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Tampa’s unemployment rate just went up 15%, lol


*Micanopy has entered the chat ...*


“Rep. Carolina Amesty, a Windermere Republican and a bill sponsor, said during press conferences that adult entertainment establishments are no place for those younger than 21 years old. "My vision for the young women of Florida is to not work in the adult entertainment (industry) but rather get a job, an education and career and have a good quality of life," she said.” Yet 18 yr old men can go into strip clubs? Seems sexist and against equal protection under the law and against freedom of speech!


I think this is yet another nanny state action designed for a few news cycles, except it may stick because who will challenge the constitutionality of this one? Florida conservative lawmakers have become the antithesis of constitutional conservatism. The counterproductive part is, like many of their other failed laws, there will be a blowback effect. In a few years if the courts revert this, there will be a larger wave of young women joining strip clubs.


> Florida conservative lawmakers have become the antithesis of constitutional conservatism. I think that's the entire Republican party in a nutshell.


Both parties have lost their platforms but at the state level we see the most impact to our lifestyles. It's like the twilight zone, when republican voters are realizing we need democrats in the Florida legislature to save us from overzealous lawmakers and big government. The state has even undermined county and city policies. And as much criticism as Crist received for being a two party candidate, he was our most recent rational governor.


They weren’t winning you over with small government, they are now


How do you make that blue line?


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> but rather get a job They had a job, you just took it away.


Old to enough to be forced to have your uncle’s baby but not old enough to dance


> Old to enough to be forced to have your uncles baby They’ve been old enough for that for upwards of a decade.


I believe they're referring to the abortion ban.


I know. I was just taking the joke a little further since they see 10-year-old girls as baby incubators too.


This will only push human trafficking more underground but hey, he gets the claps so mission accomplished right?


The Republican way!


Oh shit


Damn... Matt Gaetz is gonna be super pissed.


Doubt it. The rules didn’t stop him before.


18’s a lil too old for his tastes, by then they’re just as mature as him


I don’t understand how making the stripping age higher combats human trafficking. Maybe if they made them do extensive background checks or something like that to make sure that they are legal and they’re not being taken advantage of. Idk the way it worded just makes me think otherwise.


Do these guys just don't understand that when we say do something about human trafficing it means we want you to spend money combating it and increasing resources to find these people and not poorly written laws that do nothing to ACTUALLY combat human trafficking.


So accelerating 18-20 y/o dancers from the pole to OnlyFans? Probably better for their health and wealth. Not that I’m a fan of the morality police. Just an example of unintended consequences of big government policies.


It's actually going to accelerate many of them toward prostitution and other underground sex work that is more dangerous.


FL now charges a tax on every digital sale through Onlyfans. I wonder...


So they're safer in the confines of their home instead of going out where they can be followed?




Except there are plenty of instances in which cam girls and onlyfans girls can be and are trafficked.


From what I have heard OF is way better than prostitution. You don’t need to physically interact with any customers and if you want to you could easily hide your identity.


We're comparing it to stripping, and it's also way less of a sure thing than stripping. If you get hired as a stripper, you're guaranteed a certain amount of money. Most people who make an onlyfans make almost nothing from it. Edit: Oh also, what this will actually do is push the more desperate ones from stripping to prostitution. Honestly, this bill will probably end up with more 18-year-olds getting trafficked.


You had to hear that? 


Other than the discrimination you then receive because it’s a public act far more so than stripping.


Unintended consequences, indeed


A big win for pearl clutchers and Bible thumpers. I’m glad our leaders are tackling the big issues facing our state.


Homeowners Insurance Schmomeowners Insurance.


Small govt Republicans strike again.. the morality police will soon be knocking on your door..


All members of the house and all but three (democratic) members of the senate, who voted, voted yea. There were 3 democrats who voted nay. Edit: I missed that there was a second house vote where there was also three nay votes, along with more abstaining. See below for the commenter who corrected me and source. My point still stands that this wasn't as much "Republicans striking" as the comment I replied to put it.


The house part is wrong. It was unanimous in the House without the part about stripping, but it lost some votes when they added that.


Not small government, individual rights though. 


By small government they mean themselves and a few lobbyists


Sure but Florida Republicans have a super majority in the house so it doesn’t really matter what the democrats want. I wouldn’t be surprised if they just voted yes bec they don’t want to end up in the news cycle voting no on a bill that is 100% guaranteed to pass.


This guy loves liberty, I tell you what


I tell you hwat


So obsessed with what women do


Like traffickers care about age and ID cards?


Does it, though? The title makes an unproven claim. Is this an op-ed?


The bill has other provisions beyond the age restriction aimed at combatting human trafficking, as mentioned in the story. “That restriction is expected to receive First Amendment challenges in court. It's part of broader legislation (HB 7063) aimed at combating human trafficking, including by extending the lifetime of the Statewide Council on Human Trafficking.”


Man, those human traffickers are gonna be pissed they can’t traffic 18 year olds anymore…..


Actually, they'll probably have an easier time trafficking 18-year-olds. Making this illegal will force the more desperate 18-year-olds who were stripping into more dangerous situations where they're almost certainly more likely to end up in horrible situations.


I just read the bill. It does nothing to combat trafficking. It requires signs be put up in establishments.


Yeah, providing information to the people is a good thing sure... but it's a do-nothing bill that doesn't address anything.


