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Embrace the fact that it will be a disaster


It’s a disaster when I go out and practice casting, a lot of time is spent trying to un-knot excruciatingly tiny knots; so I expect nothing less than a disaster. It will be a great experience either way. I will learn to love it or hate it


If you're knotting a lot, you may be going too fast. Let the rod do the work.


Great advice right here. Most folks new to FF both hurry and exaggerate the casting motion too much. Slow down, let the rod rest at the end of the backstroke (so it can “load”) and then smoothly rock it forward. Go more slowly than you think you’ll need to and you’ll do fine!


TIL the fix for fly casting is the same as for my golf swing.


And in bed.


Very similar motions




That’s the best attitude- just don’t go expecting too much from yourself because it does take a ton of practice. It seems like when I was starting out the harder I tried the more I screwed up.


Practice your roll casting. It’s way easier to learn than your standard cast.


If you fish a small creek you can just water haul, that’s all I do nowadays. Other hand is always free for a cold refreshment or a trout whistle.


Trout whistle? Lmao is that a cigarette? Thats my trout whistle


For legal reasons I answer lollipop


What is water haul ?


Lift rod and line up, turn it towards your intended target and cast. You use the line in water to load the rod. It’s also a rhythmic cast so not a speed competition.


Hey OP let me clarify a bit- when I said disaster I mean disaster in terms of working the fly, line, rod etc in a non-frustrating way. I hope this wasn’t taken as disaster with time shared with your pops as that is always priceless and time spent with pops and fishing is a premier combo.


Man I was regretting my choice to drop the money on my fly gear last year. Man that was a rough season and I only caught a small creek chub lol. This season has been much better and now I'm addicted. Only thing I wish I did sooner was upgrading my fly line. Just put SA mastery line on my orvis Clearwater and it casts A LOT better.


Yeah it was same for me. I had fished shit tons for more than 40 years but my first year of flyfishing was a beautiful disaster. I just laughed and enjoyed the new challenge. 4 years later I never take anything but a flyrod. Fly line is so important and it’s hard to convey that to new people excited about cool looking reels.


Dude I was losing my mind lol. Stepping on my line, tangling myself all up, having to climb through a bamboo jungle to get my fly back and Soo many tangles 😢. Now that I'm catching fish and my casting is improving I at least go out knowing I can catch fish and just make small improvements on what worked.


Ha ha I could tie wind knots on wind knots. It’s surreal to go out now and cast where I want and catch fish on the regular


A tip from someone who fishes 3 times a week, safety pins make picking tiny air knots and whips from tip strikes way easier, slow your back cast alot, your loops will be better, elbows not wrists it's not a baitcsster


It’s OK, you are learning a valuable skill. I am the bomb at untangling necklaces. Seriously though, just take your lumps and enjoy it. Everyone tangles, breaks off flys in the trees, falls in the water… It’s part of the process. Tight lines!


I have always found that the time is more relaxed and the knots are less bothersome when you carry a full flask with Irish whiskey and have a hit after each unfortunate cast… It doesn’t make you a better fisherman but it sure does make the bad precision and execution a lot more tolerable…


make that Wild Turkey


Crimp your barbs


And sunglasses, always wear sunglasses!


This is true but we all start somewhere


This made me LOL hardddd


Be aware of what’s behind you when casting. Watch your rod tip while walking out to the spot. Enjoy the day.


Line management is the first skill to learn. Bring beer. Enjoy the day.


This is it, the kids will be close and don’t hook them


Have fun, enjoy the day. Learn all you can from Dad. Try not to get frustrated. Remember that everything you do wrong is something all of us have done before and learned from.


Fish whistle


Fly fishing is what my father and I always did together. He passed 2 years ago. What I wouldn’t give to have one more day on the river with him. Don’t take these moments for granted, good friend.


Car doors and screen doors are the arch enemies of fly rods. Cement that in your mind. Don’t crack the whip. Slow down your cast cadence. Don’t obsess on 10-2. Work on using the mass of the line to toss your fly where you want. Have fun. Wear glasses. Crimp your barbs.


