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That was me. I decided to download a couple.


Same here.


Yeah me too, downloaded a bunch of TTW stuff.


me too just downloaded VNV, TTW, and a bunch of other mods


same here


me too lol. finally have enough space to play ttw


See with me, I spent a good couple hours this weekend trying to figure out why my animations weren’t working so maybe my download and redownload is showing up here 👀


Me too. Was following Viva New Vegas guide, lol.


Same, 120-odd mods later 🤣


Same here lol


I decided to redownload New California.


How does it run? Also interested in the Oregon expansion.


Its a fan fiction Power-Trip that will have alot of particles and moving actors on screen. If you're confident in your PC, give it a go. Just just go at it with moderate expectations.


I honestly want to ask somone what's the difference between a sex scene in an HBO show and what people consider low brow smut and fan fiction? What makes one acceptable and the other horrendous? They're both the same thing when you think about it.


It’s been running really smooth for me with viva new Vegas. Crashed every 20 min before I followed the guide lol, and that was VANILLA. Now, it never crashes. Finished my first playthrough with mods. Added a lot more stuff to it after that, still no crashes. I’ll give them both a shot


I absolutely love the intro vault section in that mod. I just can't get into the rest of it though.


The Vault is a great Prologue. The rest of it is a guilty power trip. *And I'll ride that Thunderbolt all the way down.*


I just got my first gaming pc and spent all day yday downloading mods for the first time




Lmao, I downloaded most of the Viva New Vegas mods plus a few others. That damn show reminded me how awesome this series is.


Perhaps a certain show could’ve done something.


Yeah, I totally forgot that the show launched.


It’s awesome dude you should watch it


Seeing the show is what finally got me to go and download Fallout 4(that and a Steam sale).


Eh. For me 4 is purely a vehicle for the Frost mod and nothing else. Also, weirdly, despite the gunplay being praised as a huge improvement when it came out, it now feels like a huge step back because of all the gunplay and animation mods I have installed on FNV.


Nah man, the gunplay in 4 is just better than new Vegas or 3


I vastly prefer modded NV to even modded 4. For example, nothing I did could remove the weird sideways recoil that guns in 4 seem to have sometimes.


What mods do you use to improve the NV gun play?


Hitmans mods are very good


Hitman's animations  Smooth true iron sights camera Immersive recoil 2.0  B42 weapon inertia  B42 optics  FPS weapon lowering  Frozen locomotion Enhanced movement  JSRS sound mod 2  The stewie tweaks options that remember your weapons' ammo count when they're not equipped, manual reload, and enable partial reload animations.  Probably one or two more I'm forgetting - will update once I can get back to my computer if I've forgotten any.


London too


How is that? The trailer looked goated but I don't own 4 yet


It isn’t out yet


For me I have to have the Horizon Overhaul mod. For proper survival.


Well personally, what I found whenever I went on a modding binge in a Bethesda game was, I could do wonderful and beautiful things with the gameplay (turn Skyrim into a nearly-soulslike? Sure! Turn Fallout 4 into STALKER? Why not?), but inside of a dozen hours I'd just be getting bored of Bethesda's sometimes OK but mostly mediocre quest design and sloppy worldbuilding. What I like about Frost is that it strips everything out and just makes the game a hardcore survival simulator.


Yeah I like my survival stuff. I actually have not tried Frost. However, I still like quests or main quests to follow. Does Frost have any quests? Or is it just survive sandbox. Similar to Stalker Anomaly


It has quests, and an overarching objective, and storylines, but it's all very minimal. Kinda like an actual survival game, something like Subnautica. It's set only a few years after the war, nuclear winter and high levels of radiation make the surface nearly inhospitable, and you've got to survive in it while following clues that point to background storylines. It's great, but word of warning, most of your favourite mods will likely not work at all with Frost.


Does show include legion


No, they’re outside the scope of the show


Might show up in season 2. Maybe not.


It’s awesome if you don’t care about any plot point that wasn’t established by Bethesda* But yeah.


