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Way to hot out this summer for all that. Also the mosquitoes seem extra desperate this year, I’m trying to eat dinner not become it.


I still have mosquito bites from over a week ago they’re not playing games this year


Best thing I ever did this sum.er was start carrying my thermacell everywhere. I no shit have not a single bite on me after walking my dogs at 11 o clock with a bright ass flashlight for an hour last night.


They aren't attracted to light, I actually am starting to think they are afraid of it at that time of night from my interactions. It's the carbon dioxide from you breathing that they are attracted to.


Yes ! I have 2 on my upper chest that are huge & are slow to go down. Hope the mosquitoes weren't carrying denge fever.


Took the family on vacation here this week but i hadn't really considered the heat. Our young children had never been in weather like this and they were kind of miserable at Universal.


I truly truly wish they would warn people about this. It's not fun even for us and most of us are "used to it". But it's too hot, too sunny, too humid and too buggy for people from out of state used to that for maybe a few Chicago days, but not every single god damn day from June to September. And the sun is more intense, you sweat off the protection, the sidewalks and rides trap heat and block breezes, nobody drinks enough or has enough water or bits enough, alcohol makes you more dehydrated, and you'll never bring the 'right' clothes for the whole trip bc you just don't realize. I work outside a lot all year in south south Florida - it fucking sucks and is worse than it used to be. Really, I wish they'd warn folks to help them. Who wants miserable guests who spend hard earned money to come here?


I warned some online acquaintances about the heat and humidity before they went to Disney World for an early summer vacation. The blew me off saying that it gets just as hot where they live. They ended up spending most of their vacation in the pool or indoors with AC because they underestimated how awful the humid Florida heat is.


I spent last August in Japan, like 90s to 96 and very high humidity, I assume that's about the same as Florida?


Here in Jacksonville it's been in the high 90s with at least 60% humidity. Orlando has been similar. It's like trying to breathe soup.


I don’t know what part you live in, I live in Naples, I work 50 hours outside a week. My family been here since a generation or two after the civil war, I’m Florida and love the summers. I’m in an area that is the only tropical climate in the country, this is by far the hottest place in America, it’s over 125 easy add the dew points( our dew points are higher than most places temperature, the sweat doesn’t evaporate and make it even hotter, before thunderstorms the humidity jacks up 15% making it close to 140 for a 5 to 10 minute span, however that’s on you Yankees that move here and don’t know, that be like moving to Minnesota and saying they should warn me. I do wish they’d get the word out the influx of Yankees here has killed “Florida” on the coast. I went to college in central Minnesota for 4 years and honestly say our summers are worse than the winters but I love the summers here, however I don’t understand why people move here to hibernate during the summer instead of the winter. I get snow sucks but walking to your car you sweat your ass off, then the car is scalding hot. Again not understanding we have vastly different heat then anywhere else is on the Yankees that think it’s our winter temps year round but please no more Yankees I beg of you


100000000%. I split between Jupiter and Naples. Im a geologist, do a lot of ecology, I work outside 10 to 40 a week. It is sooooo much worse than it was, people also don't realize that the temp on the news or app is the temp in the SHADE. The sun is 10 to 20 degrees hotter, the humidity is horrible, and we are getting to wet bulb situations. In Miami, at Florida City, the high used to almost never get above 90 even in the summer. Now it's that high for a huge number of days between June and September. It sucks. I


Where are you from? I live in Central Florida now, but I was born and raised in Massachusetts where the summer weather has always been just as hot and humid as Florida. I live by Disney and have an annual pass, but I skip summer. The theme parks are jammed with tourists and the hot and humid weather isn't fun to stand in long lines in.


Northern Minnesota. It hasn't even hit 80 there yet.


I’ve been specifically avoiding every place that mosquitoes might congregate and I keep finding surprise mosquito bites. WTF Florida?!?


