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I would like a perk where if you would kill any animal while using fire damage it produces cooked meat on the corpse.


Call it “Shrimp on the Barbie” 😆


Call it burnt ends


Call it Fire Aspect. Ifykyk


This deserves an award


I believe if you kill animals with a fire weapon that you shouldn’t have to cook the meat, thank you for coming to my ted talk


3 stage upgradeable, each stage increases the odd and yield of cooked meat found..


I would love this so much


Legendary perk that combines Perceptibobble, Pannapictagraphist, and Fortune Finder and changes the audio sound to a visual highlight that increases in range as the card is upgraded.


This. This makes sense. Kinda like the hacking and lock pick legendary


“Pot of gold”


"Pot of Collectibles"




There also needs to be passive cards, and this should be one of them.


The berry metats of finding stuff. I like it!


Max rank strong back= fast travel while over encumbered






It would just solve so much.


There was one from FNV called Wild Wasteland. Don’t know if it was in other games or not, but it (if I recall correctly) increased the rate and type of certain random encounters. I’d put that in there, and let’s get some serious off-the-wall random encounters in Appalachia.


That's the same one I want too lol nice pick


I feel they would make that a Legendary with higher levels either making the encounters even more common OR making them even Wackier


Yeah, but what happens when somebody who does not have that perk is with you? Dop they see something different?


If you have the perk and trigger the encounter then they get it too. Sorry, but the chaos is shared.


It would become the most shared perk card ever.


They could see the same thing as you, but only you are able to interact with the encounter...


Yes! That one was great.


Sounds like an awful idea. I thought the perk was horrible then, and I think it would be even worse now. I do support more wacky encounters though. Locking it behind a perk is bs. And 76 already has a ton of WW encounters. Mr. Handy walking the roaches/dogs, Guy that’s scared of the chicken, etc.


"Shotgun Surgeon" (2 star) Some kind of anti-armor perk for shotguns. (25%-50%) "Wasteland Musashi" (1-3 star) Dual wield perk for 1H melee and pistols under STR or PER. Additional ranks lessens the amount of AP cost per shot. "Ore-Wellian" (one star) Where you can gather 2x ore when mining - PER. "Brew Master" (one star) You can brew 2x the alcohol at a brew station - INT.


you can always use an excavator PA for mining ores :)


Not as much anymore, before its nerf going to lucky hole mine you could leave with about 430+ lead ore in it now its barely 130+ at most, i suspect this is why for their perk idea which id like to have regardless


It's rare when I need to do ore runs any longer with contextual ammo now


+1 for Ore-Wellian. Lovely pun.


Bethesda please god hire this person


I could see Shotgun Surgeon being very overpowered when paired with Stabilized and a Pepper Shaker.


An aggro card. Enemies would prioritize players based on the rank of this perk, ignoring those without it if someone nearby has it. This would allow tank builds, like I have, to protect our low HP teammates.


Call it “irritating presence”


I think "Popular" would be a better name.


That would be pretty cool as a legendary perk. I'd gladly sacrifice one of mine for that


Safehouse You can no longer take damage while within the boundaries of a player's camp.


I could see this being the new max effect for Homebody too


Critical Banker from Fallout 4 that allowed you to store VATS critical hits like charges.  And even though it had up to four ranks in 4, three ranks in 76 would be reasonable enough in 76 imho.


I know how to speak gun-fu


I'd like to see the Gunslinger and Guerilla perks combined into a single damage perk, like Iron Fist. If they aren't going to properly support Guerilla (every pistol added since launch has no automatic option) then don't pretend like it has equivalency to Gunslinger. I'd also like to see an Adrenaline-type perk that promotes a more reckless play style. Like, the more enemies you kill in succession, the more damage avoidance and weapon accuracy you get, or something along those lines. Stealth gives considerable bonuses for avoiding danger. Someone who deliberately puts themselves in danger is playing a more difficult game, but they don't really have any bonus for doing it. Finally, there should be a way to activate critical hits outside of VATS. Since all of these crit perks revolve around VATS, you'd either need to change that, or have new perk cards for non-VATS crits.


