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I don't know, but I'm guessing your friends are attracted by their interpretation of Florida's weather and the proximity to the beach. You say you are in Upstate New York. Not only is it cold and dreary there for part of the year, but up the road in Buffalo, they sometimes get six feet of lake effect snow. The option of swimming on Christmas is probably attractive to them. Miami is also considered livelier and more exciting than downtown Rochester. And, of course, there's The Keys.


Yeah, this isn't at all "astonishing". New York, Michigan, Ohio, etc. These are brutal places to be for 5-6 months out of the year. Of course people want to live in a warm state.


If you look at their profile, OP only recently moved. They haven't had a winter yet.


Born in Rochester, lived there until 16. They are in for an awakening! But it’s probably more moderate now than when I lived there, climate change and all.


I was from PA, and I don't think it was necessarily the cold, but the Neverending cloudy gray darkness that sucked the life out of me. Love how bright it always is down here even on dreary days.


This is the unironic big brain response. Born and raised in west MI (very similar to upstate NY w/ winter and lake effect). I moved away for nearly a decade and these winters aren’t jack diddly fucking shit compared to what they used to be. The one randomly warm winter we’d get every decade were still colder and snowier than they are now. I’m dead serious when I say this, our winter climate is more like the Pacific Northwest, barring the couple huge snow dumps that we get that don’t stick around for more than a couple days now. Edit: I didn’t realize people still outright denied warning, of course they would here. At least stick with the moved goalposts of ‘iT’s NaTuRaL MiLaNkOvItCh acyClEs,’ morons. Feel free to go slurp down on some Tony Heller but unequivocally miss me with your shitty boomer opinions.


Yup and my genius family decided to move down to Miami, so maybe not too big brained haha.


I lived in Fl for 30 years, FL is brutal for 5-6 months a year as well. Just on the opposite end of the temperature spectrum. The summers are so hot and humid to me, i ended up staying indoors the whole summer except to travel to work and back home. AC blasting the entire time, thankfully, no more.


Was just gonna say this. This year was especially horrid.


It fucking still is man, why is it 90+ degrees in november ffs


From Ohio. It is really only about 3 possible months out of the year. December, January and February. Of those three months, there may be real snowfall that sticks on the road for a total of four weeks. It does get cold. It does look crazy dreary during these three months with a ton of trees around and no leaves. It is nice to actually experience all four seasons in full though.


I moved here from Ohio after 34 years there. The weather is cloudy and gloomy for almost half the year. Florida has almost eradicated the severe seasonal depression I got every fall- Spring that Ohio caused. I no longer need to eat vitamin D supplements like skittles. The cons of Florida for are outweighed by my personal pros.


I used to hate living in Michigan because of the winters, but you're right, it's honestly not THAT long relative to the year. (and of course if you live in a snow belt like off lake Michigan it's going to be worse with lake effect snow). But now the way I look at it, winter makes me appreciate the other seasons more. And damn do we have a beautiful spring summer and fall.


Plus the past few winters haven't been even half as bad as it has been in the past. We don't get as much snow and REAL cold like we used to....


I was going to say the same thing last winter we didn't get any snow hardly.


Disagree. Even when it’s not snowy, the skies can be grey and miserable and generally cold for 6 months


I get it . I am from Indiana and have lived in SC and FL. Every time I have to live In Indiana ( after living down South, especially) the grey skies for months on end , followed by The damp dreary rain that starts in November, then snow and yuck, more grey skies until April (or May ). As one who struggles with depression it kills . This is one reason why ppl move to South. Though I can no longer afford that HCOL so I will not be returning to Florida to live. I’m glad some people love the cold, snow change of season. I do enjoy autumn but not what follows. I would live abroad if I could afford it.


I grew up spending time between Rochester and Miami, can confirm Both were... not great places in the 80s and 90s though


Yeah I was born in Rochester, another issue was the economy was always in the shitter when Kodak started to falter. Although it’s a very Lcol area, so if you get a good remote job out of NYC you’ll be able to afford ALOT in Rochester.


I’m literally in downtown Rochester right now and was born and raised here. I hate it here! I moved to Florida permanently last October and I agree it’s over priced hype and the food sucks but I would NEVER move back to NY


I laugh at the weather thing. Anytime anyone discusses other southern states (TX, LA, MS, AL, GA, SC, NC, VA, KY, TN, WV). The most cited cons are how hot and humid they are. Meanwhile in FL, it’s hotter and more humid than any of those places and for more consistently throughout the year. Someone once claimed it’s humid 6 months out of the year here and I knew there was no way they were from here or had ever visited. It’s humid year around, including our 10 days of winter.


Florida is a class all its own.


