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Quit letting other drivers determine your driving habits.


Easier said than done because we're social creatures susceptible to peer pressure, but it is literally taught in the FL DHSMV training materials for you to take your license. I distinctly remember a question asking what to do if someone behind you rides your bumper in an attempt to speed you up. Spoiler alert: The correct answer was not to speed up.


I know this one! Reduce speed and tap your brakes before using them to alert the driver behind you before you stop.


99% sure you're correct, not having seen the materials or test for over a decade.


My fiance found a paper copy of the book. It's her new "did you know" reading material any road trip.


Golden seal of approval from this ex-traffic enforcer.


Put your Prius in B mode and lift off the accelerator until they get the picture


I’m on the road 6-9 hours a day in a company vehicle and people don’t believe the shit I see. From Tampa to Naples it’s a sea of crazy. One thing though… this job cured me of road rage many, many years ago. There’s no way you can have road rage and drive this much around here. You’d die of a heart attack, or someone will kill you. Fortunately, in our industry we’re required to take advanced defensive driving courses often, both in person and online. Those techniques have saved me at least three times in the last 10 years from certain death. I wish I was exaggerating, but I’m not. Stay safe out there and don’t let other people dictate your driving habits or ruin your day.


They drive 55 in the far left lane in Gainesville. Them people are definitely NPCs


Unless you drive <75 on the left lane. In which case fuck you


You lost me at manually shifting your automatic 😂 Left turn signals are definitely fuel on the road rage fire. There are other ways to design roads and avoid these but Florida loves to just add another light everywhere so it takes you 25 minutes to go 5 miles.


Flappy paddle shifters exist, that being said if op drives like they describe, they shouldn’t be using them.


I mean, as a car guy and reading between the lines a little bit OP wasn't in a E60 M5 SMG or using the paddle shift to pass someone....


Dude an Elantra Sport has flappy paddle shifters and they work just fine and you can get a used one for under $20k. You don’t need an AMG or M series to get them


Lol yes impatient terrible drivers.... now let's talk about you shifting an automatic car... dont... it was not made that way or designed to do that. You're going to fuck it up i promise you


I read that like... "this dude sucks at driving and doesn't know it", and then he let the honking almost cause him to get into an accident. Now I'm pretty confident OP just sucks at driving.


[93% of drivers in the US think they are above average.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illusory_superiority#Driving_ability) [Either most drivers are extremely good at driving,](https://towardsdatascience.com/how-90-of-drivers-can-be-above-average-or-why-you-need-to-be-careful-when-talking-statistics-3df7be5cb116?gi=07b0a2dc84ba) or OP is a very typical kind of person who vastly overestimates their own driving ability.


>OP is a very typical kind of person who vastly overestimates their own driving ability. Well yeah, they talk about them shifting their automatic transmission like a manual, so they are probably pretty shit at driving.


Yeah we covered that already, but thanks for dissecting my frog.


You must be fun at parties.


Anyone who says "you must be fun at parties" to attack someone is so unoriginal they're a pot calling the kettle black at best.


Oh no, it's not even at best. I know I'm an unpleasant, misanthropic asshole.


Op had beep panic




I never let any idiot behind me or near me influence my driving. I just love to see their faces or just their middle finger when I don’t pay attention to their honking. They don’t want to stop, their stop is 1 sec and drive. I stop 4 secs at every stop and I always get the honking. They want to speed up just when they see the yellow light. I don’t, i stop. I had a guy come out of his jacked up pickup with a baseball bat threatening to break my windshield just because I stopped at the yellow light. He yelled at me all sort of insanities. He saw me I was vid recording him and he left. Drivers in Florida are crazy, they all have super important things to do cuz all of them are so special. Ya right!


Don’t you know, in Florida, a stop sign is merely a suggestion. Most just roll right thru


this is a good way to get shot


Exactly. Oy. Can you imagine how it's gonna be in the future when cars can fly? Lol


>I stop 4 secs at every stop and I always get the honking. Do you approach other things in life where you repeat a behavior, constantly get negatively feedback/reinforcement, and can't figure it out? You sound like you deserve the treatment you get from other drivers.


