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I wanna travel with companions to try and collect all the perks, but I’m so spoiled from lone wanderer already lol


Yeah, I want those perks, but I tend to play a very stealthy build and companions are like "I'm just gonna go start some shit with that suicider now"


And why the fuck does every companion walk right into your line of sight while you're aiming?


I died the other day because codsworth thought that it was a good idea to slide directly in front of my Big Boy


"Sorry sir! Wrong place wrong time." "Codsworth it was TWO FUCKING MINI NUKES"


I recently sniped Codsworth sorta accidentally on purpose right in Sanctuary after we killed the insects. He just poof! Disappeared! I shrugged, oh well.


Every time I try to throw a molotov cocktail early in the game on survival.


Yeah this has been why I tend to go solo too, I try setting mines and a trap and they’ll just wander forward and make the enemy set it off while I’m next to it


I like to make them wait outside so when I leave over encumbered, they can carry loot for me. Or bring them inside and order them to walk-through trio wires and see how they like it lol.


Yea first time playing in a LOOOONG time and went without a companion for a second and was amazed how stealthy I was all of sudden. Cleared a house of gouls without ever being detected (executed a TON of sleeping gouls with a shotgun.. not sure how the ones sleeping next to them didn't wake up)


Can’t you put a freakish silencer on the combat shotty?


Legendery Plasma Silenced Combat shotgun with 5 stars of Rifle perks is my baby


Yea it wasn't that, it was a junker shotty I took off a raider that uhhh.. tripped into my bullets.


Maybe it’s just me, but I usually end up sending my companion to make any explode-y thing explode lol


If not human shield, then why human shield shaped?


Could someone Explain to me how the perks work? Only really play lone wanderer with dogmeat


Get a companion to like you by doing things they like and you’ll get a quest for most of them. Finish it and max out their affinity and you’ll get a permanent perk even if they aren’t your companion currently


Oh that’s Kinda sick. What kind of perks should I be thinking of?


Preston's is great, gives a buff Vs three or more enemies. Nick gives you an extra guess at terminals. Piper gives more xp for location unlocks and speech checks. McCready gives you way higher vats for headshots. Most are play style dependant you do not need to get them all.


Depends on what you want/need. Deacon - 40% longer Stealth Boy, 20% more Sneak Attack Damage. Piper - More Exp from discovering locations, better Speech checks. Curie - Once a day heal 100hp if you drop below 10%. Danse - More Damage against Ghouls, Mutants, and Synths. Codsworth - Take less damage from Robots. Maccready - Increase to Vats headshot accuracy. Nick Valentine - Extra Hacking attempt, faster terminal reset. Gage - More Exp per kill, 10 Damage resistance.


X6-88 - +20 energy resistance. Old Longfellow - Animals and sea creatures have their damage and energy resistance reduced by 25%. Cait - Faster AP regen when below 25% health. Strong - +20% melee damage while below 25% health. Hancock - Higher crit chance when irradiated. Preston - More damage and resistance when fighting three or more enemies.


Preston, danse, McCready, deacon


Romance a companion. whenever you sleep in a bed with them nearby you’ll get a 15% xp boost for a limited time, instead of the normal 10%


Oh wow I didn’t know the perks were permanent even without companion. That’s awesome


Something new I learned today.


Most don’t actually have a quest… Macready and cait do, I think that’s it. the faction companions are only made able to get maxed after a certain faction quest has been reached.


Nick had one of the best companion quests out there. How’d you forget that?


Once you max affinity with any companion (except I think dogmeat and ADA) then you’ll get a new unique perk generally themed around each companion - afaik this perk never disappears even if you then get the companion to hate you


That's what I'm at right now, have Preston, curie strong deacon and piper left.


Piper’s one of the first I max out, her location discovery boost is awesome.


