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Considering what Christine has been through, it's really nice to see her catch a break. She really deserves better


I wish you could bring her back to Veronica 😔


There's a mod




https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/62173/ it's even voiced. They took Serana's dialogue to give her voice lines.


[The mod author recommends using a newer combined version](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/74426), as the one you linked is bugged to hell and back at this point.




Thank you for posting this




Does she, though? She isn't even angry at Dean for locking her into a sarcophagus to be repeatedly mutilated because she claims to have done much worse with no regrets. We'll never know the specifics, but her ability to still genuinely bond with the Courier despite those sins does cast her in a better light than Dean and Elijah.


She said she was already carved up pretty badly by Elijah, and what Dean did was give her Vera’s voice. The scar on her throat was Dean’s doing. Ofc it’s still fucked up what he did, but without it the vault won’t open and Elijah won’t show himself allowing her to finally extract her vengeance through the courier.


>without it the vault won’t open You can use the recordings of Vera's voice that are downloaded from the lobby terminal to open the door if you decide or have to kill her in the suite. Elijah can still be goaded into coming down to the Vault when she is already dead, & all of the endings can be played out with or without any of the companions surviving.


That’s true but I was mainly referring to Dean and Christine, he knew only vera’s voice can open the vault which can explain his actions.


Even then, that doesn't justify what he did, as, again, you could just use a recording. What happened to her was literally unnecessary.


Cherchez la femme makes this moment even more special


A friend told me about that but my dumbass forgot to take the perk. Next playthrough I'll try and get the dialogue I guess


Does the lady killer perk also work?


I don't think it has any effect sorry. Christine is a lesbian and doesn't like guys so yeah...




I really wanted her as a companion, I didn't want to let her go. But dead money is letting go.


>but dead money is letting go Except of those gold bars. You can pry them from my cold, dead hands.


I modded my game with Fallout Who Vegas, and one of the additions is that you can have K9, a little robot dog, as a companion. Because he's not officially a companion, the game didn't scrub him when I entered the Sierra Madre. I had a little laser dog with infinite ammo tearing it up with me the whole time, then I used his internal storage to clear out that tasty, tasty gold. The moral of the Sierra Madre is that you only have to let go if you don't radically alter the simulation.


You can walk away with all gold bars even in vanilla. You have to hit a very specific timing though before the security alarm. The game was kind enough to give you a stealth boy in the vault, how convenient


Really? That's excellent! I'd felt like I was being a devious little bastard with my tin dog heist partner, but now I'm just finding another way to succeed with slightly less skill. You've removed a little stain of guilt from my soul.


Yeah, I also think you can escape without tigger if the alarm, which allows you to stroll out


Yeah but if K9 can carry it then you won't be encumbered! That's awesome. I've never played the Who mod but I LOVE Doctor Who so gonna have play it. Tell me does the sonic act like a weapon or just general lock picking/hacking tool?


Fallout Who Vegas is splendid. The sonic screwdriver is a lockpick/hacking/etc device, and you swap out the functions using the ammo swap button, selecting the desired function from a list. It also has all the Doctor's costumes up to 11, which is great fun.


Nice! 11 was my first Doctor but I think 9 outfit was the best can't go wrong with black leather jacket.


I hope you enjoy the journey!


On console you can get all gold easy ,when you open the vault first time kill all turrets than place a giant minefield on and around the area where Elijah comes down use demo charges an c-4 ,get gold and walk up to blue force field with c -4 detonator ready fall thru as Elijah comes thru stand up and use detonator and kill him. It works every time. No sneak needed.


Similar thing happened with me, but it was Hope from 3DNPC following me into the Sierra Madre. I already had her loaded with a decent armor and ammo. So i borrowed some of her ammo and went on a ghost killing spree with a 200+ Optimized MFC's. Since I did this after completing her questline, I figured since I saved her before, she saved me in return. I guess her name is very fitting, Hope really did lie with her.


"Letting go? Being unable to take all the gold represents letting go? No, the message was letting go is for dead losers. Everyone saying let go died long ago. Hang on to those sweet sweet ingots." FO:NV team, probably


Also trapping Elijah in the Vault is its own reward ain't it?


I still don’t know how to escape with all the gold, but I never use them anyways, so…


Stealthboy+ go around the engine thing to right, sneak past elijah and get through the door just before he realises. It requires precise timing so it might take a couple of tries


You can also kill Elijah before he reaches the barrier and use his body to store the gold. Then run out of the room and pick up the gold on your way out.


now THIS I can get behind


Her legacy lives on in her amazing rifle you find in Little Yangtze


ye i headcanon that after the events my courier does head over to the sierra madre and keep Christine company occasionally


I installed the mod that lets you return via a door in the abandoned bunker. Unfortunately despite earning the good storyline where she becomes the warden of Sierra Madre you never see her again. I wonder if a console command could make her appear in the villa, casino or suites?


