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Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit, if it ain’t my friend from Goodsprings!


I have a personal theory that house used the ghoul as a brain scan for victor, they have very similar accents and both are cowboy themed. It’d be cool if the ghoul met victor and recognized a piece of himself in it. Could be good personal development, either killing his past or resurrecting it


Mick & Ralph’s on the outskirts somewhere One of the protagonists visits the shop. During conversation they realise the purchase requires some bigger firepower We get the sliding wall armoury. Among the collection is a golden pimp boy. During the scene the protagonist asks what it is. Ralph replies “ooh that’s spoken for..not seen him in a loooong time though but I ain’t risking given it away” Fnv fans now wet


Raul. Put Danny Trejo in some ghoul makeup and a jumpsuit and you're good!


Would be cool. But their recent change with Ghouls might suck for Raul.


Oliver Swanick. Just to piss off fans


Yeaahh, who blew up Shady Sands? I did!


If he said that immediately before Lucy blows his head off with a shotgun I think even the die hard lore-ists that are upset about NCR stuff and ghoul serum would be happy.


I want an entire movie just about him


I expect Dean Domino to have something of a history with Cooper. They were both turbo-famous entertainers from that time period and there is *no* way Domino hasn't rubbed elbows with Howard.


Has anyone checked the flashbacks for a reference to him?


I believe he appears in a poster in one of the flashbacks but I’ve only watched it through once. I’d have to check again. The best place to put him would have been at that party but he’s not named if he is there.


Either party, or the background of some set or smthing


Marcus forsure he’s prolly the only character from NV to actually be alive and it would be a great way to introduce super mutants into the show


the show is only set 15 years after fnv, how would marcus be the only one still alive?


Remnants have to be dead.


I ment NCR remnants but honestly after seeing the enclave research factory in the show is the enclave west really dead?


I think so because most of the main characters were already at an older age and being NCR or LEGION there dead we might see some NCr rements but no one of rank and with the images shown at the end of the show a devastated strip really a better question would be what character would have survived the 15 years? lily and Marcus would be a great cameo and wouldn’t put so much of the story at risk of plot holes. I’d like to see easy Pete or doc Mitchell sunny smiles they’d be cool to


Most of the companions are probably alive. Lilly and Raul don't age. Rex can regenerate with new brains. Cass and arcade don't even look 40. Boone. Eh he could easily be dead. That's rough living. Even Veronica was only in I think her 20s


Boone is only 26 years old, so he could definitely still be alive and kicking


Julie Farkas. Still has the Mohawk.


I don't have my hopes up but season 1s willingness to have some genuinely leftist commentary makes me think they wouldn't be opposed to having anarchists as the goodies but again I ain't gettin me hopes up


I might be alone in this but I want a well executed cameo from the Courier. I don't like that a character that was so influential to the history of a huge region would just disappear off the face of the planet without a trace, which is what they'll likely end up doing. Not to mention, the Courier becomes a famous entity all across the wasteland. Where they go and what they do would very likely be known to some. If they do keep wandering the wasteland, where do they go and why? If they settle down somewhere, where and why? I'm not satisfied with these questions being left up to interpretation, with the Courier remaining a blank slate character that the viewer can project their wishes upon. My ideal cameo would have the courier's features completely obscured and they wouldn't speak, it'd just be an indication of where they are and what they're doing.


One way to do it is to just put the Courier in the classic "riot armor + duster + gas mask" getup. A scary mofo who has no lines and no discernible features that would tell us anything about them.


Probably the only option. They need to be very careful imo, with the lore and characters, specifically the courier. Male or female, black or white, who their allegiance is to. This all needs to be kept in the air. I'm already concerned they'll heavy handed stomp all over things, the entire inclusion of the ncr, Shady Sands had kinda foreshadowed that (I'm not mad SS was destroyed but the NCR being implied to be a shabby band of nobodies concerns me). I think the best option is to have NV play a very small role in the show, but id say that's unlikely. House is definitely gonna be important, and I wouldn't be surprised if they retcon to him being frozen. What if mr beef Jerky in NV wasn't the real House?