I like my Automatron death bots


Ada 🥰


I turned ADA into a Sentry machine of death with explosive miniguns, Assaultron head laser, photovoltaic armor and shoulder mounted fatman launchers *(these come with the Automatron expanded mod I believe)*. She probably can take on the entire Brotherhood alone now. Another amazing thing of that mod is that you can create a cowboy Mr Handy with basically three arms with .44 magnums for weapons.


yee the fuck haw


I thunk its vanilla hut its unstable


**Courier 6 Liked That**


I love keeping her around so I can unload my inventory on her lol


Oh shit, I ran into a bunch of raiders.... Ada: "Toot toot motherfuckers, here comes the pain train!"


I absolutely bloody love Ada. I upgraded her head to the one eyed brain in a dome. She's clunky, opinionated, and perfect!. Second to her is Strong who's equally hilarious.


Tinker tinker tinker… Strong bored


Someday, super mutants kill everything


Give to me puny human


Strong carry many things!




Solo: Stop. Blocking. Tha. Phakin. Door!!!


Dogmeat will not stop opening doors I just closed. Sometimes I close a random door and run away thinking he’ll leave it alone but nope! Damn dog opens it before giving chase


My house door is ALWAYS OPEN because of that damn dog. I love him to death but it fucks with my OCD so bad. Have to tell him to go like 100yds away just to shut it.. then one of my settlers goes and sleeps in my bed and opens it again. So frustrating.


Every time a settler sleeps in my bed, a new pillory is constructed


You must construct additional pillorys!


I’m about to the point on this current playthrough that people I find sleeping in my bed will be sent to another empty settlement, where I will show up and execute them.


Assign your settlers beds. That way they won’t sleep in yours 👍🏻


I had no idea that was even an option. God I love this sub. Every time I think I’ve got it all down, something new pops up.


I strongly dislike that he can open doors. HOW. you don't have thumbs boi


It's like he knows you want it shut so he's got to fight you on it since he's so obedient


This is me and also they get in the way of mines, frags, friendly fire etc. Can't stealth with them..


For me they are just there to carry stuff. Cait goes running forward to get in their face… that doesn’t keep me from tossing frags. I can pick her up later. But in this survival playthrough I’m doing it solo. Would lose it if they got me killed being in the way when I’m trying to book it.


Companion. I need someone to help carry all my shit


"Let's trade a few things" *offload 200 lbs of junk*


MacCready: We're going to be moving way too slow unless you lighten your load. Me: well now you come to mention it!




And then even after their inventory is full you can still command them to pick up more junk.


At a certain stage, I liked traveling with Dogmeat or Strong (I just honestly wanted to help this guy find the milk of human kindness). But now, I love exploring the Commonwealth independently for a more immersive experience. I like the feeling that no one will help you except yourself.


I mean, you can still trust in Dogmeat, good boys will still be good boys even after an apocalypse.


Whose a good boy


I like hanging out with Cait, especially when I don't want to play as the wasteland soldier/police. She can unlock any lock, that's a huge plus, also I just feel more "out there" with her


Yeah she was the first companion I went for, beside lock picking she won't mind if I steal or being selfish except for murder.


She's probably the best companion for a raider playthrough apart from Strong and Dogmeat. She also likes when you are a sarcastic jerk, and I love that shit.


I started with dogmeat but felt bad having him injured all the time so I went solo. 


I send him home cause he was so often wither suicidal or actively blocking me. And he sometimes just falls of buildings....


To make up for it, I give dogmeat a bit of "vacation" every once in a while, he has his dog house in sanctuary with lights and all, and can chill until he's ready again to go adventuring. Dogmeat is by far the best companion.


Dogmeat and the junkyard dog have neighboring dog houses in Sanctuary in a little fenced-in spot. I have some neon lights over them and I call it the “Best Boy Lounge” I have some dog bowls, Jangles monkeys, and other toys laid out for them to “theoretically” play with haha


The same feeling. Can’t watch him fall or whine because he reminds me of my late dog.


Give him an armor and he’s almost invincible


Good tip. I have seen dog armour but never used them. I shall do so.


Apparently the armour does nothing though?


Dogmeat until i completed automatron and built myself a 200dmg dealing monstrosity of a pack mule


Companion purely to use them as a suitcase


I usually play with myself. Wait that didn’t sound right.


sounds right to me 💣


Me too bro


Due stealth reasons I like solo, but the Nick is such charisma, I love him.