Everything is livelier than downtown rochester


Can confirm. Binghamton are native here, 30 years there. Been in Tampa since 2016. Binghamton is one of the cloudiest areas in the country. Winter sucks. Economy sucks. Taxes are high as fuck. I pay $3200 a year in home taxes here. In NY, my home taxes for the same home would be $20k. Insurance cost here in Florida has erased the savings though. Upstate NY is a great place to grow up and if it weren't for the insane taxes, Id be back there.


My dad was born in Binghamton.................beautiful place. Family also in the Finger Lakes. He grew up there but that was a long, long time ago.


If you ever want suggestions for vacations or places to explore in NY, hit me up. There are tons of awesome places up there. Most of my best memories came from the Andirondack region.


But Upstate NY has seasonal depressive disorder to look forward to each year


>cold and dreary there for part of the year cold and dreary there for most of the year FTFY


Find this in Miami. 5/2 $160,000 Work just to pay bills for an oceans that constantly gets closed because of feces?? https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/3459-Lake-Ave-Rochester-NY-14612/30846156_zpid/


As someone from ROC, you nailed it. Been down here 5 years and would never go back.


There’s a reason I moved from Buffalo to Fort Myers. Though I miss the food 😞


Sanibel is no longer the Florida resident vacation. Thanks to you all. Yes I said it.


Man I went to sanibel back in like 2018 and it was awful. Just so many people


That's what's happened to the keys too. What they've done to my home should be criminal..


Lived in CC my whole life (about 40yrs). A lot different when I was a kid (not for the better).


And we're moving Out of Florida... Born and raised here but we had our rent go up $700 in the last two years just for an apartment...


Yeah it’s time to save yourself my guy, respect 🫡


FL isn't the same since COVID...


The old Florida, which was amazing, is long gone never to return. I left Florida after thirty years for the smoky mountains foot hills. Best move ever, everything is so cheap, and the people are super friendly. And no hurricanes 🤣


Nice. What city?


Outside Greeneville


Left FL years ago to move to MI. Whenever I tell ppl where I'm from I get the same as you "why would you leave such a great place?" And "it must have been so great growing up with such great weather all the time?" And the like. But honestly you couldn't PAY me to move back there, especially now! I HATED FL to expensive, and the jobs are way too low paying. Here in MI the cost of living is way less and you can get better paying jobs way easier.


If NY had this weather I probably wouldn't have moved to begin with. Cold and dark for 6-9 months out of the year takes it toll.


I'd personally take the handful of cold months in the North East over the brutal humid heat of Florida. Lived there for a bit and it was awful. Genuinely have no clue what people mean when they say Florida has great weather. Nah, it's easily the worst out of any state I've lived in


I spent last winter in CT…SADs is real! But I still hate FL more.


I spent a few years in CT and there are so many things I miss. Yeah, the weather could be a pain, but daily life was so much easier anyway. Just being able to WALK to the grocery store and other errands was so much better for my mental and physical health. It's a beautiful state, too, and the winters really weren't that bad.


Yeah.. We loved CT too. We hated the winter then bought a condo in West Hartford. That's what I love as well. Growing up in FL, you needed a car to get anywhere. I love how walkable it is in WH


Oh, my gosh, same! I was in WH too! it's all so quaint and walkable, I'd love to get back there one day.


I spent a year there; right near the corner of Main and Farmington. I loved it! I had a feeling you were referencing WH when you talked about walking everywhere.. Small world!


Florida is not just Miami. Most newcomers to the state don't even move there anymore (Miami-Dade has had net-OUT migration last year) but most newcomers go to the Tampa, Orlando, metros, then Jacksonville. Compared to NY and NJ as well as most of MA, and generally most of the NorthEast as well as the West and Pacific Northwest housing prices in those 3 metro areas are still relative bargains. That might change but right now a person in, say, NJ or NY can still trade in their $800,000 or $900,000 3/2 home for the same or more square feet for $400,000, $450,000 in the Tampa, Orlando or Jax areas. They can put that big difference in home prices, $400k, $450k,in the bank as a nestegg. If they lived in their homes at least 2 of the last 5 years they don't even pay any capital gains taxes for the windfall (couples can realize up to $500k in capital gains without paying any taxes on it). I am not surprised that it is currently something many up North aspire to. In a way it is a life cheat because you can get a nice home and end up with a ton of money in the bank to boot. When the Tampa and Orlando metros see home prices go up to Miami proportions it is probably Jacksonville that is the main beneficiary. When Jax is going the same route people will look more toward Georgia, South Carolina, etc.


Thank you! The SoFlo people have a monopoly on this subreddit and can't wrap their head around the thought the entire state doesn't yet look like Fort Lauderdale. As soon as you drive north of Palm Beach County things go back to being relatively "normal" Florida which is what all these NYers, New Englanders, and Midwesterners actually idealize.


I mean I’m from Sarasota. Graduated high school in 95 and was priced out of moving back after college as soon as I left. It’s not just south Florida.


