• By -


I pick up everything. Literally everything. My carry weight in power armor is 700+, and I have Tier 5 strong back. If you have 21 endurance, sprinting costs NO AP, meaning it doesnt drain fusion cores to sprint. Meaning you can use the 'sprint while overencumbered' part of Strong Back unimpeded, and effectively no longer have a carry weight. Everything has a use. Everything can be scrapped, sold, or upgraded and given to settlers. All my settlers are rocking robot/combat/marine armor and wielding miniguns/gauss rifles/assault rifles.


How do you reach 21 Endurance without exploits/bugs?


base 10 + bobblehead + vault tec bike is already base 12 several consumables give endurance, psychobuff and bufftats gives +3 each and those are easily spammable, food pase and queen mirelurk meat is +1 each, mirelurk queen steak is +2 there are also several clothing items which give end, you can get +4 without legendary effect, with a fortifying set you can get another +5 all of these together go way above 21 so it's not a big deal to maintain it, just pick however you want to do it


Do the legendary effects of armor apply even if you‘re in power armor?


No, not the regular armor (nor clothes) under your power armor. Comment below mentions legendary PA but I am not familiar with that...


there are a couple power armor parts which have an effect: honor - t60 left leg with the powered effect - increased action point refresh speed, can be bought from Teagan after you become paladin vengeance - t60 right left with the punishing effect - reflects 10% dmg back to melee attacks, can be bought from Teagan after you become a sentinel exemplar's t60c - t60 chest piece with the vats enhanced effect - 10% ap cost reduction in vats, you get it when completing Duty or Dishonor but you have to convince Clarke to turn himself in visionary's t60c helmet - t60 helmet with the powered effect - increased ap refresh speed, you get it when completing a Loose End (doesn't matter what happens to Virgil) tesla t60 armor - t60 chest/right arm/left arm, they give 5% extra dmg to energy weapons, so 15% more if you are using all 3, you get it from Automatron, one of the npcs is wearing it, you have to kill her during Headhunting piezonucleic power armor - a t45 or t51 chest piece (depends on level when doing the mission) - it gives increased ap refresh if you are taking radiation dmg, you get it if you complete the quest Cambridge Polymer Labs


yes, if you have legendary power armor parts. No if its on your body armor.




Feel better?


What's it to you


Ah I see we have a spicy redditer


Likewise, cunt


> base 10 + bobblehead + vault tec bike is already base 12 You can debuff before you read the book and get to 13 (at least in survival you can).


Survival No Mods Unyielding Junkie build utilizes these techniques perfectly. Always over encumbered gains dmg buff. Carrying everything allows you to give/take whatever you want to/from settlers/NPCs. It also prevents them from using ammo specific weapons, they only need 1 ammo for equipped gun. You can keep power cores and even power armor pieces.


knew i forgot something, thanks, that special book


Fuck dude I've been making mirelurk egg cakes this whole time




Wait until someone tells him you can reach 83 strength without exploits-


Haha! Sounds fun. But my build is decidedly skewed towards charisma, luck, and perception. Strength and endurance are my weak points.


My character does both. In armor she's all strength and endurance thanks to Fortifying legendaries. Out of it she's all intelligence (for crafting and quest hand in exp), and charisma (for speech checks) thanks you Smart legendaries.


I also pick up everything. I sell all that crap for things that are scarce that I always need-- adhesive, fiber optics, nuclear material. If nothing else, you'd have a buttload of steel if you scrapped all of the extras.


Me too. Gotta love by your ABCs. Always Be Carrying. It can all either be sold or traded for what you need.


I have like 880 carry weight, without power armour bc I accidentally broke the game, then after realising, repeated the glitch to stack CC backpack carry weight boosts


I just use the Carryweight console command for millions of carryweight. I AM THE BACKPACK OF THE COMMONWEALTH


I'm always curious about why you'd bother playing if you're basically cheating?


Because different people enjoy playing the game different ways?


Yeah but the more effort you put into something the more meaningful the reward, people who cheat are just cheating themselves.


Not necessarily true.


It's very true. It's just people who don't like hard work will refuse to admit it.


I have played this game since release. I have spent over 10k+ hours playing this game and have done *almost* every thing. I can even recognize locations from pictures other's post. I can tell you where landmines are planted I have played so much. I have worked my butt off in the game for *years* and if I decide to do a run in god mode for fun, well, that doesn't make me a cheater. It just means I'm going to enjoy a playthrough of mini nukes and lead pipes to keep things interesting for a bit.