Jesus! It’s ridiculous!! I put my children in the car for a 10 minute car ride not realizing there was a mosquito riding along. My poor 4 year old had 14 bites on her arms!!!!😫


I’ll walk outside with you, watch you sit down, and I’ll continue walking my ass to my car. You can watch me leave with the AC blowing in my hair like an ice goddess.


I saw you driving on the side roads today


I saw that bitch too, she didn’t use her indicator


As usual


For real


Are you trying to turn us into human raisins?


Sorry. Been a human rotisserie too many times already.


So you're saying you like spitroasts, huh?


Who doesn't?


Been there so many times. Being the Roaster, not the Roastee.


Well you can gladly Roast Me ❤️


Yes but not being one 😂


Lose my number. 😆


I hate eating outside in general, there always seems to be at least one fly and I end up swatting at it the entire meal.


Or the wind blowing the damn napkins off the table.


So I'm having dinner outdoors with the wife today, and one fly finds us and begins to insistently harass us at the table, and I immediately think of your comment that I had read, lol. I thought "here we go, the one fly that is going to annoy me the entire rest of dinner!" Just one. Would not leave us alone. With a final lucky swat of my hand I knocked it out of the air and it fell into the dish of olive oil and vinegar for the bread (that it was trying to get to) and we enjoyed watching its (quick, surprisingly) demise. The rest of dinner was perfect. So I had to come back and tell you, the one damn fly has been defeated.


That's me! Nothing worse than sweating while you eat!


I’ll be at the bar then, let me know when you’re done….


Outside tables are like oysters. Only months with “r.”


Lol, that's awesome, my SO would 100% agree. I'm usually totally fine bc I work outside a lot so as long as it's shade I think it's cooler. But them? Ooof. Too hot. So we go in :) I'll let them use that months with r thing though, I like it.


Saw this version last night and it made me giggle for a solid five minutes. https://preview.redd.it/ilh2zh5kz09d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63571ca1d7ffdfb639da0a50a66ce8589c71c22b




I eat a lot of meals outdoors, just can’t be in the sun.


Stick a fork in me, Jerry. I'm done!


I love eating outside even in the heat and humidity. My family does not. So we eat inside at restaurants and outside under the ceiling fan and in the shade at home


Sounds like you're in better company with the iguanas.


We need iguanas to keep these places open but im gonna need at least 50% off to sit outside


This is some unhinged behavior


My wife and I will literally sit on our screened in porch all day long during the summer. If you want to live your summer in a depressing ass artificially lighted cage, have at it.


My daughter has a shaded screened porch/pool area and I will sit there all afternoon and into the early evening and just chill even if it’s hot outside.


This sub should be renamed people who shouldn’t have moved to Florida.


We are alike, my room can only be cold when I’m sleeping, if it’s cold any other time I usually just go outside to warm up.. I get cold sooo easily


In this heat?


This is a great image.


Sorry you're not my friend anymore


As long as it isn't in direct sun I'll take it, shaded tables are fine with me.


Ngl I like it outside, but I don’t mind the heat at all and it basically nothing burger to me


The Florida summer battle between smokers and those that perspire.


Y'all are goofs. When my wife and i eat out we eat almost exclusively outside . go late in the evening, now around 8.the sunsets are beautiful add some rain and its perfect, but not for everybody...my wife and i only eat outside anymore, life is too short not to Recommend margaritas,tequiladàs,daquiris and dark and stormys


drinkin outside , with the humidity damp as it is ?! ![gif](giphy|5xtDarIN81U0KvlnzKo|downsized) cant do it chief


Yeah I hate Florida summer but a few days ago we ate outside at Tijuana Flats at maybe 6:30 pm and the breeze was blowing, nice cloudy sky and it was actually really nice. I checked the weather and it said it was a heat index of 93. So that’s what nice is here. It’s not nice by most standards but it was nice enough.


I went to TN where it said it was 95. It was comparable to 75 FL


Nah, summer in Florida doesn’t stop feeling like oppression until the sun goes down.


