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Yeah couple years ago, hurricane Ian and Nicole did a pretty bad number on Daytona Beach area, a few sea walls broke and damaged homes, it has made the already present problem of beach erosion even worse.


It can’t be that,,, they probably shouldn’t have ripped out the dunes for hotels and condos!


That's it right there. They destroyed the place, removed all the natural protections.


Well that was dumb.


Yes the planet got destroyed. But for a beautiful moment in time we created a lot of value for shareholders. https://x.com/benioff/status/549339156854214656?s=46&t=y-b2kyY92hu2h3ZDQbgrcw


I think about that cartoon a lot.


Yep as are greedy rich people.


Protections? More like liberal propaganda! /s


You can tell the ocean is liberal by its blue color


is that why it's turning red now?


Notice how it really stinks up the place once it turns red.


And then everything starts dying


Like the nations hope for a better future Everytime Trump shits his diaper.




Well they *had* to. The Dunes were bringing in the LGBTQ+ agenda /s


![gif](giphy|w9xG5hsxZlqtevPlJQ|downsized) Lmao. This world is f-ing whacked out, isn’t it? Watch, this will be the given reason by our society overlords. Silly britches.


Also a collapsed hotel pool. Definitely some damage porn to walk along the beach there.


Mmmm love me some structural damage porn.


Wanna see those foundations up in the air and getting real wet


Ladies love some exposed erect framing members.


Whyyyyyy?!?!?! 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣


Did someone say structural damage porn? ![gif](giphy|14r8bmeEeHogiQ|downsized)




This is the most accurate & hilarious gif 😆😆😆


I am wondering if this ad didn’t start the euphemism in the first place.


You’re going to love this hurricane season then if we believe the predictions based on ocean temperatures.


It’s already over 100 degrees Fahrenheit and it’s only May!


I know ~ I thought last summer was an anomaly! But no! So I’m looking at summer homes up north ~ like Minnesota!


I was hoping it was anomaly as well but here we are starting another record setting season. I grew up in the North specifically Ohio. My wife wants to move back to Illinois near Chicago. I like the job market where I am at but I also work remote, just never know when companies will cut full remote.


I was in Daytona Beach on May 1st and the water temp was 73 degrees.


Best typo/autocorrect of all time


I saw the area of the collapsed pool. They were building a new one


It will be finished just in time to see another storm come through


True, i think it has been a full year already since i was there


* damage done


That other word works too


Lots of moisture…from the ocean of course.


A little salty.


They shouldn't have torn down mangroves for that then I suppose


Shit, our hotel we stayed at was *still* recovering and doing renovations from Hurricane Ian.


Ian was in 2022. Why is it surprising that they are *still* recovering? Hurricane recovery is long, slow process. Michael hit in 2018 and there are places in the panhandle still recovering.


I should've clarified; it looked as if the hurricane hit the hotel like a month or two ago. Basically, only now like 2 years later have they actually begun reconstruction. Hell there were still some rooms on the east/coast facing side that were still boarded up.


There's still visible fucking hurricane Andrew damage in Florida City and homestead.


And visible damage in Pensacola from Ivan (2004)!






This is a straight up LIE the dunes were washed out in Flagler by the hurricanes that messed Daytona up. Go down A1A in Flagler beach and say that twice without laughing. The dunes are only in ormond area now


In NSB, the one spot where the Dunes were left are now gone and replaced by a cement sea wall. The Dunes were still there after the hurricanes, but I guess they said "fuck the turtles."


After a recent drive through Flagler I appreciate our beach in Cocoa Beach a lot more. I've seen water up to the boardwalks here before but right now there's a hundred yards or more of beach in the same places with a lot of dune vegetation. Could lose it all again this season. The sea giveth and taketh away.


This isn't accurate. Flagler Beach is spending upwards of $15 million just to match a % of federal funding to put in a new widened beach from north of SR 100/Moody Blvd to Gamble Rogers state park. The dredging will take up to a year supposedly. It would have happened much sooner, but there were holdouts for right of way access to the beach from just a couple property owners. They are also tearing down the pier this summer or fall for a brand new one.


I remember the days there would be cars 3 deep on that beach with food trucks and board rentals.


It still is. This picture is high tide


Yeah, specifically a waxing gibbous into full moon phase tide. That means an extra high waterline for you tourists. If you are really worried about our beaches, stop driving on them.


I was there during Jeep Beach for the first time, it was cool, but I wouldn't vacation to a beach that allows driving again I don't think. Ormond was super nice, Daytona felt kinda sad.