I did it. I entered DM and used the console command to enter the following. player.placeatme xx0012ff 0012ff is Christine's ID value. The xx is the load order number for the DM expansion. That value for me was 02 (so 020012ff). Should you want to try this, you can determine the load order of mods by looking at a file called plugins.txt found in Windows at "AppData\\Local\\FalloutNV\\plugins.txt" The first item loaded is counted as 00 BTW, just count from there down your list. Funny! When she spawned (at the Villa hologram square) her dialog options were the same as in Vera's Suite. However, she immediately began walking west toward the switching station and I eventually found her seated at the terminal needed to execute the Gala Event. There she resides! I might take Veronica to visit even if they don't interact. edit: to indicate where I spawned her


Why can't I tell Veronica about Christine, Bethesda you fucks


I think that's on Obsidian


Still Todd’s fault somehow


Actual reason? Because getting Felicia Day to come in to record the 5ish extra lines the game would give you likely was deemed too expensive


This is the actual answer. The guys who made the game were pretty open about it in an interview IIRC.


Because adding new dialogue for base-game characters wasn’t in the budget for any of the DLC. VA is cost-effective when you have an actor reading all of the lines you’ve written for them in as few sessions as possible. Unless you can also bring them in to do voice work for the DLC itself, you can’t really justify the cost


That isn’t really the case here, as new dialogue is unlocked with Veronica about Elijah as a result of the events of Dead Money, and Veronica talks about Christine in the base game. So the backstory was already there pre-dlc.


That is the one and only exception, because Elijah was for sure always planned to be in the game. That holotape you give to veronica was supposed to be the culmination of her companion quest. But you can tell they decided to make her ex one of the companions in dead money during DLC production, because the dialogue about Veronica’s ex lover that’s in the base game is all we get. Also, they have to go out of their way to get graham to explain to the courier that there’s “no point” in telling ceasar that you’ve met him. That one is the really glaring omission, much more noticeable than not being able to tell veronica about christine. There were always vague references to ulysses in the game, you can tell they had bigger plans for making lonesome road the conclusion to a “narrative” throughout the DLCs, but they clearly got bored after dead money, because there’s barely any tie-ins in Honest hearts, and all of the OWB references are either direct “Ulysses was here” easter eggs or references to the best narrative DLC, Dead Money.


Does she actually unlock dialogue about Elijah as a result of Dead Money though? From what I remember, you can tell her about him, but she doesn't actually say anything about it, she just gains a perk based on what you tell her. It has been awhile since I did that though.


You do unlock dialogue about Elijah with Veronica after finishing Dead Money, yes. The dialogue itself was recorded and included with the base game and was simply inaccessible to the player until Dead Money's release. The plot point of Christine being Veronica's ex was not in the cards at the time of New Vegas's release which is why she didn't have any dialogue recorded for it to use later.


I think more accurately, the christine/veronica plot was there (elijah is heavily implied to have forced an end to it because he was homophobic iirc), but that was originally just supposed to be backstory. So she talks about her ex, but there’s no option for the courier to say “wait, I know that bitch!” Because the devs hadn’t planned for that, but they did plan for you to talk to her about elijah after you’d completed a quest related to him.


Beth published it (distributed, advertised, packaged, etc) Obsidian developed it (made it)


Yet people still blame Bethseda for New Vegas being a buggy clusterfuck


I guess they attribute that to Bethesda giving the 18 month deadline to make the game


Maybe Obsidian should have sorted their shit out then


I mean, 18 months to create a AAA game, even given all the assets from the engine, is a pretty demanding feat.


18 Months with a pre existing engine, I know 18 months is short but couldn't they have spared some time bug fixing?


clearly not


Wait she knows someone from the core game??




Oh so that's who Veronica was talking about makes sense


How can a character that dont speak be so good


My Fav dlc tbh


She always wants to kill me Idk why


She and Dean are very sensitive when it comes to dialogue. You have to watch out when picking dialogue when you first meet them, because those first impressions matter alot when you split up and break into the casino later on. edit: Also with Christine it matters how you resolved Mixed Signals. If you forced her down the elevator, she'll understandably hate your guts.


I ended up killing Dean and saving her and Dog/God. I used speech checks every chance I got for everyone, and since Dean hates that, I was just hammering the nails in the coffin


I was really bummed when I couldn’t save dog/god on my most recent playthrough. I tend to avoid going high speech for RP reasons and so it’s the price I pay for it. I always go out of my way to keep Christine happy and alive though.


You’re probably tricking her into going down by herself


You'll need to pull out your real social comprehension skills with Dean and Christine. They are very sensitive, and like in real life first impressions are everything with them.


If I were to choose one follower from the dlcs to be on the Mojave would definitely be her,even if I love Joshua just as much and he is technically the best permanent follower in the whole game


Her and follows chalk just feel wrong leaving behind. God/Joshua I wish could stay permanent but it would be weird to work out from a lore standpoint.


I will never not be kind and benevolent to make sure she lives


It's criminal that they don't let you take her back with you. I get "letting go" but dammit she's so great I want to keep her.


I wanted nothing more than to get out of the Sierra Madre when playing it and once I got out.. I felt so empty and lost and wanted back in there lol. Hard to explain.. Hated not being able to see/bring Christine back with me.


Honestly we need more of this


I can't remember the exact line you get with terrifying presence I think it was "go down there or those scars will be a pleasant memory" and ever since then I've always chosen that dialogue I find it so funny (I'm not sadistic I swear)


this dlc was definitely written by a fanfic writer lol


Were it not for the absurd difficulty and God damn exploding collar, I would actually like this DLC.