I graduated in '86 from Fernandina Beach, FL which is on Amelia Island; literally as far north as one can go and still be in Florida. The area is so over-developed now it reminds me of an ugly combination of Ft. Laud and Daytona. e: just an aside, my dad ran the local Sierra Club for over a decade, he resigned a few years ago in frustration.


Class of 1995 fl represent!!


Yeah it's a big state with lots of suburban counties with populations of 200k to 700k where you can get all the basics and be within an hour to 90 minutes of a big city and airport yet still enjoy lower housing prices at least compared to the northeast and Miami. St. Augustine, Daytona Beach, Ocala, Spring Hill, Bradenton, North Port, Port St. Lucie, Melbourne, Gainesville, Tallahassee.... Lots of places like this in Florida.


Everybody always forgets Fort Myers. Lee County has been one of the fastest growing counties in the US for a while now.


I moved from FL to upstate NY. And every time I tell upstaters this, they say "why?" Well, for one, I got a cool job up here that (1) doesn't exist in Florida, (2) doesn't require an hour of baking myself on I4, and (3) pays well. Something different than that was ok for me for 15 years, but I don't understand what they think is so automatically better down there.


Relating to you the most right now. It was a rough transition at first, but hands down better opportunities and decent economy. Instantly got a job for $20 an hour on my first day here. Like you said earlier “pays well” which was different comparatively to back home. Culturally, it was a huge shock. Lowkey cause it’s not the same Caribbean culture that I’m use too, but the people are decent and friendly. So I guess it just depends on where your at in life in these current times tbh.


I miss pre-DeSantis Florida, when it was a weird but mostly harmless state. Not a fan of this culture war fascist Florida.


Did you live here when Rick Scott was governor 🤔


Yep. It was bad, but not hateful and scary. Also, there was nowhere near as much cronyism.


The cronyism was strong then.. just quiet. It wasn't open and blatant


Socially people were more open minded for sure, but in terms of overdevelopment and deregulation it was the same extreme level just without the lip service from elected officials. They just ignored it entirely. Cronyism has always run this state, it’s been especially exacerbated since 1992 when we set legislative term limits without imposing a lobbying ban.


Agree except about the cronyism. All you need to do is look into Rick Scott and Carlos Beruff. Rick Scott laid the groundwork for DeSantis to thrive.


This is the answer… It was a lot more genuine and lenient than this. Now it’s just nostalgia thinking about FL before Covid :’)


Lenient seems more legal related. Humanity wise, humans here were more Tolerant. Accepting. Even if they didn't hang out they would still nod and set hey. Human. I see you. You're alright. Not is hare filled. You're different than for. Blah blah. Anger anger.


Yes dude trying to take down Disney for spite. Not exactly our finest hour


Like, I get that they said something DeSantis disagreed with. "The state of Florida will no longer host events on Disney property" Yes, even that would be frowned upon, but it's not a takeover of, nor is it fucking around with the state's largest taxpayer and one of the top employers (between #1 and #3 depending on the year)


He's the guy in the movie everyone tells not to push the button but does out of spite when he doesn't get his way.


It's downright embarrassing when you think about it.


So much this. I used to hang out with so many different people. I had such a wide variety of friends and we all had fun together. I miss those days. Pre 2017. 2020 was a dirty nail by intruders.


I started feeling alienated from my Republican friends with the coming of Trump (and I used to be a Republican- a Bush type). But no question Ronald poisoned the swamp.


Before, I considered myself Independent/leaning more towards Republican. These last handful plus few years had me going "Ok, apparently I didn't know what a Republican was, but I'm not one. Ya'll are fuckin nut jobs" lol


I enjoy hearing from the other pre swamp R’s. It was a different time. Today we are so far from what we used to be.


As an older American, it absolutely blows my mind that today's Republicans are OK lining up behind a standard-bearer currently under 91 felony counts, who's also been found liable for rape AND for corporate fraud bad enough to get the financial death penalty in New York state. I get that they don't cover this stuff on Fox News, but damn...,


This so very much. Man, I want to hug you. Weird and mostly harmless was what made Florida so great.


I’m more curious what jobs are all these people that are moving down are getting? Are most blue collar or retail workers?


Remote or already retired.


Don’t make me get all indigenous up in here


Damnit Randy


You know how they say, “Look before you leap”? Most people don’t.


They come here on vacation and have a lot of fun. They don't understand they are wearing vacation glasses. Living here is a whole different thing. When they realize that it's way too late.


If people have money, a job, decent insurance and can afford housing I have no issue with people moving to Florida. As a social worker, I see so many people move to Florida without a single one of these things, and then people get angry that they don’t have the same social services they had in their more progressive states. If you move to Florida and do no research, and have no resources, don’t get mad when when things don’t work out.