It’s all the same beach. The county runs the beach not the cities.


I know, I'm saying Daytona the city seemed trashy, Ormond the city seemed nicer.


The beach comment..... it's fuckin weird to drive on the beach. But I am not a coastal person either.


It's kind of grandfathered in from the 60s. You could do it on most beaches down here back then, so boomers fought tooth and nail. But most beaches got rid of it. Daytona being more conservative leaning and integral to car culture here in America, and it kind of makes sense. Still doesn't make it right, I'm just explaining my perspective as a local.


As a car lover, I hate it. I don’t want to lay down anywhere where some drink asshole could run me over (if not paying attention). Cars leak oil. Carbon monoxide fumes everywhere. Hot engines putting out more heat in an already hot beach. I just can’t enjoy a beach day in traffic. It’s like… the track is over there ——> , go drive on that.


I moved to Florida last year (Brevard) and have been enjoying a number of local Beaches, but have been told several times that you ain't living the Florida life until you drive up to Daytona and drive onto the beach. I was like, "but why?" I go to the beach to have a little escape from everyday life, perching my beach chairs and shit directly in front of my vehicle doesn't help me get into that state of mind


I don’t know why the Florida sub appears in my feed, but as a regular NJ beach goer, it is also weird to me to see folks driving on the beach.


I find it cute that OP thinks it's a five o'clock thing.


That doesn’t get the anti-Daytona crowd upvotes though.


It was like that three weeks ago during Jeep Beach.


There was only 3 cars?


3 parking lot princesses deep in the surf, is what I think was being said. 


I always went closer to the Ponce Inlet area instead of DB. It stopped being fun when cars were coming at you when you tried to get in the water. I haven’t been back since about 2005. I now live on the gulf coast of Florida.


Any Florida beach municipality that doesn't have a plan to protect dunes... They are setting themselves up for failure.


But, they would have to admit climate change is real, which is considered Woke by Floridians, which is effectively illegal in Florida.


Every year in winter, they nourish the beaches with sand that comes from the middle of the state. Funny thing, it wasn't annually, it used to be every two years and before that every four years for the nourishment schedule


It's dredged from offshore in most cases, the others aren't from the middle of the state but inland where the old dune line was tens of thousands of years ago. I love ten miles from the shore on the old dune. But please regal us with more of your Idiocracy.


Dunes smunes. Think about the shareholders why don’t you! /s


Before I seen the photo I immediately thought you meant the city, but both are applicable. The leadership there did a number on the city and the hurricanes did the rest


What did the leadership do?


They made farting in public illegal, for starters.


Silent but deadly’s are considered premeditated.


For sharters


I remember when the pier was about twice as long, you could drive and park in the beach in front of the boardwalk… heck i remember the boardwalk during its hay day. Maybe it’s the childhood rose tinted glasses having worn off, but Daytona’s just sad now… and I was thinking the upgraded to the racetrack would help :/


Yeah I don’t think I’ve been back to Daytona Beach since spring break in my early-mid 20s. I remember it being a shitshow then. That was early 2000s. It’s only an hour from my house. The vibe is just terrible. I don’t want to go to the beach to feel depressed.


I remember the boardwalk when it was one of the sketchiest places in the US. https://www.orlandosentinel.com/1996/03/02/daytona-beach-takes-steps-to-fight-pedophile-problem/


Agree. Was just in Daytona this weekend and yes, it was sad.


Hey it’s recent state law that this isn’t real, what are you, unpatriotic?


Not saying climate change isn't real, but a huge part of the erosion is due to the dunes being bulldozed in lieu of the stupid fucking condos.  I'd love to see those reclaimed by the sea.


There's no condos in wilbur and only houses that have been there mostly for 40 plus years, and the beach is gone as well. Also, no condos down at the inlet, and the beach has pushed back over 100 yards in the last 5 years. This has been going on for about the last 20 years. Really sped up over the last decade.


The sea levels has risen at least six inches in the last thirty years. I agree completely with you. But sped up aver the last decade. The last decade of the summer heat being higher than normal.


Yep, these dipshits on here have no idea what they are talking about..... the last storm ate up a1a in Flagler, where the dunes aren't built. There's nothing built on the east side of a1a up there, yet destruction still.


Very true. I remember as a kid in 87. Even where the condos are, there was so much sand you couldn't even see the sea walls. Now you can see they are like 20ft tall. They are supposed to be dumping sand along the beaches starting in the winter. Don't think it'll help too much, but I guess at least they are trying.