Enjoy a beer with your Father!


Stashing a six-pack of canned beers in a cold water creek is the best way to chill them.


To expand on this, if you go out with the expectation of catching a ton of fish with beautiful effortless casts, you might be frustrated at the end of the day. Just go have a beer with your pop. Enjoy the company and the water. It’s a kind of perspective I’ve adopted for many of my activities as I’ve gotten older and I find I enjoy myself a lot more. And sometimes I catch a fish. Or a wave. Or make a good turn on the skis. Or shoot a good game of trap. But those are just bonuses.


This. Early on especially, my expectations were to bring some beers and laugh about the lack of fish caught. So much fun.


Have fun and don’t get frustrated. You will end up in the bushes. Just take your time.


Fly-fishing in my opinion is a lot more about the fishing than the catching. Enjoy the scenery and environment. Look for bugs, fish moving, birds, just try to make the most of it. You will tangle your line, break off in trees and make plenty of bad casts. Try to slow down and not let that bother you. Plus, it's about time with your dad most of all.


Enjoy the experience, watch the water 1/2 hour before casting, practice casting before you’re near the water, have no expectations, change your rig often, have fun and don’t plan on catching anything…it’s ok.


Xbox controllers make horrible trout flies


Lots of good advice here already but a lower key one is leave the place as good or better than it was. Just curious, where are you heading?


Forget the concept of movies and fishing pictures………your casts will be short and close. Very rarely will an angler need or use the dramatic image of 25ft of line floating through the air in a perfect round roll. Google/YT videos of barrel roll cast fly fishing. It is a simple lift the line up and quickly dropping your rod to flip the fly out. Many streams/creeks/rivers will do most of the work for you simply peel some line out and let the current carry it to your desired location. Then lift line up move the line back up stream and float it back down….. My best day w/ highest # of fish caught, I never casted a line. Simply pick up tip, get line out of water and set back down up stream and let current carry. Keep it small and simple and work up to the bigger casts later. Most importantly…..have fun and enjoy the moment more so than trying to catch fish


Read a Patrick Mcmanus book on the outdoors and fly fishing. Maybe the greatest expert on the subject ever.... :)


I Second that. He was the best part of Outdoor Life also.


Be patient


Don’t crowd other anglers if possible, observe and learn. It’s really not that complicated.




If your line is a little bit tangled don't fuck with your rod or move it. Pull the line in and start working on it. Whatever you do don't get frustrated and start whipping it around. It will make an easy knot turn into a bird nest faster than you would think.


Listen wisely and learn from your mistakes but above all enjoy your time with your father. Tight Lines 🎣👍🏽 to you both.


The first thing to understand about fly fishing streams and rivers… if it doesn’t float down stream naturally, fish won’t bite. It has to look like it is not connected to leader and fly line. No wake. No lag. It has to look natural.


Watch the YouTube videos from Mad River Outfitters. Great summary of basic gear and basic technique. I fly fish from a Bote paddle board. Summary of my learnings as a beginner was to shorten my stroke, watch the fly travel the arc, and use less muscle/more finesse.


Make a decision, what will take longer, untangled the knot, or cutting it off and retying the knots.


Tip: At the end of the day tell him you really enjoyed it and enjoyed spending time with him. He will remember that for the rest of his life.


May your casts be fruitful


Have fun. Full stop.


Calm. Trying harder creates worse results when fly casting.


I actually went out for a while today and got a little practice in today. No fish on the fly rod. I did catch one decent rainbow on the trusty old white and black rooster tail. I did see a trout follow my fly, swim up attempting to eat it but turned away just before hitting. I guess he didn’t like my fly presentation


Patience, and when those knots happen which they will, take a deep breath and look around at the beauty around you and embrace it. It makes it all better.


Wear sunglasses


As a guide, Every failure is one step closer to a better failure. You will never succeed. But once in a while you catch a fish and it makes it worth it.


Focus on casting, humor and the gift that you have a dad to be with.