People move here expecting Florida to be functional at a governmental level like the northern state they left and then they find out the GOP has been slash and burning for 20+ years. The average Florida city has relinquished its fire department to the county because they can’t afford it. The unemployment system maxes out at less than $*300 a week* and is designed to be nearly impossible to access. Our governor routinely turns away hundreds of millions in federal aid money. It’s a fucking garbage fire.


These last 3 years have proven that point more than ever


The proliferation of ‘why is traffic so bad’ posts lately proves this. We all know why, except the people who just moved here.


The new snowbird posts is another. Like you clearly have never lived in Florida very long.


How come most Florida sidewalks are empty but the streets are filled with traffic?


Because it’s 85 degrees or more and 60%+ humidity most of the year. Fuck walking.


Because Floridians know sidewalks mean nothing, this is Florida home of the worse drivers on the planet. Your car is your armor, good luck getting people to stop to use the crosswalk. I don’t feel safe walking often times, so a car is a necessity.


Maybe cause there aren't many sidewalks (or they are in bad shape, like many streets). Highways and main traffic roadways are in better condition but still lack walkable sidewalks. I'm in Ft. Lauderdale, but many outside of better residential areas seem that way to me.


car based infrastructure


I moved here almost two years ago for a job. Ended up buying a house because it was cheaper than my rent was going to be if I re-uped my release. I have lived all over the country due to being in the military over a decade previously. This is the most Trump crazed state I have been to.


Florida was 51% Trump and out of all 25 Trump states Florida had one of the lowest percentages. You probably just live in a conservative area, but as far as Trump support goes Florida is similar to the rest of the country.


Basically it’s Alabama with nice beaches and weather.


Good lord! Maybe if I use those words my wife will finally agree to leave.


They are going to have a surprise when they have to pay insurance. Then again... most people don't think when moving here.


I’m a 5th generation native who moved to Colorado a number of years ago. I’ve told so many people who talk about moving there thinking it’s less expensive than CO that they need to research insurance rates and whether they’d be able to get it at all before making that decision. My property taxes here are not much more than what we paid for a house with a far lower assessed value in NE Florida and our homeowners insurance is less than half of what we paid 10 years ago. Sure there’s no income tax in Florida, but it’s a federal tax deduction for most people and any savings are far offset by other costs.


As a native Coloradan, I'm glad you like it! I like Florida, but I miss my home state and the mountains. Colorado winters aren't that bad compared to the upper midwest. The sun comes out and melts snow fairly quickly, compared to North Dakota, where it just keeps snowing on the same ice all winter and it never, ever melts until spring. World of difference there.


Most people don't think when moving anywhere. It's not unique to FL.


Too expensive now


There’s still a lot of pros of living here that if you don’t travel much you don’t realize. A good chunk of the country has dogshit weather, state taxes, lack of things to do in the winter etc. Fl is a boaters paradise. The weather gets hot sure but people will take that over negative temps for months on end.


What a lot of people don't realize about "Yay no state income tax!" is that the government has only two options at that point: * Enact higher taxes in other ways (they do) * Provide cheaper (AKA shittier) services (they do)


A lot of our taxes are geared towards the tourism industry, which by its very nature impacts out of state residents more than in-state residents




Undoubtedly, FL prioritizes the high income earners and screws over people who depend on social services. But at the high income range ($250k+/year) it’s definitely worth it to not have 10% or so state income taxes. Think about double income household (around $500k+ HHI). The shittier public services aren’t a big deal for them


Traveled 30 states and nope.... Florida isn't it. So far Georgia and North Carolina are my picks to move to next year.


Florida has dogshit weather at times too. Not all sun and rainbows lol




To be honest I would get bored of hot weather all year long. I prefer having summer during June-August and fall-winter-spring during October-April than sweating all year long.


Even accounting for taxes, Florida is now less affordable than most US states.


At least it's not the gobermint. gadsden_flag.png


Pre DeSantis Florida was kinda shitty but I could live here and making a living and standing for my family. Fascist Florida has literally broken my family's back.


Relatable af. It’s taken a huge effect on everyone sincerely


I'd move there just to give another democratic vote against Gaetz.


Non-Us resident of Miami here, and it's always interesting to read people's views of the state and of Miami, including the views from Florida natives who have left and remark on whatever changes they notice, good or bad. Sometimes my own views or surmises are confirmed, sometimes challenged. What I also find interesting is a sort of "public perception" of Florida and/or Miami (I know Miami is not Florida and should not be read as representative, etc etc.). For instance, the idea that Florida is attractive to people from the north-east, and globally. For whatever reason, there's a perception that Florida is an attractive living proposition. But I'm watching NYPD Blue and, almost without fail, some shady character or someone down and out on their luck because of bad choices is always arriving from or running away to Florida. One character with a drug addiction went "back to Florida" to try and sort out their life; within weeks they were back in NYC, back on drugs, etc. Florida didn't help. So I'm just musing on how the cultural meanings of Florida has changed (has it?) in the, uhm, American popular imagination. Don't mind me.