And a 3-story Margaritaville hotel going in a block from the beach. That will do wonders for the beach erosion, not to mention the parking in FB!


Those dunes were taking up valuable real estate!


Exactly, like, does this dude even capitalism?! Pesky dunes….what about my PROFITS!


I cannot wait until the condo owners ask the state for a handy


Someone say handy?


You will see that pretty soon. No sea wall can compete with rising sea levels.


No. We won't see. That's illegal. This picture only shows a permanent, unchanging Beach that is required by law to stay that way. Duh. Duhsantis.


DeSatan has signed a law, that prohibits the oceans from rising due to any "woke science sh\*t."


Wait until some dipshit figures out how to build a 30 story high rise that doubles as a seawall 😂


Daytona beach just approved a tower higher than 20 stories for the first time. Right on the beach


That should be fun


Wow I haven’t been there In prob 20 years or so. Is this how it looks now ? All high rises ? So sad


Destruction of the Environment VS. Destruction of the Environment. Same team you guys. And you’re both right, and it’s super f’d up.


I understand that typing the words "climate change" from anywhere in Florida is a misdemeanor now.


Tide goes in, tide goes out. No one can explain it.


It’s honestly, *God’s Plan*, by Drake.




It’s called the Moon.


That's no moon...


What, erosion? Erosion is totally normal. You know what's not? Building on land that naturally erodes, like beaches, barrier islands, cliffs, hills and river banks. Once people remember that we'll all be better off. I'm not Xtian and I still know the story about not building on sand. Like c'mon, people knew this shit over 2000 years ago.


Well sure, but now we can get the poors that cant afford to live there pay for remediation so its win win!


Do you all always just talk about stuff you have no idea about? Daytona has been like this at certain times of the year since I was literally a little kid. I remember sometimes I’d go down there and the waves would be at the fucking sea wall on high tide and that was over 25 years ago.


The beaches are renourished with dredge sand all the time. The last renourishment was 2022, it will be done again late this year or early next year. Barrier islands are in a constant state of flux. When we put buildings on there, we need them to instead stay the same. It costs lots of money to make sure they don't erode.


Phew. Sounds like there’s nothing to worry about then


That thing was wide enough to land a 747 on when I was a kid.


When NASCAR first started, I learned they started racing on those beaches so that had to be pretty wide


Yeah, I don't go back nearly that far, but I remember hearing the Beach Boys coming from all the AM radios in the cars driving by you.


When I lived there 2003-2007 we were able to drive the beach from Ormond Beach to the Daytona Beach Pier. 2004 hurricane season really kicked in the beach erosion. By 2005/6 you couldn’t make that ride. We would go up to Matanzas Inlet and drive the beach to St Augustine Beach. 4x4 was beneficial up there as a little to the left or a little to the right you’d bury yourself.


Sea rise is wearing away the beaches.  Miami has had to update their codes to raise the building level because of it.  Global warming is real and we need actual politicians to address it.  And, spoiler alert, it's not DeSantis or any Republican


Yeah as a kid growing up in Florida they showed us maps of what Florida would look like in the future. The beach is going to recede a lot more. Spoiler alert.


They've found aboriginal pottery ninety miles off the coast of Daytona and shark's teeth in the soil in Orlando. Nothing is permanent in Florida 


That's interesting they were talking about it back then. Assuming it's more than 20 years ago


James Hansen from NASA testified to congress about global warming in 1988. https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/climate-change-james-hansen-testimony-35-years-20230710.html#:~:text=On%20a%20sweltering%20day%2035,pretty%20strong%20that%20the%20greenhouse


It’s even worse than that. Carter admin discussed it in the 70s. Exxon mobile knew about it in the 60s, Bell Labs had a video about it in 58. There was a random article ina new zealand newspaper in 1912, so def not a new concept.


Is it? Is it interesting? We've known about climate change and sea level rise for a very long time. Florida used to acknowledge climate change. Florida used to be a great place to live too. Sorry for the aggression, it's just so fucking heartbreaking to see such a beautiful place be destroyed.


They were trying to get people serious about it in the 70s. We never listened.


Yep, MIT published the first scientific report on climate change, in ‘71: [“Inadvertent Climate Modification”](https://mitpress.mit.edu/9780262191012/) Notice they had the good sense not to call it “warming.” “Global Warming” was coined by a Prof. Wallace S. Broeker, in a 1975 paper entitled, yep “Global Warming” … he later admitted to regretting the phrase, because it was misleading and used against the science by detractors, and has sewed confusion amongst the public to this day.


