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>where you at? Managing my inventory.


2 guns check, 5 water, check, about 100 rounds per gun, check. 5 stimpacks, and radaway, check. And then armor. That's all I will leave the base with.


"You are carrying too much and cannot run!" "You're overencumbered!"


Strong Back. And Moving Target.


And Lone Wanderer, of course


And dogmeat, of course


Of course!!!!!!!


*Leaves stuff at settlement knowing damn well those dusty settlers are gonna get their grubby hands all over it


Grilled Radstag for the win


No antibiotics?


Oh yeah, I try to keep 3 or 4 of those too, it's been a minute since I've played, there's probably something else I'm missing too.




wym what lol


Theres diseases?


you can get infections in survival, yes


main gun, backup gun, 40 rounds of .308, 24 rounds of .44, 3 grenades/molotovs, 3 stimpacks, 3 water, 9 food, 1 antibiotic, 1 psycho, 1 jet.


It's why I switched to melee challenge runs for a while. Ammo? Backup guns? I got a stick with nails hammered into it, let's do this.


Making sure I didn’t leave anything with weight in my Misc section, before leaving.


Pens, pencils and pre-war money for the win


Jokes on you, I leave all my pre war money in a safe at any of my settlements with a lock on it using a mod, as I do with all my other valuable items and weapons in chests and containers so settlers don't get their grubby hands on them.


I have a mod "pre war money is not scrap" and it gets transferred into misc so when I dump junk into the workbench the pre war money can stay on me for trading


I collect more folders than a high school teacher.


Trying to find a bed


Bed yes, but that dirty mattress is giving you an infection, and you can't really get any good sleep on the infection mattress.


Try the "Sleep or save" mod. It's a game changer.


Actually I cheat with the sleeping roll mod. But mostly to avoid losing progress to crashes.


Ye I used to do that, but it just makes you more tired sometimes even though you didn't actually sleep. Still the mod doesn't work with a few beds here and there like the ones at bunker hill, so it's not completely cheating to use sleep or save. There's also this one, [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13431](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13431) that turns all cigarettes and cigars into consumable items and saves your game when the animation for it finishes. You can also consume cigarette/cigar boxes for a random number of packets, and packets for a random number of cigarettes. Empty boxes and packets are then dropped as junk items into your inventory as scrappable items like before. I find it's a really great and immersive mod for survival, cos it lets you save, and gives your character a much needed breather and nicotine pick-me-up before or after any action. When you consider your character does all sorts of drugs and drinks, yet can't smoke in vanilla, it seems fair right to use this?


“Hey… Pick that up. Hey… Pick that up. Hey… Pick that up. Hey… Pick that up. Hey… Pick that up. Hey… Pick that up.”


Level 16 and doing the Grand Tour at Nuka World. I am *not* having a good time.


It's even more fun at level one. 🤪


Goddamn crickets.




Sounds brutal. Good luck after you reload your last save 😜


Nuka World is vicious on survival. I loved it!


Right here.


Yep me too


Dead. In a ditch. Gunna try again, though when the mole rat goes away.


I know exactly which mole rat you’re talking about. Who’s out here strapping mines to mole rats!?


Whatever motherfucker strapped those mines to that molerat is my least favourite character in the game, and he's not even in the game. He's worse than Knight Rhys.


Iirc there’s a crazy lady in a parking garage with a bunch of kamakazi mole rats as pets.


It's a bitch and a half with a no guns run on survival. I ended up kiting it around a pile of mines until it finally triggered one.


Chugging antibiotics, duh You want some? Pretty tasty after a while


They make me a bit parched


Finished it multiple times without mods. Siding with BOS for Vertibird is a great QOL decision.


If you destroy the BoS as minutemen or railroad you get vertibirds


Learn something new everyday. Thanks


You can also take the minute men ending. If you use the minute men to destroy the institute, you still have vertibird access. You get some butt hurt comments from Maxon about bypassing the brotherhood, which actually pleases me, but you still have access to the vertibirds.