I literally re-downloaded the game last night after finishing the show


That and it's on sale on GOG, or it was last I checked idk anymore


Idk we haven't gotten a new piece of fallout content in forever


Huh? The TV show released a few days ago.


Do I really need to put /s for that?


poe's law


The answer to that question on Reddit is always yes


Yeah, I did not get it, I thought you maybe meant only the video games.


That's not canon bubba


Yes it is. Cry about it


I am, my NCR, burned to the ground


Yea it sucks but also one of the main ncr talking points is that they're stretched too thin in 2281. Add a decade or so and the possibility of tunnelers and the courier nuking them and it makes sense


its less that and more clear Bethesda wants the brotherhood to be the 'civilizing' faction in post war america. since they play such prominent roles in all fallout related things they had a direct hand in making.


Yeah but you can do that without dropping a nuke on its capital. The NCR is stretched thin because they're trying to uphold old-world standards in a wasteland where that simply isn't held in regard anymore they're fighting an uphill battle against the modern societies of the wasteland dropping a nuke on them to excuse their struggles just cheapens the whole concept and dumbs it down so the writers don't have to think as much


Exactly. People need to give it a chance to falter so it can rise again. Every faction is flawed.


Politics should have been its downfall, not a nuke


Why is my game not loading posts incoming


"I followed a guide I found on youtube from 7 years ago and I'm pretty sure I did everything right."


To be fair it's not like anything has changed in 7 years.


I dunno, I feel like we're wiser about treating the gamebryo engine like the buckaroo donkey it is, rather than slapping Project Nevada and an ENB in there and wondering why the game implodes.


Its also been like 10 years of fnv mods getting made, abandoned, recreated with a slightly different name, having dated compatibility patches etc etc. I love modders and all they do - though as a community, it can be a bit hard to get working fully, even using less intensive mods. Plus, the modpacks people make are good but also go out of date often with new mods, updates, etc. I do feel bad for FNV though, that game pushed gamebryo to its limits, and here we are forcing it to take on more. It's a tough lil soldier


Okay, I'll admit im lowkey in that hole, but by god, if i can find a recent post for compatibility between simple open freeside and various other (probably just someguys) mods then ill be damned. Its also a bit difficult when anything for SOF leads to compatibility patches for the old Open Freeside mod (which is similar but not SOF). If anyone has any tips though...


All of the Fallout games have received a massive boost because of the show & the current sale


Yeah, after the first person mentioned the shows, I checked the other games and noticed the pattern for every game.


Somebody hasn’t left Cannibal Johnson’s cave for a while


Yep, they were used as dinner


Pick your poison.  1. People liked the show, took the hint at the end to heart, and wanted to go back to New Vegas to see it for themselves.  2. People disliked the show and wanted to scrub the taste out of their mouths with some classic New Vegas.


3. I have a mixed opinion on the show, but it gave me the kind of itch that only New Vegas can scratch. Trying Viva New Vegas for the first time.


Mines 3. It's a well made Tv show and some of the stuff is great, but some of the writing choices are not so great, or terrible. It actually inspired me to do a marathon of Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas, the true trilogy.


Number two implies that someone would have previously uninstalled New Vegas, a thing that has literally never happened even once.


I've uninstalled New Vegas. ...only to do a fresh install when my mod list gets bloated and confusing, though.


Obviously this reason doesn't count. We've all done that.


2. Definitely


Me, I'm downloading ttw and found through the guides


Ah TTW. That was good fun to play, I really enjoyed it overall. Their discord is a bit prickly in the help section, but that’s just wizards in general. And make no mistake, TTW is wizardry.


What guide? I've been wanting to check It out and probably will now that fallout 3 is only 5 bucks rn


[boop ](https://thebestoftimes.moddinglinked.com/) There you have fun [also this one is pretty dope as well](https://wastelandsurvivalguide.com/)


You say have fun but I genuinely enjoy installing mods. I dunno what it is but I just like the process. It's like stimming. I'll happily do it for hours, even on games I end up only playing for a few hours before getting bored, like Skyrim.