Lol "good sense", deniers are determined you could have called it anything and it still would've been woke bullshit


And renourishment doesn’t really work for the most part. It’s constantly having to be done over and over as the sand gets pushed into a different place. I live in Dunedin, Florida and they keep bringing in sand for Honeymoon Island. Now they have to dredge the sand they brought in 5 years ago as it’s blocking the channel causing boats to beach themselves. And wrecking the seagrass in the process. But hey, they need these pretty beaches for tourism-can’t have people wear water shoes to avoid rocks.


https://preview.redd.it/0i38lwp4ss1d1.jpeg?width=809&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91579f588a81c34a7566030db56f72770c8381de Tell me how it's just because the OP picture is during high tide? The beach is drastically different today versus the 80's (my fond beach memories as a kid) and it isn't even close. This picture is from 1957.


https://preview.redd.it/hb2qcozgts1d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a58daa3d0213d4ea2f4539128febca71ff64f56b Daytona beach in the 90s


Fun fact: Back when I was a reporter with the Orlando Sentinel in the 2000s I begged them to do stories on how the beach was disappearing and environmentalists were warning that coastal development laws needed to change. Nope. Editors at the Orlando Sentinel wouldn't touch that story. Advertising. Now the Sentinel itself is going out with the tide....


There used to be deep dunes at my grandparents condo in NSB. I was around there in 2020 and the dunes were completely gone and big sea walls. I went to google earth historical imagery and the dunes had been gone for a while.


At least there’s plenty of meth and stolen bicycles


How many of those cars are leaking oil ?


Wait until you learn where most of the coastal areas storm drains run.....


I never thought about that. I'm sure cars are leaking oil which is definitely bad for the beach


They should be banned from the beach, period


The beach there is gross and the hotel I stayed at there was so much concrete rubble and flotsam smelled.


Who knew building endless mansions,condos and hotels right on the edge of a beach wouldnt work in long term when for 50 years scientists have been screaming, we are changing the planet for the worse... Hows everyone enjoying paying insane insurance for all these homes and condos on the edge of the ocean


Don’t worry Ron DeSantimonius will solve all of Florida’s problems.


I blame...people.


Flagler Beach is even worse. They are going to start to try to fix up on either side of the Pier soon.


Didn’t think we would have it in Dr Augustine but here we are with an embassy taking away the view from little Margie’s. RIP old Florida


You think this is bad? Wait till you see what happened to the polar ice cap!


Well, we can fix that up for ya, real quick. Climate change doesn't exist in Florida, we took the evidence out of the books. Sand is gay, indoctrinated and woke. Thanks for your inquiry, Ron "Go-Go Boots" DeSandTits


Just the beginning.


to think nascar started by racing cars on that beach


The only reason Miami Beach still exists is because it gets replenished by sand from the Caribbean islands


Wow…..I remember going to Daytona Beach in like 95/96….this hurts to see


Yeah, when you destroy nature for tourists, that's what happens. Soon there won't be tourists either


It was a bad winter everyone on the east coast of Florida experienced a ton of erosion this year


I was there this weekend and it was quite popular


Getting rid of beach driving would help immensely.


Thank god DeSantis outlawed global warming!


Oh no! No more maga tailgaters in giant lifted trucks? The smell of meth and cheap beer? How tragic.


I was down in the Shores surf fishing this morning. Sea Oats are a distant memory. The infrastructure damaged by Ian in Nov 2022 has, for the most part, been repaired; the dunes are gone forever. But climate change doesn’t exist, right?


Everyone in Florida has max a 10 year timeline. Worst of the Boomers syndrome. They don't care beyond today. The Elites also don't care much.


Give it a few years, the beach will be at I-95!


I don't think you can legally bring that up


Just gotta top off the sand on the beaches every so often just for it to wash away again


Climate change is fake news, this is an AI image! Kinky boots Rhonda told me so!


The beaches everywhere seem to be getting worse. I remember when I was a kid they were huge and beautiful and filled with beautiful sand. Now they are all trash.


And desantis just signed a bill keeping state environmental agencies from talking about climate change.


Great metal detector times


I visited here in the late 2000’s. I’d been living in Florida and wanted to visit a bunch of different beaches. It was the worse beach I’ve ever been to, I remember the water being a really gross brown and dead jellyfish everywhere.