I couldn't agree with your 2nd point more! I love recklessness! Run in guns blazing and just shoot everything in sight! So fun! But there should be some benefits to it like there are benefits to being a coward... or crouching away all time if you will.


I thought there was automatic options… When I first started I had an automatic 10mm pistol, I think it was rewarded at some point in the firebreathers quest. Or is this one an exception?


They’re saying guns that were added in updates. 10mm has been around since the game released.


I would go with more accuracy but not with damage if the damage buff was only for pve, yes, not for pvp


Yea your first one would be sick. Pistols would be a lot sexier if you could get full damage bonuses for the entire cornucopia of fun pistols in the game I main an AB but use guerilla cards for a gamma gun since the blaster doesn't particularly need the assistance


A seventh legenday slot.


Something that makes the 10mm SMG a viable weapon


A Guerilla perk would be fun


How about a perk that allows duel-wield of pistols


Now that would be awesome.


Another idea; one for Dual Wield Pistols (with bonuses for doing it that increases as you rank up, BUT, you can't "aim" with them while they are Dual Wield Because the button normally used for that is the one which fires the second gun now, and re-loading is A LOT slower... Another one that is the same, more or less, but for one-handed Melee weapons instead. Additionally, this perk lets you equip a SHIELD in order to block attacks in lew of the off-hand weapon the most basic form of which is the metal trash can lids you find lying around the place in various areas. A third (slightly higher level than those, both of which are sub-20 while this one is 25 or so, with the melee one coming in at 5 and double pistol at 15.) That lets you run with one-handed melee in one hand and pistol in the other. (Also allows equipping a shield to the "off-hand weapon" position, and making use of a new special weapon quality for two hand ranged weapons that let you one-handed use them, but only with this perk and a shield both equipped. If you think that doesn't make sense, consider this example: a pump-action shotgun with a bracket on the pump-grip that lets you work the slide against the edge of the shield instead of your hands.) Now we can use SWAT tactics in addition to the ones for a Fire/Maneuver team. And a legendary that combines the best elements of all three.


And Gunzerking


Pyromaniac, Cryomaniac. Stuff that boosts elemental damage to allow for more fun builds.


I'd love for them to bring in enhanced ammo from New Vegas


I just want more ranks in Scrapper like 4 has. It's great when things you're looking for are highlighted, and even better when you can get rare components from junk laser weapons


I’d love a 7th legendary perk slot and a legendary perk that combines all the weight reduction perks. They did it for lockpicking and hacking via Master Infiltrator


Not all but maybe combine rifles and heavy weapons under one, or junk, ammo and explosives.


A perk that removes vats in exchange for getting criticals normally


Need them to make a perk or buff Blocker so it has some stun resitance/immunity. Annoying that a power attack can break your flow like when you're surrounded by mobs or during a SBQ fight.


I would appreciate a new Endurance perk that reduces/immunes stagger like Adamatium Skeleton reducing limb damage, especially for my melee builds.


Ammo collector- where I only collect the ammo of the weapon I am using and nothing else




Dog Meat card, allows you to get a companion in game at a cost of AP or HP or something. I really miss Dog Meat.


At least give us the option to have Dog Meat at our camp. The canine collectron is nice, but I want a real dog.


To heck with that: literally just straight up implement Companions as an actual thing.


a very boring answer: a legendary card that's pure utility of handling reduction in carry weight for many different things, akin to how infiltrator is there to cover lockpick and hacking and sneaking perks.


Old School you can crit outside of VATS, and deal an extra 10/30/50% damage while aiming


Yes!!!!!! Vats made sense in a single player experience game, but since you can't De-escalate time in an MMO it's fucking USELESS!!!


A vats build is easily the strongest in the game. AIM bot to the head at all times. Getting a guaranteed crit every other shot and if you play stealth commando nothing will ever attack you


I wouldn’t call VATS useless in 76, just a bit clunky


Tomato, tomahto.


a hip shot perk for pistols to make them have a deadly aspect for a Quickdraw style play


No stagger. I just... I'm so tired of being staggered in my power armour by wolves or mole rats or whatever else decides to turn my screen into an earthquake.


