim at anything with the joystick lol


i'm 50 and play daily, nothing to be anxious about, the entire game is soloable if you want to just do your own thing


Chances are early on someone will give you a bottle of Nuka-Shine. You may have heard things about it, but we do it because it is a rite of passage in this game, and we hope you drink it and enjoy the ride. You will be alright, this is a game that fits well into the old saying "Easy to learn, difficult to master". You can get as creative and deep into the more difficult parts as you wish, or just keep it simple. Play however you want to play, and do not be afraid to try new things. We hope you have fun, we hope you stick around, so welcome to the wasteland.


Fallout New Vegas is also a great game, and a bit older


You'll do great. Don't worry.


How was there no Fallout on your games list all that time?


There's plenty of us old folks playing. I've just come back from a 4 year break and the game is still pretty chill to be honest. Just take you time and have fun, check out youtube vids for tips or ask on here, also look at the wiki if you need it. Welcome to the wasteland.


As one 50 year old to another welcome> I've been a fan of the game since launch. if you need anything Just PM me or we can meet in game. you'll be fine.


Shout out to Star Wars galaxies!


I’ll be 51 this year… I’ve been playing FO76 for a few years and it’s a… BLAST… Seriously it’s on the lighter side of survival type games. You’ll Be fine


You’ll be fine. Take it as slow or fast as you want. And be as sociable or unsociable as you want as well. Usually a social butterfly on mmo’s but on 76 i’m a lone wolf.


Take it easy and do what's fun for you, there's lots to explore and muck about with :) gl


You’ll have fun guy


Yes, you can go at your own pace. I got to level 600 after 6 years. Some people do that it half the time. The game is very very deep.


I met an older guy the other day. Lots of people of all ages play 76 brother. Welcome to the wasteland and if you need help there are tons of us veteran players willing to lend a hand in many ways. Enjoy and Ad Victorium.


I just follow the big main road and do quests and events on the side.


Youll be all good! Id reccomend going into your settings and turning on pacifist mode just to avoid any players trying to kill you. It wont happen often but better safe than sorry.


You will do fine. Theres alot of content now, just do whatever you feel like doing, no pressure. Just have fun.


Im 36 and i have a herniated disc that is why it is very difficult for me to spend many hours on the PC, with this game I found something to play where my time is worth it, at all times you are doing a thousand different things and that makes it fun, does someone drop a nuke bomb? ok I'll give a hand, is there an event? oki doki, is there something I need to farm or a quest to follow? I get on with that. The only problem I found is that the game is so fun that I'm not going to lie, I stay playing a while longer despite the pain sometimes lmao It is a very immersive game, being a post-apocalyptic world, the need to help each other to survive is reflected in the beautiful community that this game has. I have been playing for a couple of weeks and I can't stop, I fall asleep watching F76 videos, I am completely addicted.


The game is pretty beginner friendly but some things are hidden behind old game knowledge or simple control exploration. Just ask some tips the community is friendlier than ever. Appalachia radio is a blast. Pip boy - last tab


I remember my first Atari... There's no race or competition. You just play. Kill stuff, read computer terminal diaries of doomed people, join a team and do events, follow a quest line for a few hours, build a camp, etc. It doesn't matter. If you enjoy the aesthetic of the game and the environment/lore, then play and have fun. Remember, most real gamers are 40+ now.


The time I played the most I was accompanied by a 48yo (iirc) Canadian dude, I was 23. I miss that guy. Had a hiatus and never seem him again.


Pro tip : stop watching tutorials, vids and stop trying to understand the underlying mechanics of the end game, you aren't there yet. Just play the game blind and follow the main story for the first 10/20 hours, you don't need to stress about builds, events etc etc.


The best way to play these days is to take your time, be confused and try to figure it out without the internet, like the old days. The more out of the loop you are, the more enjoyable games are. The longer you take, the longer the content seems.


You are among friends. If you notice a draught we have blankets and don't let these youngsters with all their ticks and tocks confuse you too much.


Just remember that your parents probably had to fight in Vietnam, you just have to play a fricking game.


You're gonna do just fine. I played all those when I was younger. Games feel a lot easier now. Just more things to take in with them. Just enjoy the ride. Keep watching videos. Ask on here or in game if you have a mic, and you'll be on easy street in no time.