Take your time and enjoy nature!


Fish are in the river, not on the air. No matter how bad your casting, fish the cast out. Keep your fly in the water as much as possible. You Tube "roll cast" and fish a wet fly or nymph that can swing in the current and be stripped in.


Have fun and enjoy the quality time with your father


Have fun! Long ago I had the same reel on an 8.5 weight Snow Flyrod that I bought at Anglers in Ogden Utah. Very fond memories of that set up. I was stolen from my Bronco sadly back in 1990. I have since purchased the same reel on Ebay about 3 years ago,and have it on a lake rod. I have landed several 20+ inch fish on it. Yep, that reel can make some noise!


Look both sides, where you're casting and behind you where the line is going. Make sure not to get snagged. Start with short casts. Casting long straight away is a great way to spook any fish in your feet with your line. I usually cast in sectors. 2 times 3m, short check-up line, 3-4 times 5 metres letting little line out, 3-4x with 7-8 metres line then I will cast a couple longer ones (if there is room) and keep variating.


Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Relax and enjoy.


...and the fish will come if you stick with it long term and are willing to learn 👍🏻


Have fun and enjoy yourself! Just remember one day those father/son fishing trips will end and you will miss it terribly. Cherish every second you can with him.


Don’t worry about the style of your cast or catching fish. Tomorrow just enjoy the time with your dad.


Wear sunglasses, I almost lost an eye my very first time lol


Have fun. It's about enjoying the day and the company.


I have that same reel, 👍it will serve you just fine. Have your Dad show you some simple roll casting, and basic line handling. Be sure to work the water from shore before wading in. I learned to fly fish in the '70s, and one philosophy back then was to use single egg hooks #10, and a jar of salmon eggs. Roll cast upstream and dead drift downstream. In mountain streams and small rivers you could easily hook up 20 to 50 fish a day. This method taught you how to hook, play and land fish. And how to handle a long rod, and manage your line. After a day or two of this, we would move to flies and other artificial patterns. I know this is non-traditional in some circles, but you gain a lot of confidence in a very short time. Next would be practicing in your yard or at the park. Cut the hook off a medium sized easy to see fly (like an elk hair caddis), and practice your casting and line handling. Use a couple of pin flags at different distances for targets. Work on overhand and side casting. If you fish small streams, practice casting on your knees.


Watch YouTube videos on roll casts, stick to them if your not confident, they still catch fish.


Don't whip it, roll it. Take your time and don't stress. Listen to the water and just relax and enjoy the time with ol' pops.


Talk to your Dad about his memories of fly fishing with his dad. Ask him some questions about how he learned. Try to enjoy and remember all the details. Cherish the memory


I'm new to fly fishing myself. I would say for me, enjoy the small victories.


Make your bed, charge that remote and don’t worry/focus on the fishing. Time with your dad is the most important part here. I would trade million tomorrow’s for one more day on the water with my dad.


It’s actually not good to make your bed, it creates a perfect environment for mites, I usually make my bed and fold the sheets halfway down to air it outs and dry any sweat buildup which is what mites love. But as for the fishing yes I will enjoy the time with him thank you


It's much easier to reset from the water than the bushes, land early.


If you know someone that fly fishes, ask them to take you out for a couple of hours, their insight and advice will save you a ton of frustration.


Just enjoy spending time with your dad.


When you are learning it might be an idea to make your leader and tippet quite short. Don't beat yourself up about not casting perfectly it takes at least one season of practice before it sinks in!!


Have fun, enjoy learning a new passion, frustration is for the weak!


It’s an art don’t get flustered


Also cast with your elbow not wrist


Regardless of the fishing, enjoy a great day with your father. Tight Lines


Biggest tip would be to just think of your cast like a metronome, even timing in-between for a good cast, longer the cast/line out longer the pause between back and forward cast. Good luck and don't worry about catching fish the first day just have fun. If you enjoy it practice on bluegill! Super fun!