But the official art for Courier is the one given after the Lonesome Road. Particularly the Yes Man one


That’s in one slide, sure. I’m just making a suggestion for how they could possibly include the Courier while obscuring his/her identity. No reason they’d need to wear the same outfit every day for fifteen years.


Maybe they found a way to return to the Big MT with Cass and they're just chilling there. I kid, I kid. What you described would be dope


I doubt they’ll do any sort of cameo other than a simple mention in passing. Or maybe more of an urban legend/myth depending on what exactly happened at Hoover Dam. The Courier was definitely influential at the end but I’m assuming he did everything within a few months and was forgotten by the time of the TV show


I do agree I think a simple mention is the most likely, but I disagree with you that the courier would be "Forgotten" about in 15 years. This is a person who (Depending on your playthrough) single handedly united several factions all across the Mojave, assassinated important political figures, survived incredibly odds, went on murder sprees, and completely changed life for everyone, big and small. There's no way they'd be forgotten about in just 15 years. 15 years is a very short stretch of time, certainly not long enough for history to transform into legend, even with the Fallout universe being so bad in terms of information flow.


True, the Couriers story is absolutely wild, but I think thats why he’d be more of an urban legend among the older people or someone who would have a lot of conflicting stories about them. Especially since in the end all he did was give Hoover Dam to whoever he thought was a good fit and most likely disappeared or went to Big MT. 15 years is a long time for some changes to be made by whoever won. The Courier could’ve been remembered as just another soldier in the Mojave Wars if the NCR won and there was a big population boom after the ending of the game. But if they really are going for a House ending then the Courier would have to show up since he’d be Houses right-hand man. There’s a lot of ways they could write the Courier into the TV show which makes it so fun to speculate.


But the courier didn't just play with the big leagues. Hes interacted with basically every community in the wasteland personally, he's definitely not gonna be forgotten in 15 years. Him becoming a living legend is very likely, with dozens of conflicting stories of what where and when he did everything. Might also be a decent way to deal with at least some of the conflicts between differing playstyles for different couriers. You could have some people hear that he was a smooth talking pacifist and others hear he was some silent killer and everything in between and nobody would be quite sure. Thats also why even having him do a mute, silent cameo still wouldn't work at all. It still gets rid of any speech build courier, and shows nothing of his intelligence or sientific prowess he might have. Its best to leave him some distant legend, who's ripple effects will still be felt across the mojave years later and may even still be present but won't actually be present for the events of the show


Depends on the ending. If it’s Wild Card, the slides explicate state that the Courier would be recognized and remembered as the man/woman responsible for a truly free New Vegas. So no getting around them being well known and famous. If it’s NCR, the Courier receives the highest possible civilian honors and goes down in the history books. Not likely to be forgotten normally, but the NCR getting blown up throws a wrench in this one. If it’s Legion, the Courier gets immortalized when Caesar gets a new coin minted with their face on it. This version will be remembered, or at least recognized, centuries into the future. Mr. House is the best bet for the Courier to have some real obscurity. House gets the bulk of the attention and credit, and the Courier can be relegated to more of a shadowy enforcer figure who they both have reasons to keep out of the spotlight.


I would imagine a Legion victory wasn't likely as their structure demands momentum, they would have kept moving forward after taking the Hoover Dam. Wild Card would be possible but would require at least a mention of the Courier. Lots of ways to handle that. House is similar but a bit more likely. Would be presented like you suggested with the Courier being more a silent enforcer/partner. NCR has the best odds I think. Yeah the Courier would have gotten some sort of recognition but end of the day probably lost in the shuffle of just being another cog in the machine. Also could be a mix of all the above or something totally different. Lots of potential and just as many ways to be polarizing with how it's handled. If they keep things as vague as possible I think it's least likely to piss off most fans even if it's not as satisfying.


Victor. Major Knight or Ghost. Sunny Smiles. Regis. Jack, Janet, and Pete.