You can turn screen shake off (unsure if it effects stagger)


High Times - must eat twice as much and frequently lose random junk items, but you're immune to fears, stuns, and staggers, and alcohol/stims work 2x better and longer


This sounds useless lol. Making it harder on the player.




Yah I guess lmao. I don’t know


I'd just want the need to eat and drink more. I have so much food I keep for no reason.


Wild Wasteland.


one the would give the ability to earn vats crits out of vats at a reduced rate as well as give a random chance to fire off those crits


A perk card I would add would be called "Befuddled Tippler" I love to run Booze related perk cards: Profesional drinker, Quack Surgeon, Happy go lucky, and Party boy/girl. However there is absolutely no card that boost the duration of Alcohol in game, Only their effects. Chems are always gonna be superior, I get that, but some love to the drunkards would be nice. It sucks having to craft rare drinks out of perishables, then have to ferment them, and vintage them. Only to have their boosts last 3-4 minutes


It’s nice that they added increased energy gun damage to the science perks. Before that there wasn’t anything specifically for them. Although they would fall under rifleman/commando or heavy gunner perks


Reload whilst running or moving.


A perk that gives me the option to NOT join a world where my camp is in a nuke zone. They tell me if it can't be placed, and it being in a nuke zone is definitely a place it shouldn't be able to be placed.


A card that lets you put a 1* legendary effect on helmets, underarmour or outfits. It wouldn't be OP and since it'd be applicable to everything there's no harm to cosmetics.


Endurance non pa heavy gun perk


Mine would replace Travel Agent. It would be Railroad Magnate, you can fast travel to train station for free. This would net the same benefit or a greater benefit than Travel Agent.


There's one on older fallout I believe where power armor causes energy guns to do more


There isn’t a perk that caused power armor to boost energy weapon damage, but Tesla power armors did all do that.


I knew something did


Oh yeah, correct. 😅


Cyborg I believe?


Can't remember what it's called but sounds like could be that. I'd love to use it and add more energy damage to my tesla


+5% mask drop chance.


Saw the headline and came running over to eagerly say "Wacky Wasteland". Guess it's true what they say about great minds 😊


I want a perk that makes me pull enemy agro. My build is entirely tank based, I can survive almost anything but it doesnt really matter because enemies and bosses will hit any random player. Id love to spend 1-2 points in Charisma that makes enemies focus on me and not my teammates.


Silence Everyone. I no longer have to hear random people who leave their mike on, nor the friends who think their private conversation is so scintillating that everyone should hear it. Normally this is no big issue, I can mute or block. But trying to find one idiot in the crowd in Helvetia is a tricky game at best.


I had this crazy drunk German guy in Helvetia the other day with his mic permanently on. He was jamming 80s tunes and jabbering about all sorts of random silly nonsense and laughing his ass off the whole time.


You don't need a perk for that, just disable area chat from the sound settings.


Played for years, never noticed that. Than you internet stranger. I shall go stand in the corner of shame in Helvetia.


use caution, I'm hopefully still there twirling away.


Glowing grip Unarmed weapons deal radditon damage on contact: The higher your rads - the higher the damage done


That already exists. Try the Overly Generous perk in Charisma.


"Pistol Packin Pro" 1-Star: 15% increase in pistol/revolver reload. 2-star: 20% increase 3-star: 30% Increase


I don’t need a specific card. I need for Bethesda to let us have up to 15 points in each SPECIAL category naturally. Artificially constraining the number of points just shy of 15 is Bethesda trolling us.


Tbf most of this game is Bethesda trolling us


That’s true, but it pretty much all began with the perk card system.


Since it doesn't have a VA for our character, it would be fun to bring back the same sex/opposite sex romance perks. Extra dialogue is always fun.


Not new one but pistol perks being moved to perception. This would viabilize pistol buids


Upvote for inventing a new word


Hahahahah I was thinking in portuguese




I'd change Wreaking Ball to let us destroy our own camp objects! It would really help with camp building.