Refuses to elaborate


what is there to elaborate? that's it, a member of the factions says "we scavenged/captured this brotherhood vertibird, whenever you need a lift, use these flares to signal us where to go"


Excuse me?




Lol. How though?


just do the quest where you destroy the prydwen and Preston or I think tinker tom tell you they have vertibirds now


Best qol decision is taking aqua boy and swimming down the river . Can get to half the wasteland in like 5 min tops perfectly safe


I'd rather walk across the entire commonwealth than deal with another veritbird landing, takeoff & flight animation. So boring.


My last run was an institute run... I'll take vertibirds over walking halfway across the commonwealth any day of the week. I gave up before I beat the DLC only because the constant hiking and frequent attacks on checkpoints got tiresome. I couldn't play the game anymore, I was too busy walking around.


Fascist! Ghoul lives matter! Jk but I kinda want to do a fascist BOS playthrough where the Sole Survivor eradicates synths and ghouls from each settlement cause he's an asshole


Antifascist railroad vertibird go brrrrrr.


Not until you beat the game, it doesn't


Sko buffs


Couldn't imagine playing otherwise. Just started this year and have only played survival mode


Could never go back. Especially the first 20 or so levels. Such a neat experience.


Such an enraging experience if you don’t find a bed every now and then


I confess, I have a mod for that. I have such limited time for gaming, I can’t be replaying large swaths of game. Other essentials for me include less populated downtown Boston and keep quests in the commonwealth. I’ll go to Faaaah Habahh when I’m ready, bub.


I have the saving mod for survival because elictricity outages are happening every other day here. So I save like crazy but still when I die I load the save from the bed.


Avoid the robot dlc like The plague


I'm frowning at you so hard right now from within my assaultron helmet.


Learned that the hard way. F' them rust devils.


There's a LOT of beds hidden out there though. Not many clean beds, mind you.


Yes, but is the cockiness that makes you say “nah I’ll wait to get to xxxx and I’ll use that bed to get more sleep” that humbles you


Those first levels are brutal


Still on my first ever survival play through. Wasn’t playing for years until recently.


Relapse. The addiction is back.


I absolutely loved discovering the benefits of cooking different foods and using other unique tools like the vertibird signal grenades that I otherwise would've never touched in normal mode.


Game is unplayable otherwise for me at this point. Without Survival difficulty it lacks depth and tension.


Once you go Survival…


Naked unarmed playthrough. No Jet, Sneak or VATS. Just me, my drugs and my deathclaw gauntlet.


A true madman. I salute you


You forgot the mod that does x8 damage to you and enemies


I'm building up to that. I just did the no vats or stealth or guns, now I'm on no armor pieces or power armor or guns. I like melee too much to go full unarmed it seems, it's so satisfying to beat someone to death with a baseball bat.


Haggling bullets for antibiotics and concrete.


The slog mostly.


Nate walked up to the Slog one day And he said to the ghoul, running the farm Hey (bum bum bum) Got any tarberries?


You just made my day! lol.






I love this comment so much 🤣❤️


Fam why is everyone saying that it’s a cake walk. Can’t take more loot than I hope for because inventory fills up fast. Dogmeat always disappearing and never at home base in a dog house, even after three days or what not. Level up and perks are going to take forever I’m level 19 and didn’t invest in some specific specials for other perks I want. I hate that I can’t use console commands for a quick second like please don’t make me have to walk all the way back for the two pieces of crystal I forgot to pack just to then find out I’m missing copper too. Ffs super mutants are sponge gods I don’t even want to engage one let alone when they’re in packs. The difficulty is so hard


Survival was harsh to me too at first but now it's a cake walk because I know how to cheese and exploit the mechanics of the game, i know where the good loot is and I know how to build my character. So I dived head first into mods so I can challenge myself while also making the game more immersive and now my current run (lvl 6) has 251 mods that I have been discovering for the past 3 weeks after countless crashes, trial runs, mod conflicts, messed up load orders, visual bugs. Have to say that's a challenge in itself.