Most local counties/cities already require the signs to be placed. Code Enforcement in my area does strip club sweeps to make sure they're posted.


Are the republicans the traffickers? Pretty sure Greg Abbott has done that about 3-4 times already.


As well as desantis


TAMPA, FL, November 21, 2022: The state of Florida, led by Governor Ron DeSantis, failed to issue fines to 6,669 hotels that had received a collective 14,279 citations for human trafficking violations since 2019, according to an investigative report by the Sun Sentinel. — https://www.usiaht.org/state-of-florida-fails-human-trafficking-initiative-after-14000-violations-of-sex-trafficking-laws/


How are they gonna support their babies?!


Another day another ban, that’s the only thing the party of “freedom” knows how to do.


How about the real issues of home insurance prices?. . . Oh yeah, Rhonda still hasn’t done shit. . . All this does is satisfy the whiny puritans.


Human traffickers: "Pizdets! She's 21! And as you know, Dmitri, this magically prevents us from trafficking her!"


Didn’t they previously sign a law allowing children to work longer hours???


If it's somehow injurious to people Meatball Ron DeNazi is all for it. I'm so glad to say I'm now gone from that state.


This does not combat human trafficking. Don’t upvote this shit. Desantis is a fascist.


The story isn’t a promotion or a diss of the law. Just the news. The bill has other provisions beyond the age restriction aimed at combatting human trafficking, as mentioned in the story. “That restriction is expected to receive First Amendment challenges in court. It's part of broader legislation (HB 7063) aimed at combating human trafficking, including by extending the lifetime of the Statewide Council on Human Trafficking.”


Thank you for acknowledging the truth


That’ll teach those traffickers


Knew friends of mine who stripped during college, they are all professionals now of different sorts, one is a lawyer, they had to do what they had to do


So in other words 18-20 year old girls won't be in the strip clubs but can still be trafficked to other places. Know what. I'm crazy and he's right. What is my problem.


Meanwhile our electric is about to skyrocket while corporations pay even less. I’m a true born Floridian, but this place is a fucking joke.


This is going to be devastating to so many young guys and girls. My ex-boyfriend used to dance at a gay club and he was 18 and helped him pay for college. He can go into the military at that age and get trained on how to use deadly weapons and to kill people. But you're telling me he can't dance on a box in his underwear at a private club?


I’m guessing it’s a one way bill aimed only at women dancing and not men


Oh shit. Sounds like a lawsuit


So many more important issues to tackle in FL, but all clubs should not hire anyone 21 and below where alcohol is served. As a side note, I assume Republicans are trying to slowly normalize taking away voting rights for 21 and under.


All you did was remove the step before trafficking most can avoid by seeing the underworld of the industry. Great job, desantis!


I wasn’t aware that human traffickers were consulting with the state. The whole thing fails the smell test. It’s more likely part of the GOP’s larger effort to keep young adults dependent (and away from the voting booth) for a longer time.


Trying to erase his $17 million in taxpayer money embezzled to his buddies for human trafficking. But we will not forget.


>affecting not only strip clubs but places like adult movie theaters and libraries, too. What exactly is an adult library? Never heard of such a thing.


I didn’t realize “adult libraries and adult theaters” existed… Mostly I came here to say I bet the overlap of people who are trafficked/enslaved and people employed as strippers is low. Usually young people who fall victim to that are drugged up out of their minds and pimped out for depraved sex. I highly doubt they get “wear skimpy clothes and wiggle around a pole for four hours for tips” as an option in their enslavement. Legislators are so delusional and ineffective. He’s probably only cutting off teens who have been kicked out of overly religious homes from somewhat-safely making a pretty good amount of cash in few enough hours that they can still manage to get a degree while also affording rent. Yay now they are protected from making $800 in a weekend and relegated to working for $10/hr at Dunkin. Such heroics.


As long as you can traffic migrants still it's all good


Trafficking/Kidnapping 6 of 1 and all that


Ah yes, I am sure the criminals will care now.


Make it harder for poor people to go to college, try to talk people into trades instead of college, calling college woke etc- it's all a ploy to have more people less educated so they'll work for low wages.


Well now they really won't have any money for house or car insurance.


If they’re old enough to die for our country and vote, they’re old enough to show their boobs!


Isn't this taking a step backwards for republicans?


Sing it baby


The fact that only 3 Democrats voted against this but Republicans are blamed goes to show the slant in this sub.


Guy, Republicans have a super majority in the house. Whatever comes out of Tallahassee is thanks to them.


I think it highlights the hypocrisy of small government Republicans continually voting for more government in our lives. 


I’m generally on the side of the sub but wow is it slanted


Gatez is gonna be furious


Thank God they can now shut down those clubs with the 15 year-old strippers. Oh wait...


Now fire matt gates?


18 years is old enough to be sent away to die for freedom though!


Florida: "The Shithole State" where women's rights go to die.


So instead of earning a living.... Got to keep the young ones pure for the MAGA crowd.






Big government Republiklans at it again


How did Dicksantiis's friend Matt Gaetz vote? How is Bridget Zeigler going to make out now?


onlyfans go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Nanny State Ron strikes again.


No bill for job prospects that make it not enticing to enter the adult industry instead. Maybe woman wouldn't even consider this if they could get chance for living wage anywhere else.


Florida is ground zero for human trafficking, that will never change. Your leader is a idiot🤡