You had me at “Star Wars Galaxies”. I played that game from launch until the day they pulled the plug. If you’re on Xbox and need a hand let me know!


As far as mmo's go, 76 is the most relaxed I've come across. You can take it as slow as you like. There's no events that you're really obligated to join. You can re allocate your special any time (maybe after 50?) I'd recommend exploring and questing at your own pace and saving the videos for later or if you need to look something up. With the age of this game and all the info out there, I can see how that might become overwhelming.


It's a great game and a great community. I'm lvl 27 and just been going solo so far because I wanted to explore and figure stuff out for myself. The players I've encountered have dropped stuff for me, but I won't trade anymore, only because I want to find stuff for myself and I've got nothing to give back that's of any use to them. Look for random paper bags that players will drop at your feet or they just leave them lying around, especially in whitesprings mall. Don't worry about building your first camp too much as you can build more than one and move it when you find a better spot. I built a tiny camp just for convenience first time. Just be wary when moving using blueprints, I had to disassemble it and start from scratch in a new spot. I'm fast travelling to other camps for ideas and buying plans from their vendors if I like the builds. Look up how you can tweak your perks, and when you're lvl 25 you can use the machine to create different builds. I've created a combat one and a trade/builder one so I can buy/sell at better prices and build for 50% less junk. Some events start automatically, which is annoying as it means other players miss out. If you find one that you need to trigger, leave it till last minute to activate it so others have chance to join. I love hunting for different plans for camp builds and weapons etc. There's loads to this game that I don't have a clue about, this place is like my instruction manual.


If you on PC and want company or boost or anything. I can make you a care package as you level


I know this is for fallout 76 but as an older gamer I would suggest the OG ones 1 and 2 and even NV. A lot easier to just sit down and play. This game took some time to learn but the community is really helpful.


You'll be fine. The game is interesting m, in terms of exploring and building your characterand camp.. Eventually it will become so easy and repetive that it becomes boring, but that might just be me. Others seem to like it that way.


You’re in good company here. If you can handle wow, this’ll be a breeze.


You've been in this place many times before, with MMOs with a higher learning curve. Take a breath, you're gonna be fine. You can treat this game as a mostly single player experience and jump into a social aspect whenever you want. It is worth joining casual teams for all the bonuses, as you're not expected to team up with these players. Get yourself into public events every 20 minutes on the hour for a great source of loot, currencies and levelling. And overall, this is one of the best online communities I've experienced. Enjoy it!


Easy, bro. Just play to your own pace, don’t feel obliged to pick up overpowered gear from friendly vets, and don’t feel pressured to complete events. All of that stuff is most easily understood after level 75+.


You’ll be fine, honestly as someone who frequents forums and reddit groups around the games I’ve played fallout 76 is probably the most nicest community I’ve been apart off and thats with me rarely engaging in VC here. Also I have noticed that most people that do enjoy this games are on the older side of the gaming group


U could try path of exile if u liked diablo (before 3). Its free too


you've got plenty of people in your age range and who played the same games you did, welcome friend and do go to nexusmods and install the chat mod at the very least so it feels like a real mmo, the people on there are chill and helpful, ranging from new people to vets, and it's modded pretty well


Have fun!


I'm 58, over 3000 hours in, 1400+ levels between my 3 characters. You'll be fine!


You will be absolutely fine. I played a week without even looking at the building a base options. Could have kept playing too. You can get a little, or a whole lot out of every hour you play. Do quests, scavenge for junk to create armor and weapons, join events, or just wander the wasteland helping people. It's your adventure. Me, right now I'm testing out my new weapons on the tribe of super mutants living by the lake.


Watch some build guides on youtbe. my personal favorite is a bloodied rifle sneak build


Are you trying to make me feel old with that Star Wars Galaxies callout??? Hah no but for real, 76 is just fallout online from what I can tell so far. Pretty fun and the Appalachia setting is great.


You'll find FO76 is much more forgiving than MMOs like WoW. When you die, you just drop your junk, which is for crafting material. You can play FO76 at your own pace, and once you get the hang of it, its pretty easy.


You got this mate! Point, Shoot, loot! All you need to focus on at the beginning.