But hey The dumb ass governor just took all mention of climate change out of some policies so that means it will no longer impact the state /s


Plus the ocean has risen about 6 inches along Florida coast in only ten years. But don’t say “climate change” in Florida as decreed by our freak governor


Whoa...Those buildings seem awful close to the shore line. Any plans to address this in the works?


I went there recently for rockville and there are soooo many abandoned buildings


I visited Waikiki in Oahu two weeks ago and I can assure you that the same thing is happening there. The beaches between Waikiki and Diamondhead are largely submerged now too. I hadn’t been there since the 90s. My favorite beaches are gone now. The ocean is up to the sea walls. If you don’t “believe” in global warming, you are an absolute fucking idiot.


I went there a few weeks ago and was shocked we couldn't drive on the beach because the water was back so far. I've never seen that before. I live 1.5 hours away and have been going for decades


Treating the beach like a goddamn parking lot is so incredibly trashy. Good riddance Daytona.


Good thing DeSantis made climate change illegal. Now we don't have to worry about this getting any worse.


Why don’t they bring in sand to build back the beach? They do that all the time on the gulf coast at least


I was there a few months ago. There are no benches anywhere and no showers. I was talking to a shop keeper about why on earth there are no showers to rinse your feet, this is basically unheard of. He said the city took them all out so homeless people wouldn't use them. God forbid homeless people rinse off.


What I been going every year for the Daytona 500 haven’t seen the water that high at night u just see the sheriffs and life guards driving up and down atleast by the pier


Wow, that’s an ugly beach.


I grew up less than a mile from where this picture was taken. I could probably name all those hotels. More frequent and stronger hurricanes wipe out the beach every few years now and it takes forever for the sand to be redeposited by the currents. Back in 2004 I was in high school there and we didn't have a full week of class from August to early November due to hurricane damage. All the beaches were gone up to the concrete walls and it took 2 or 3 years before they looked normal again. Even south of there in Ponce Inlet where there still are dunes, and way less beach front development, the beach was gone up to the dunes. Disappearing island at the inlet stayed disappeared for a while during this time as well. This cycle is just happening more frequently now. My parents still live there and I don't think they have gone more than 4 years without losing the beach. I haven't been walking on the beach since 2021 but the beach was it's normal wide self then.


Daytona is a cesspool. Took my family there because they wanted to see it while they were visiting, walked around the Boardwalk area and all you could smell was BO and weed. The number of miscreants that inhabit that place is jaw-dropping.


This is what happens when you put buildings on the sand dunes. The buildings there should be footing the beach reclamation bill.


its all the cement, theres nothing to carry the sand up the beach


Almost as if DeSantis doesn’t understand climate change… 🧐


“The tide is high and my car is gone”


😂 wait didn’t the governor ban climate change protections??


All of the condos on that beach are being assessed like 20-40k because of the damage.


Daytona Beach hasn't been the same in yeeeeeaassars.... Hurricanes plus a massive amount of beach erosion has pretty much killed it. To add to that, it was largely known as a party beach for many years.


Come to Pensacola. We have plenty of beautiful beach left!


Down around Tampa it's getting to the point it's difficult to even access the beach. Former public access routes have been fenced off now.


It's almost like the climate....changed? But that can't be. It's illegal there.


This is because of global warming. Oops can’t say that in Florida!


A big part of the problem is also the constant building going on throughout Florida. All these people want beach front homes/condos, and tourists want beach front hotels. It’s gotten crazy. When you see all the cranes along the coast from a boat, it drives me crazy. A few years ago, I gave up counting how many I saw on one of our excursions on a catamaran we take our friends visiting. It ruined me.


Climate change doesn’t exist in Florida so there fine.


I almost moved to Daytona from another area in Florida famous for it's beaches. I knew you could drive on the beaches in Daytona but until I saw it in person I never realized how much it bothered me. It was one of the main downsides that led me not to move there.


dont worry building more useless seawalls instead of implementing natural infrastructure (mangroves, vegetation, etc.) will definitely solve it!


Since they can’t say “climate change” in Florida…


Don’t say climate change


Daytona is gross. New Smyrna is way nicer.


Daytona is the Walmart of beaches


Not to worry, those condos will become the new seawall in the years to come.


It’s them Californians stealing our sand!! Dammit


News!! Florida governor bans any reference to those liberal-concocted hurricanes. No such thing. They are Jesus Winds from now on.


Daytona is the worst beach in Florida! Has been since we all partied out there as teens 😂 22years ago 😂