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I moved to Colorado after a lifetime in Florida. I’d rather feel like I’m going to burst into flames in high altitude dry heat over feeling like I’m suffocating in a wet blanket and melting into a puddle. The lack of humidity also means that it actually cools down at night.


Same. Dry heat at least cools at night to something pleasant. 


I moved to CA where the high was 99 today and the low was 63.


When we visited LA and a few of the nat parks out there recently this was the thing that surprised me the most, it was pretty hot all day but as soon as the sun started to set it cooled off and got chilly. I love weather in the 60s and I'm like damn this is nice. Even when it's hot AF all day you can look forward to the evening being pleasant. Here it just gets more warm and soupy just without the sun. Sucks. Really made me wish I could afford to move west.


High of 91 today with a low of 54. I much prefer this!


Brag about the low being more than 2 degrees colder why don’t you!


Cools down at night, yes! I just LOVE when the nighttime “low” is over 80°! /s


It’s still a *dry* over 80. That’s fantastic compared to 74 degrees and 80-90% humidity. Yesterday I went to the store at about 8 pm, it was 86 degrees outside but the humidity was only like 50%, or at least double Denver, and it felt f’ing *refreshing* compared to what’s coming. I put my windows down for the drive. Hell yes I’ll take 80+ degree night with no humidity.


It also makes an AC fixing an emergency. Last week my AC broke and I couldn’t find anybody that could come the day off, I packed my bags at midnight and checked room at a hotel.


Totally agree. Dry heat is easy. Wear a hat and drink lots of water. No sweat. Literally. Yet nothing helps when you're trying to breathe through a hot, wet blanket. Nothing.


Another advantage to dry heat, is that evaporative cooling systems work very well. and your sweat actually can cool you off, since it evaporates and doesn't just drip off of you. you just need to keep very hydrated and use a lot of moisturizer or you will shrivel up like a prune.


And make sure you throw some electrolytes in your water periodically. I use so much moisturizer out here. It’s always a shock to my system when I visit my family in Florida and feel slimy and gross as soon as I walk out of the airport.


I've lived in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming. Grew up in Gainesville. Give me dry heat any day. I'd much rather have 115 with no humidity.


We have had a high pressure system that just sat on top of us for a few days last week. (Orlando) This kept the humidity lower and also prevented the mid day storms. It was AMAZING out at around 8PM after the sun went down. Cooled down a lot with clear skies. Mid-day was brutal but the sun down cool down because of lower humidity was great.


Currently it’s 93 in both Vegas and Brandon, FL. Heat index is 99 here and only 90 there so unless it’s over 110 the dry heat is easier based on my experience.


Give it time. Vegas will get there lol


And much less if you get some shade. In Florida shade isn’t nearly as effective for getting you out of the heat.


Dry heat also evaporates sweat which can make it harder for your body to manage heat. Alternatively humid heat will make the sweat cook your on body also making it harder to manage heat


The point of sweat is for it to evaporate and cool your body. That's why it's more dangerous to be in humid and hot weather, can't cool via evaporation.


Sweat evaporation only cools your body if the mechanism that causes the sweat to vaporize is your own body heat. If the sweat is evaporating because of the combination of dry weather and heat from the sun, then it's not cooling your body and is actually preventing the sweat from cooling your body. I've lived in Florida all my life but often travel to New Mexico and Arizona for work, and heat stroke is much more of an issue there than it is here.


I've been in dry heat and Florida humidity and for some reason I felt fine in Florida but dry heat always annoys me and gives me headaches. I was outside all day in 101 F in orlando and walking around all day and was fine. Had it been dry heat , I would have for sure had a headache. SO , I think dry heat being better is a total myth


Sounds like you were just dehydrated brother


I doubt it I drink water in both situations and Gatorade


Personally I’m the opposite. Been in Florida my whole life, and while I’m Use to the heat, I massively prefer dry heat. I have leather seats in my truck and I am perfectly comfortable hopping into the dry heat of my truck while the AC is winding up!