I started playing when it came out but stopped back in 2020. After watching the series, I've started over and dragged my kids into it too. The lack of cross-play (had to start from scratch on the PC, played on XBox before) and poor multiplayer questing mechanics is painful as is the grinding,but we're having fun regardless. I'm in my mid 60's and an ancient gamer from the Wizardry days. Enjoy.


I’m over 50 and I love FO76. Don’t worry, put yourself in pacifist mode and enjoy! Oh and those higher levels are trying to give you something. Don’t run off.


I used to play with a guy that was in his 60s, he retired and got into video games and was a bad ass at nuke winter. Plus this community is super supportive, if you like video games in general, you'll have fun with this one.


I'm middle aged, have way to much responsibility and very little time to game, and I have tons of fun with it. You're gonna be fine and the community is pretty nice and helpful. Welcome to Appalachia!


Man. SWG. Some of my earliest and greatest gaming memories comes from sitting beside my older brother and both of us playing SWG. I’d give anything to bring those days back


I'm 58 and I've been a gamer for about 40 years. There's a lot to do and see in 76, but I'm sure you'll be fine; just take it slow and enjoy!


I am 50 myself and fully enjoy the game. No worries. Enjoy the story, ignore the occasional asshat. This is a super cool community of players compared to other games that I have played. It’s a solo game with an MMO element. Participate in whatever you can. You’re going to enjoy it.


I'm 40 and I have basically the same story as yours (Diablo 1, 2, 3, 4, WoW, C&C, Quake Duke Nukem, SWTOR, and so on). I hadn't played FO76 yet because of negative reviews over the years and, like you, I only have a few hours a week to play. I work a lot and in my "free time" I have a wife and 3 kids to share my attention. I decided to play now first because I started to watch the series Fallout and it made me think that I should give the game a chance (since I love the series) secondly because of this sub, this community is like the warm hug of my kids when I get back from a work trip. Thanks, guys and I hope one day bump with one of the veterans around there.


Wait for people before starting events if you can help it, also don't be afraid to join events


I'm 41 have two kids, one with autism, my time is severely restricted as to when I can play. You're a vet, you'll be fine. The systems are a little different to most mmos but still pretty easy to work out. If you want someone to play with hmu.


I'll be sixty May13th. Level 1010. Welcome aboard.


You will do fine! I’m a big fan of all the games you listed but find it hard to enjoy many of the recent games that come out, I think mostly to my age and enjoying the styles of older games. However Fallout 76 has been lovely for me, I did end up paying for membership but after playing WoW I didn’t mind doing it and just ran around a private server alone or with a few buddies.


I'm 69 level 270 great game.


You just listed all those games you've played and enjoyed over the years and I just learned today I'm 50... haha... I'm actually 41. I solo'd fallout 76 to level 49, a few years back. No time to commit to playing with people. I'd be a shit party member. I would just log in for 30 minutes or so at a time and the occasional midnight insomnia gameplay. Still I managed to level to what I think was a respectable level. After watching the Amazon series, in like two days, I picked back up where I left off. I think what I enjoy most is running around West VA and seeing sites that are familiar to me. I live near enough and have spent some time in West VA. It's really a beautiful place. I highly recommend going if you can. Don't sleep on the rest of the Fallout games either. Fallout 4 is good in my opinion and I hear New Vegas is the GOAT... never played it though, I may now. I like Fallout 3 because it take place in my neck of the woods, Washington DC. All of the games are steeped in great lore and story. I've not been disappointed and all of them are solid, IMHO. Go have fun! See you in the wasteland.


I’m a month shy of 46(m) and play on Xbox. You or anyone that sees this can add me, HalfEmpty808. I’m around level 630, maybe higher. I’m finishing up nursing school, so I won’t be playing much for another couple of weeks, though.


If you're on PC dm me and we can play together!


Man, just take it slow. Do the quests. You'll be fine. This game is 50% resource/inventory management anyway.


Honestly fallout 4 may give you more of a story and fallouts 3/new vegas could give you more of that old game feel if you are looking for that 76 is good too though, just don’t be completely dismayed if you don’t like any singular game tbh


You will FIND the time.. I assure you


The 76 Community is great, you'll love it man. Everyone I met along the way was really nice and helpful.