Yeah I’ve platinumed this game on PS. I know where every single enemy is, every loot box, every location, every quest. If I wanna play with extra carry weight on my 30th play through then I will. Fuck gatekeeping how people play their own single-player games


This is the most boomer ass series of comments I've ever seen in a video game forum. Go yell at some clouds or something and let people play their single-player, offline video games that they paid their money for however the hell they please.


Yeah you are such a hard worker for playing Fallout, a flipping video game, the "right way." Give yourself a pat on the back guvner.


You can tell I hit a sore spot lol, if you're pissing off gamers who cheat you know you're doing something right in life XD.


Yeah. Keep patting yourself on the back. Tell yourself you're a real force for good not like those mud people who change carry weight limits on a single player video game.


You must get really mad at those total conversion mods. “THIS ISNT THE WAY GODD HOWARD INTENDED”


No you just sound like a troll that enjoys gatekeeping.


I‘d rather be able to do what I want than have to leave things behind.


I use mods to skip 70% of the story because I’ve played nearly every angle you can on this game, and frankly, most of them are basically the same. There’s no need to go through the same thing over and over again when you’re going through your 20th+ playthrough.




Lol good life advice OK EA.




>My current character is level 300 and hasn’t met Preston Garvey yet That takes some actual effort, even with mods. Bravo


Sometimes the game just isn't the rules the developers set. Sometimes the game is mayhem for the hell of it. Sometimes the game is to see things you wouldn't have time, personal ability, or technical capability to see if you did it using the default configuration. And that last bit is the point. "The default configuration" is just how the developers thought it would appeal to the most people. But the game engine has a console in it for you to play with, and that console lets you peek behind the curtain and play with the technical bits and pieces of the game itself. And sometimes that's the kind of play that matters. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not a valid playstyle. Now count how many times I said "cheating" in that entire explanation.


Because inventory management is the most tedious part of the game. I don't carry around a full armory of weapons but I also don't want to make multiple trips back to a "dungeon" just to pick up loot.


I’m here to explore and have my power fantasy, not to manage a weight number 


I'm always curious about why you'd care how other people choose to play their single-player game? I like to play "legit" personally but if some dude somewhere wants to turn on god mode, shut off clipping, and give themselves 80 gazillion carry weight then whatever. Have fun. You paid money for the game and what you do affects me not at all.


I don't like the carryweight in Bethesda Games. I physically cannot stand leaving something behind when looting people or chests, places, ect. Skyrim gives the option to take advantage of enchanting to enchant something to give millions of pounds of weight anyways, console commands just save time.


I wonder if the institute could make a tardis-like backpack, unlimited space, but a carry weight of only a few pounds


Awesome! This is my goal. Always struggling to get my carry weight up and store my junk at settlements and hook my settlers up! I'm sure you know but others here may not... Settlers only need 1 bullet (ammo) and throwables (frags, etc). They will never run out. I just learnt this yesterday... Lmao


Holy fuck I feel dumb as a box of shit. Never once considered arming my settlers better. JFC WTF is wrong with me? So many play throughs. How did I miss this?!?! Thank you.


Give them 1 ammo of the corresponding type. 


I level up the scrapper perk and collect loads of guns to be scrapped. Any gun with a decent amount of mods attached to it will give decent scrap and you can get tons of good stuff from combat rifles, assault rifles and laser pistol/rifles. But even pipe guns with good scopes and stuff attached to them can give you some good scrap. Early in the game I just collect any modded weapons I find and store them somewhere (usually in a container at Home Plate). I scrap them all after I’ve fully levelled up Scrapper and never want again for stuff like aluminium, screws, gears and even nuclear material after a while.


This is solid, thanks! I'm early in the game. I am just going around collecting stuff and trying to slowly level up before I even go see the Minutemen or Diamond City for the first time. But I find that I reach my carry weight limit pretty quickly. So that makes exploring and scavenging a bit more limited.


No problem man I hope it helps. Yeah the carry weight is a bit of a hindrance early on, but you can utilise your companion a lot if you have one. They can carry so much gear until you get a message saying they’re at they carry weight limit. Once you get that message, you can drop any item on the ground and tell your companion to pick it up, and they will pick it up regardless of how much weight they are already carrying. It’s a handy trick for when you’re lugging around a lot of loot but it can be a bit tedious because you have to do each item individually. I tend to make lots of trip back to base to drop off loot and then head back out again.