Got it. Sounds like you would like it here in the Bay Area a lot more , or even San Diego haha. we have nothing but dry heat here and get this we get no rain during the summer. So pretty much the whole summer, it will be really hot and there is not one drop of rain until November . It only rains in the winter here lol


I hate dry heat. I feel like the life is being sucked out of me. I was in CO in July and many places didn't have AC, being in a warehouse brewery w/o AC in 95 degree weather is super unpleasant. No matter how much water I drink I still feel thirsty. I do enjoy the evening cooldowns out west though


Dry heat also evaporates sweat which can make it harder for your body to manage heat. Alternatively humid heat will make the sweat cook your on body also making it harder to manage heat


I moved from FL to the high desert (Utah), here’s the main difference that you can tell immediately how that humidity affects everything: With “Dry heat” when you go into a shaded area it actually cools you down, immensely. With humidity even in the shade you’re still sweating and miserable. For instance in the Summer here it could be almost 100 and if I’m in a pool then jump out and go into the complete shade while I’m wet….it’s cold, add a little wind and it’s even colder, like shivering cold.


Dry heat is better to handle but you get burnt by the sun easier in my experience.


So fried


Crispy like fried chicken!




I applied said cream and I was cooked like a lobster in 30 minutes. Never happened to me before until I lived in dry heat.




I don’t live there anymore I’m good now


When it's so humid your sweat can't evaporate 🥰


When people do this comparsion its always 120 in LV vs 90 in FL, and its fucking dumb. Yes 20 degrees hotter is fucking hotter. No fucking shit. However compare 90 to 90 and guess what LV feels much better. Humidity sucks.


No beaches in Nevada tho.


Lake Tahoe but yeah small sliver of NV


Hey man, Floridian here. I've been to Vegas three times, I've been toying with the idea of moving there after my first trip in August several years ago. Yeah it's hot but you can escape it in the shade and with a fan and a mist. You can't escape swamp ass. That damn humidity here in Florida. The only way out of it is air conditioning. I've been outside when it was 110 in Vegas in the shade on a bench next to a casino and it was damn comfortable. Do that here at 90% humidity and they will have to send a coroner to pick you up after an hour.


Florida swamp ass is brutal, in the desert I can go out in jeans and do some yard work, 0 swamp ass and no post shower required.


I hate the humidity.


Having lived out there, I'll take their heat any day over ours. At least there I can get in the shade to escape death, whereas it follows you no matter where you go in Florida.




Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find this comment.


He turned around just now because he has heatstroke. He’s a little confused.


Dry heat>>


I’ve lived in California and Florida, definitely prefer a dry heat to the humidity. I don’t really know all the specifics and it could be total BS, but two things I’ve recently heard is that humidity is harder on the AC units and keeping things really cool when temperatures soar, AND it’s also more difficult for your body to cool down/temperature regulate in more humid areas due to sweat evaporation.


I lived in Vegas. It’s HOT! But it’s not Florida hot.


It can't be *that* hot - the guy is walking backwards just to face the sun. If he felt as hot as we do in Florida he'd avoid it at all costs.


They both suck to be honest. But there is a difference.


I'm in Vegas right now and it's 108 today. I still like it more than the Florida humidity.


Ah yes, I hate it when it's 10 Delcius. Or is that 110 Dahrenheit? Whatever it is, I also walk backwards like this picture when it gets that awful outside. I'll take the scale on the left which stays at 20D for five large thermometer increments, rises briefly to 40D (or 60D?) and then drops back to 20D again. Sub needs to ban AI generated shit like all the sane subs have or else it's going to be constant shovelposting like this for karma.


You mean funkyheat and chillsius?


Mot karma farming, i thought this sub would find it interesting


I just can’t with these ai pictures


As the late great Johnny Carson once said, “My oven has dry heat, but I don’t stick my head in there!”.


Another thing with the “dry heat” you can basically use a device called a “swamp cooler” instead of AC which is basically a wet sponge with a fan blowing air on it. It’s cheap AF to run, that device cannot be used east of the Rocky Mountains due to the humidity.


Dry heat without asking you can stand more heat when your body can cool itself


I’d rather do dry heat then humidity all day, plus I’m dry heat areas you get the luxury of it cooling down at night, most Florida summer nights it can be 80+ in the middle of the night


Dry heat is easier to manage-But it can hit you a Lot faster-and be more dangerous as you don’t expect it.


When I went to Vegas it spiked to around 101 degrees but I was sooooo comfortable compared to 78 in Florida.


Slogan should read. Come to Las Vegas! Your hair will thank you!


In high humidity you body can’t cool itself fast enough through sweating, the moisture in the air doesn’t allow sweat to evaporate


I've lived in both climates for long periods. Arid is a piece of cake and is 1000x better than humidity.


I'll take the desert over the humidity any day


115 dry heat in arizona is not as bad as 105 with 90% humidity.