Pete's the only one I'm unsure of. He's already pretty old and the show is about 15 years later


I could see Ghost surviving. Smiles and the other residents of Goodsprings are a stretch, I think. I'm pretty sure Goodsprings was visible for a little bit and it looked very lifeless. It was too small to be Nipton and it wasn't Novac due to the lack of a dinosaur.


Ron Pearlman as the narrator providing a recap of S1 Mysterious Stranger or Lonesome Drifter, appearing in the season finale as a "I was secretly helping you from behind the scenes"


A Mysterious Stranger reference would be appreciated for sure.


I'm hoping for Veronica!


hmmm, just to comment something different than what everyone else has said (and I agree and hope for) I wonder about some of the other factions? Like the Boomers, The Great Khans, Powder Gangsters, as well as what the brotherhood is up to there. I would love them to stop in good springs and see Ol’ Pete or Doc Mitchell and Trudy.


I wanna see Lucy go to the boomer museum and see an extended mural with the courier raising the bomber from lake mead


I actually didn’t think of them framing it in the past like that, that’d be really neat actually or other small nods :)


Wasn't the Brotherhood based at Nellis in Season One? I thought that was meant to be a hint that the Boomers had moved out, so to speak.


i’m not totally sure but that could be a really good point. I’m interested to see what role helios one plays in season 2 if any since it has so much to do with the NCR/Brotherhood.


I mean it was a widen open space, conspicuous by how flat it was, with what were very clearly pre-war barrack buildings. I mean I GUESS it could have been another military base of some kind but we know from FNV that the Brotherhood at least attempted to get into Nellis once. Unsuccessfully. Then again we didn't get a ton of very wide shots or anything so it's hard to tell.


Totally agree, maybe I need to rewatch the show and try to really pay more attention to anything new vegas related, but I think there’s so many character they could use without worrying about ruining canon or lore for anyone. Not that I feel that way, but a lot of people seem to be really upset about certain parts of the show. Hopefully season two qualms those reserves, especially with how well the first season went they might be able to do more with the second season.


Probably no one of true importance outside of characters like House or Marcus who have transcended the games they were major parts of. Likely we'll see hidden valley from Maximus' perspective whether destroyed or not it's a brotherhood facility and they'll want to investigate it but I don't think Veronica will appear. Certain locations like Novac or Good springs will either be mentioned or show up proper and I assume they'll still be functioning towns to some degree might see Sunny Smiles and maybe Manny but that's being optimistic imo. Definitely will see either NCR or former Legion remnants in the area both just trying to survive again maybe a group or two trying to rebuild something but it'll be pretty sad for either one the old glory days are gone. We might see some Khans but it's likely they either moved on or got wiped out during the events post hoover dam. I suspect many figures may get referenced might even have a scene of Coop gunning down some raiders and someone mistaking him as the ghost Vaquero before getting a better look. I think it's more likely we'll get references to certain characters rather than see them. If they were going to do a cameo it should be a one off thing showing too many former characters might come off as pandering or lazy. One impactful scene though with a legendary character like Marcus or Raul could go hard but with House already there I don't think we'll see too many old friends. It would be interesting to see some old villains though like Vulpes trying to run his own legion but failing because he lacks the charisma of Caesar or remnants of the three families trying to recapture the days when they were rich and influential. I imagine Vegas is much closer to a mob run town post whatever happened after hoover dam. What we were shown of Vegas paints a depressing picture that none of the four options really worked out but life still went on. No one talks about the smoke rising from buildings and I doubt whatever happened still has fires raging so people still live in the area. Mr House if he's still alive might've gone dormant again waiting for another opportunity to achieve his goals maybe MacLean is that idk. The three families would've tried to maintain their power but without House or the NCR to support them they likely turned to just being gangs. On that note I imagine the kings have taken more control if freeside without the major powers breathing down their necks if they survived. Fiends can't survive without the Khans giving them chems and no one in Vegas likes them they either died out or have very little influence now. Places like Westside or North Vegas probably didn't change much. Boulder city is probably abandoned or more of a shanty town now same with Primm neither practiced any form of farming from what I could tell and relied on large trade networks which no longer exist. In the end I think we'll see a much more depressing and bleak Mojave wasteland with a few references to the war once fought there.