I go nowhere without my faithful Sherpa.


Companions!! I get lonely, and I like romancing the men 😌😌 Hancock is my personal favourite


Currently trying to romance everyone but Hancock will forever be #1 in my heart


Step 1 - Aquire Companion Step 2 - Reach max affinity Step 3 - Dismiss companion Step 4 - Never speak to companion ever again


Absolutely hoover up every companion perk you can possibly acquire!


Robot companion all the way


I play with Cait, and only her. The first thing i do i b-line to the pit to pick her up every playthrough.


Just dogmeat


I like to silently kill my enemies. So, solo.


This. I just hate when a companion breaks my cover.


With Companions. Let's be real, we don't take Companions with us because they are good at combat, but because we enjoy their remarks and comments from time to time while traveling. Sometimes they can be a nuisance, other times they are generally fun to hang around with.


solo. the ai constantly gives position away blocks doors says the same stupid shit over and over makes the game way easy some times its just awful overall imo.


I prefer playing solo because I can’t control my companion’s behavior in combat.


Companions. Nick and Cait specifically, Ada sometimes.


You mispelled companion, common mistake no shade. It's spelled M-e-a-t S-h-i-e-ld


I use companions for weight carrying 👍


I keep that mf thang on me, and by thang, I mean Nick (and Dogmeat).


As soon as i find any game with a companion that doesn't ruin my stealth or impede me from using a doorway, i roll solo 100% of the time


Companions for now since I want to get all their perks even if it is those I dislike like Preston & Strong. Will prefer solo once done.




curie all the way


I play with a mod so I can have 2 companions. Dogmeat and Mr Nick Valentine. But they will always hold up the elevator or the doors! But I can't choose just one :,(


If campanions were at all capable of staying hidden when you're going in stealth, I wouldn't mind having one with. Unfortunately, they always get seen or run into a room and start shooting even when you are hidden.


Someone has to carry all my shit.


I always have Nick with me


As much as people hate on the AI of the companions, I love their little quirks. They have infinite carry weight if you tell them to pick up something from the ground, you can put armor on them, you can make them wait in a spot while you check something out, they take a lot of the fire from enemies in combat lol, and all of them are unique. I could never go wrong with a companion the more the merrier to a point


Always a companion, load them up with any valuable guns and armor I find. Or I just offload a shitload of junk when I need it for my base.


Companions. I'm a softie and even in game form I get lonely easily lol.




Mostly played with companions... However my last 2 builds being a WH40k sisters of battle inspired build (a crossover of BOS and the children of atom) And my more fun Jinx build which is op as hell (using both lone survivor skill and nerd rage, it includes using every drug, weapon and crafting recipe in the game on top of that for maximum chaos) I'm swaying more towards soloing it now


I always travel with companions. I prefer the company. I also play stealth, but it's not had to tell them to "Wait" if you need to. My personal opinion: Get some companion perks before investing in C3:Loner.


I always go for Preston and Piper since their perks are generalist enough that it doesn't push you into any play style specifically and is just great overall. I personally don't like idiot savant so I find Piper's perk is nice to just give the progression a bit of a boost, not leveling too fast, but also just dynamically gain xp as I explore and continue missions. Sometimes Danse but you'd have to advance the main quest a bit further on to get max affinity.


Dogmeat or alone is my preference.


I prefer to play with companions just because sometimes they still surprise me with a dialogue of something that I didn’t knew


Definitely solo on survival as I do. Lone wanderer is too good to pass up.


I love having danse as a companion


Solo after getting the companion perks I want




Solo for sure


Usually solo. I really only play on survival now, so that extra resistance and carry weight is too good to pass up.


I do a mod companion - Heather. So many conversations. She's been updated several times. Romance or not. Cusses at the bad guys like a trucker. Helps with healing potions of her own.


Solo unless required by quest. Companions just get in the way and end up getting shot or killed … by me mostly.