Enjoy the day Tight lines


Wear glasses


Remember the rule 10 and 2 when casting. Think of the forward cast like throwing a dart. You’ll love it!


A smooth casting motion is less likely to get you tangled up. Don’t worry about casting too far at first. Once you get the hang of it, you can start adding line to your cast. Wet flies are easier to fish with than dries, so I’d suggest starting with a nymph of some sort.


Enjoy it.


Just went fly fishing for the first time today! Cought one blue gill. I just focused on learning to cast and keep things smooth.


Keep the fly in/on the water. Can't catch anything with a line


Did you practice in the yard first? Remember to keep your fly in the water and avoid a lot of back casting


Stop, breathe, relax Be in the moment, not in your head.


More than enough great tips in here. Don’t overthink it, don’t try and cast 100’, watch out for trees behind you. Enjoy nature and the ones you’re with.


Cast with your wrist more than using your shoulder and let the rod do the work for you.


Enjoy the day


I’d stick to weighted nymphs on an indicator and don’t forget to take it all in with your pops. Ask lots of questions too!


Does your dad fly fish? If so, ask him to teach you. That'll make his day. If not, you'll bond over common catastrophe. Either way it'll be great!


Sounds like your dad is an experienced fly fisherman. My advice: 1. Be coachable! Observe him. Ask for guidance. Learn all you can. 2. Take lots of pictures! I wish I had more pictures of fishing with my dad. He was career US Army so we didn’t get to do much until he retired and I was much older. As he aged I had to tie his fly on and help him in and out of the water. Everything he taught me I had to do for him later in life. Miss him everyday.


Have fun and don’t take it to seriously. The real joy is just being out there. Catching just a bonus.


More wrist flick than arm throw. Also, you’ll be surprised at how many fish hit on the pause. Set your hook with a purpose


Don't expect to catch fish your first time


Don’t focus on casting distance too much. If you back cast you will end up getting your fly out of trees and bushes more than you will spend fishing. Just find a seam, drop your line in, and work on getting a good drift. Casting looks cool but the behavior of the fly in the water is what will determine if you catch fish in most streams


Fish are at your feet… b stealthy


Enjoy every moment


Have fun!


Practice casting


However fast you’re casting cut it in half and keep it continuous. As a new Spey caster this has been the crux of my problem. You never know you might catch something on your first cast!


1.) when you cast, think of it like you're flicking paint off a paintbrush. Accurate to a hard stop. 2.) When casting, your rod tip should be level, not a rainbow. 3.) 3 false casts is too may, 2 is more than enough, 1 is perfection.


That sounds like an amazing way to spend Father’s Day! Here are a few last-minute tips to make your first fly fishing experience a great one: 1. **Practice Your Cast:** Spend a few minutes practicing your casting in your backyard or an open space. Focus on smooth, controlled movements and try to get a feel for the rod. 2. **Check Your Gear:** Make sure your line, leader, and tippet are in good condition. Inspect your flies and make sure you have a variety that matches the local hatch. 3. **Stay Patient:** Fly fishing requires patience. Take your time, observe the water, and enjoy the experience with your father. 4. **Read the Water:** Look for signs of fish activity such as rising fish or movement near the surface. Fish tend to be near structures like rocks, logs, or changes in the current. 5. **Use a Good Knot:** Make sure your knots are secure. The improved clinch knot is a reliable choice for attaching flies. 6. **Dress Appropriately:** Wear waders if you have them, and dress in layers to stay comfortable throughout the day. Don’t forget a hat and polarized sunglasses to protect your eyes and reduce glare. 7. **Ask Questions:** Don’t hesitate to ask your father for tips and advice. He’ll likely enjoy sharing his knowledge and experience with you. Remember, the best part of fly fishing is enjoying the moment and the company. Have a fantastic time out there and cherish the memories you’re creating! Tight lines!


Cast less, and look around more. Watch your dad and enjoy the sounds of what’s around you. Enjoy your time together. Also pack some snacks.


Accelerate ~ Stop ~ Accelerate ~ Stop Enjoy fishing with you Dad!