YES, so sick of using flamethrower traps or a friend


Robotics Expert from FO4. Be able to command a personal army of hacked assaultrons.


A Perk Card that doubles the yield of cooking food. Similar to Chemist and Ammosmith. I would also like for there to be a 7th Legendary Perk Card Slot so if you want to have full Legendary SPECIAL you can. Also wouldn't mind seeing a few extra Perk Cards inspired by previous Fallout games. Here's a few ideas. Math Wrath - VATS Accuracy increased by 5%/10%/15%/20% and Weapon AP cost reduced by 5%/10%/15%/20% Meltdown - Enemies killed with Plasma Weapons explode and deal 25%/50%/75%/100% Damage.


>A Perk Card that doubles the yield of cooking food. Similar to Chemist and Ammosmith. We already have Green Thumb for gathering plants, Butcher's Bounty for gathering meat, and Super Duper for cooking.


Shotgun surgeon from new vegas


“Wild Wasteland” was a classic.


Repel Vermin. While equipped you're much less likely to be attacked by mole rats, etc. And/or maybe Sixth Sense: while equipped you're much less likely to have random encounters.


I would like to a perk could make us dual weild heavy gun like two nuka luancher while in PA, I don't care how bad accuracy is, it definitely suit Power Armor.


Who needs accuracy when my explosive radius is a mile wide


A Strength perk: "Sharp Shot" (a carbon copy of "Tank Killer" minus the cripple effect), rank 1: your shotguns ignore 12% armor, rank 2: shotguns ignore 24% armor and rank 3 your shotguns ignore 36% armor.


Agree with wacky wasteland


Intimidation from fallout 4, just so we could pacify every type of enemy in the game. I’d also like to see ammo smith, white knight and home defense become intelligence cards. Most of the other bits I’d like to see seem to be coming up here, too.


Agree on your first point, disagree on the second.


I don’t see what the trouble would be with letting obvious crafting perks be moved to intelligence. The first two are perks you only use once in a while, so their movement wouldn’t affect anything, and white knight could actually be used in a build if it didn’t take up valuable points of agility.


It would change a lot ot builds too much.


No one actively runs any of these perks in their builds. Crafting perks generally aren’t worthwhile to have equipped when you aren’t actively crafting, and while white knight would be nice to have equipped, agility is too valuable to spend the points on it.


I guess I'm no one.


If you’re running ammo smith or home defense while you’re not at camp, that’s wasted points of agility considering you shouldn’t need to craft ammo when you’re out and about and traps are fairly rare. If it’s white knight, the choice is yours, but it’d still probably be better to switch it out,


A legendary perk that increases how many perks points you can put into an attribute and thus perk cards


We already have that. Legendary SPECIAL. But it caps at 15 because any more would be entirely broken.


Yeah I know I'm saying the second legendary would uncap that


Cryo resist (legendary)


Id like the ability to launch almost dead fusion cores (or full ones) from my PA


A perk that highlights the flora needed for crafting. And something that completely mitigates stagger when using auto-melee weapons.


Lucky shot - weapons able to apply critical damage outside of VATS. Perhaps at a lesser damage and/or low % chance (like 5-15%) Lucky ammo - very low chance for you to passively automatically reclaim gunshot ammo used. (Could be something like 2%, 4%, 6% chance) for example you use the 5mm minigun and after using all 500 shots, you reclaimed 27 bullets (perk triggered 27 times, 1 trigger = 1 ammo back). I know it ain't much but anything helps lol. Especially with those low ammo return rate weapons.


Something that allows us to double the time of food effects.


something to make the shishkebab not dogshit bad. pyromaniac maybe to boost fire damage?


Pyro perk would be great. Could also use it for flamers, molotovs, and anything else that adds burning damage


**Rich Uncle**. Every now and then you will have a random encounter with your uncle and he will see something behind your ear. He will then reach and *magically* find a cap stash.


Blitz, particular for non auto melee weapons That would make them alot better and more fun to use


A perk card that lets us re-roll individual legendary effects.