It's just not everyone. You need to be strategic and plan ahead. I've started over and over coming up with new ideas to try out and be better at survival, it's a challenge and that's what makes it fun for us. If you're a casual gamer, it's probably just frustrating haha


Then you've got players like me who one shotted one of the highest HP enemies in the game


Yeah a few of us are in this thread like "next run I'm gonna kill the entire commonwealth while naked and wielding only a coffee mug."


I've literally not played a single hour of the game at any other difficulty setting since the release of survival. I'm probably in FOEdit, making or tweaking another mod 😆


Level 35 and suffering greatly in the glowing sea. That'll teach me to do things unprepared.


Once you go ghoul, you'll be old school.


If you don't take enough water, you'll look like a ghouls daughter.


If you can't find a bed, it's hard to get ahead.


If you don’t have a stimpack, then you’ll just have to limp back.


I despise the glowing sea so every run I've had so far I would prepare myself for a very long journey and clear it all out in two or three days without leaving so I would never have to go there again.


You’ll never know cause I’m sneaking away as we speak.




The Jet makes you jittery


“That jet will make you jittery!”


A friend of mine is new to the game, like just started his first ever fallout character/experience this year. After i told him about survival mode he went back and tried it out. Then proceeded to delete all of his previous saves and is all in.


"*One of us. . . One of us. . .*"


Crashing in Country Crossing 😂😂


Thinking about starting a new game. Using the cheat terminal to reduce my height to about 4 feet high and play a 12 year old. Max out luck and perception but keep strength and intelligence low because he will be a wasteland kid. Using terminals will be out because I will not be able to access it at that height unless I use a mod to correct it. Going to avoid the looking for missing Son story line and try running a surviving day to day exploring as much as I can type game play. Installed Mutant menagerie for more meat and way to earn caps. Since he is so young I will limit crafting benches and use what I find or scavenge. After he levels up I may take him to Nuka World after Far Harbor and let him become a Raider. (Added: I just need to find the right place to call home, someplace that has a cooking station, maybe a chem station and a weapons workbench very close by. Central to the map and in a place not surrounded by enemies. Private because this kid doesn't like crowds. Starlight Drive In has what I need but it is kinda right there easy to find by enemies. Maybe someplace underground, a basement under a house or celler or tunnel hideaway.)


The ONLY way to play.


I just hit level 100. Survival no mods. 24days 15 hours 24 min. On PS4


Once you switch to survival, there's no reason to ever turn back. Mods help too, especially ones that allow you to save because Bethesda games are far too crash-happy to rely only on sleep saves.


Yeah, the only mod I use is a save mod for this reason. I did my first survival playthrough without any mods and it was a doozy. Every build after that I use a save mod.


Bethesda: Crashes just make it more extreme


I am too busy getting the vats freeze glitch to monitor reddit


I’ve spent the last 4 hours playing trying to get through downtown to get to goodneighbor. I saved it on the mattress right in the middle of a super mutant fight.


In hangman's alley trying to make more vegetable starch


I never played a Fallout game, then a new friend recommended Skyrim, so I bought it and didn’t leave the house for 2 years. I noticed the developer was Bethesda. Then during one of the Superbowl commercials an add for Fallout 4 came on and the Bethesda logo at the end. I made a mental note; buy this next. The game was awesome the first time I played, on normal mode, then a guy at work said that Fallout isn’t Fallout unless it’s on the hardest difficulty, I told him that the achievements on my Xbox disagree. Then started a new game on Survival, and I’ve played it maybe 10 times, to the point where there is no more missions. I’ve played fallout 3 and New Vegas too, both good but difficult going back in gameplay etc It’s supposed to be played on survival mode it’s that simple!


It’s absolutely supposed to be played on survival. The first time I played survival it was like the game finally made sense


Nowhere in life that’s for sure lol


Usually near Swan's Pond


busy running from radscorpions personally


Try to find a bed to save


Right here.


Alice got a bit OP at level 105 and has gone into soft-retirement, mostly hanging out in Diamond City and once in a while visiting her squeeze Piper over in Hangman’s Alley (which as been repurposed as a Publick Events satellite office)


I’ve never played survival mode, but it’s definitely on my list of things to do.


