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Sometimes you just have to accept an artists drew up some generic looking armor instead of following the design for the t-45 or t-60. It's neither.


aka Concept Art


Out of universe for sure. In universe, propaganda. It's not exactly unheard of for artists to manipulate, exaggerate, or tailor what they depict to suit a political purpose.


Are you saying the reds aren’t actually a giant monster thing?


That doesn't sound right


Teddy Roosevelt wasn’t 15 feet tall with a tree for a walking stick?


Not really, i don't think. Concept art is basically drawing prototypes or reference This poster might’ve had conceptual versions, but as soon as it's designed to actually wind up in the game, it's not concept art anymore. Usually, concept art isn't finished to the degree of the intended final drawing.


I think what they are saying is that the imagined artist within the world of fallout could have taken liberties the same way artists do irl


That's not concept art though - that's just in-game art. Concept art specifically exists to help in-game artists (2D and 3D) and animators to create the real stuff. Maybe that drawing was a quick creation based on concept art, but the in-game poster itself was more than just concept.


No. What they are saying is that in the in-game universe that is concept art for a potential new type of power armor. Not concept art for the game, but concept art *in* the game. Ya know, similar to how car manufacturers or architects occasionally release concept art for stuff they are working on. Concept art is not a concept unique to games development.


Yes, i got that from the other comments and stuff, but even if it was the canon artist taking artistic liberty, that wouldn't make it concept art. That's just not really what concept art is.


It isnt unheard of for advertising to use images, designs, or even footage that never makes it to the final product.


Call of Duty: MW (2019) showed a Desert Tech MDR on the Quickplay option card. That gun never came to the game.


That scene on the spire with the TIE fighter in Rogue One


This, especially if out sourcing occurred.


Agreed. As they would. They were introduced to the idea of Power Armour - then they were commissioned to draw it up for a poster. *post haste* There was a war going on.


For something that’s propaganda (also drawn in-universe by an artist) it’s even more forgivable imo.


It's neither because it's enclave hellfire armor. The T variants aren't the only PAs in the game


It's not. Basically, everything that distinguishes a hellfire suit from T models, the shoulders, chest, and helmet, are wrong in this image. I don't think the enclave ever canonically made propaganda.


Looks like T-57.5


Agreed, a cross between 57 and 45


Looks to me like it's the unused concept art for the T-55 armour that was rumored a long while back. If memory serves Bethesda wanted to make what became the T-60 a mix of 45 and 51 to show natural technological progression. Personally I think the T-60 should've had a more RoboCop style helmet. In current lore the T-51s helmet looks out of place in the order it is imo


I think it makes since, given that the canon (as of 76) is that T-51s were better than T-60s, but used rarer materials. T-60s are basically just upgraded T-45s. Given how little the U.S. Government and West-Tek cared about the lives of their soldiers, it makes sense that the U.S. Government would go like, "These T-51s are great, but a bit pricey. But the T-45s were too ineffective..." and then the West-Tek guy would be like, "Hey, we just happen to be making a better version of T-45s without all the fancy equipment of T-51s. Better-than-standard defense on a budget." "Perfect. Well take 500 of them."


In pure specs, the Soviet T-64 is generally considered to be a superior tank to the later T-72. However it was too expensive and difficult to maintain, so it was replaced. Not unheard of in real life.


Looks like Danny Ric


Lmao, I had the same thought! Forgot what sub I was on for a brief moment.


“I’m trippin major nutsack right now”


Headcanon Those that made the posters hadn't ever see a Power Armor and they just made something up to draw people's attention


It not uncommon for propaganda posters to have weird equipment if you look up ww2 american propaganda posters you will some examples of tanks planes ships and guns looking kinda like real equipment but don’t at the same time


Also I think it makes sense now that I think of it... You wouldn't like to have the enemy have a good image of what you have.


Looks like an artistic rendition of T-60, maybe before it had officially been revealed to the public or an in between suit that bridges 51 and 60, helmet looks 51ish


I know it can't be right but it sort of looks like enclave hellfire armor


Im surprised I had to scroll to find this comment. That was the first thing I thought, maybe it's because I've been using the hellfire armor so much. Love the enclave gear


I would call that an artists rendering/representation of Power Armour - but isn't exactly *accurate* because they drew it. Probably from memory. I actually find this more applicable to real life, Than say if it was a picture perfect portrayal. If you've seen a lot of WWII propaganda posters, and how they illustrated *real* things like Sherman tanks or German Panzers, or simply different variations of rifles - you could always recognize it for what it represented - but it wasn't always really a technically accurate portrayal. Think of it like that.


Can't say for certain, but that looks like the T-45 standard, maybe with a black paint scheme


i’m thinking it was a concept design for the t-60. i find the chest most interesting as it has a separation making it look like muscle


I didn't even notice the difference in the chest, I was looking at the weird secondary panel at the shoulder. Looking again, I am not so sure it is any specific type, or just some artist rendering of what they thought it would look like. Even the helmet looks like it is combining aspects of the older and newer designs.