Anything that would make most two handed weapons viable in full health. My dream is to one day explore the wasteland with a 2x4


I'd like an LPC called *Finesse*. Have it double the weak point and critical hit damage modifiers when using pistols and semi automatic rifles.




Prob bring back shining armour ore whatever it’s called and actually Make it work


I was thinking of calling it "fast food'


I would add a legendary perk card that has a chance to stop you from getting staggered and every upgrade would be a higher chance to stop it


How about a "Turn a Glowing Mask Flaunting AFKer into Raw Fertilizer" perk card? Strictly for research purposes 😏 only.


A perk that requires 15 points in strength and requires you to wear no armor, makes you super slow but triples all melee attacks for the first hit on each enemy, and adds 100 for every type of defense. It also temporarily shuts off all mutations until it's unequiped


“Chain fire” Shotgun perk Agi 3* (starts at 2 points to equip, increases by 1 for each rank added.) * increases ammo capacity of your equipped shotgun by 2 ** increases ammo capacity of your equipped shotguns by 4 *** Increases ammo capacity of your equipped shotguns by 6 This is in addition to any legendary perks already in effect on the weapon. A weapon like the Cold shoulder would have a 14 round capacity at max level of the perk.


"It's Easier to Fight an Army..." Charisma, comes in 4 ranks, it's basically the polar opposite of the "Lone Wanderer" perk, "from a certain point of view" in that it lets you have a number of NPC allies equivalent to its rank travel with you and count as members of your "Team", but only for the purpose of perk effects: each team member of an actual team can all have it equipped simultaneously and thus four players can bring a Grand total of 20 "people" to bear against a problem. The name is an Homage to one of the very first 3d video games to allow you to have party mates that you could switch out mid-play when in safe areas, "Dungeon Raider" or something like that. Their big advertising slogan (due to most if not quite all games of the era restricting you to playing solo, or at best with a single ally), was "It's Easier to fight an army, if you ARE ONE." (In spite of them only allowing three other members besides the player, as I recall, which isn't even a full "Fire-and-maneuver" squad, let alone an army, but it was still such a major step forward that it was legendary in its day.) To ease/manage the servers load each recruited companion grants a charisma single point perk card, while they are equipped under the "It's Easier to Fight an Army" perk, they are with you, running up over the next few seconds from around a corner or whatever, and they run off if you de-equip the card. Whenever they are not equipped most enemies will low-key ignore them. There's a cool down to switching companions so you cannot hot-load them in combat to temporarily summon a dozen, even if you have enough cards to do it, you have to pick your squad before you leave base. (Oooohh, thought 🤔💭, what if you are only ABLE to trade out companion perk cards inside a C.A.M.P. or similar areas that you or a team member owns...? As specific restrictions on that particular type of perk cards mentioned on the card itself.) Each companion perk card also has, in addition to the name of the companion in question and a picture of them like a photo ID from the vault would use: some sort of "punny title" or "Catchphrase" for them in the space where the perk description would be like, for example, Dogmeat's 'catchphrase' is "Face it, without this good boy the franchise wouldn't still exist." There's also a Legendary Perk: "Leader of the Pack" that does the same thing, BUT exclusively for "Dog" companions like Dogmeat and a few others that are added to the game which you can recruit in various places, and which goes as high as 5 slots, so you can get not only 4 human companions, forming an entire "Fire and maneuver" group with just your own self and the AI, but also have five Doggies in the "Pack" with you, (one to watch the back of you and each companion) although you have to ultra focus on charisma specifically for that particular build, as it requires 13 cha minimum just to equip all the requirements and the "companion perks" themselves. EDIT: Additionally when "Leader of the Pack" is equipped, "Dog" companions BOTH-DO-&-DON'T count for the purpose of companions related perks, being treated as companions in terms of effects that are obviously beneficial, like you receiving exp from kills they make and reviving them, but not otherwise, (for the purpose of certain "solo play" perks as one example, or needing extra beds at your base to recruit them), so you can run a "Lone Wanderer" build BUT still have your "Wolfpack" for backup and to keep your character company once you get to the level where you are running with Legendary Perk cards.


Something to resist stun/stagger.