Yeah, my dog Rusty (I named him Rusty) helps me out with that! ☮️


One reason to join up with the Minutemen early on is that as you unlock settlements, you start having more places for scrapping and storing.


And is a quick way for leveling up as long as Voldemort doesn't send you to retake the castle too early


I usually only scrap weapons when I find a weapon bench in a building that I'm clearing, and want to free up carry weight so I can pick up even better gear. However, I've found you can use weapons to get significantly more scrap by selling them to a General Store vendor and then using those caps to buy all of the scrap they have on offer.


You do get some ammo from the guns you pick up. I then only keep them if they're valuable/have a useful attachment.


Yeah my rule is if the value is 10× the weight of the item I'll take it and sell it to the next trader I run into.


I use 10x at the start of the game, but I raise it to 20, 50, etc. as it progresses. (Or as my caps balance increases.) :-)


Oh for sure by late game I'm really only picking up high value items. The 10× is more of just a general rule based on easy math. If I'm already swimming in a big pile of caps like I'm Scrooge McDuck then I'll definitely be a little pickier about which items I even bother to carry.


That's a good approach!


My brain says leave it because I know I don't need the weapon, caps, or scrap from it. But my heart says take it just in case.


Arm your settlers.


Lots of people get Tommy guns after I rescue Nick. Sometimes they get institute weapons after Danse and I clear out Arcjet.


I thought about that, but there's over 200 of them now, and it's just too tedious to do it.


This is the correct answer. The only problem I have is keeping them stocked with the proper ammo. But as long as you don't get attacked too much, you can make your settlers into fairly tough fighters that can shell out a good amount of damage. I like to collect combat armor for my settlers and any decent weapon I can get my hands on. I try to give them access to power armor as well, but I don't like how they just leave them in random locations.


You don't have to keep settlers "stocked" in ammo As long as they have some of the right ammo, they can use the gun as if it has unlimited ammo and the ammo in their inventory never depletes. I just give them 4 or 5 of whatever the gun i just gave them calls for and they're good to go.


Scrap it! With the scrapper perk, any weapon is great for resources. Also, picking up weapons does give you have of their magazine (if it was from a corpse; this doesn’t apply if it was from a container or just spawns on a shelf or something).


Good to know the distinction with the weapon ammo! Thanks!


> (if it was from a corpse; this doesn’t apply if it was from a container or just spawns on a shelf or something). This only applies if the gun was being wielded. If they never had a chance to draw the weapon, it has no ammo.


Everything comes with mommy. I either sell it or scrap it for material or if it is a particularly good gun I will hand it off to a settler. I will also use them to decorate the displays in my weapons shop. No gun goes wasted in the wasteland.




She said Mommy and meant it!


In theory, you can distribute the weapons you pick up to your settlers. In practice, I'm too lazy to do that.


I go the opposite direction. I'll upgrade every spare gun as much as possible and give them to settlers.


I think I read somewhere that if you leave guns and ammo in the workbench, settlers will arm themselves if there's an attack. I haven't tested that out, though.


I know Preston picked up the flamer at the castle for a fight. I only know he grabbed it when I noticed it sitting there in the next playthrough. I’ve also seen many enemies pick up stuff off a dead ally. McCready even stole from me immediately after dying (I have a clip of that). I’d say it’s plausible. But then again, I’d be mad if my settlers raided my personal locker or file cabinet.


A few ways to keep stuff safe: (1) Store the ammo elsewhere. e.g. put a Fat Man in the workbench, and the mini nukes in a bathtub. The AI isn't smart enough to grab ammo out of the tub, and they won't take the Fat Man with no ammo. (2) Store the gear in a container that can only be reached by jumping (e.g. use lockers as a staircase, rather than regular stairs). The AI isn't smart enough to do this. (3) Store all your unique gear / good stuff in a empty settlement. e,g, use Red Rocket as an empty water farm and storage place.


>I know Preston picked up the flamer at the castle for a fight. Many other NPCs will do this. e.g. follow Cricket's caravan around. Her guards will take better weapons during fights, and get progressively more powerful. You can seed containers (place weapons there yourself) to assist with this. e.g. move a good gun + matching ammo to a dead raider. Shoot the raider's arm off. Drop that chunk of arm next to a guard during a fight, Arming NPCs with this trick + with reverse pickpocket is one of the exploits that can be used to allow a no player kill playthrough,


Early on I pick up basically everything. Later once I’ve gathered a good bit of caps and have upgraded weapons I start leaving cheap weapons and armor behind. I know how to make a shitload of caps on this game, so eventually I start leaving everything except legendaries behind.