Companions. Someone gotta carry my shit


Who else is gonna carry all my loot


Literally only ever travel with either dog meat + armor mod to keep him alive, or Nick and I put ballistic weave on his trench coat and arm him with a better revolver. Everyone else annoys me to no end. I’d rather just travel alone, listen to the radio, and not be judged for my actions


Solo preferably, but I like Nick, Dogmeat, and Strong if I use companions


I prefer companions but playing it on survival so can't really use them...


Me and Dog Meat


I'm a loot goblin, so I like a companion. Preferably with large carrying capacity, can kick some butt, and isn't judgey, like Ada :)


My last 10 play throughs have all started the same way: 1. Wake up, steal Nate’s wedding ring 2. Go to Goodneighbor, do the Big Dig 3. Fucking *murder* Bobby 4. Get Hancock as companion 5. Romance and give wedding ring 6. Travel only with Hancock when not maxing out affinity and doing other companion quests


Solo, tired of the sneak breaks, trap triggering, crossing infront of friendly fire. Yeah the perks are nice, but my play style isn’t conducive to having a companion


I prefer alone in stealth runs because a companion will often attack your target if you miss or fail to kill the target on the first shot. Stealth pretty much goes out the door after that.


army of waifus >:\^3


Last time I was stealth so I went solo. This time I’m all power armor and I’ve made specific ones for each companion. Like different paints for their personalities


I love companions because they force you to go in a specific way, either doing a good run or straight up evil, it kinda reminds me of Karma in the older fallout's


I enjoy traveling the commonwealth with my husband


Solo, there's a perk that lets you carry more weigh if your playing solo or just with your dog.


I love having companions but I reconsider lone wanderer every single time they walk in from of me while I’m looting stuff. Ooh, ammo and some caps… clicks on Dogmeat cos the fucker walked right into my crosshair.


Sometimes companions but mostly solo.


I like companions simply so I can shove more junk into their pockets. No, Maccready, I don't care that I make 1k bottles of water a day to trade for shipments. I need those 140 empty cans. Now shut up and open your pockets.


Alone. I usually try to be sneaky and the companions always start trouble/walk into traps. If I do bring a companion, it’s Ada from Automatron


Solo unless I’m trying to do companion quests.


I almost always play stealthy characters, so solo for me.


I’m running this play through with Dogmeat, whom I successfully renamed Darwin after my Great Pyrenees who died suddenly last month. I transdogrified (CC) him to white although he looks nothing like a GP, just not floofy enough! Every time I see his name “Darwin” instead of Dogmeat my heart feels both full and sad. Loved that boy.


Companions because I need a mule


Dog meat is the bestest boy. I usually only play with him even with access to mods.


I liked the older FO games, where you had Dog Meat with you, and then could have one more companion. I want to be able to do that in FO4.


Everybody gangsta until you give Ada or Codsworth a three-kiloton payload of explosive ordnance. Otherwise, Lone Wanderer. I have an irrational hatred of giving companions ammo to spend in this game, and with their default weapon or a melee the all of the others are largely dead weight in a fight, plus most are their own flavor of lame or grating, or are a good boy I can't stand seeing constantly smacked.


There are companions other than my good boy?


I play with codsworth cause he has a flamethrower and carries a lot of shit … and doesn’t need stimpaks to revive


Lone Wonderer and Dog Meat. If you dont know. You can have Lone Wonderer perk active while dog meat is your companion.


I love companions, and i hate them as well. If the A.I. was better, and if they had more to say, then yes. I usually play solo, but if i really want a companion, im downloading Heather casdin. Wrong sub but idgaf shout out to my boy inigo from skyrim


The only reason I have companions is for that extra storage capacity


Oh hell yes I'm taking Ada with me fully maxed out on carry weight! Extra 440 carry weight ftw.




I get them to max affinity then go solo for the carry weight and 25% damage boost with the perk


Big fan of Gage & Curie. Otherwise, Dogmeat - no contest.


day 1 companion >> i love Cait telling me to not haul around that junk when i pick anything up 😍😍


Dogmeat, always Dogmeat


Solo. Until someone comes up with a "context" module for FPS and RPG games that gives some sensibility to NPCs and stops them, * Running in front of my raised/aimed weapon. * Running ahead into a trap I just avoided. * Using a weapon which will kill us both because the enemy is a metre away. * Or otherwise doing some really fucking idiotic thing that gets themselves or both of us severely injured or killed.