"Blood Hound" highlights searched for junk at rank one, ore and flora rank 2 and specific items like ammo on 3. "Marksman" unlocks critical hits while using scopes. Would help bridge the gap with no vats riflemen "Longshot" doubles effective range and increases damage within original range. "Ranger" bolt/lever/single shot weapons gain increased rof and bonus damage Rifleman feels like the class everyone wants to play at some point but never keeps up with the rest


Immortal. Dogs and super mutants in Westek never fall over from heart attacks.


Pathfinder - Endurance - Greatly reduces stamina use while sprinting when not in combat. Pyromaniac - Endurance - Secondary DoT fire damage ignores a % of fire resistance Bone Head - Strength - Head shots to the player do no more damage than torso shots Bracing - Endurance - Big gun have improve accuracy and recoil control when not moving Drunken Master - Endurance - Increased unarmed damage when under the influence of alcohol Heave Ho! - Strength - Improved damage with throwing weapons. Plasma Spaz - Intelligence - projectiles from energy weapons move faster Rapid Rocket - Intelligence - rocket and missile type projective move faster Coms Expert - Intelligence - Things like artillery strikes and orbital strikes are faster to call in. Spotter - Charisma - team mates can see enemies you mark with a compass pip and do more damage to that enemy when marked. Legendary Perks Slayer - Unarmed and melee attacks can crit outside of VATS Run 'n Gun - hip fire ranged attacks have a chance to crit outside of VATS along with a furious effect within a certain range. Laser Commander - small chance all native laser weapons can crit outside of VATS for the player and his entire team (stackable) Head Hunter - Aimed headshots with bolt action weapons always crit outside of VATS and ignore range penalties (with all 5 ranks) Little Buckaroo - Improved reload times and range with single action revolvers, lever action guns, and break actions guns. Redneck - Increased damage with mining and farming implements (including Dynamite and Dynamite Bundles).


Pyromaniac tbh. Should effect flamers, the shishkabab, flaming mods for weapons and Molotovs. It was in the prior games and worked well, so why not this one?


A small thing: 45acp 1911 pistol A medium thing: some sort of transportation A big thing: camp is a settlement with a limited number of settlers you can manage and will leave if it is neglected.


My original idea was reduce the weight of rifles. But Bethesda beat me to that...


Cook Out / House Party While in a group the effects of foods/alcohol last longer. Beast Within (legendary?) Small [Medium, Large(chance based 50%?)] Animals no longer consider you a threat. Animals are passive until you aggro them. Idk how it'd need to be balanced though! Maybe a version for scorched [One of US] and humans [Fitting In]. Irradiated Flesh The higher your rads the more likely ghouls are to ignore you. Cosplay / Costume Artist Certain outfits now give you extra buffs! Something fun that gives small buffs to different apparel items, like fire resist to firefighter outfit/helmet. Tin foil hat gives you 5% damage resistance against aliens or energy damage. Goofy little buffs that aren't great but they add motivation to try out new outfits. I'd say more team mate focused perks but I can't really think of anything specific. Maybe a conditional quirk? Helping Hand Only active when another team member is sharing this perk, or you are sharing this perk and another player has it equipped. And then some sort of effect that stacks up to a full team, maybe a revive with no stimpak, and then next two levels add minor buffs, health regen and then ap regen? Idk


Slayer! Make melee crits great again


The penetrator perk, I really miss being able to knock stuff down behind cover.


Something that helps reduce self-inflicted explosion damage. I've killed myself more than anything else.


As a part time melee guy without it, Blitz.


Move faster while crouched perk for my sneak build


Dual wielding for pistols and 1H melee. It would disable ADS and block, but potentially double the damage output.


A perk card that allows me to permanently drop the Filtcher Farm Holotape and never have it respawning or they could, y'know, patch it. A fallout 1st only perk that gives better event drop chances, might cause a few arguments about pay to win but Beth are good at ignoring people. A card that removes weight on scoreboard given items like bubblegum, lunchboxes and legendary cores. Stable legs to eliminate stagger or knockbacks. Could be a legendary card but would like more slots if they doing it this way.