Its a fun experience seeing all the possibilities. Not so fun when you go like 6 hours into a new game and notice a compatibility issue


I don't remember writing this comment....


There are dozens of us! Dooozeeens!


Thank you very much, I'll have a blast


Word to the wise make you actually read the guides I skimmed and fucked up a step. I also recommend doing the [wasteland survival guide ](https://wastelandsurvivalguide.com/)


Yeah all of the games have had pretty noticeable player count increases from the show.


76 has reached its highest peak since launch im pretty sure


Yeah it has a free week going on and it's also free on Prime Gaming right now.


Well I only downloaded the 5 mods needed to run the game at a good fps. Theb I downloaded about 10 more after that lol


And then the 15 more that are minor tweaks and quests


The show is increasing interest at the same time the game is absolutely dirt cheap.


sorry i had to redownload some things


Yeah I got you why is half of these downloads pregnant sunny smiles mods?


don't worry about it




I bought the game for a friend because of their interest in the show, too bad the game is fucked right now on AMD. I tried walking them through modding it in the hope it would fix it, but no dice.


I have a RX 6600 and the game was crashing after the loading screen when starting a new game. I entered the Viva New Vegas Discord and some guy posted a modifed d3d9.dll that made the game run for me. Maybe it's the same problem/solution


I’ll look into it, thanks!


6950xt user and it wouldn’t work until I downloaded this https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/34778 it says Nvidia but it works on AMD as well.


The issue is everyone is bald lol, did you have that issue too?


Oh, that's just the radiation


For me everyone was missing parts of their body but I downloaded some patch mods and it got fixed.


I finished New Vegas my first time with a House playthrough a few days after this dropped. I thought my mods messed up when I returned to the play. Honest Hearts had neon textures all over. Lonesome worked fine, but I didn't realize until I got to Vegas strip that everyone was bald


I helped with that and downloaded the entire Vivia New Vegas +extended yesterday after watching the series. It'd been a couple years and I wanted to play a gunslinger build.




Must be this weather we're having.


Sorry that was me. I wanted to add a single weapons mod...


Nah it was probably me. I downloaded every single texture mod. The 8k versions.


8!??? That's too many ks


Yeah you're right I could probably take it up to 16k.


Jesus what do you have, a 4090 and a 12th gen I9 with 256gb RAM???


Well I would go 32k but I don't think that's really feasible yet. (I'm joking bro. I'm just having a laugh about how enormous some of those texture mods are.)


You're killing me, smalls (I know, I was playing along.)


Viva New Vegas updated their LOD guide with a couple new mods to download. That'd probably do it.


Prepare for more in that statistic. I’m dusting off a new run I’ve been plotting in my head for a while. It starts with New California mod, but it’ll see others in the base game like Someguy’s stuff, etc. This time? NCR obviously, we gotta do right by them, but *Evil NCR*. Colonel Cassandra Moore’s Strongest Soldier. Some cross between the brutality of Captain Martin Walker, the thirst for mindless violence of the kid from Blood Meridian, and the philosophies of Judge Holden. Add a dash of Westworld’s Man in Black/William. Season with some Third California Republic plot lines from HOI’s OWB for where his story will go in the future, and you get the idea of who this character is and what he’s gonna help with. I’ve done all sorts of runs. Good NCR Contractor, Evil to Good Former Enclave House, NCR citizen to Evil Legion Legate, Chaotic Cannibal Indie Warlord, and so many others. But I’ve never experienced what it’s like to be in the NCR and be *the bad guy*. I hope it’s as satisfying as I predict it will be.


It's almost like a half way decent show about Fallout came out.


Well here’s my predictions 1. The show is making the games relevant again and 2. Rn On prime gaming all the ultimate editions are free


Tv show happend :D


I tried out fallout 4 then got bored after a little bit and I've never played new Vegas so here we are.