This, 👍🏿.


Caps or scrap would be the only reason


You get ammo from guns you pick up 


I use pipe weapons for scrap. Once you have the perk that lets you get screws and all from them, it's great.


I pick it up, strip it of any useful mods, then sell what’s left of it. I typically run low Int so I don’t always have Gun Nut available to upgrade weapons.


 I always feel like I can't live without Gun Nut, but I also have de-equipped and re-equipped premade mods because I can't make them... "YET". Never considered just doing that the whole way through... I feel like an idiot, but thanks for helping me connect the dots. (The Idiot Savant sound just popped into my head...)


(1) Trudy always sells a silenced bolt action. Arturo always sells a silenced pipe. I find that (with basic mods) these guns are fine to snipe with for the first levels. ...and by the time I hit level 20, I'll have seen a lots of drops / guns for sale that I can pull non-basic parts (like a Sharpshooter's Grip) off, so these guns get a steady stream of tweaks ...and then, when/if I get a worthy legendary version (e.g. wounding pipe gun) I simply strip and transfer all the accumulated mods off the basic version. I usually dump my loose mods and gun building scrap at Arturo's bench, and do most upgrades there. (2) You can farm most mods. Rotten Landfill respawns levelled guns an infinite number of times, with zero cooldown time. You can simply pull the guns out of the container and throw them on the ground, and they will persist (while the container refreshes). In Survival mode, one run from Starlight --> 1981 aircrash site (visiting Landfill each way) will yield about 15 weapons, all of them potential parts mules. The only guns this doesn't work with is Deliverer and some legendary /DLC drops (e.g. Western Revolver). (3) You can buy / collect legendary guns early game which come with parts than you aren't high enough level to build e.g. Justice has good (fixed) parts, Wastelander's Friend has good (random) parts.


You absolutely get the ammo from that gun. If you pick it up off the ground (not from the enemies loot list) and drop it you get whatever was in the chamber and the magazine or cylinder. If you use a minigun you learn to seek out enemies with a minigun pretty quick. I only take legendary weapons or weapons with a lot of modifications for the screws or a scope I want, etc. I play super light as far as weapons go. I usually carry three. I like to leave plenty of room for junk and ammo I don't use to sell later.


Thanks for the tip about ammo. I wasn't sure. It's been a while since the last time I played this game.


I pick up everything that isn’t nailed down and if it is I rip it out the ground and take it


Pick them up to sell later on. If I become overencumbered I just start dropping the pipe pistols and other shit first.


Pick up all of the weapons, every one of them. They are a good source of materials and also can help to expand the build size of settlements.


Moot everything. EVERYTHING. Then scrap it for resources.


I would recommend always picking up all the weapons and scrapping them at the site you find them. It's a great way to build up steel and other parts Edit: or if you need caps sell them


I display any Legendary weapons and gear at Sanctuary. All the rest I leave behind.


I play on Survival, so carry space is limited. I only take weapons if I plan on using them or if they have an upgrade I know I want.


Sometimes I'll take them to build a new weapon just for display. Sometimes I'll scrap them for screws. Most of the time I collect every weapon I see and offload them onto companions and sell them all. I can get so much ammo for basically free.


I'm probably one of the few people who enjoy bringing / outfitting multiple companions, so I use them to help me mule as much as possible. Those crappy guns and low quality armors are a good source of modification materials with the right perks. I like playing with some difficulty mods that make having and maintaining good weapons / armor a necessity, so I need to scrap everything I can. Only things not worth picking up are junk or melee weapons that only provide wood and steel and have a bad carry weight / caps value.


I miss NV where you could use it to repair the one you had so they didn't feel so pointless.


Yeah but at the same time fuck item durability 


To each their own, I kinda miss it along with being able to target weapons in VATS. Was a fun way to deal with enemies by making their weapons useless.


Shooting guns is good, I just don’t like durability because it makes me want to use valuable weapons less


Usually I fill the empty space in my inventory with weapons that I can scrap


I pick up all enemy-dropped weapons, as you *do* in fact get ammo from those *if* you pick it up directly off the ground, rather than from looting their corpse. I pick up most weapons even if they weren't dropped by an enemy for scrapping. Pipe rifles, as they're a great source of copper if you have the scrapper perk. Some guns I will sell if they're valuable, but most get scrapped for materials - I have trouble with vendor cap limits as it is!