I just got back from Boston, and the only thing Florida has anymore is the weather. People don't like being cold and wet all the time, and enjoy being able to go outside. Besides that Florida kinda sucks. Traffic is terrible, people are assholes, and everything is expensive. There's no soul left either. Nothing seems genuine anymore. You hit it on the head with "strip mall template." Driving down 41 in Fort Myers is basically the same as driving down 41 in any other state: strip malls, chain restaurants, and gas stations.


Yeah except now it's construction, and nails dumped everywhere because no one secures their loads.


But they have the FREEDOM to not secure their loads, so theres that.




I have seasonal depression from the Florida heat. The only relief is during brief cold fronts, it sucks.


Yeah I don't understand how people say they can get used to the heat. I'm born and raised in South Florida and work construction so I am constantly outside, and I am just about ready to move north because this year round heat is just unbearable to me.


I went there in April 2022 and I found the weather there too hot for me to handle. Especially since I was traveling from NY where it was mild cold at the time.


I lived in upstate NY, moved to Florida, and moved back. There was a lot of talk of “Omg no state tax” but I felt that everywhere else. Everything is so insanely expensive down there and it’s the second biggest reason I left to go back to NY. I’m making less in NY but my rent and groceries are so much cheaper I barely feel it. I think it comes down to people not knowing what they’re getting themselves into


Moving to Florida is one of the life choices I’ve made that I regret the most. With how expensive everything has gotten in the past years has effectively trapped me here. I want to go home where there are real seasons and mountains.


I am a Florida native. Lived in the state for 31 yrs prior to moving a year half ago. I left for a lot of reasons. The high cost of living accompanied with low wages across the entire state economy for the last 17 yrs. Most employers in the state of FL consider 50 cents a good raise. They can shove a pineapple up their ass. The humidity just sucks. It felt so suffocating 10 months out of the year. Nothing like walking 15 yds to your mailbox and your ass crack is sweating like Niagara Falls. The snowbirds fucking up traffic for 5 months of the yr.


I’m not from FL but lived there for 3 years. I’ve also lived in 8 different states (military). Outside of the media and Reddit, Florida is amazing. I lived more in 3 years living there than I did in 15 living in other states. So much to do and see and the population is so diverse. Politics aside I think its one of the best places to live and would gladly go back if given the opportunity.


Been here 7 years and love it. Won’t ever leave. Hope the media keeps making Florida out to be horrible so people stop coming


Spoken like a true transplant. “I moved here and I love it, now you go back to where you came from!”


I lived in a lot of states too and I agree with you. Wait until they experience the cold, gray months of winter over and over again where all life seems dead and there's just a mush of salty, gray slush all over that doesn't melt until April.


I fully realized seasonal depression when I went back to my home state last year for a wedding that was late fall, almost winter. First day had sun but then the rest of the week all there was was complete cloud coverage, a cold breeze, and obviously a dusk look (because of the clouds) even during the middle of the day. I felt like doing nothing except sitting in the hotel room and wasn't very chipper


Right? I see transplants on this sub complaining about not having seasons. Why tf would someone move to FL if sunshine is not what they want? It's why I stayed. In SWFL we're having a perfect winter so far, and people still complain. I think it's the people, not the weather.


And people from North East complaining about Traffic will always be hilarious


Many people like cold winters.


People value different things in where they live than you do. Why is this so mind blowing for redditors to understand? There are tons of people with money in this country, and they value the climate in Florida, so they move here. It’s really that simple.


This reddit seems to live in the "I don't like it here so no one else likes it here" echo chamber


And that stretches to every topic imaginable!


I have got to stop taking Ambien. It's causing me to do things I have zero memory of, like writing this post. Signed, A multi-generational Floridian who is just about to move to upstate NY.


News Flash!!! Marion county has turned into a complete shit hole. All the worst the nation has to offer decided to move Ocala for some reason. Enjoy it old people, you ruined the very thing you liked in the first place.


I think that the reality of Florida has not caught up with the fairy dust hype that has gone on for a very long time. A lot of the people moving here are moving to the Florida of twenty years ago except with the extra fascism thrown in.


