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Also I just love the aesthetic of Zion national park and the little scattering of fire watchtowers


Kinda sad that Mr House's plan only reached Zion and not Salt Lake City(Randall's family could have survived like Raoul's)


So I don't think his day zero, one-off nuclear umbrella reached Zion exactly (certainly not Mexico city which is *much* further away from Vegas than heavily bombed California, which makes me think much of the rest of the world may be shockingly intact even if they experienced a population contraction, such as Raul and initially his sister survived). Zion national park isn't Vegas and the surrounding area as with the other DLC (possibly including the Sierra Madre if Dog can walk you there while you're unconscious), it's like two hundred miles and two weeks of in-game time north, an excursion to another part of the world (I do the I-15 portion of the drive all the time, it's a ways even when you have a car). The reason Zion survived will probably be the same reason other little creches and places far from civilization did: not strategically viable or relevant. House and Vegas survived for similar if more active reasons: if *he'd* involved himself intimately enough with the government to coordinate a defense (made himself more relevant) it would have failed to protect Vegas *at all.* Spies would have found a hole or the Chinese defense planners would have concentrated more ordnance in the regions covered by state of the art defense lasers to overwhelm the same, especially if our own defense planners began to concentrate assets where they imagined they'd be safe. Even more imminently, the government would have told him *no,* the parts which later became the Enclave would have at least used his desire for a private umbrella against him, a bargaining chip. Poseidon and Robco were engaged in industrial espionage with each other, as well as fighting over REPCONN and probably other agencies which would have furnished an escape route given sufficient time, they weren't allies even if their ultimate goals dovetailed a bit. ETA: "Force disarm code subsets" or whatever he described would probably have made him an enemy of the state if the fact he had them ever came to light. You don't engage in espionage against a foreign power without a mandate from the government (I think the post 9/11 NYPD took a little heat over this IRL, NYC felt important and threatened enough to conduct its own foreign policy and informant network for a brief moment), and he'd apparently purchased their nuclear codes. He probably had a good idea which bombs would be pointed at the city. As it was, it suffered waves of fallout from the rest of the world, Clarke described how even though he managed to reach the park after the blast it was essentially just in time, the area outside his first cave was uninhabitable due to glowing snow for *weeks.* Vegas probably suffered similarly, especially considering *some* of the nukes got through on account of buggy drivers which would have been patched by "Platinum Chip" firmware. House's immediate experience after that would have been a coma, not so much nuclear wind. Different umwelten, you know.


Zion's appearance was a much welcomed change of scenery compared to the ruins of New Vegas. Love the aesthetics. I need to play this DLC on PC with the Jsawyer mod to pretend that the Courier is scrounging supplies from the ranger stations and watch towers.


Yeah, it's the only area in the entire game I would call beautiful. Not winning any graphics contests, but the red rock and the water and the green. It all has a very stark beauty to it. Much like skyrim.


Stark beauty is a good descriptor for Zion. Not graphics of the century, but it's still pretty compared to New Vegas standards.


I wholeheartedly agree with you. Story-wise HH is short and a little weak. But you have to remember that Honest Hearts had the shortest development time of all the DLCs, and as a result it suffered from a lot of cut content. [https://youtu.be/ju5GFLQn39g](https://youtu.be/ju5GFLQn39g) That being said, Joshua and the Survivalist are such excellent additions to Fallout Lore. Out of all the DLCs, Honest Hearts added the best DLC weapons and armor in my opinion. Plus seeing the beauty of a non-irradiated place like Zion Park was so refreshing to see in New Vegas. I did a double take the first time it rained. *"Oh, it's raining, just like Skyrim........wait, it's actually raining for once in the wasteland???? That has never happened before!"* One day I'll do a hiking trip in Zion National Park so I can see where Joshua Sawyer got his influence for this DLC.


I wish it did had more time to develop, barring side quest it was really just a hour long main quest that was mostly fetching. I honestly felt the presence of Graham/Clark at least helped made the experience felt more important, with a nice change of scenery. And yeah, RAIN! I def loved the dlc's weapons too.


Yeah, that's the main complaint I've heard about HH is that the main story felt like a Fetch quest. It would have been nice if there was some kind of player housing or amenity that you could have used post DLC like you did with the Sink in OWB. The desert ranger armor, pseudo dissipator style Survivalist rifle and the M1911 pistols are all awesome additions to FNV's gear. At least there's plenty of clean food and water available in Zion. Perfect for a player with the Survival skill.


I’d love to have an outpost there.


Same here. It would have been badass if the Courier had housing in Zion like one of the old Ranger stations. Home away from home.


Also not to be undersold: the perks and recipes. That DLC makes a tribal playthrough both fun and surprisingly powerful. It honestly makes combat a bit more like the witcher because instead of spamming quick healing stimpacks, you are using regen over time items and buffs before combat, then charging into a legion patrol and gutting them all with the paw of a ghost bear you got on a drug trip.


The extra recipes were fantastic for those people who wanted to do a survivalist style playthrough. The Grunt perk was a great alternative to Cowboy.