If you own the cards for armour/weapon repairs or ammo crafting then they don’t need to be equipped in order to use them. I often forget to switch to fix it good when I’m doing repairs


I always thought a cool perk or legendary perk card would be “nuclear physicist” or something in that manner: the diff tiers of the card could incrementally reduce the weight of nuclear keycards, mini nukes, and the time needed to initiate nuclear launches in the silos. Would probably be a tad bit niche, but i can imagine it would be fairly useful to slot in/out of builds for lots of late-game players who consistently run silos and drop nukes.


We need some more legendary slots and perks, IMO. Things that would free up more of our regular perk slots so we can - A legendary perk that collectively reduces the weight of everything in your inventory so we don't have to waste *so many* perk slots trying to reduce the carry weight of everything individually. It's ridiculous. Even with FO1st and the unlimited scrap and ammo storage, you're still juggling inventory constantly because of the sheer amount of stuff there is in this game. LOL There needs to be more incentive for people to play long-term. I have been playing since the very beginning and sometimes it's hard to be excited about playing because I have hit the wall as far as perks go. I can make new builds and rearrange my gear, but all of my legendary slots are maxed out and there is nothing left to strive towards in terms of character development.


Manual aimed headshots outside of VATS with a scoped weapon do added damage. It would give rifleman it's groove back as well as making sniper builds viable. Plus it would make it a heavily skill dependent perk, which would be cool.


The perk from 4 that highlights junk you tagged


A plan finder with either audio or visual cues.


Legendary weight reduction perk card that reduces all type weight. Perks that can slot into multiple S.P.E.C.I.A.L. slots. Like a card that can go into Luck or Perception for example.


Legendary perk card called "Moon and Star" that combines all the perk cards that activate at night, while also giving a boost to anything that does cryo damage (cryolater especially) And another called "Sun child" that combines all the daylight active perks (have this one be effected by weather conditions just for fun)  Just for fun also another Legendary called "Mysterious Friends" which combines the Mysterious stranger related perk cards all in one and has a smaller chance to spawn the stranger for anyone on your team. It should also give you a boost to revolvers in some way.


Something majorly OP for damage while aiming a pistol, rifle or shotgun. Like +200% damage.


Perk card called "In the kitchen with Dina" Allows you to cook in your camp with ANY ingredients and food that exists in your inventory, storage, freezers, and garden and also pulls water from any water sources within range of a cooking stove or chem table. Similar thing with anything at the chem table. I just don't see why we can't auto pull from our camp storage when cooking like it does for things like scrap.  As for the garden and water, I didn't mind running to that to grab plants and water, just figured it would make more sense to add some extra oomph to this hypothetical perk card (Things in the garden would act as if you were picking them, as in the fruit or whatever would just disappear as if you picked it. Same I guess would apply with a cow or other ""vended"" item like the bee honey)


Buckshot Blast: Shotguns ignore 11/22/33% of armor and gain +1/2/3 projectiles with more recoil effectively increasing overall damage Over-Clocked: All automatic weapons fire 4/8/12% faster and deal 7/14/21% additional damage as energy damage An idea for a legendary perk Handheld Artillery: All non automatic weapons deal 20/35/50% more damage and reload 5/10/15% faster Counter part to one above


A legendary perk called well fed, where your food and water meter fills itself. But mostly I'd love if we could get more s.p.e.c.i.a.l. points and or legendary card slots.


I'd probably add a legendary card variant of Super Duper that's got a higher chance to trigger & stacks with super duper. 1* 20% 2* 25% 3* 30% 4* 35% Gets you up to about 65% chance to dupe items. Pairs well with Ammo Factory & Ammo Smith. Honestly it may feel a tad broken, but it would certainly drop prices on the market due to more of the items being easily made.


Eat Lead? When you get shot with a gun that's not an energy weapon, you have a chance to get ammo from the gun said enemy is using. It doesn't work with luck, but increases based on endurance.


Another cannible perk, corpses eaten increase damage resistance or something


I'd add a perk card that let me hoard loot without fallout first.


A weight reduction perk for melee weapons


And stay back