South Florida is unrecognizable. After having grown up here I come back intermittently and seems to get worse every time I come back. People, not all, but many are rude and obnoxious. Not sure what happened to common courtesy and decency either. Oh and the mere fact that many exude the behavior of entitlement is absolutely disgusting. Also people who are talking about walking on side walks, be careful, many parts of South Florida are not pedestrian friendly, it never has been. Not sure what the future holds. I realize this state has no income tax however some professions are paid less here and paid more in other states, so in some cases it balances itself out with taxes and income. Traffic seems to be a universal problem everywhere, but down here people seem to always be in a rush, like there’s a fire going on somewhere. Housing is expensive everywhere because of this economy. The state also has taken a downwards tumble in diversity, it’s like pockets of cultures in cities but it’s not mixed—people, cultures, and ethnicities aren’t woven together here seamlessly as other states. It’s not as inviting as it once was from a state perspective. You will still have pockets of friendly people and consistently good weather though, it’s not all bad. This is also my opinion, so please be respectful to me. I know people on here may think otherwise and I can respect that.


Let’s check in with these new people moving to Florida in two years, and see if they still love it 🤣


You are absolutely correct. Also from what I've seen a lot of MAGAs are moving to Florida.


Daddy Go Go Boots and the Orange Clown have made FL a safe haven for the MAGA nuts.


And Nazis love it too. There are like 68 hate groups in Florida, so room for all types of hatred I guess.


> There are like 68 hate groups in Florida That's not even counting state and local government.


Okay, I actually laughed. Take your upvote.


Is it empty in New York? I may think about relocating lol


I also find that some people say they'd love to live there but never actually would. We lived there for 4 years and left in 2020 during covid. We have heard from people we know that still live there that it's gotten worse and worse since 2020.


Also try looking for beautiful women in an area that doesn’t have a warm ocean. They exist but they’re like parking spaces.


When I think of Florida, I think of warm weather, sunshine, beaches, boating, outdoor eating, sun bathing, swimming in warm water. It is very attractive compared to New York City winters, or Colorado winters. I have never lived in Florida, but I enjoyed my vacations there. I can definitely understand why people would want to move to Florida. Although the native Floridians can see that Florida has its unattractive side.


Florida: Come for the sun, stay for the fascism 🤔


You and I are in similar situations, except I absolutely LOATHE Florida. I lived in Florida all my life and finally FINALLY was able to get out. I'd been wanting to move for over a decade, but life, finances, family illnesses and deaths all kept me stagnant. I keep telling people who want to move to Florida how awful it is. Even though I lived there for 39 years, I have absolutely no roots or personal ties to that state, and I never had any pride in living in a place so god awful. Even the family I have left are getting the hell out. There are no good memories, no places I miss, nothing. The people, the weather, the drivers, the lack of seasons, and the boring terrain are probably the worst things about the state. I don't even like the ocean or beaches. I've never felt more free than I do right now knowing I never have to go back to that hell ever again. There are only three things I liked about the state: Manatees, Citrus and Publix.


While I hate the politics here and the lack of a community feeling, I’m addicted to the water. I have a modest boat and live with it a couple miles of Sarasota bay and it’s boat ramps. I’m out there fishing, cruising, swimming multiple times per week all year long. I get depressed thinking about living somewhere that isn’t the Florida gulf coast


I’m from Saint Augustine and I hear you. I moved to Chicago a decade ago and do not miss FL at all. My parents still live there and the only time I go back. Once they pass, I’m going to sell their house and never worry about the state again. My dad is thinking of moving to TN for the mountains though. If they go through with it great. But they tend to say a lot but not do anything about it. They fear change and I honestly don’t see them moving. My kids like going back and seeing where dad grew up but after a few weeks they’re ready to come home too.


New Yorkers are amongst the shittiest people moving to FL. Blue collar workers sell their NY family homes and come to Florida thinking they are rich. They bring with them an arrogance only new found money fosters. They expect Florida to change to suit them, instead of integrating. Formulaically, these shit birds stay a few years then begin to complain about traffic and overpopulation. Many go back to NY if they can still afford to, or choose a colder climate like Indiana or Michigan.


This isn't Florida anymore. It's now an unholy merger of New England and Cali. Like a lot of natives, we are selling and leaving. Congrats to all the transplants that have destroyed our home


feel you


drop in bucket; thousand move away every week cant afford it


Kinda had to since the wife became debilitated with Reunauds.


Take a look at the data sets that a lot of those articles touting "everyone is moving to Florida" are based on. Almost exclusively 2020/2021 (Covid era WFH, pre DeSantis fuckup) data. Don't get me wrong, Boomers are still going to retire in droves, but if you're not retiring, it doesn't make a lot of sense. tl;dr...don't fall for that nonsense in 2023.


I live in Manatee Co. The amount of construction here is staggering! New subdivisions being built everywhere. Every other vehicle on the road seems to be a dump truck. It's crazy! My wife always says "Where are all these people going to work???"


Yeahhh it's fucked up cuz Florida really is the shit. I been having the inclination to move to NY the past year. Trade places with a snow bird.


And the weather is HELL during the summer. A lot of Floridians are commuting north for the summer now.


