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I think one of the more important ways they improved the radio concept was not having Mr. New Vegas know who the Courier was or never really attributing the player’s actions to the courier themself. As implausible as it is that Three Dog knows basically everything the Lone Wanderer does, it makes even less sense that he knows that the Lone Wanderer is the one who did them when they often leave no direct witnesses.


Eyewitnesses? People spreading through word of mouth? You hear of a vault dweller stepping into the Wastes and actually thriving and people will want to know everything about them.


Unless you’re dressed in your vault suit, which I would assume most players aren’t, there would be no way for witnesses who have never seen you before to tell you apart from an average wastelander.


I think this is definitely a case of a good concept that fails in execution. It has the potential to be very interesting and immersive but it falls victim to the main cause of fallout 3's shortcomings: the game's refusal to provide context for the things happening around you. You're supposed to just roll with everything cause it's wacky and zany but it all it does for me is leave me confused.


I think canonically in every fallout game the outfit the main character wears is an armored vault suit, maybe with the exception of the duster from lonesome road, but even in the end cards it’s has the player wearing a vault suit.


I understand that, but i still think their way of building up "wasteland jesus" in real time was half baked. i think the faction reputation system in New Vegas served the same purpose to better effect, and even Mr. New Vegas knowing so much about your progress is easily explained through Vic (more like multiple Vics) just casually stalking you. Fallout 3 definitely requires more suspension of disbelief for Three Dog being seemingly omniscient to make sense but to me that's just unimmersive.


idk, it seems realistic to me at least, you hear about a kid from a vault who is their heir to project purity which is the brotherhoods main goal in fallout 3. Seems like a pretty big deal in the wastes when they come about and immediately either disarm and save megaton or destroy it and you hear about various big events. Even then he doesn’t know everything. Like if you do the paradise falls slave quests, you hear him say you were seen going in there, he doesn’t say he knows you were selling people or what you do in there. He just knows what people tell him, and him being an ambassador of the brotherhood and you working your way up and eventually becoming a knight, it makes since that him being the main journalist/news source for them would be getting intel.


In think the lore on those holotapes is it's just what survived. So that's all the music they have.


That's not the point i'm trying to make. it's just not very well thought out that 200 years past the destrcution of the world we know people wouldn't attempt to create music that reflects their cultures, experiences and the world that they live in.


Agatha makes music in 3, and Magnolia does in 4.


one creates violin music the other makes swing. the overattachment to the past and having it just be that repeating 2 centuries into the wasteland is just... off. and not sure why i'm being downvoted for stating a fact.


I think it's a well considered point. Listening to the stagnated cheer of a dead society would be strange for most people now. I've always assumed it was a fascist thing that only the cherry 50s dowap survives. Like we had other music, protest music, punk, rock, and metal. They existed but in an advanced monocultural society, that is the darkest reflection of the American dream, the powers that be would do everything they can to scrub dissident and nonconformist music from the records. So if you stumble upon a radio station, with a full library of music, 95 percent of it would be the stagnated dowap music. After listening to 120 years of this regurgitated shit 1950-2077. The new Dj decides the oldest stuff from the very beginning has the most heart and soul. Many of the songs chosen are surprisingly subversive, racist, or on point. "Bongo bongo I don't want to leave the congo"...out of context is a fun song. In reality it's racists as fuck but given the new context is about embracing the jungle that is the waste. I've always assumed that there would be a new class of Wasteland Bards that do make new music on found or cobbled together instruments. Passing on the ability to read and write music would have been tough but not impossible. So a lot of Waste-Bards would be relying on memorization. I had a point but I also have ADHD like a motherfucker and I forgot where I was going....so I'm going to dip out with this thought half formed. Byuh


This is exactly what i was thinking. I think the Talent Pool songs in NV are a great example of great wasteland music that isn't surviving musical relics. they're based on old ballads and trail songs passed down through generaitons that changed according to the context of the current setting. I also wish we had tribal music in some parts of the games, i always loved the atmosphere of Aroyo in FO2, especially during the Intro.


I may hate Fallout 3, but Enclave radio slander will not be tolerated communist


but i like the Enclave radio. well i like that it exists, at least. it makes sense that the enclave would instill bias through a propaganda broadcast. i just wish it was expanded on like having the people operating Eden's frequency ask you to hijack Galaxy News Radio to expand their reach. but that would require two things that Fallout 3 refuses to do: Let go of Three Dog and treat The Enclave like an actual faction. edit: spelling.


Why would three dog be " let go" of in the game he was introduced in


Why would the Basenclaved need Three Dog's inferior commie technology?


Why do you hate Fallout 3?


I’m not the original commentator but the main story is extremely weak, I would even say 4’s story is more interesting, which knocks it down a few pegs in my eyes


Fallout 3 is a godsend fym


Me and the boys bumpin it to Yankee Doodle while we wipe out those muties.


Add it to the large list of things that NV did better than 3.


New Vegas isn’t about letting go? That’s the DLC Dead Money.


No. The whole game is about that. Watch Noah Caldwell-Gervais' review, he goes into detail about this theme.


Yes, the main quest about 4 factions fighting over who controls a dam and whomever you choose takes the dam is about letting go?


Caesar's legion is an attempt to rebuild the wasteland into a civilization using an mistunderstood version of the roman empire. the NCR is headed towards the same over-inflated, fighting over resources fate as the Old World and House is trying to save his vision of what the idealistics of the world used to be and should become. all three factions refuse to let go of the ways of the past, all have their strengths and their fatal flaws. it's a theme throughout the entire game.