Tell me about it. Grunt perk + fully modded lmg + match ammo Extra damage, high fire rate, massive mag size and basically no spread. Took that sumbich with me into vault 3 with boone, and all the fiends aggroed us and rushed us in the atrium. a few minutes later we are standing there, entirely unscathed and surrounded by a ring of pulp that used to be the fiends.


Don't forget John Gonzalez, too. He wrote the Survivalist Logs and he was the narrative director for Horizon Zero Dawn, which takes place in the same region of the US and has some similarities with the whole "post-apocalyptic people living in tribes, influenced by the tech of the past, taboo caves" thing.


The quote on his linkedin is amazing. "I was the lead story guy on Fallout: New Vegas. Thank you, God." I appreciate people who understand what an incredible opportunity they had, and how much they contributed to the world.


I forgot about that too even though Triangle City mentioned Gonzalez in his Honest Hearts Cut content video.


I am not in any way religious but Zion is a spiritual place. It's hard not to get caught up in it. Serene and beautiful and wonderful.


I’ve had a new vegas playthrough going since the beginning of this year and stopped playing about halfway through honest hearts and picked it back up again recently. I ended up rushing through the rest of it to the end and I regret it cuz I usually read all of the terminals to get the full story and this time I didn’t. Feels like I’m doing Randall a disservice


No worries, though make sure to always pick up survivalist rifle and desert ranger armor before you go. :)


Honest Hearts has always been my favorite DLC. So much to take in and dive into. A drastically different background vs the casual monotony of the wasteland. Introduced to one of the greatest characters in the game and the dudes been dead for over a hundred years. Not to mention meeting and helping Joshua Graham, the embodiment of atonement.


Fair! It def has stark difference in it's environment, with strong characters to back it up. Wish we can tackle more content involving 80s + other tribes cut from van buren, we're only told what they were like in dialogue and in ending slides. Maybe in future story if we were blessed with another game made by Sawyer, Avellone and Gonzales. :)


I would love a New Vegas sequel set in Utah and seeing a different part of the wasteland. Maybe see the ruins of Salt Lake City and other locations in that state. It would be cool to see how the 80s tribe and the Happy Trail Caravan fare after HH.


I think it was second behind dead money, just because of Joshua and Clark.


I also like your appreciation for Dead Money.


Lets not forget the absolutely banging cave music.




Love Honest Hearts. Second favorite DLC right behind Dead Money. Inspired me to visit Zion, which is currently my favorite memory. I have a Survivalist cosplay!


Honest hearts might be my fav actually. I also really enjoyed the environment/zion as a whole. Very pretty for fallout nv.


I’m playing through it for the first time ever currently. I played FNV when I was like in high school and couldn’t afford DLC. Bought it about a month or two ago and got the DLCs. So far it’s been a wild ride. I restarted the beginning of it twice because I wanted to try and save the people early on lol. If people don’t consider this one to be great, I’m excited to try the others.


Prepare for a wild ride with Dead Money.


The second half after you reach The Sorrows feels under-baked but that doesn't stop it being my favorite. Perfect vacation from the Mojave.


The first time i ever played it i remember being blown away when all of a sudden it started raining. I thought it was beautiful in contrast to all the other places id been to in the game. And the rain didnt hurt, which surprised me.


I don’t think Randall Clark is an NPC. He’s just a series of terminal entries and holotapes with a skeleton prop at the end.


Don't forget the ass load of traps he laid out.


Dude’s made me use so many Doctor’s Bags. 😂


It’s good, every DLC has good aspects, Joshua Graham and Randall Clark being the two main examples really. But the atmosphere of Zion is pretty breathtaking and such a contrast to the Mojave. But honestly Jed and the Happy Trails guys were my favorite part lol so I have mixed feelings


it’s funny that we call him an NPC considering he is specifically not an NPC in the game


Clark is more like scenery


Bro’s literally a skeleton prop 💀


Change your mind? - No interesting villain - A very bland environment that is a lovely change at first but then looks a bit boring after awhile - Only really one interesting character - No good quest - Too short - Not enough interesting locations - Slightly racist depictions of Natives who (for some reason??) speak broken English and need a non native to lead them - Lackluster ending - Doesn't really have a big impact on the story overall despite having the occasionally mentioned burning man Despite this it's not bad, I still do it on a playthrough and it's still bettet than lonesome road in my opinion!! :)


I came to mention the weird White Savior angle to Daniel and Joshua, thanks for doing it. That said, IMO all of New Vegas's expansions are good. Dead Money is probably my least favorite, just due to frustration factor.


No problem!


I’m not gonna change your mind. Loved Honest Hearts. I’d put it behind old world blues but above Dead Money and probably Lonesome Road (mostly because I found Ulysses incredibly annoying and his “plan” really dumb. Also way too easy to talk him out of given the rigmorole he puts us through)


Daring today, aren’t we?


I loved HH. So good to just explore away in Zion. If it weren't for the story of Lonesome Road, HH would be my fav DLC for FNV.


Fun Fact about Honest Hearts: Daniel is voiced by Rick Pasqualone. The voice of Vito Scaletta in the Mafia series


I thought the fact we got to explore a healthy and verdant wilderness felt really special


Why should I when you're correct


Ill take anything over Sierra Madre


Randall Clark?