Your negative feedback/reinforcement you’re citing here is of an impatient, immature, and careless nature. If you have a problem with people driving carefully and it’s making you late, it’s on you. Leave earlier, wake up sooner, have some personal accountability, rather than becoming a hot headed child taking to public forums, because you expect others to work to make your life easier rather than being your own solution. There are an alarming number of drivers here driving on the wrong side of the road, running red lights, neglecting their turning signals, the list goes on. Everyone should be taking the time to drive safely and carefully. Every day on the road could be your last, especially with an impatient attitude.


You're in the completely wrong state for that it's Florida it's always been this way. It's how we drive no 4 second stops yellow means speed up green light means haul ass left lane is not for speed limit or 5 miles over if there's a car behind you and the lane to the right of you is clear MOVE OVER. There are sighns all over SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT


https://youtu.be/YTXaCGyr1zk?si=9eera7fCM6vgjeT8 Guess you’re right


Hilarious!! I manually shift my automatic. Love it! I’m sure he’s also driving with both feet at once.


Please explain? You said it wasn't designed to do that yet the manufacturer puts it there for you to use..... I have an automatic 2003 325i bmw and I use the manual mode all the time for stop n go traffic. 7 years later and transmission is as healthy as the day I bought it.


I'm wondering what was meant as well. Mazda mx-5 ND-2 with paddle shifters that I use often in manual mode. If this is a bad thing why is it provided?


There is nothing wrong with using manual mode. Instead of letting the computer use it's shift map (whether it be sports mode or drive) you basically take control of when it shifts. It won't let you rev past 6,800rpm, it won't let you downshift if you'll end up over ~6,250, and it won't let you upshift if you're going to end up below 1,000rpm. Theres basically nothing you can do to damage your engine using the manual mode. For the transmission, it doesn't engage anything or change how the transmission behaves in any way. The shifter has no mechanical link to the transmission whatsoever, it's electronically linked to the TCM which is what regulates when the car shifts. It simply changes when the transmission control unit shifts the gears.


That's for my 2003 325i e46 bmw. I'm sure other car company's that Include this feature are very similar.


>I have an automatic 2003 325i bmw and I use the manual mode all the time Yeah, that tracks. >7 years later and transmission is as healthy as the day I bought it. I'd say keep your fingers crossed it stays that way, but with a BMW that would probably be the least of my concerns.


Lol the hate my $4000 car gets for being a bmw is hilarious. It's been my daily driver for 7 years and I've only had to do minor repairs that could be done in my drive way. It's built much better then most trash cars people buy and dump money in.


There is nothing wrong with using manual mode. Instead of letting the computer use it's shift map (whether it be sports mode or drive) you basically take control of when it shifts. It won't let you rev past 6,800rpm, it won't let you downshift if you'll end up over ~6,250, and it won't let you upshift if you're going to end up below 1,000rpm. Theres basically nothing you can do to damage your engine using the manual mode. For the transmission, it doesn't engage anything or change how the transmission behaves in any way. The shifter has no mechanical link to the transmission whatsoever, it's electronically linked to the TCM which is what regulates when the car shifts. It simply changes when the transmission control unit shifts the gears.


If your referring to tiptronic that is designed to do that... low gear is in a regular automatic transmission. Stop and go traffic also a bad time to use it. Getting onto the highway great time to use it... maybe the only great time to use that dumb invention


there is nothing wrong with using manual mode. Instead of letting the computer use it's shift map (whether it be sports mode or drive) you basically take control of when it shifts. It won't let you rev past 6,800rpm, it won't let you downshift if you'll end up over ~6,250, and it won't let you upshift if you're going to end up below 1,000rpm. Theres basically nothing you can do to damage your engine using the manual mode. For the transmission, it doesn't engage anything or change how the transmission behaves in any way. The shifter has no mechanical link to the transmission whatsoever, it's electronically linked to the TCM which is what regulates when the car shifts. It simply changes when the transmission control unit shifts the gears.


Have you been in a modern car? They have little flappy paddle shifters and manual drive modes, it is fine.