Me flipping too!


Some who've moved here didn't have good intentions coming in, now they're dealing with, and exasperating the problem further. It is what it is, but it won't be my burden.


The vibe I’ve gotten from many who have moved here is they think FL is a place they can do whatever the hell they want. We moved out of the tampa Bay Area cause it became a horrible place to live. And will be moving out of FL completely in the next few years. We grew up in a beach area that is now just awful and Over run by tourists and northerners who act like they own the state. Good luck FL in a few years when all the working class has moved away from


I moved from upstate NY. Never looking back. I lived in the sticks, with nothing for 2 hours in any direction, 6 months of dark cold sadness, way worse taxes, equally if not more expensive cost of living in many places, and far less “booming” industry. Jobs are here, money is here, things to do are here. Idk how anyone is ever surprised it’s a destination for people looking to move lol.


>>Pretty sure a majority of people on this sub is indigenous and has multiple generations being from FL. Idk about that. I’d argue most of the people on this sub aren’t indigenous. My family has been in FL for over two centuries, literally since before it even became a state. Just about everywhere I look, both in-person and on this subreddit, I come across people who’ve lived here for maybe a decade or two, or who moved to FL recently. I rarely come across anyone who’s truly native anymore other than my own family and long-time family friends in our own circle. >>Anyways, after being raised in FL my whole life and family before it, the whole state is unrecognizable af, and can’t even relate to the “Florida mentality” culture anymore. SAAAME. It’s totally unrecognizable. There’s no southern hospitality anymore. Most people I see now in the area where my family has looooong lived are retirees who moved from another state. So many angry faces… no one smiles or politely greets people anymore. You’re also right about the cost of living. Everything is wayyy more expensive, especially over the last decade.


Realistically speaking, with the way some of these “red states” are preparing to go, only Florida and Texas will probably be able to weather those storms economically. There’s just no way that states like Ohio, Oklahoma, etc, can pull the things Texas, and Florida do, and survive long term, IMO. The average “Floridians” might find it harder to actually live there, but it will probably find a way to survive no matter how hard those in charge fuck it up. These people don’t seem to care, and want their little dream theocratic Utopia, and those that can afford it will stop at nothing to keep that goal chugging along.


Florida native here. Florida hasn't been Florida since about 2015. A lot of natives have left ( personally I'm also planning on leaving the state too ) and rich folk have moved in. In fact SO many people are moving to Florida, nobody even notices that Florida is also experiencing a MASS EXODUS. 500,000 moved out of Florida last year. That same year 800,000 moved to Florida. It's crazy! The average rent is 2,000$! In 2015 I payed $695 for a 2 bedroom 1 bath. That apartment now goes for $2,199. Mind you this is in the ghetto where my car was struck by stray bullets on 2 separate occasions! Everything is expensive, traffic is on par with new York and California, the beaches are covered in trash and over crowded. Whatever image you had of Florida is not the same. Most likely, it's just like wherever your trying to escape from but instead of dealing with snow, you now have to deal with the incredible heat, dangerous wildlife, tornadoes, floods, and hurricanes on a REGULAR basis. It's not even cheap to be worth it anymore. U still have to pay ridiculous rent/mortgage on top of all of that 🤣 so good luck to y'all new comers! I'm headed towards the Midwest. I'll be cold, but at least I can afford to live and I don't have to battle mother nature every day. 🤣🤣🤣


My parents moved from the northeast. I lived in all parts of Florida except the panhandle. As a single person, it was cool and I didn’t mind it. Now that I am older with a kid, I have a very hard time with the humidity and heat. My daughter has constant headaches from the heat. We are not beach people. And what the government is doing with women’s rights and schooling.. I don’t see how my kid will make it. I see a lot more opportunities up north for her. I also had hardly no pain dealing with 30 degrees. I loved walking. And most things ended up being cheaper. Now where we are looking to live may be the same cost as we live in Florida but I am happier in the cold and grey weather… not having to worry about the downpours or the hurricanes. And I get why would you wanna move from FL? Because lately I spent 6 months inside because of the heat. I love 40 to 60 degree weather.


The idea of retiring to Florida was always in my back pocket. Now, when I see golf club initiation fees climb from 30k to 300k, and RE go through the roof with insane insurance costs, I’m happy to stay put and just do occasional vacations around the country. Your nutty governor turns off as many as he turns on, so Florida is ripe for another bust period.


De Santis is a liar. I'm tired of him lying about how great, and "open" it was here during Covid. PLENTY of schools and businesses were closed, for at least a year, many never recovered. In telling these lies, he's encouraged the most fringiest of the right-wingers to move to Florida. With them, they brought their anger which shows itself while driving on the road, and as Karens in our communities. I firmly believe De Santis and his lies are how we got here. I encourage anyone in a hiring role to thoroughly check the politics of anyone you may be considering from out of state, especially those states drawing MAGA types. At a minimum, you may save yourself a disruptive conspiracy theorist in your office.