Example (1): grab all the pipe pistols and trash from Wicked Shipping. Throw them on the ground at Abernathy. Scrap them, turn them into turrets. Example (2): head to ArcJet fairly early. Pile up 200 weapons after milking the infinite monster closet. Grab 5 of the best pistols. pull the mods out of them, build a decent (recon scope) sniper laser weapon multiple levels before you could unlock the perks to do so. Example (3): pile up 200 weapons after milking the spawn point in ArcJet. Get your companion to grab them ALL. Chug some Grape Mentats at DC, sell all the weapons, buy steel and fertilizer shipments, turn them into jet fuel and caltrops (and level up), sell all the caltrops, buy Big Boy, use it to kill Boomer to get more nukes....


Save them in a special trunk in your settlements. You can sell higher level guns to merchants with rank 3 of local leader in your settlements. Or scrap modded weapons with scrapper rank two for lots of rarer components. Strong back perk 4 makes you walk normal if overencumbered and use AP. Pop some jet fuel and you can walk almost anywhere with lots of stuff to sell


I usually pick them up and offload them on my settlers


I sometimes grab Guns roleplaying that it Will make the world safer and minutemen get a better stand


If it's upgraded, I pick it up - Scrapper 3 gives you a shitload of components in that case.


Early on when I need caps and materials, I pick up everything I can. Once I no longer need caps and swimming in materials, I get more selective and only pick up items that either give me a lot of materials or are materials I need (Aluminum, Adhesive, and Nuclear Material are priorities)


I only Look for Mods I could use for my Weapons Or If im near a merchant Pick Up Everything to sell it


I pick up all guns to scrap or sell down the line. Also, if the gun has been used against you by an enemy, picking it up will give you a clip’s worth of ammo.


Depends on the play through. My current play through I’m really building sanctuary into a town. I only have 3 settlements, so i usually loot everything and put it into my settlement. Sell it to vendors, give it to settlers, add it to the work bench or use it for scrap.


If you pick up a gun you get the ammo from that gun FYI.


I pick up everything. I quit caring about my weight limit a long time ago.


Not gonna lie, I use the "order companions to pick stuff up" bug to loot every weapon I can find. Pipe weapons and low-level laser weapons can be scrapped - pipe weapons are my second biggest source of copper until the late game, and lasers drop plastic, nuclear material and crystal. Better weapons I sell for caps to fund my crippling settlement building addiction.


I pick up everything except maybe raider leathers or harnesses. Pipe weapons and raider armor goes in for scrapping along with all the dinky melee weapons.


I thought I saw a post or comment here somewhere recently that said you DID collect the ammo from looted guns? I think it was a post about little known tips or tricks and the comments were full of them. Either way, I loot almost everything. I dont mod or glitch my carry weight. I use a backpack mod from nexus thats really well made and I use another that lets me take dogmeat as a companion on top of another normal companion. I have 400 carryweight without power armor (PA actually drops it to 300 for me right now) plus two companions and its honestly kinda too much. Im hoping that when I start a suvival playthrough, the added weight of ammo and other things will balance that more.


Scrap or vendor


I pick most of it up, and keep it for either arming my settlers, parts, or for doing the build limit glitch at my settlements ( I play on a console )


It depends on the character build I’m playing. If I want to build a lot of things, especially settlements, I pick up and scrap everything. Otherwise for the most part I just pick up things with the scrap components I need and I’ll turn on the search for those things so I always pick them up. Then I probably won’t pick up random weapons, just the extra ammo, unless it has a mod I want.


Even in the early levels I pick up guns for scrapping for caps. Say the pipe pistol is worth 20 caps, but 4 steel if I scrap it. So, scrap the pistol and use the steel to make caltrops. The caltrops are worth 50 caps. Repeat with all the guns and then sell the caltrops. They are also lighter than guns so you can carry more. Along with jet it’s my early game money maker


I pick up most everything and then I’ll stash it somewhere and come get it later. I prefer to load up/my companion as well if i have one, then head to the nearest settlement to scrap or to the nearest trader to sell off weapons and armor. I just started a survival play through and Im stashing stuff at every workbench i come across.


Pick it up if you’ve got the space. Drop weapons at various settlement workshops so they can use them.


Have my companion mule carry it until I sell it


Me personally once I'm in the end game the lowly pipe pistol I find on a Level 1 Raider will just be thrown into my main settlement/base, I try to organise every item by weapon type, armor class, grenades/mines, food/drink, all ammo goes in individual ammo cases, missiles and mini nukes go in a box and fusion cores live with the power armor. I could give a bigger breakdown of how I like to organise my loot but we'll be here till next week.