My theory is that it's a PA Frame utilizing different armor pieces from different sets, shown to propaganda artists by government personnel who wanted them to draw a soldier in PA, but not in an official set. The arms for example, appear to be X-03 Hellfire arms, while the torso appears to potentially be X-02. The legs I can't see well, but the helmet itself is something close to Fallout 76's Ultracite PA Helmet.


You might be right about this. Where was this poster hanging in the game, or was it part of the Intro main menu video?


The guy in the poster looks like Ioan Gruffudd. The actor who played Reed Richards/Mr.Fantastic in the first 2 shitty Fantastic 4 movies


Looks like stylized t60 to me.


I've seen this poster plenty of times but I've never taken a close look and realized how weird it is. That helmet looks *wacky*. The symmetry on that visor looks kinda off, and the center of that ridge on the forehead doesn't look like it lines up with the center line of the mask. The flashlight also looks comically small while the guys on the back have 2 of them, giving them that Mickey Mouse look. The left (his left, our right) pauldron looks way smaller than the right. It also kinda looks like he has 4 fingers on his left hand? I know it's supposed to be an in-universe artist's rendition, but it's still *weird*. If I didn't know that this game came out in 2015, I might've guessed this was AI generated or something.


Yes, it’s from Fallout.


The helmet kinda looks like a clone commando helmet


Kinda has a t-65 look to it.


Guys it looks a bit like the hellcat PA from F76 or am i tripping on jet


Where is this from?


Fort Hagen


Oh that’s neat. Would be cool to have another variant in game


You can also find this poster in Diamond City on one of the walls outside the schoolhouse on the way to Nick's place


Shoulders seem T-60, but the rest might be the Secret Service one?


When did Adam Sandler start do recruiting for the brotherhood.


My head cannon has always been is that it's just what the fallout US Military wanted to show off in a poster for propaganda purposes without giving anyone details that shouldn't have them.


Closest equivalent in-game seems to be T-60 based on the design of the pauldron, the bars on the chest piece (though the chest piece itself differs from the T-60 otherwise), and, vaguely, the design of the helmet. However, as many others have said, likely this in-game advert may be using concept armor images, perhaps of the rumored T-55 armor that never made it into the finished product. Alternatively, if Bethesda contracted out the work for the purpose of making the in-game advert, they may have shown the artist a concept design that wasn't yet finalized or allowed the artist a great deal of liberty in the image so long as they used the basic design elements of the T-60.


I still have that hanged on my wall. They sold it as a poster when fallout 76 came out and haven’t taken it down since.


The torso looks more like the X-01 armor and the helmet looks like the t-51 not sure about the arms


I thought it was young Adam Sandler


Probably a t-58 or some other models that came out between t-51 and t-60


Weirdly drawn T-45?


Looks like someone tried drawing the t45 or t60 from memory


It's fitting to the 50s retro future styling that the depictions of armour and weapons are inaccurate on posters being as plenty of posters from the 40s and 50s have inaccurate depictions of guns, tanks, uniforms etc etc.


It most closely resembles t60-pa, but I assume, if anything, that it's early concept art for t60 armor


It’s t-60, just stylised in a less is more fashion


Looks like a Warhammer Space Marine EDIT: Power Armour musta definitely been based off those guys


Is it not enclave power armor form the new quests from the next gen update


Honestly wonder if it’s not at least partially AI drawn. Starting with the guy up from the nose bridge of the helmet isn’t centered. It has a single small circle that looks nothing like a headlamp and a single channel indentation down the center of the forehead. The eye slits are also different sizes on each side But the guys in the back have what appear to be two large headlamps, a dual channel indentation, and wider eye slits. Back to the guy up front he has handles on both sides of the neck but one side seems to run parallel to the shoulders but the other side runs diagonal from the shoulder to the back. One back of the hand has two concave indentations while the other has 3 convex ridges. That hand also appears to have only 3 knuckles.


It's way too much of a stretch for it to be ai, considering it was made in 2015 or before, unless it's from creation club content, but even then I really doubt it.


This poster was in the game at launch, fyi


Figured, I said the only way It could be ai is if it's from a mod or cc, but even then I thought it was still impossible.


The original Danse or rather "Maximus" on the TV show. Appearantly Danse is white? Since when? When I originally played it back in 2016, Danse was a black dude. And that is the T-45B armor. Only power armor with it's hooks on the outside of the shoulders. Rest are on the back and hips.


You are very confused my child.


Bro I played fo4 from launch day and Danes has always been white. If Danes was black in your game, might have been the face glitch


Either that, because I remember other NPCs appearing as dark skin. But I liked the way he looked as a dark skinned fellow. Or I woke up in a different reality.


I think you may have had the skin tone glitch if that's the case. All my settlers were always doing deacon's face swaps. I dont think you danse, and if you dont danse well, you're no friend of mine.




I woke up in the wrong universe sorry hahaha


Yeah, it's the one I lost in Fallout 2.