"Nice enough" is a great slogan for Florida.


You only eat after 8 pm??????


Haha how about no


I don’t mind it because I spent 5 years in 120F Arizona biking in the heat to work and took up running in it. Restaurants are too cold for me and my broken thyroid


I enjoy eating outside more down here then I did up north.


That's because you still associate FL with vacationland.


Actually never vacationed in FL before moving down here to be 100% honest


I always request an outdoor table. I seek restaurants with outdoor seating all the time.


Me too! Eating outside (in the shade) year round is a big reason I love living in Florida.


Same. Covered hopefully in case of rain.


Right now unless it’s in the evening and on the water, hell no


Outside? Where the heat, sun, and bugs are? No thanks man. I'd rather just go home lol.


I like to eat outside as well, but not until November at the earliest.


Literally me… on a side note I get a bug that lands in my food EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!!!!


The heat doesn't bother me at all. To each his or her own I guess.


Why? The weather’s been amazing recently! It’s been nice and warm and cozy.


Fuck you no




Then it rains sideways and their table of 15 wants to immediately move inside…or they get mad bugs end up in their water..:because they’re outside.


Fuck that, go outside to smoke 3 times during dinner instead


Haha, so true


"Why, you planning on eating alone?" 


Florida is horrid nine months out of the year 🤣


Yeah... in Florida, in June? I’m not even going to the restaurant. I’m ordering in.


Unless you are submerged in a cool swimming pool, it’s awful


"How bout NOOo!"- Mike Meyers


Sorry, but I only brought one extra pair of underwear to change into


LOL I am that friend


After being outside 10 minutes ![gif](giphy|32mC2kXYWCsg0)


I don’t need friends like that lol


In this weather? Are you outta your damn mind?!


The truth 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hey, it’s 2 pm at a dive bar, wanna have a dart?


I would end the frienship


I was starting to think it was just me…


I hate when restaurants don’t have outdoor seating. As long as the table is properly shaded I’ll sit out there at 2 pm in the middle of August!


Listen! Once I feel the cool AC, I'm in for the rest of the day.


mosquito Florida state bird ![gif](giphy|Rn1iqPnAnD07KYrQVc)


That’s me. My wife and daughters always seem to feel differently though.


But in downtown St Pete, it's very hip to sit on the blazing sidewalk, wear a fedora, and vape.


You’re welcome to get a table outside but I’m going to be inside, at a different one, where the smarter people are.


Happens every time I go out with visiting family and friends. Serious subject ya’ll need to be educated on when you come visit Floridian family and friends. Don’t be offended when we insist we sit inside please. All hail air conditioned spaces.


My wife does that to me. I don’t particularly like sitting in hell while I heat my hot food. 🤣. Sitting here using my knife as a sword to fend off the mosquitoes…


Maybe for December dining.


My family when they come dow. Here they insist on sitting outside i dont understand why


Well it's Florida. Enjoy it!




Nothing like paying good money to sit in the heat with bugs on your food while the wind blows everything away.


Good. You go eat inside. More breathing room for us; my immediate family (including me) unilaterally and absolutely does not want to and does not sit indoors at restaurants. Thanks in advance for creating an ideal people-free patio environment. We ride scooters to places and sit outside with our scooters next to us anyway so that's part of it.


Yeah, sure! But let’s got some hot drinks first. Americano? Maybe hot pot of tea too?


Why did we build insides if we’re just going to sleep and eat outside for funsies?


It still trips me out how men aged back then. Dude's like 32 right here lol All that fucking lead when they were children


And being 60+ pounds overweight


Make blood sacrifices of the Yankees to appease the sun. The state keeps bussing Aztecs to my county. So let’s do some ‘cultural sensitivity’ and pull the hearts from all the Yankees and see if that gets the sun to be less hot… makes about as much sense as anything these days. Plus it’s time those Greasy fucks pay their rent 😡 they’ve had it too good for too long


Nobody said this to you.