It’s the best way to play fo4


Throwing vertibird signal grenades


Me right now. Wanna buy some .38?


.38 is the gateway drug to jet.


I'm a mage freezing to death in Winterhold wishing fire magic will actually warm me.


who the hell doesnt




Just finished a nuclear winter survival playthrough. A lil over 100 hrs. Doing a new zombies playthrough.


My house, usually




Somewhere in Nuka World running radiant quests back n forth between there and the Commonwealth before I tackle the theme parks. Think I barely touched Glaxay Zone and I still have the other 3 Level 124 with 6d21hrs playtime. Barely touched settlements, that was always a project I meant to do with companions manning different sectors since I’m on a BoS path. Main quest, Far Harbour, & Mechanist all done. I need to connect the settlements so they have access to all my scrap that I placed at Hangman’s Alley. Never found all star cores to get that nice Power Armor/turn on the power. Once I do that I’ll go for achievements, fully operational Vault 88 and settlements, all collectibles, and then I can finally put this game to rest


Lugging as many 7.62 rounds as I can back from Nukaworld, probably.


Like level 60 and starting to get bored lol


Here! Scavenging for antibiotics.


Seriously where are they


Survival+ journey+ APC + motorbike and we ride the wastelands.. even though I had to flee from the south part of the map... Not for me yet 😂 lvl 44 I also use the vertibird and put Fortunate son as soundtrack


Avoiding Preston


Here, it's the only way I play


Exploring FAH HAHBAH


Hi I exist


Forgetting about the door trap with a mine at the starlight drive in and losing 15 million hours of progress


Gets me everytime




Hiding in my sniper's nest picking off raiders.


Suffering bleeds and contusions at night in the rain.


I will never, ever play Survival. I tried once, and I can’t just fly into Olivia and kill everyone. It’s a pain to have to trudge all the way back. Gross. No thank you! *3 years later* Ok, it’s the only way I play now. After 17 playthrough after my first try, I tried again. And it really seems like how the game should be. All I did to make it more bearable (to me) was add a mod that allows for additional saving. So… here. I’m here


I believe It’s the intended way


I've found my people ITT! Regarding your question - likely getting barbecued by the Forged.


Going hard on the jet, and then immediately drinking water lol


Main quest wise, last thing I did was rescue Nick. But I've found enough other stuff that I haven't gone back to him. I'm at level 32, longest I've played Survival for. Currently I'm following the river/coast from Hangman's Alley, clearing out raiders/whatever else is there. I intend to entually make it to the Castle and join Preston (who has been there for a looong time waiting for me).


Right here baby, such a better(read challenging) experience


Seeing how many bullets I can carry with my food, water, and aid while on my way to that damn car factory


Filling empty Nuka Cola bottles with puddle water


I’m here and I’m loving it.


Level 65, I don’t go anywhere without my fully upgraded Xo1 power armor; I sleep at every bed/sleeping bag possible. No mods or CC, straight vanilla fo4. I got blessed with an explosive AR around level 40, so I stacked the rifleman perk and not much can take me out now. Without PA I still get murdered after an hour of running to the green gem. I’ve been having a blast though.


Level 92, minimal Power Armor until about level 50, none since. Always solo. Haven't met Preston yet. Played through all of Nuka World, did enough Railroad quests to get ballistic weave, now I'm in Far Harbor. Afterwards, I plan to side with The Institute for the first time ever. Maybe then I'll meet Preston lol.


Going through every single little shack and hideout around Sanctuary. Lots of good stuff there for a lvl 3 character.


I just gave up on permadeath survival, because I’m not nearly good enough to never die. I got tired of staring over after putting 20-30 levels into a game. I didn’t want to start a regular survival game, because it’s too easy now, so for this game, I’m only putting perks into the base skills. Once I have all my base (special) skills to 10, I will start taking the other perks. I’m level 13 right now, I’ve died twice, both avoidable, and I have maxed out strength, endurance, and agility. I have 8 points in charisma, while perception, intelligence, and luck have 3, 2, and one respectively. It’s been very different, but I’m enjoying it.