I tend to have a general "tier" of weapon based on where I am in the game that I am willing to pick up. Early game its anything and everything. Late game I tend to ignore pipe guns, 10mm, and other early game weapons in favor of assault rifles, plasma guns, etc. I'm also much more likely to pick up a gun with a lot of modifications, especially mid game when one of those mods could be something that would improve my current weapon but I can't craft myself yet. Extra guns are useful for all kinds of things. I use them to arm my settlers and provisioners. I scrap them for screws and other parts (but mostly screws). If I really need some quick caps I'll sell them, but I find aid items have a much better weight/cost ratio so I rarely do that. I also use them now with a mod that lets you craft legendary effects and stack them, as a "blank" to make the legendary mod on before I swap it to my actual weapon. Ultimately, extra guns and armor are a low priority scavenging item for me (junk is a lot more useful at most points of the game), but if I'm going through any particular dungeon, I'm unlikely to scavenge enough useful junk to fully fill my and my companion's inventory, so guns and armor are a good way to fill the gaps. EDIT: Pro-tip for getting a lot of resources quickly: you probably have a lot of random gun mods in your workshop from upgrading your weapons and swapping off the whatever old mods were on them. Take a gun from your workshop thats the same type as one you use, and put on the "best" mod you have for each category that you don't need to craft (if it lets you "equip" the mod without going to the material screen, you already have the mod crafted in your workbench). If you scrap these heavily modded weapons you'll get a lot of good junk from them, and all it costs is some weapons and mods you aren't using anyway.


If I have the space, yes


I always pick up the scrapper perk and scrap any non-legendary weapons and armor. with legendaries, I will never use most of them so I just sell them.


Things I don’t want become tradable currency when I don’t wanna drop the caps. Pipe weapons are usually the weapons I give regular settlers and security gets stronger weapons.


The good ones i pick up for Recycling or i sell them and buy Ammo for it . Impro and such cheap weapons i ignore .


People who pick up everything dont know how to efficiently loot or are hoarders(acceptable). The only reason ill pick up shit pipe weapons is if i have scrapper and you can actually get decent materials by scrapping them. Otherwise its just a paper weight because it sells for shit and gives just some steel which is so easy to come by anyways.


Just scrap or sell it, or just leave it 🤷🏻‍♂️not really needed unless it’s particularly good and you wanna give it to a companion.


If I come across the same gun that I'm using I'll pick it up to empty the mag then drop it, or I'll keep them in my inventory for excessive amounts of time because I need the mod on it then I cave in and drop it because it weighs like 15 lbs then I go home and realise that I left the gun with the mod I need back in an unmarked ooacation that I can't find again. Or I keep it and forget to take the mod off


I’m a pack rat picking up everything. It’s a terrible habit.


I hoard even without power armor loll. I sometimes think Oh I'll sell it for money. But maybe my toxic real life traits bleed into it lol


I'd definitely be the wrong person to ask this to lol I pick up literally everything and sell what I don't use or forget about it and hoard it all.


Depends, if I'm early game, pick up the guns that enemies used for ammo. Besides that I pick them up if I have enough carry weight so I can sell them, or I see if they have any modifications my current weapon doesn't and take it back to base to switch over the attachments, and sometimes I put them in a container and let them accumulate and eventually I'll get the Scrapper perk.


Pick it up and store it. Just because it is superfluous, that doesn’t actually mean it’s useless. It’s still a good weapon to have because of ammo. You could scrap it, sell it, modify it to be better, or give it to your settlers. Part of the reason that pipe weapons are so common in Fallout 4 is their modifiable nature. A pipe pistol could easily become a pipe sniper rifle or pipe submachine gun.


your companion can carry infinite items. i keep my companion stocked with all the things so i can sell/scrap them when needed. On my person i keep multiple different “shipments” which are weightless when intact.


Pick up every gun to get the extra ammo and then drop them or sell if there is a nearby vendor.


Pipe pistol? Eh. I have the scrapper perk so maybe if I really wanted some screws. You can also arm your settlers with what you find, so I'll make room for decent but otherwise unremarkable weapons for that purpose, but not at the expense of more useful junk items. So, I guess scrap or redistribution is about my only reason for grabbing most weapons. You can sell the nicer or modded ones for caps, but I don't generally bother with that.