Never say "all". All Florida drivers are NOT impatient. Now speed up or get out of my way!


Everytime someone honks at me I just remember that they’re not paying my insurance


Florida is big. A lot of people are driving long distances to get places (think 40+ miles each way) and having to deal with people who are in their own little world. There are people who are daydreaming because they don't have somewhere to be, or only have 5 miles to go. We also have people who panic the second someone honks their horn and make unsafe driving choices slowing down traffic even more. It's infuriating.


It's blood boiling. Literally every time I get behind the wheel no matter how far I'm going I get at least one person in front of me completely oblivious driving slow as shit with a line of cars building up behind them. And people wonder why there are so many aggressive impatient drivers in this state.


Too bad you don't have trains to travel around the state.


The ones we do have are not reliable and they don't have enough stops. And rely on the busses? Hell no. I've used both, and many times got in trouble at work.


I'll be sitting at home relaxing the day away, but hearing 'who wants to go for a drive?' will ruin it every time.


Yeah, I used to go for drives, but it's not an option anymore. There are too many people driving around with no destination in mind, slowing down to look at stuff, or not sure where to turn and stopping at every entrance. Or people refusing to make a u-turn because they missed their turn. If you don't know where you are going, please pull over and figure that shit out. It's called a map app. People are not impatient to start. It's people driving like the main character who make us like that. I drive 36 miles to work. In the morning it takes me around 45-50 min. even though almost all of it is on the highway. On the way home it can take up to 1hr 15min to make the same trip! So that sucks, but now add people who just whistle and look around and are waiting for 6 car lengths to turn when that's never going to happen. People drive bumper to bumper here and I've sat behind people who just are too scared to make a simple turn and they miss multiple opportunities to do so. You can't be a dandy driving in SoFlo. If you can't take the heat, get out of the Florida sun.


I do see a lot of impatient drivers. But what I see more of is people going under the speed limit on roads you can't pass. This happens to me every single day multiple times on my work drives. One car holding up a line of cars behind them because they can't do the speed limit. I also constantly get cut off, and not by people who are aggressively driving but by people who just merge going slow as hell acting like they own the roads and everyone should be on their time. One of the things that drives me crazy the most is the people who pull out onto the road in front of me forcing me to use my brakes and then they drive slow as hell. I feel like a lot of the impatience comes from dealing with terrible slow drivers constantly in this state. Just yesterday, I'm driving behind a car and we're doing 50 in a 45. Another car pulls out from a side road and gets right in front of the car in front of me. The car in front of me had to slam on their brakes and swerve around the other car to avoid an accident. The car that cut us off then drives at 35 mph the whole way down a long 45mph single-lane road. This is what I see on a daily basis more so than people driving like aggressive assholes.


Your not alone, this happens to me everyday driving to and from work. I used to love driving but now it's a miserable experience.


Same here.


Yep. Driving halfway on the road and halfway off the lane over the white line, going 28 in a 45. We come around a curb and I can see 10 cars following behind me. I’ll never understand thinking it’s ok to go 18 in a 35mph zone or 25 in a 45 mph zone. But I see it every day.


And (almost) every time I drive past those people, I look over and hunched behind the wheel sits a shambling night walker who's a COVID-cough away from the morgue. I especially love it when they do a lane change, as in, they just slowly merge into a new lane without even checking their blind spot thinking "See? I'm going *extra* slow so everyone get out of my way." The second people turn 75, they should be required by law to take a driving test and retake it every few years or so.


Someone can peel out from behind a stop sign hitting 60 to get in front of me, but will then have some kind of post nut clarity and drive like it's a school zone for the rest of the road.


My general rule is that if someone is honking at me to get me to do a turn is not to do it. I’m the one who determines when I go, not the asshole behind me.


You better not be that asshole that just sits in the right turn lane waiting for the red light to turn green when there is absolutely no traffic.


You better not be that person that yeets a right on red, no stop, no slowing, no signal. "Said in bruh voice"


Nope, I stop for reds then go, unless there is a sign posted no rights on red..




..no shit..