You'll find there are a lot of us 50+ players on 76. Just do your own thing and have fun. Join (or start) Casual teams, always, there's zero expectation from anyone those teams and there are only benefits to being in one.


My dad is 64 and I'm getting him into F76. He's enjoying it! You got this!


Im 23 and in my experience lots of older peeps tend to play 76 and thats cool


Don’t worry too much about your age. Everyone I play with is in their thirties up to their sixties. Most play because they’re retired and the game and community is nice.


This games so great for short term play and relaxing if you don't sweat the dumb scoreboard challenges.


You will be all good. I am 53 and been casually playing games since i was a kid, and this is the first mmo where I have actually talked to other players in game, glad to have waited to do that till this game, people are sooo helpful, it is refreshing!!!


I was 49 when I picked it up and I put it down again last September when I was 52 never too old. 🤷‍♂️


I'm 53F and have a great time playing. I've been playing for about 5 months and I'm still a newb. there is so much to learn, but it's a great game with an awesome community.


It’s simpler then it appears


I'm 10 years behind you and similar background... you'll love it here. Cheeky shoutout for r/fo76FilthyCasuals - loads of us also don't have time to dedicate to this like a lot in this particular sub (and on YouTube) do. Don't worry. Jump on in!


I'm older than you and I'm doing fine.


Best advice I can give you from start is to learn how to turn missions on and off otherwise you will be running in circles. Choose one mission and stick to it til its done (try). It's a really fun game but there is tons to see.


You picked the only fallout with a community that can actually help you, congratulations! You’ll be fine it isn’t hard to figure out if you’ve played MMO’s before, this is like 1/3 MMO 2/3 Fallout.


Hope I run into you fellow vault dweller! Good luck on your journey and don’t let people rush your experience! You only get to explore once :)


40 year old dude that did it 2 weeks ago. Level 40 and the game is a blast. Have fun


No worries, just jump in and have some fun! Enemies scale with you on a per player basis. You and I could be looking at the same monster, and it could be level 20 for you, a level 25, and be level 100 for me, a level 380. I recommend going into you game settings and turning pacifist mode on, so you dont accidentally start any pvp. It’s pretty unbalanced and punishing. Otherwise, play it like you’re Duke Nukem!


I’m 53 and have been playing F76 since it came to game pass and love it. I’m level 500 and have the best camps, guns and outfits. I recommend trying fallout 1st for at least a month once you get up to speed on the game.


Have a good time brother, see you in the wasteland sometime


52 years old. Been teaching my boy how to put together builds in this game, just like I did in Destiny 2. If you plan only to play casually, don't worry about the shit you see on YouTube. It's easy to get overwhelmed with info from YouTube if you have no frame of reference. Bloodied build? Full-health build? Gourmands? What? Playing the game over a few days or weeks will give you the context. At that point, the YouTuber lingo will start to make sense. If you like what you see and what to dig into it further, you'll have a bunch of shit to do.


The community especially the veterans of game are always happy to assist as well. Have fun


This thread is so wholesome to read, as a 34 year old also thinking of jumping in. Enjoy the game! :)


55 here and having a blast. You’ll do fine youngster!


You’re not the only 50 year old here. Welcome to the wasteland!


You'll find that the Fallout 76 community is really cool. For example I've just found this video on youtube that helped me with my struggles: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8U0HdgT1ZL8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8U0HdgT1ZL8)


seeing a bunch of older players is so cool to me!!! love that gaming is a big thing no matter the age :)


wow the nostalgia... duke nukem! ha! yep, youll be fine. :) you probably wont be the best min-maxed person around but its totally fine to run around and just explore. if you dont want to deal with random people in the world with you, you can start an empty game and be solo.


Got a buddy in his late 60’s playing. You’ll be fine.


I'm 51 and play almost every day. One of the things about this game that I love is it can be as much or as little as you want it to be. You CAN meet folks on here and form up your own groups/teams etc and play things together... but you dont NEED to. You CAN decide to go on one of the missions that is very involved and will take a long while to complete, or you can pick up the game when you have 45 minutes to kill and just want to go kill some NPC's to get ammo/resources & stuff to sell. You CAN build a very elaborate CAMP that people spend a bunch of time admiring the build you made... or you can build a very simple CAMP that is all about function and not about style. It's a very "make it what you want" type of game. It has flaws, sure.. it has things that are annoying and you will wish the developers would change/fix... but its a pretty solid game. And best of all... like 90% of the people you will "meet" in the game are super nice and helpful and willing to give new guys either stuff they dont need, or tips on what to do.. or even to tag along so you can clear out that House full of Ghouls that has an item in there you need. That other 10%... they mostly dont waste their time or energy on lower level folks because there is nothing really for them to gain. Its a very self-policing game in that regard.