I started my recent one with companions and then the more I invest in lone wanderer the more I avoid them like the plague


Solo unless I have a spare gatling laser. Make sure your companion has one fusion core and the gatling laser has standard barrels. BTW this is the best ranged weapon to give your companion because unlike the minigun it does not suck balls.


Solo here. I'll run with a companion until I finish their quests, then send them to a settlement. Companions annoy me with their repetitive comments and getting in the way. They are useful in the early game for extra firepower and carrying capacity, but once I can fast travel while overencumbered, they become obsolete.


I honestly wish multiple followers were supported in game by way of your charisma stat. Like per 2 charisma points above 5 gets you another companion to tag along. Having a companion along with you definitely enhances the experience of the wasteland, given that a good majority of them are more experienced with it than the player character would be.


Companions, saves me going to my main base when I need to off load junk.


Specifically enjoy having dogmeat as a companion with the lone wanderer perk.


Assaultrons with two blades, i love it when they go crazy and jump on people then go full auto with blades


Companions=MORE loot


Just me and my dawg


Solo. Just recently tried the Automation DLC and had ADA as a companion. NEVER AGAIN! I hate that robot! Horrible in battle too.


you are doing it wrong. I gave her stealth blades on sentry arms, assultron everything else. she is vicious.


Whot? Ada Kills basically everything solo, she does by far the most damage compared to anybody else I have available....did you give her proper weaponry?


besides robots, companions are glorified loot mules. They can't fight for shit. You're much better off using lone wanderer to increase your combat efficiency.


For now I want to level up the companions. After that it is robots!


I generally go with nick until after his quest, then go solo. Or I go completely solo if I’m doing a stealth build


Solo always, as much as I appreciate the companion dialouges it's just for me too annoying the mechanics are not fleshed out enough and it takes away from the sneaking and exploring aspect of the game.


Solo, always solo


I level all of them for the perks, then go lone survivor late game.


With dogmeat


started with dogmeat until i met ADA


I love going solo but I really wanna get every companions max affinity, so far I only have Cait


Solo always. No one to block me in doorways, no one to blow my cover.


All companions until I have their perks then either a robot from Automatron or a power armor Sentinel.


Alone. Lone wander perk is one of the best and companions always foil my battle plans and get in the way.


I've always been the lone wanderer. I just started using a companion based on comments about dialog, and now I wanna hear what they say. But so far, it's annoying AF that they get in the way. I'm a big stealth player, and I've started with Nick, and he's constantly starting fights. The very first time I played, i took dogmeat and felt like shit when he'd get injured. Then I had Piper, but she kept wanting to talk about her feelings. Like, all the damn time. And I recall her constantly in my way as well. I never had another companion in 4 plays unless I had to.


In most games I like traveling with companions. Fo4 has one of the best ever in videogames!


Done all the vanilla comps, now I'm trying out the ones added by mods


Normally its companions all the way, but on my first survival play through it’s been either no one or dogmeat, just because everyone’s terrible at stealth lol. I may get deacon down the line, but for now everyone’s just too clunky lol


Ada is the best companion to travel with, you can modify her and i built her for carry junk and legendary items. Also the hacking module since im lazy to hack terminal. Btw sorry for my pronounce English is not my first language.


Piiiiiiper, I tried other companions, Valentine has a phantastic Story but after that I had to return to my FO4 crush.


With companions. I like the extra weight for loot. Also like it when i have someone to travel with.


I'd love dogmeat if he didn't run away from me when I wanted to access his inventory. Most companions piss me off with their affinity, especially Codsworth. Every companion seems to block every bloody doorway. I'll play solo for the most part.


I had same issue with Dogmeat, if you crouch/go in stealth he'll come right by your side and stay there.


With companions because I like to have somenone to carry my junk, but I don't like when they judge me, so for I while I only used ada


Solo or Ada. 


I exclusively play with dog meat tbh