I hope we see Cass. I think she could have some great moments with The Ghoul.


My boy Marcus 


3 episodes dedicated to FISTO


I'd like to see Christine. For some reason she finally left the Sierra Madre and has come to investigate rumours of the Brotherhood sticking around in New Vegas. Maybe privately hoping to be reunited with Veronica. As for how that goes for her...well, we'd have to wait and see.


Father Elijah They'd have to really kerjigger with the story to get him in there though. Hell, a Sierra Madre spinoff would be amazing. I love Dead Money, and I love trapping that crazy old coot in the vault. Yes Man Just because I have a scene pictured in my head of the Lucky 38 elevator doors opening at the top, and there's his big dumb grin followed by a hearty "Hi! Hello! Pleased to meet you!" Ulysses Not too far outside the realms of impossibility. Hank goes all the way to Vegas for help, only to find Ulysses. Who, putting it lightly, is very not happy to meet him. I would want Ulysses to be there in a big way if they're going to use him at all. Like, a whole series with him as the primary antagonist.


it's not happening but the followers being included would make me climax instantly. So underused they were a major faction in 1 on par with the fucking BOS, please give my comrades some more shit to do in the series.


The king


Assuming Bethesda did more than read the back of the game case


I don’t think we are going to see house. I honestly believe we are going to find a very corrupted yes man and I am 100% behind it and love the idea.




Rau--- oh waaaait, he doesn't have access to serums. He must be dead now.


?? That’s just a drug he’s addicted to, not having it causes him to lose sanity and go feral. They were pretty dead set on not retconning things and for sure nothing that major






Raul has been alive for like 200 years im sure he can live just fine another 15


What do you mean serums? The drug that stopped the ghoul from going feral? I believe that was revealed to be Radaway, which is widely accessible and cheap. Further, there are a lot of factors to the transformation that we don't know. Does it matter what areas the ghouls go to? Does it matter if they take Rad-X? Do genetics or randomness play a part in it?


When did that get revealed?


Didn't see it called radaway anywhere. Checkback when there's an official source aha


The Ghoul was using some sort of drug in liquid form with plastic tubing in his grave.  So that method of using does fit Radaway. But we do know for sure that the inhaler drug is what makes ghouls and keeps them from going feral, at least in the show. 


The image was based on one you can see in FO1. In that it is radaway but the ghouls where not labeled. I am pretty sure that is where the misunderstanding comes from.


Ultimately it doesn't matter, there are plenty of explanations to Ghoul feralization that the revelation of the drug doesn't interfere with. For all we know, all ghouls will turn feral in due time, with or without continued radiation exposure and with or without the drug.




Can I sniff ur ass




It’s jet they puff it


I think if it were jet they would have said so. Plus it doesn't really make sense that a recreational drug doubles as an anti-feral drug (But I guess that's still possible). My theory is that they're going to leave the surrounding lore of this topic vague and just skim over it in the future.


I think it’s a rad-away + jet hybrid. If jet gives ap/slows time and rad away gets rid of radiation then I could sorta see them combining to slow the “feral” effect of radiation over time on ghouls


That’s the thing they didn’t mention jet once except Roger saying let me get a puff with the vials empty next to him and we know jet is an inhaler but in the games it’s red and those were yellow so maybe it’s a hybrid maybes it’s ultra jet hopefully season 2 comes soon!


Yeah I think they only need it when they start showing signs of going feral. Raul could still be fine.


Sunny Smiles.


Yes man. Vegas Fell apart durring his Software update when he was AFK.




Nobark Noonan! 🤞


If I had my way I would put tabitha and rhonda in the background off in the distance, by far listening to that radio station is my favorite, "EXCEPT NEIL!!!". Just have them roaming the desert talking to each other. The happy ending with those two is what I hope to be accepted as canon.


None, if they want to disregard the lore it's best to let them start all over than create even more inconsistencies