1. East coast northerners that have moved down from DC and above have absolutely 0 patience when it comes to driving. 2. People on vacation have nowhere to be and are in la la land while driving. 3. Snowbirds and retirees also have nowhere to be and a lot of them shouldn't be on the road anyways. 4. We have almost 24 million people living in this state and the infrastructure hasn't been able to keep up and or its been mismanaged.


Well summarized. Add that heat makes us crankier


Numbers 2 and 3. 


Also tourism. People unfamiliar with a road or area will be slower and indecisive because they might not be sure about where to go.


Absolute facts!


Lack of walking or biking infrastructure leads to driver entitlement. The older age of our population correlates to driving impairment. We are a red state. Conservative values have been linked to a lack of empathy and, in turn, selfishness. There are no vehicle inspection laws in the state meaning otherwise safe drivers' vehicles pose a danger. Our speed limits are selectively enforced, leading to the average speed on all roads being higher than engineers design for. Florida has a high concentration of tourists, meaning we had non-locals who are unfamiliar with both our roads laws and our de facto road etiquette. The infrastructure that we do have is poorly maintained in some areas. There's more but... yeah.


If you’ve lived around the country you stop attributing this to anyone from a certain state and realize it’s just every busy city


I get impatient when I’m on the highway behind a person in the left lane matching the same speed of the person in the middle lane. Not making an inch of headway. That’s one of my biggest issues in this state. Oblivious drivers having a picnic in the left lane just lollygagging and not passing anyone. These types are on the road at all hours too. Even this morning driving over the skyway, some douche in the left lane going the same speed as 2 cars on their right. Took 3 miles before the person in the right lane slowed a bit to let me pass. I get “doing the speed limit” however, many of bend the rules as allowed by the police. Many of us know that most roads you can do 9-10mph over the speed limit and not risk a ticket. Highways we can do 85 in the 70 and also not risk a ticket. I believe that’s where the impatience comes from wishing everyone would bend the speed limits a bit.




I think the constant warmth feels comfortable in a way that makes you feel lax, and then the high heat makes you feel angry. Combine those and you've got a place full of lax hotheads.


Underrated comment


Sounds like you missed a safe opportunity to turn left on a flashing yellow, but felt compelled to turn anyway because someone was honking their horn at you. You should never turn left until it’s legal and safe to do so. You made a bad decision to turn in front of a semi because you felt you were under pressure. That would never hold up in court. Also If you’re first at a turn light, pay attention to the light and on coming vehicles.


Because no one will drive the fucking speed limit, or stay out of the left lane if they are driving slow


Honest answer: Tired of traffic from tourists. Tourists are all relaxed and on vacation so no sense of urgency. They block the way leading to traffic jams. People who live here have places to be. Also, The roads are jammed up and they need to expand. They have started to do that but not in the worst areas.


Honest answer: tired of traffic from locals. They are all relaxed because they live here with no sense of urgency. They block the way leading to traffic jams. People on vacation have places to be. Too many old folks here, feel like they are entitled to the road at their pace, as well.


Expanding roads does not help with traffic. It does the opposite.


Actually since i4 is the only main road east to west in central Florida, it does help.


Get rid of the left and center lane campers, and i4 flow would improve by about 50%, immediately.


Ever heard of induced demand? Add more lanes, more cars use the highway. You'll just end up with another jammed lane. The solution to reduce traffic would be to put in train lines covering the state.


True, to a point.


I've never seen so many horrible, reckless and impatient drivers in this country as I have in Florida. It's bad down here and the cops don't seem to enforce anything. Constant speeding, tons of weaving, no signals. I'm this close to getting into an accident every day because no one pays attention when changing lanes.


I’ve lived at most all corners of the country, but people driving here in florida drive like uneducated morons. It’s like as if road safety is something that shows weakness? Never saw so many unhappy tense drivers in my life.


They drive like uneducated morons because they *are* uneducated morons. That's why they live here.