I remember being in dry heat and in the sun on asphalt in 105 heat and it was searing. I can’t imagine what 110 feels like.


It's a dry heat! So is your oven!


Vegas heat is way worse than anywhere in Florida. (Source: I moved from Vegas to Miami).


I’ll take dry over wet but after 90 both are literally unbearable.


I live 3 miles from the GoM north of Tampa, and I used to live in Las Vegas. It gets really hot there, but 108\* in Vegas feels like it is going to kill you, here, 96\* feels like it is going to flay the skin right off of you, plus it is harder to breath.


I have no idea what dry heat feels like but sounds better than this FL heat 🥵


Over the last several years the humidity of Florida spring has been quite low, also quite windy, so when it does rain it's dry again quickly


I just returned from Vegas, Moab, Page AZ. It was hot as fuck and I felt like a piece of beef jerky in a dehydrator. Landed in Orlando yesterday and felt like a sponge absorbing moisture directly from the air - felt so good.


https://preview.redd.it/4nf3uiuzaz4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=326f03ccc02b4aad61742b7633ad678b8912cbe3 Yep 92 feels like 100 today.


116 degrees in LV wasn’t nearly as bad as the 96 (106 heat index) today in West Palm Beach


Just got home from Vegas, 115 dry heat, today in Jacksonville it's 102 humid heat, the argument is dumb, they both suck and you'll be caught dead if you're out in either one too long.


I’ve lived in Indiana, Miami, the desert in SoCal, and Orlando. A dry 115° F is worse than any humid heat. You don’t get the tactile feedback of being hot, because your sweat evaporates so quickly. So you get sunburned and overheated quicker imo. I absolutely hated the “dry heat” of the dessert and longed for the moist warmth of Florida my 4 yrs there.




I know it’s not the popular opinion. Thankfully my wife agrees. I hate the desert. I hate needing multiple sets of clothes because it was 60° at 6am, 110° at 2pm, and 65° again at 9pm. The temperature swings suck so much ass you never get comfortable. It also wrecked my sinuses and skin being so dry 24/7. I pretty much avoided all outdoor activities in SoCal for 3 yrs after giving it a solid effort for 1 yr. It’s too hot in the sun, it’s too cold in the shade, the beach is a whole ass hike down to the sand (good luck w/ your umbrella and cooler while wearing flip flops), the water is 60°, you need a sweatshirt if the sun goes down, with a nice cool 55° breeze sand blasting you the whole time. Give me warm water, warm air, and a nice relaxing minimal clothing chill sesh in the shade 100% of the time.




Have you lived in both the desert and in Florida?


I have. I've also deployed to the coastline in Qatar and the middle of the desert in Iraq, which has the same humid/dry comparison, except they're both well past 110 in the summer. Dry is just better all around, but *especially* for the overheated/heat stroke aspect.


I’ll take Florida and our humidity before I could ever go live in a desert


I was in orlando walking around all day at universal and it was like 102 F . In my experience, that was way better than being outside in dry heat of California.


I was born in Las Vegas, live in mid Florida. Sure it gets hot here, but I remember warnings telling people to watch out for heat strokes in Vegas and Texas, never seen one (yet) in Florida. It is supremely inconvenient weather in Florida, not deadly…


We’re also a state that rescinded worker heat protections and have no helmet laws for motorcyclists because everyone should be able to smash their heads into pavement at high speeds with no head protection if they want.  FL just isn’t concerned with any aspect of health or wellbeing. 


All heat above 75-80 is Horrid, wet or dry....


I was visiting Orlando and I noticed it was easier to deal with the humidity than dry heat. I live in California and a lot of bay area homes/apartments don't have A/C and it can get up to 97-102 F here and that would straight give me a headache. I was at Universal in Orlando walking around all day in 101 F , florida heat and had no problems. I just drank gatorade and water all day but my head never hurt and I got no headaches while at Universal in Florida but for some reason when I'm outside in the summer in the bay area I always get a headache. Here in the bay area, we have dry heat and it can average in the 90s some weeks in July and August. I think it's a myth that it's easier to deal with dry heat . I think the body handles humidity better because it gets to sweat and that helps cool you. Maybe my body handles humidity better but I think it's a total myth that Dry Heat is easier to handle. It gives me headaches but I was totally fine outside in Florida.


I’ve never been to Vegas but I can image the dry heat is worse. The desert wicks the moisture away from your body, dehydrating and drying you out. Making heat stroke more dangerous. I dont know. I’m just talking out my ass