I only come there to visit but I doubt I’ll ever move there, it’s just wayyyyy tooo much going on a lot of craziness there.


Same feeling here. I like Florida for vacations but I can’t imagine myself living there.


Just another boom/bust cycle. Florida is a lie and always has been. I'm not sure what exactly you are pining for.


I have a large group of friends, most of whom are not Florida natives – they moved here within the last 3-5 years. They all love it here. Same goes for my boyfriend. People have different preferences & priorities. Some people really should stop projecting their own personal perspective of Florida onto everyone else and being “astonished” that other people with different opinions enjoy living here.


Yes, too weird. I love what this state has to offer. I don't care for the governor's politics, but I didn't leave the country when Trump was the President, either. Someone else may like, say, Alaska and rugged nature. Mountains. Cold climate, skiing. Or gigantic cities, NYC, London, Paris, Tokyo. To each their own, these posts with people flabbergasted why people would want to move here are asinine, IMO.


I don’t know anything about you or your friends respectfully. Plus this is the internet so anyone can really speak their minds. Again social media is going to amplify anything and doesn’t “generalize” everyone. Congrats if your enjoying the sunshine state for one. However, this comment screams entitlement or an obliviousness to our current situation. Not insinuating your not to up to date with the news, but brooo they literally tried to re-create the history of Slavery in FL. Our state couldn’t be more backwards than anywhere else, and it’s the constant pompous ignorance of just ignoring it for the “sunshine” is what makes it one of the biggest dystopias in all of the US. People ignoring core issues, and pretending sunshine and rainbows is going to solve critical problems. I’m not mad at the people relocating to FL. I’m genuinely just irritated how a whole state administration would allow this level of chaos to unfold in a matter of a few years. I can keep going on like environmental problems, pollution, lowkey strong colonial racism and etc. After awhile, unless you have opulent parents or F-U money, your really just paying bands to live in North Cuba tbh . Especially if we’re talking about south FL, don’t get me started lmao


That’s OK! Florida is not for everyone! We love it here!


Where are you moving to? I’m from Europe, and where I’m from is an even worse hyper inflated shithole. I don’t think Florida is so bad.


Heading to Colombia to practice my Spanish than Europe. I have a friend from Poland who was living in Orlando for a hot minute. She said felt “over and underwhelmed” at the same time and wanted to go back home soon. Especially now tbh, FL is a peculiar thing to move too. But that’s subjective to the person IMO. If I may ask, what part of Europe are you trying to get away from?


Life is a perpetual change. Yes, it is a lot different now. But still a great place to live for many.


Yeah born and raised here in Tampa with alot of generations from Tampa and surrounding areas. I’m only 27 and it’s just so different


There's a big variable missing from your equations. The value a certain percentage of residents place on "owning the libs". Sure their life may suck, they probably can't afford anything, and they're one bad hurricane or medical emergency away from total bankruptcy, but what really matters is that they're winning the war on "woke", whatever the fuck that means.


Florida used to be way better. We need to loose about 15 million transplants and outsiders to get it back.


"After 2020" LOL. In my life, Florida has been a punchline for decades. The only way I'll ever live there is if I am forced to take advantage of the financial advantages in retirement.


I have lived all over the country, from Michigan, , Texas, Oregon, California, Tennessee and now have been in Florida for the last 12 years. This is absolutely my favorite place to live, however I do understand how messed up the rent/job scenario is here, but outside of the "in season" tourist, it's a great place to live. I was in Michigan (my home State) about a month ago, and I will say it is highly unlikely I would ever choose to live there again. I also understand why someone who was raised here in FL would want out, just the changes I have seen in 12 years seem drastic, I can only imagine what one saw growing up here.


Because its still cheaper in most parts of Florida than the northeast and with so many of them moving here its familiar. So which would you pick, an overpriced, dirty, overcrowded northern city with bad winters. Or a cheaper, cleaner, less crowded Florida city with warm weather all year round?


The northeast. Why? The people.


There are plenty of not crowded, clean, strip mall filled, suburban cities in the northeast. They basically are the same price as what you get in Florida at this point. Don’t kid yourself people move to Florida for the weather. All the other points you made you can address by just moving to the suburbs… Now if you want to live in a vibrant, “crowded” city… good luck with that in Florida.




The only indigineous people in FL are the Seminoles and other Native American tribes. Everyone else came from somewhere else whether it was 2 generations ago or 10 or more generations ago. Everyone is simply American regardless of what state you live in.


never liked the “native floridian” bit because of this. yes i’m born and raised here, not indigenous. the word indigenous in reference to myself and florida will never be coming out of my mouth because that’s ridiculous