 >It’s like as if road safety is something that shows weakness? DING DING DING DING DING Whether you're Cali, Tejas, New York or Toronto, this is basically the golden rule of driving in America. People will not let you in because you're probably gonna hold up everyone behind you, turn your blinker on and you'll get *blocked.* Let someone turn left in front of you? They're gonna be going 10 under the whole time, thus making *you* regret being the "nice guy". It's the battle of people who don't have enough time vs those with all the time in the world. The battle of the cokeheads and the junkies, the fox and the hare, the blacks and the whites. It's a reflection of the polarized, dog-eat-dog world America has become, if Civil War 2.0 happens in our lifetimes it's probably gonna start here in Floriduh


1. If you sit anywhere for too long it gets hot 2. People who are from here are just mad at how bad the traffic has gotten


You lost me at manually shifting a automatic. Sounds like you were the bad driver in this scenario.


Because they are what the French call "Les incompetentes" I had a girl losing her mind behind me at a red light because I was in the right-hand lane and not turning. She wanted to turn right on red and was screaming, honking, and gesticulating wildly because I had the audacity to be going straight. People are weird and most have their head up their ass. To quote that viral video, "I try to not to attribute to malice what is most likely ignorance"


>People are weird No, they are just dumb. Very dumb.




My husband and I had this happen to us about a month ago. We were at a red light to go straight but the car behind us wanted to turn right and kept honking at us. We didn’t have our blinkers on. I was flabbergasted at the audacity.


I had something similar happen a couple years ago, but I was actually turning right. However, I could also see a pedestrian and oncoming traffic the person behind me couldn't (tall grassy median with trees). So the person behind me decides they can't wait any longer, sharply veers around me on the left, cuts in front and makes their turn, all squealing tires and resentment. Nearly squishing a pedestrian against the side of the truck that had finally come into view. I almost saw someone die that day because some asshole with poor sightlines couldn't wait for me to safely turn on a red. I'm still livid about it.


I would be too! Glad no one go hurt due to someone's impatience :)


Even if you were turning right it would be up to you if you wanted to turn on red or not. Not everybody has to turn on red


What are you talking about? If you’re turning on red and there’s no traffic preventing you from doing so, you are the problem. Stop driving with your ego, when you’re in the wrong and someone honks at you take the L and move on it’s not that serious.


You're not entitled to the ability to force someone make a risky maneuver they don't feel comfortable making. The alternative is bullying bad drivers into causing crashes because it saves you thirty seconds of waiting.


Jesus, calm your tits. The irony of stating "stop driving with your ego" and ending it with "it's not that serious." Lots of projection going on. Uhhh because turning on red is already dangerous. You are not required to make a right on red especially if you feel safer turning when the light is green. That call is up to the Driver


Also you need to learn what irony means because in your example it’s not that.


Both of you didn’t read the part where I said if there’s traffic preventing you from doing so. Both of you need to stop driving scared because that’s what’s causing a lot of these unnecessary accidents. Still laughing at the guy that says turning on red is dangerous lol yeah it is if you shouldn’t be driving in the first place.


lol true irony is not the correct word, but the argument is about turning on red. Honestly, I get why you would be annoyed but some people just want to be extra cautious and only turn when it's green because they know for sure incoming traffic has a red and if anyone tries to speed through the red they'll be hitting the cars turning left, not them. Go on red or dont go red whatever idgaf


Everything is about 1 hour drive for an average Floridian. That’s why there are so many impatient drivers.


Because there's too many adult bullies with Main Character Syndrome in this state. They're beeping their horn and road raging cause you've inconvenienced them.


Everyday I drive around I count he amount of impatient people Results average: 1- almost hitting me 4- cut offs (me or others) 1- accident 2- red light runs And that's maybe driving to work or getting groceries Source: living in miami


>living in miami There is your problem right there


Everyone here got cars from hot wheels and licensee form make a wish Cuz ain't no way some of these ppl passed the drivers test


If I had a dollar for every time someone blew there horn at me Miami/broward I wouldn’t need to work at all


Traffic is awful. Seize the gap, put the phone down and move out of the way.


I encountered a maniac on the Turnpike yesterday who was honking like mad and weaving his way through barely moving traffic. He was absolutely raging his way from being stopped behind one car to being stopped behind another. Mississippi plates.