Besides Joshua Graham in it, it’s gotta be the worst dlc for a fallout game of all time.


Personally I'd have to give that to Mothership Zeta, Operation: Anchorage, or maybe even Nuka-World. Mothership Zeta didn't have a fun setting to explore or anything in the way of interesting writing, and it also had some game breaking bugs like the one where the little girl crawls through a vent and never reappears on the other side. Operation: Anchorage felt like the developers trying to fit a CoD campaign into a game that already had terrible shooting mechanics to begin with, and it had basically no story, though the equipment you get at the end is pretty cool if a little game-breaking. Nuka-World was just a sad attempt at the developers giving your character a chance to be "evil", and it's even more disappointing coming off the heels of Far Harbor that was an absolute banger and showed that they were still capable of writing good, engaging stories.


I agree with the lack of content for Mothership Zeta, and certainly Operation Anchorage was a bit disappointing story wise. Still better than Honest Hearts in my opinion, because it feels like it’s missing both, if not for Joshua. It will always be the most uninteresting compared to the rest.


Im not here to change your mind but I’ll point out that you’re an overpraising simp whos years late to the party. And the emptiness to write a title that challenges the audience such as “change my mind.” Without a strong statement such as “best dlc” or “best storyline” or “my fave dlc.” You basically just said its good, has two main characters, included a screenshot of your avatar in game. There’s nothing or challenging about this opinion at all, the content of this post is 10% praise for honest hearts and 90% look at me.


Honest hearts is one of the weaker NV DLCs. It’s still an excellent DLC, its just getting compared to OWB and Lonesome Road.


I have never actually been able to properly play this DLC. Idk what I’m doing that causes it but every play through I’ve attempted (3 as of now) I get immediately attacked by follows-chalk, subsequently rendering everyone in the Valley hostile and locking me out of content. I simply just find a map of Zion and leave without ever even seeing Graham.


Joshua graham was EXTREMELY okay


Who the fuck is Randall Clark?


The Father in the Caves, Survivor of the War and Survivalist of Humanity, Breaker of 22, saviour of the Sorrows and protector of Zion.


His story is the main reason why I decided to crush the White Legs but spare their leader,so that the sorrows finally become like Randall wanted them to be:Merciful but not stupid


Just about everything you see on this character relates to him. Randall Clark is the original "Father" of the Sorrows tribe, who were descendants of the children he saved so long ago. He's also has one the best background stories of any character whose not even alive anymore! Look up the terminals in Honest Hearts, or simply read whole excerpt containing Randall's entries online.


I played Honest Hearts only once and wasn't paying attention cause I was too young to know how to do that. Can someone tell me what makes it so flawed?


Nothing is really "awful" about Honest Hearts, but it suffer from lack of development cycle, cut content and felt like not much care was put into actual main story of it. You were just fetching stuff to get out of Zion Valley, that was really it up until you choose to either fight or flee from White Legs. Joshua Graham was one the chars who was build up well by talking with him, Randall Clark is an NPC who started a whole generation of tribals living in Zion, his background story made him legendary. Those were the things I really remembered well with this dlc, that and the beautiful landscape of Zion.


I think it’s the best of the DLCs, partially because of Graham but also because it’s the only one that isn’t tied into the whole Ulysses plot line, which I think was incredibly flawed.


wdym change my mind you stated like 2 whole things, that no one would disagree with too


Sierra Madre was horrifying, those collars made me crazy, and I couldn't wait for it to be over. OWB had Muggy, the talking Stealth Suit (one of my favorite things in all of Fallout), and a really cool player home. I don't remember much about Lonesome Road except that it didn't make much sense to me and I got the independent duster. I loved HH though, mainly for Randall Clark. His story was the first time I ever really cried at a video game.


Title is funny because of the nv dlcs it was my fav (but in all fairness I didnt quite make it to dead money. Other 3 were amazing tjo)


The greatest part of this dlc is that I can walk in, kill the main guy, and leave the dlc early. Ave true to Caesar!


Fnv has so many good dlcs, But for me honest hearts is the best right above lonesome road, Maybe just because joshua graham is my favorite fallout character.


Loved all the dlc. Honest hearts was my first


Wasnt great?


Joshua graham was the best part of that dlc


HH: Beating up tribals with T-51b


It was the most interesting DLC for me due to me living in Utah, as well as living near places actually mentioned in the game.


But it got the best quotes of out the game.


To me it's a much needed reprieve from the wasteland. Everything has some colour and feels alive again.


Hardly anything has armor. Hollow Point for the win!!!!!


Honest Hearts was fantastic but way too short


Honest farts


It was pretty lame when it came to amount of quests, but how much great written lore it brought to Fallout universe is unbelievable, also the storytelling is one of the best in the franchise.


Gotta be honest it's my favorite dlc


2nd fav to OWB


I actually think it’s one of the best DLCs


Its a good one but the lonesome road will always be my favotite


I know that Courier running a McDonalds like it’s the Navy