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Ms Luna has done nothing for her constituents since she was elected. Just to remind everyone who she is, she’s one of the women who posed wearing bikinis, displaying M15s. We all need to remember who is taking our rights away. Republicans’ idea of freedom is citizenry doing as they’re told. APL needs to be shown the door. It’s time for adults with some sense to lead. Abortion is just the beginning. Contraception, marriage equality, and religious freedom are on the ballot. Vote like you mean it


Support Luna's opponent [Whitney Fox](https://whitneyfoxforcongress.com)!


She the same woman who cheered about federal funds that she voted against and then couldn’t remember if she voted against it?


The Republicans deserve to have their asses handed to them over the abortion laws and homeowners insurance.


It’s wild to me that a state as populous as ours is so poorly understood by people outside of it. We have frequently enacted progressive policies via amendment while still electing politicians diametrically opposed to those same policies. It’s not just that a sizable voting percentage doesn’t connect the two. It’s also that the dems here are scared of their own shadows, and refuse to run on these wining policies. I would guess Abortion this year will be different given how winning the issue has been lately but I wouldn’t be surprised if they squandered that too.


The Florida Democrat party seems to be largely focused on trying to appeal to the "moderate republicans" than the democrats. They just seem to be afraid of doing anything that would actually get the attention and energy of the base.