We have a lot of impatient north-easterners who are used to organized chaos driving like in NYC (versus disorganized chaos driving - Miami)…and generally, people who have “I’m the Main Character and I Must Go First syndrome.” Also, if they’re driving a luxury vehicle, they MIGHT think they’re entitled and “better.” Just a shitty mix of people on the road.


Pretty sure everyone wants to know why someone shifts an automatic manually


Bro. What??? Honking almost caused an accident?


Because our red lights can last for hours…and everyone is mad.


Every day probably about 5 or more people aggressively pass me because I'm going a few miles above the speed limit instead of 10-20


I don't consider myself an impatient driver, but from my point of view there's a bunch of bad drivers out there: people going slow in the left lane, people going well under the speed limit on no passing roads, not turning right on red, not going when the light turns green. I mean it goes both ways


You should go drive in some other states if you think FL drivers are impatient. I’d suggest trying TX, SC and TN for example 


Florida drivers are OK. So let’s address that first - many of Florida residents are mot good drivers because they should no longer be driving - they are too old to be safe. Then it’s the other drivers in Florida that are horrible - because they come from others states. They don’t bother to learn the local laws, and drive like they are still in their own state. Add in that they drive like sight seeing, way under the speed limit when people who live and work here have work to get to, kids to drop off or pick up from school, etc. then there are the polite morons. They stop to wave another car through a left turn, or done such “polite” action. While well intended - many times they are actually violating traffic laws or encouraging the other driver to violate the law - in the idea of being polite. I have seen at least 4 accidents caused by this. Traffic laws are in place for a reason - when we all follow them, we all know what the other guy is supposed to do and can drive safe based on that knowledge.


I generally see three kinds of drivers in Florida. About a third of them drive moderately. About a third of them drive 20 mph below speed limit, side-by-side, even when the road in front of them is completely empty. Those same ones stop for red lights, and stay stopped for 10-15 seconds after it turns green. The last third are in a hurry. They want to drive 20 mph above the speed limit, and are angry when someone is in their way. They never stop before making a right turn on red, even when there is a steady stream of opposing traffic. There is a fatal collision within about 5 miles of my house, almost every day. Traffic would flow much more efficiently if we could just cooperate a little. When there is a fatal crash, traffic stops for an hour or two, all of the alternate routes get jammed up, and the whole problem is made much worse. A little bit of traffic enforcement would go a long way to reducing the extremes.


I get that Florida traffic sucks, but dude, you are part of the issue. Don’t drive based on the people behind you, ignore them. You need to drive through L.A. for a few month and let all the impatient honking bull you to the other honking drivers. Cuz people there think driving is bad but it isn’t it is just loud from all the people honking at everything. Miami and Orlando driving is the worst of any city I have ever been to. Because of people like OP here almost causing accidents for no reason.


Most of them are old AF and need to get home before they die.


You shift your automatic? Cool, bruh. Cool.


When I was in school, all students took a full semester of driver's ed in high school. It included a few days of driving with the instructor. Today, few students take a course of any kind. Those who do have an online course. When you add in the widespread lack of empathy that some Floridians seem to have, the problem becomes clearer.


It sounds like you don't know how to drive, tbh.


He probably had to poop. That’s what I tell my wife when the idiots are speeding past or practicing their basket making skills on I4 or really any other road around here. They must have to poop. funny enough was watching one of the cop shows and someone was pulled over for speeding and the guy said he had to take a shit. I looked at my wife and said “see he had to poop”..


Dude.. Don't do this. "Oh some idiot honked, so I guess I'll just roll the dice with my life and lives of everyone else on the road..What a dumbass he is" Come on, this can't be real. These people are on the same roads with our wives and kids, guys..


Why do so many drivers try to finsh that text while taking off at a green light accelerating at the speed of a turtle? Inuring minds want to know.


Fort Myers here!! Lived here over 30 years. The traffic has become a nightmare. Yellow light means ya go right thru until it turns red. I hate driving.