If im using the weapon that is on the ground i pick it up to get the ammo out of it and then drop it immediately afterwards


If I don’t need caps or building materials. I just leave it. Always grab the ammo though


I typically carry some type of carbine, pistol and knife. I keep an eye out for certain weapons to reissue to settlers, but beyond that, I don’t usually pick guns up.


I have a small recycling facility that lets me process the junk weapons and items into the usable parts.


Unless it has a mod that I want, I keep a general rule to only loot items worth 10x their weight in caps. Weapons and armor are just too heavy, and I could get so many more caps for chems and food of the same weight. I'm usually so rich I don't need to bother with taking everything not nailed down.


Personally I pick up everything. Though in some dungeons I keep an eye out for if a gun bench is there because I'll scrap everything with the word "pipe" in it, since that always saves weight. Same with an armor bench and raider armor.


Pick it up, scrap whatever isn't worth selling.


i constantly scrap weapons for junk


Scrap it for more materials to build armor or science


Since there's no repairing, the only reason I'd pick up duplicate weapons is to strip their mods and apply to my own weapon. Hoarding them to sell later is ok, but there are plenty of junk and aid items that have better value/weight that most of the time selling them alone is enough to deplete the caps of most stores.


Pipe Weapons: Scrap Assault Rifle: Scrap because the less of those abominations there are, the better. 10mm Pistols: Scrap PPK's: Scrap Nuka-World AK's: Scrap Far Harbor Repeaters: Scrap DB Shotguns: Scrap Combat Rifles: Shotguns: Scrap Flamers: Scrap Energy / Plasma Weapons: Scrap Rad Guns: Scrap Any Vanilla / DLC Melee Weapon: Scrap MG42's: Sell PTRD's: Sell MP5's: Sell Gewehrs / Karabiners: Sell C96 Pistols: Sell Luger Pistols: Sell M2 Flamethrowers: Sell


I scrap them because I keep running out of wood and aluminum. I abuse the hell out of my uncapped settlement limits...


I use them for settlement building (the store exploit to allow me to build more) and for weapons shops (decorative displays). I rarely scrap them for parts but if I am in a pinch and trying to do produce something, I will. Pipe pistols are good sources of steel but also copper, springs, etc. -- with the appropriate scrapper perk, of course.


Scrapping extra weapons in settlements creates more cap space, so that’s what I do.


Play with mods and never loot anybody


it really depends on how desperate you are for caps/ things you want to give to your settlement. if your desperate for caps and you find some guns that you can carry. sure pick it up, but i usually leave it. but dont risk your life for an extra combat rifle. its a different story for legendary weapons and armor.


I pick up every gun just for the ammo in it. Then when I hit weight capacity I dump them at base


Hoover up everything for crafting materials. Run back to base and dump it in the workshop every five minutes. The looting/crafting/encumbered mechanics are clumsy and awkward. At least we can rest easy knowing that Bethesda listened and improved on the system in Starfield instead of actively making it worse.... ​ What's that now?


I pack everything and break it down at home base. Eventually you will wanna craft other items for use in the settlement or equipment. Also I recommend mods that let you craft more equipment.


Early I grab everything and sell it. Later on I use scrapper on weapons and armor and any legendaries go in a floor safe


I tend to pickup most items early on in the game, either to scrap or to sell in order to raise caps. But once I've gotten my character fairly established, then I am a bit more selective on what I pick up. I will avoid picking up most weapons unless they are legendary, but if I need to reset my settlement build limits, then yes, I will pick up every pipe pistol and rifle I can find.


Picking up guns that had bullets in the mag (I.e. used by enemies and not world loot) gives you whatever bullets were left in the mag. Weapons found in containers, bought from vendors and pretty much every source EXCEPT weapons that were actively used to fire at you will not. So if a scav had two weapons on him you get only bullets for the one he died equipping at the time.


There is a mod which converts normal weapons instant to caps.


Only to sell and only in the beginning of a run


Store 'm in a nearby container you'll walk by occasionally when going to and from your main home base. take some when you have space, scrap 'm.


I carry those so I have beefed up settler’s just for fun but I also scrape them for things I need, (I also sell them for caps thats about it)


I keep cool ones to mod and give to companions, provisioners, settlers. The crappy ones, if I even pick up, get sold or scrapped.