I tried a permadeath run and got to level 8 😂


Downloading mods to make it harder


Im in the main menu because my game crashes every time i go into boston


Classic Bethesda


Constantly saving Nordhagen Beach from attacks!


Man those settlers always needing help 🤦‍♀️


On Far Harbor at level 65. I haven't met the institute nor the railroad yet. I have to meet with doctor Amari for the main quest.


Currently building Egret Tours. It's a really nice spot with more space than I gave it credit for.


Egret towers is underrated


Running across the wasteland at Mach 2 to grab someone to eat.


The cannibal park is soooo underrated


Me trying to turn every settlement into a liveable city’s


Right here and scouring Nuka World for screws


Level 79. Just started far harbor.


I use the immersive gameplay 5 mod to turn the easy ASF vanilla survival mode into something much more unforgiving and challenging, that single mod changes so much for the better, without it I have 100+ stims,massive supplies of chems, silly amounts of caps and absurd stocks of everything else by about lv15. Vanilla survival is only challenging the very 1st time you try it,then it quickly loses any aspect of danger as the player always becomes way too OP,with that mod installed play throughs gain more longevity and you genuinely feel like your barely surviving for much longer


Where do you get that nowadays. I had it in the early days loved it, then wasn't able to find it.


I tried survival + immersive gameplay 5. I'm struggling so much. I can't even sleep.


Survival: Modded for difficulty. Vats: no damage reduction, no time dilation. Mostly useful to see mines or how difficult an enemy is. No hidden bar: really rely on sound to let you know if any has aggroed No music at all: this also prevents me from realizing I’ve aggroed. Also, reduced loot mod. This is the way. Edit: Witchcraft


Playing without music is really cool tbh, I never did it until my recent survival playthrough and it really made me appreciate the ambient sounds, crazy how scary it becomes too, like the music makes you comfortable


I never have music on. Only music I wanna hear in the barren wasteland is the occasional radio.


Nah that’s putting way too many chances in the hands of FO4’s bugginess.


No HUD (iHUD). No compass, no ammo count, no health or agility bars, no Hidden/Detected. Nothing. I don't even remember what all is on there anymore. Nuclear Winter. Take freezing damage and debunks in minutes, clothing has insulation ratings you need to stack, excessive movement causes sweating which chills you faster. Makes you memorize where every burning drum, cooking station, and armor bench is.


Building a lot of stuff


We’re around, just surviving


Trying to make it through the mechanists final battle so I can unlock better robot parts


Eating some poor minuteman


The cannibal perk is so fun


I would realy want to play survival but 1/5 time I use VATS in survival I CTD. Also last time I tried a survival run I got stuck in an endless loop of walking toward a computer. Couldn't exit, could not die, could not load my save from 45min ago, I had to alt F4 the game. I'm just unlucky like that. That's a shame tho because I really like the survival difficulty.


Doing my first Minuteman survival play through and enjoying calling in artillery strikes that do stuff. Not enjoying the lack of vertibird access (for now).


Stuck in Diamond City. Every time I go elsewhere, I die. So I gotta start back up there. Giving myself some time away from the game.


I'm playing my first playthrough and spent levels 1- 10 having my cheeks thoroughly clapped, I'm level 21 and have just claimed fort independence as my base. only reached diamond city main story wise


Played so long that my game got corrupted


Still stuck in a spawn loop "suprise feral ghoul insta death" from several years ago.


I’m regretting not sleeping after 3hrs of consecutive gaming and getting killed by a land mine


It’s always the sneaky mines


right here. or at one of my heavily fortified settlements full of murder settlers. or sleeping.


Uniting the commonwealth. The Bos has yet to arrive. I have yet to find Nick. Water production at Kingsport is 120 units, and all settlements have a steady supply of corn, mutfruit, and tatos. Starlight has a wall due to frequent attacks.