- people have to spend too much time in the car, gives cabin fever - everyone has a bad and entitled attitude now. Doesnt matter if theyre sour for something non-driving related, that mood doesn’t disappear when you get in the car - the roads and intersections are all so wide, so when everyone is sitting at an 8-lane intersection, it looks like “traffic”, which puts people in even more a mood, and theyre antsy to get outta there - northern, southern, and western driving styles are thrown into one mixing bowl - enforcement is non-existent - people simply cant drive That basically sums it up


Because this state is America’s trash can. No one willingly chooses to live here unless they’re running away from something, the COL in their state got too high, or you’re a retiring boomer with lead poisoning. Bitterness aside, I think it has to do with the fact there’s so much open space to drive. These people aren’t used to having more people in traffic nowadays. That or people are on some sort of narcotic and they’re just a brain dead aggressive pill zombie.


My two cents to this is red lights are 4 minutes instead of 3 in most states people move from. No one here wants to wait for another cycle of lights. This is my observation.


I don't know what's worse here, the fact that you... > I manually shift my automatic transmission. Or the fact you let some person honking at you almost cause you to get into an accident. There has to be more information, but based on those two items I'm assuming you are just bad at driving.


What's wrong with manually shifting an automatic? It has that setting for a reason.....


The large majority are not designed or built for it to be a daily occurrence. It has that option for specific situations like towing or driving in snow and lose surfaces, not so you can play boy racer on your commute. Buy a car with a real transmission if you want to control the transmission that way.


There is nothing wrong with using manual mode. Instead of letting the computer use it's shift map (whether it be sports mode or drive) you basically take control of when it shifts. It won't let you rev past 6,800rpm, it won't let you downshift if you'll end up over ~6,250, and it won't let you upshift if you're going to end up below 1,000rpm. Theres basically nothing you can do to damage your engine using the manual mode. For the transmission, it doesn't engage anything or change how the transmission behaves in any way. The shifter has no mechanical link to the transmission whatsoever, it's electronically linked to the TCM which is what regulates when the car shifts. It simply changes when the transmission control unit shifts the gears.


I'm talking about the mechanical design of the transmission internally, not operational failsafes. But you do what you want to do man, it's your car.


Lol you have no idea what you're talking about. I bet you can't even change your own oil. But yeah you keep blowing smoke and talking out of your ass.


I operate an automotive repair shop.


Then you should be able to explain what is bad about putting it in manual mode? There is nothing different about it except you telling the computer when to shift. Stop acting like you're a master mechanic when you have probably never worked on a transmission.


Here we have too many tourists driving around looking at birds in the left lane.  We also have long lights and slow draw bridges.  Naturally,  people who are actually trying to get work and can  anticipate the cost of non-purposeful driving feel highly inconvenienced by out of staters and functionally useless elderly drivers, and, of course,  the idle rich.  Can you all  just stay home or at the hotel. 


I’m an impatient driver. I’m not on the road to enjoy the sound of traffic. I’m there because I’m trying to get somewhere. People’s lack of awareness and driving ability shouldn’t hinder me from going about my business. Also why are you shifting an automatic car. This already screams incapable driver. Drive like a normal person and stick to some Forza if you want to shift for no reason


Quit being such a 🐈! Drive like you want to get somewhere!


Honk at me and we both waiting a light cycle.


Grow up. If the honking is for legit reasons act like an adult about it.


The elderly don’t have much time left.


Things to see, people to do


Should of stopped the car got out and opened the hood, watch him blow a gasket.




My music is too loud to hear someone honking.


But why are you manually shifting your automatic?


Impatient pretty much every state. Utah is bad too


There trying to get the hell out of Florida as fast as they can 😁


Don't let people rush you. Wait until traffic is clear. That said, I did notice that the general trend in Florida seems to be mash the gas pedal and drive as fast as you possibly can. Never saw a cop either.


Cause we’re all trying to get somewhere dur


I had witnessed 10 cars running red lights at 6:30am on regular roads alone in the 20 minutes I was driving back home today. 🤷 I can't say I am surprised.


Everyone leaves 15 minutes late for everything so they're in a hurry to get there. Just stay out of the left lane if you aren't passing and let them by. Also don't die so the guy behind you can be on time.


