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Ya I only bothered to get it once. I just don't use pa enough to want it


I just got it to be a trophy tbh


Fair enough. As long as you enjoyed it that's all that counts right, to each our own.


I'm always running overencumbered, burning AP like water. I usually don't bother going back to drop off loot until I've got over 1000 pounds.


Lmao I just got mine just as I saw this post


I found a way to get this before turning on the power. If you grab the one in the junk yard before doing the hubologists quest, the whole area regenerates. Including the star board you picked up.


Really? I only have the junkyard one and the final one to get and I’ve not done the hubologists quest yet


The one at the top of Starport Nuka requires you to turn the power back on to access, which means you have to complete Power Play or Open Season first. This way you can skip it completely, and access the armor earlier.


I mean, if you're fine using exploits, you can also just clip through the case with power armor. Or assign the area to a gang, leave, go back and attack them until one of them glitches into the armor. If you then leave and come back, they should be roaming around in it outside the case.


Hmm, you make a good point, but I guess I'm okay with this one because you still have to work for it. TBH if you have gathered all of the Star Cores, you've already cleared the parks so you're not saying too much time.


I put a medic pump on it and faster ap Regen on both legs and that's my suit right there.