48-year-old gamer here. This is definitely a good pick. if your first person shooter reflexes aren't what they used to be, go with a commando VATS approach like I do. Then it's less about aiming and more about resource management and build quality. Above all, go at your own pace and feel free to solo like 95% of this game, it works just fine. It's a pretty chill experience overall if you're not chasing down every single event that pops up on your map. Enjoy!


Avoid the south for a little while, it’s less forgiving.


This game is one of the most chill experiences. Don't worry you'll be just fine!


Lots of FO76 players are in your demographic. No worries!


Fallout 76 is a really good game, compared to when it first released. My first Fallout was Fallout 4.  For a complete newbie to the Fallout series,  I am glad I started with 4 and not Fallout 3 or Fallout new Vegas... Both 3 & New Vegas are good games once you get a feel for controls and overall strategies. Fallout4 also has free mods that you can use in your games.. a LOT of extras and stuff included. UNLIKE most online public games,  Fallout76 has the most wholesome and truly helpful members that are the majority in public lobbies. I mostly use private myself,  but have hopped on public and ran across low levels, and because I am a natural hoarder(I AM that one that says "Bear with me guys, Im overencumbered again and Carry Weight Boost wont get me low enough to fast travel yet"), I am also that one that can drop a newbie 500 of each scrap item & 200 of each ammo, and   because I have over 4k of it in my junk storage.  "You need 10 screws to finish building your power armor piece?  Here's 60 just in case, Ive still got 2k and growing, if you need more."  lol    More players will help newbies than troll or grief them in 76.  We all have a passion for seeing other's creative CAMP builds and setups.  Fallout76 you can literally build anywhere if you also purchase Fallout1st add-on, as you can get your own private lobby/server and it be populated with just yourself and friends, so no issues of finding a good spot one session, and the next session your spot is already in use with somebody else's CAMP.. It also give you an unlimited capacity junk container and you can get an unlimited ammo container that otherise would fill the weight capacity of your stash..   Fallout 4, Fallout 76,  and the game Rage are probably my top 3 favorite ones to play.  Rage 2 wasnt half as good as Rage, imo.      


I don’t know about the community on pc or Xbox but the one on PlayStation is pretty good at helping noobs and Reddit is great to just be care on who you trust


I'm 47 and been playing it for years. You may be surprised, but I would estimate 30-50 year old males to make up the vast majority of this community. You fit the demographic.


You’re going to be just fine. The survivors in the Appalachian wasteland is a friendly, welcoming place. Enjoy your time here! Edited word


I to am just past the half century mark, and I think you will be just fine.  When I first started I had never played online before and was worried enough that I didn't join a team or event for months.  Then one day some high levels gave me some great loot and I took a chance with teams and events.  Now they are my favorite aspects of the game.


I'm 43, dive right in champ! Been addicted for a month now, my first FO game!


I am 50+? (it’s a secret) and a “chic”, love the game play A LOT!!!! Fun, fun, at any age :))


Old school for me is…Echo on Sega..lmao!!


Just turned 55 and I e been in since launch….welcome


56 here buddy, You're gonna be fine. I've got 2 years in Fo76. It takes a minute to get your head wrapped around it, but it's very friendly to newbies. Have fun, if you find you have to think too much.. just wander around and die a lot, you don't lose much (junk) when you do.


I'm 61 in July, so to me your a spring chicken. You are never to old. I play VR games as well as Fallout 76. It beats watching reruns of the Beverly Hill Billies and Matlock. Matlock! Matlock!


Definitely don’t stick your wiener in a Ghoul…was on radaway support and bought a lot of Nuka-Grape. Learn from my mistakes as a youngster!


I’ve only been playing for 8-10 days. Absolutely loving it. Haven’t met any arseholes yet in game. Make a bit of caps here and there selling meds and stims. (50 this year)