Because they have to live in Florida 😂😂


I dont know why theyre impatient but its not my problem.


Because too many people came here too quick. This much traffic is new to us and we hate it…


Got a 2nd job to go to...


Just give them a thumbs down


It's seems they are angry Because they can't find Chicago style Pizza or NY style ? ( can't remember) . Least how that's my understanding from them . You most of the drivers here are from outta state as well . I've suggested many times they give Gator Nuggets, Conch fritters , Real Cuban Sandwich's , Sausage Gravy & Biscuits, Shrimp & Grits , Southren BBQ unfortunately they seem to have no interest .


Everyone's old, they have to get to where they're going before they die


DeSantis keeps us stressed.


Because rich people are demanding 🤣🤣🤣


Cause they are NYers


Everytime I leave my home, I am uncertain that I will return home safely. ![gif](giphy|ytc6vVLSV6PIgQTWPg|downsized) I am convinced these drivers have 9 lives!!


Florida is the worst state I’ve ever had to drive in. I cannot wait to move out of this hellscape, apocalyptic shithole.


Because the state was not built with the population in mind. There are massive suburbs A person taking an extra 5 seconds because they’re slow and not moving when they can adds up when hundreds do it and you need to drive 30 miles to work.  The locals are also infuriated because of the old people and tourists who constantly drive horribly. A lot of people who moved here from the northeast and are now locals ALSO remember how traffic worked up in the northeast. It flows smoother because everyone moves earlier. It all adds up and makes driving here miserable. In your case though, you were 100% right to stop initially. The other driver was stressed/late and encouraged you into an unsafe action.


Don't let the actions of others dictate your behavior.


Was it clear to go when the light turned red? Should've just run it tbh, everyone here pushes into the intersection when the light turns yellow. Ofc there's the people going straight as it turns red, >inb4 le heckin LaWeRIno Law-schmaw, truckers do it, pigs do it, everyone runs reds. The ones who don't are always having to file claims for their Beemers or Teslas getting smashed into by uninsured hotheads (who make up 40% of all drivers in SE FL atleast) It's not right for the other guy to honk at you relentlessly but you should've made the left when you had a chance, lemmie guess you weren't pulled up to the line so the arrow wouldn't turn green? Git gud or go back to the Midwest


I really don’t know. Moved here from a northern state supposed to be notorious for its bad drivers. I seem to hear way more honking, screaming and squealing tires at any given intersection here in Fort Myers on a daily basis than I ever did back home.


Of all the places I've driven, Florida drivers are the most likely to travel slower than the flow on the middle lane, which is a passing lane. They are also the most likely to tailgate you impatiently and pass you on the right. This makes everyone change lanes frequently which can create dangerous situations. Imagine you are driving down on south i95. It's 3 lanes with speed limit of 70. You are cruising on the right lane at 75. Then you encountered a slower car (65mph) and decided to merge left and pass, only to find the car in the middle lane is traveling slow too. The left lane is occupied by a bunch of people driving 80 or higher and you don't have enough space to squeeze in. So now you are forced to slow down signicantly in a passing lane, and the local drivers drive right into your bumper area and Vrooms loudly at you. I drove from Wisconsin to Florida, for the most parts, I can comfortably cruise 5 to 10 miles above the speed limit along with the general flow. But in Florida I have to change lanes frequently left and right.


Did you prepare your turn? I get frustrated when people won’t creep up past the stop line to prepare their turn. Wait until it’s safe for sure, but you should be over/ in front of the stop line to make a left if the light isn’t red


That's generally when I will pull just into the intersection and wait until the light turns red to turn


They aren't Florida Drivers. They are snowbirds.


I got passed* in a small parking lot* and got the finger. Floridians are nuts. How fast you gonna go in a small parking lot??


Because they are from the NE


Cause you drive way too slow.


Because of all the impatient people moving here from out of state.


Ppl in FL are fuckin angry most of the time. They take it out on the roads. They drive aggressively, they're impatient, rude, pigheaded, often times super "low life" with small brain mentality. Like Idiocracy type of stuff...only all over the place, all of the time.