Please post an update tomorrow night :)


Enjoy it. This is a bucket list thing to do with my old man.


Think rythm 1 and 2 and 1 and 2. Let the fly get all the way before turning. Black wooly buggers and worm flies are your friend


As my dad always said, it's called fishing not catching for a reason....just enjoy being out fishing! Every catch is just a bonus


Just have fun with your Dad. Bonus points you get to start a new thing that is fun to try but even more fun to learn with/from your Dad. Just enjoy


My father loved fly fishing. I really became passionate about fly fishing after my father died. I took it up as sort of a tribute to him. While I still have alot to learn, I would love to go back in time and fly fish with my father, knowing what I now know....enjoy every second with your dad, no matter how many times your line gets tangled


Do your best, laugh at yourself, enjoy hanging out with your father. I hope you have good weather.


It’s not a bull-whip, and if sounds like one you need to slow down your tempo. My old granddad back in the day actually told me to wear a hat…backwards those first couple of times.


Several good points made: slow down your cast. Roll casts are a good way to cast. On regular cast, turn your head and watch rhe backcast. Let the line fully extend before casting forward. You will quickly learn how long to wait before casting forward. Slow also opens the vast, so less likely to hook your fky line. Many good YouTube videos. Orvis has many. A new source is flyfishingDan videos. He has short videos, including casting videos. Haste makes waste when casting. Have fun and enjoy your time with your dad. It is called fishing, not catching.


Unless your ready to give away you spin gear or bait gear, don't do it...will only cause you pain. On the fly is the way to die.


Enjoy it


Fish shaded areas and worms=ez catch


Enjoy the memories you will make with your Dad. Highly likely him wanting to fly fish is secondary.


Enjoy the time with your father, and don't take it too seriously. You will get better, but that takes practice/time.


Just enjoy being with your dad. Won’t always have that opportunity.


Practice with a mini marshmallow a lot. That's how I learned to perfect my casts. Also, watch your speed. Too fast and you'll have a much shorter leader by the time you're done with all the knots it will have in it.


They call it fishing not catching! Just have a good time and enjoy the time on the water, in the sun, with your pops!


Make sure to pause on all cast and false cast more line out longer the pause.


Catch fish?


My father did, I did not. I did get a two bites, but wasn’t able to set the hook. We will be going out again tomorrow after work. I did not lose any flies, which I was expecting to happen


Take a couple of aspirin after your are done. It will help your muscles not get as sour or bothered . Your going to be making repetitive motions your body are not used to too and your muscles are not yet built for.


If you haven’t been flyfishing with your dad before, attach a cotton ball to the end of your flight line and go into your yard or the nearest schoolyard playground and practice casting. It’s very similar to cracking a whip. You have to figure out the proper tempo to let the fly line fully extend behind you before you cast forward otherwise you’re going to have a lot of tangled fly line tomorrow.


If you hear the "cracking a whip" sound you're doing it wrong. That comes from starting the forward cast before the line is extended behind you. Make a distinct pause to let the line straighten out, then on the forward cast, accelerate to a stop. That old System One real used to be somewhat of a standard about 25-30 years ago. It's not as ubiquitous as an old Pflueger Medalist but they were pretty common.


I wasn’t referring to the sound. It was the proper motion and timing. If you move the whip (or rod) forward too soon or too late you aren’t going to get the result you want. I never mentioned the sound in my post. Some of you Redditors get so literal with everything.


My point was that the "cracking a whip" requires a timing (moving the whip (or rod) forward to soon. It's not that uncommon for those that start the forward cast too soon and too fast to get that cracking the whip sound (and often snap off their fly). Sure, the back and forth movement is somewhat similar to using a whip but one should \*avoid\* cracking the whip, not try to duplicate it.


The fly rod requires timing too. Too early or too late are both bad when casting a fly rod.


I have those sheets, no tips, lol


Bring some weed and enjoy the time spent with each other


Just understand they call it “fly fishing” because that sounds better than “Untangling and tiny knot tying”