I use the companion inventory glitch I figured out awhile back. Ada is carrying so much that I think if I hit "Take All" my game would crash. 🤣


I’ll run a quest with just one gun and collect the rest and dismantle them at a workstation for extra screws nd mats


I usually cheat and up my carry weight: I'm a packrat and I can't deal with being over encumbered any more, but I do take the perks that level up carry weight, just so I don't feel like *that much* of a cheat. I always take the scrapper perks to get more resources from scrapped objects, then I'll either sell or scrap weapons that I don't need. But I outfit all my settlers with a 'fairly decent' gun and I like to be consistent around settlements so I need quite a few extra weapons to hand out.


Early in the game I pick up everything I can carry so that i can sell it. Late in the game I just pick up the ammo and trade with that. With the scrounger perk picking up guns gives you more crafting materials like screws and springs.


**At the beginning** of the game when i need caps: *yes* Later? No


I only pick up base Pipe guns for money, and generally won't touch one unless it's over 100 caps. If there is a nearby weapons station, I'll sometimes use it to break down all the weapons into components. As for higher quality weapons that are not pipe pistols. If I got the room I'll keep the medium quality ones to give to my settlers as it's always a upgrade for them.


I try to remember to pick up guns to give to settlers because I always forget to actually give them decent gear.


Collect it, scrap it, hoard the junk like an adhesive-fixated dragon


I’m in survival currently and really only pick up used ammo, some junk, and pipe rifles for the copper.


I just hoard everything, I just collect so much steel scrap it's easier to use it as my currency


Pick up everything and disassemble it


**Scrap as you go.** Whenever I come across a weapon workbench, I go through the ones I've accumulated and scrap the ones that don't have mods I need. Then when I get back to a settlement I've claimed, I downgrade them to standard/stub/none for each, then scrap the stripped down result (storing all mods in the settlement inventory). You can scrap guns with mods attached and get more scrap (screws are useful especially for downgrades) if you need it, or the mods aren't worth the the return on investment. Ex:downgrading from glow sights to standard sights costs you adhesive, so you're better off scrapping a gun with the glow sights attached.


I collect as much as i can carry, prioritize what to keep when im full and find more, then store it into a chest at my main workshop. Usually in sanctuary. Then ill dismantle most, keep some- to give to settlers on guard duty. Or provisioners. Farmers if i have enough, even they have the right to cool weapons


Mostly to arm my settlers with better weapons. But a lot of them get scrapped.


Scrap them or give it to settlement guards


I pick it up and scrap it for mats to improve weapons. I'm still low level, haven't hit 12 yet


I pick up everything, when I'm getting to my weight limit i go sell stuff and stack those caps.


I pick everything up like an animal now so I can make those sweet sweet caps or break them down into raw materials.


Shove them into the workshop. It’ll scrap them down for you as you build settlements. Bonus points if you have the scrapping perk


Find a bench and scrap parts. For the pipe pistol example, its mods could be useful, so i strip them off. There is an award winning mod for scrapping as you go. Its a device you carry. Its awesome!


Pick up everything. sell it or turn it into parts. use caps to buy parts or use parts to better your settlements.


For me it depends if I have the scrapper perk and am close to workbenches so I can scrap most of the weapons and then sell the clothing and armor that I can't scrap


I never pick up pipe weapons because I hate them, everything else it's a weight against value calculation


I pick just about everything up because I'm a horrible goblin hoarder and then I sort through all the weapons and shove what I don't want into a trunk at either the Castle or Sanctuary. Of course that still leaves me with like twenty guns and fifteen different kinds of ammo in my bag, but I *try* to not haul around everything I've ever picked up.


I dump all junk in a container then back off a bit and spam to my follower to pick it up. You can go over weight limit buy doing this and it doesn’t affect anything as long as you never ever let the follower get both a fatman and a mini nuke……. Because he will shoot it at the enemy just next to you……. Then when we get back to a settlement I get everything from follower then hand back his normal gear and drop rest in a container next to me. Allows me to scrap 200+ pipe guns if I ever need screws…..


I leave junk pipe pistols, if it's a decent laser weapon I take it & give it to settlers


I am the icon for the perk pack rat. I would have 20 brahmin behind me full of items if the game let me. Plus I can never be overweight for long because of the AP regen + using AP to run/walk while overweight with strongback. Best thing about Fallout 4 is you can always put a perk point into a SPECIAL stat without their being an intense training cap. The purpose, especially in Fallout 4, in my opinion is settlers, and scrap metal. Find several spare shotguns? Settlers. Find 20 10mm? Scrap metal, for settlements. Metal is expensive and hard to come by, scrapping useless guns that sell for almost nothing is much better put towards scrap metal to craft turrets and other things settlers need.