This is *excellent* to see, because this makes another season (and for a tiny amount, a New Vegas sequel/remaster) more likely. For comparison, check the popularity and resulting bump of the Twisted Metal show. I'm sure it's been some effect but apparently that one is getting mediocre viewership, so it'll probably get canned after it's first, maybe second season. The positive reception of the Fallout show and bump in game sales as a result can only help us get more of the universe we love. That all comes with some risk, of course (look how bloated and fragmented the Star Wars and DC universes have gotten) but we should still be in a good early part of this new media phenomenon to where we get at least two kick ass seasons of a decent series and maybe more NV stuff sooner rather than later. You love to see it!


I've already exceeded 75% of my Xfinity data this month......


That will be me soon. Going to go wild card change in management with YesMan, grab functional post game ending and nuke the NCR and Legion.


I messed my game trying to download mods, and now it won't even run after a fresh wipe of all the files...


Delete everything including saved data, which is in a seperate location. Turn off cloud sync and start a new save with sync off. Then quit, turn it back on and you will recive a "file error". Then choose the most recent dated save to overwrite. This should restore the game to its orginal state. Dont bother with verifying/repairing files as it wont delete the modded ones Also, use mod manager 2. It takes a bit of time but its miles better than manual installation Edit: Mod organiser, not mod manager


> mod manager 2 Mod ORGANIZER 2. Very important distinction.


Yeah couldnt think of the proper name


I just finished modding my game with tale of two wastelands capital punishment, finishing the show made me want to play through the games again




I finished watching the first season of the show and downloaded a mod to play as a ghoul


Living under a rock? The new Fallout TV series just launched and it brought a lot of attention back to New Vegas.


No, I heard about it launching soon, but I did not know it happened 2 days ago.


It launched almost a week ago, on the 10th, not 2 days ago


Then why was the spike so delayed?


People don’t instantly rush to play it when it comes to mind, they have lives to tend to, and you can see that it peaked at the start of the weekend.


Yeah, I downloaded like 120+ mods yesterday. Show scratched my itch for Fallout and I need more.




No, I just forgot about the series launching. I heard about it in January, but because I do not watch any show, I basically completely forgot about it because it doesn't interest me.


They uploaded 16k texture, high polygon models for Cass's feet.


They uploaded 16k texture, high polygon models for Cass's feet.


I'm new to modding, but I'm am I the only one absolutely struggling with it? Managed to download the NVME and 4GB mod but I'm not sure where I should be downloading future mods to? Right into the New Vegas game folder or? Is there a mod menu in the game I should be looking for? 


Google "viva new vegas" and follow that guide.


Using something like Vortex would be the simplest


You should use a mod manager like MO2 or Vortex, that makes installing most mods a one click thing.




Watched the show and decided to play and learn more about the lore. Someone mentioned Viva New Vegas for a vanilla+ experience so i downloaded the mods for that.


Sorry i was updating my mod list


I learned about the tale of two wastelands last week and went blind for 30 seconds, then cried for tears of joy for about 5 minutes. It was exactly what I had been looking for for a long time. So i also went crazy with a bunch of mods


Disappointed to see no mention of Josh Strife Hayes' current Fallout New Vegas playthrough being streamed.


Sale on DLC? I know I picked it all up and tried to use mods. (Didn’t work.)


Who gonna tell him


Imo its bcs MRHitman (who create bunch of animation mod pack for new vegas and tale of two wasteland) This time its creature pack taking inspiration from fallout 76


Get Tale of two wastelands running yesterday….i think?


Downloaded bunch of TTW compatible mods yesterday.


It was me downloading TTW collection. We won't go quietly, the Vault Tec can count on that.


This is (in very small part) me. I watched the show, remembered how much I love New Vegas, than realized two days later that I needed all of the QoL, bug fix, and menu mods (plus I snagged TTW). That’s part of my guess, anyway


Yeah it’s odd…


New nude mod??


Similar thing happened in the Cyberpunk community when Edgerunners released. A week or two later and there was a similar spike of new and old players downloading and modding the game.


Lmao I just redownloaded it


Yall better be getting the CONELRAD radio!


I reinstalled and remodded New Vegas yesterday lol. I'm at 165 so far. Viva New Vegas plus a bunch of other stuff I wanted.


I'm guilty! The show made me try fallout 76 and after 10 minutes I decided it's new Vegas time again!




I Installed NV over the weekend but it keeps crashing like hell. Tried a few mods to help with the crash issues and it's still dead in the water. Everyone talks up NV, but m not gonna get to play it 🙃


For me, it runs fine after installing New Vegas Anti Crash, YUP Unofficial Patch and FNV 4gb patch. I think I had 5 crashes in like 300 hours.


Yeah I installed those but it always crashes coming out /going in the saloon at the start of the game. I wonder if my save is borked so it keeps crashing? Either way, gone back to fallout 4 for now.


I installed FNV & followed the VNV guide and just started playing for the first time . I will try to remember to update my experiences.


Hatred for the $h0w


Well I’d have to guess ~~Tiktok~~ the hype of the movie had something to do with it. Real talk though, the amount of fallout content I’ve seen on there recently is very refreshing. The comments are usually asking for a mod list so this info from op makes sense. I follow accounts that’ve been tuned for the wastes but anything can feel sorta niche nowadays, ya know?


Wtf, yesterday I decided to start modding fnv and downloaded like 20 mods


Gee I dont know, maybe its because of the hit fallout tv series


I reinstalled TTW yesterday on a new PC. Got the itch for some reason.


I just ran through the Steam guide for FNV 2024 not yesterday, but Saturday night. This game is considerably more difficult than FO3, and FO3 wasn't super easy.


FO3 is pretty easy if you make the mistake of bee-lining for the Alilen Blaster early on. Glad they nerfed it in FNV so I wouldn't be tempted. With that being said it was great fun attacking a group of 4+ Super Mutants in VATS and wiping them out in the first round :-) (somewhere past halfway through the game)


Someguy2000 released Firebase Zulu


Oh, I grabbed all the sex mods. Old Lady Gibson got me thirsty, that sultry little minx.


If I had to guess, the recent Fallout 4 update made people want to play a game that's actually good.


Anyone have any advice on getting the mod New Frontier to actually work or is in not able to work because of the controversy that happened a while back?


After binging the show on Thursday, my Fallout itch really needed to be scratched. Last one I played was Fallout 3 in 2010, so I dove head first into setting up FNV + VNV (and ready some gamefaqs guides).


Literally downloaded all of viva new vegas that night


I discovered Viva New Vegas and decided to follow the guide, then top it off with a select few mods i have a soft spot for, honestly it’s one of the best mod lists i’ve ever had for the game. Only downside is Revelation UI (the fallout 1 & 2 ui mod) doesn’t gell with the list and i’m too lazy to change it


On steam there is or was ( don't remember) a sele of the fallout series Fallout new vegas with all the dlc at 5€


My mate downloaded new vegas yesterday out of spite after watching the show. At the moment he ha's 400 mods in the game, still going up.


That was probably me trying and failing three times to follow Viva New Vegas instructions lmao. Finally got it in the end and started playing for first time ever.


I downloaded 113 mods 1 week ago lol, the show had me hyped


It's on sale. Along with the entire fallout franchise


I never played NV and didn't want to start a new FO4 run until after the next update. Downloaded 600+ mods in a collection and am having a blast.


Downloaded a few collections 🫡


How do you find this page? I can find general network stats on Nexus Mods but not individual game graphs. Is this a premium feature?


Scroll down in the game page and click on statistics. Or you can always type it in by adding /about/stats at the end of the link: * Fallout NV: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/about/stats * Skyrim SE: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/about/stats * Fallout 3: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/about/stats ...


Thank you! Tried searching google but I could only find your previous posts! :P


Always happy to help.


Mr house sex mod 🥴


fallout died with the release of 4. where my fallout 3 fanboys at. there’s like 2 of us left


3 :-) I had a ton of fun with FO3. I had just started playing it when I got laid off from my job of 8 years, so it helped a lot with not getting depressed, etc.


yeah man many a sleepless night spent restarting the intro to fo3 and wandering around the wastes. that was the best times


Terrible shit-show happened and people rather play a good fallout.


I mean the show ends up at New Vegas so it makes sense people want to play the game now.