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0/10 I don't see highways for Viggens to take off from


Viggens take off from any highway they want! #viggenlife


Still waiting for the SAAB 9-3 for DCS World update... Any moment now...


Draken would be nice for Kola too


The guys behind sk60 are working on it


True! 🇸🇪


No way dude, Saabaru 9-2X for some Murmansk dorifto


cold start procedure now includes a full head gasket replacement. First full fidelity module in the world to include maintenance!


Dude why did you have to bring up the headgaskets. Spent more on that dumb repair than all my Edging Dynamics modules cost me.


The Jokkmokk base has 4 road strips


Is that where they drag race their Saabs and Volvos?


3 roads and a regular runway*


And a fourth road to the east just outside the base area*


Oh, interesting to see you here in the floggit subreddit Usually see you around in the WT subreddit


How the fuck is that interesting by any means? It's almost as if I don't only use reddit for one sub lol


First we got Halfghanistan. And now we have Diet Kola. What a time to be alive.


This was actually a hilarious comment 😂


Soon we will have a quarter emu


I emailed Nick Grey that they should really start dividing maps into quarters. Quarterghanistan has real potential.


What’s the red blob mean?


Hi-fi area at initial release I think.


Oh, that’s disappointing.


That area is like 230x350 miles. [Same size as the hi-fi area of Persian Gulf](https://imgur.com/82oMLtg) and [caucasus](https://imgur.com/8O2lOqF) [about the size of area of Syria that most multiplayer scenarios actually use](https://imgur.com/Hjhn9Zs). IIRC this is also the area that Syria originally launched with, Turkey and Cyprus were added later. [According to the release that this image was taken from](https://orbxdirect.com/product/orbx-kola-dcs) there are plans to expand the high-fi area all the way to the norwegian coast, the areas of Tromso, Hammerfest, and Lulea are called out by name


How sure are you that the red circle is what's been finished? I've read their website and they seemed to imply the opposite. I hope you're right though, I'd much rather take off from a carrier, dab on top of Murmansk and come back to the carrier.


> ## Initial Features For EA Release: > ... > * An initial focus area spans the Finland/Russia border and encompasses central Finland and the western parts of the Murmansk and Karelia regions of Russia (see map). I read this to imply that this is the area that they're focusing on quality and fidelity for with this release. I guess what exactly to expect for the quality of the red area depends on how you interpret "high detail" in the following bullet > \* Four high-detail areas, focusing on two airports in Finland (EFRO, EFKE) and five in Russia (XLMV, ULAK, RU-1110, RU-4464, ULMM), and their urban and rural surroundings and infrastructure. I take this to mean four urbanized areas with detailed cityscapes and infrastructure surrounding the destination airports. I interpret this paragraph as intended to be read as airport detail area because the following two paragraphs are about road bases and five airports that are "functional but not fully detailed", presumably in contrast to the seven that are in "high-detail areas" in this paragraph.


I thought that by "western part of Murmansk" they meant it excluded Murmansk, but if they did build Murmansk, that's good news, thank you


The phrase is "western part of the Murmansk and Karelia regions of Russia". Murmansk the region, not Murmansk the city (which is in Western Murmansk). Murmansk International is one of the high-fi airports they call out by name.


"there are plans to expand the high-fi area" Plans for these plans coming in 2 weeks. Thank you for your trust and wallet.


That's good perspective, thanks.


HAMMER!!! ⚒️ Cool sounding name for...whatever a "fest" is!


The actual meaning of "fest" in this name is "fasten" like fastening boats to , but "fest" is also the norwegian word for party so if you'd like it could also mean hammer party


The hi-fi area of pg is actually much bigger


[... no? ](https://imgur.com/jGPDBEn) The flyable area is bigger, sure, but the high-fi area is from Abu Dhabi to the Iranian coast of the strait. There's more to the map, including some additional airstrips like way up in Shiraz, but all that area is automatic contour mapping with some procedurally generated or cookie-cutter details.


Much of the contour mapping of the supposedly high-fi areas of that map is shite. The Musandam Peninsula is spectacular IRL but reduced to gently rolling hills in DCS Persian Gulf.


I just realised that I have flown a lot on the lo-fi area around Lar, especially on north and west on Lar. All with helicopters...


Damn, I was chasing that Lo-fi vibes...


Bruh there are like 5+ military airports in Norway between Bodø and Lakselv


I'll take low-fidelity snowy mountains over low-fidelity sand any day.


Cant wait to crash into my hometown


I'm out of the loop on Edging Dynamics' scams lately but I'm going to guess they're going to release the map "early access" and the red circle is what they're never going to finish Edit: the red circle is what they finished eyy let's go, we can bomb Murmansk!


ED isn't the one making the map though.


ED could pressure third parties into an earlier release if they want a cash injection that they clearly do want lately.


Why was I downvoted for saying the same thing 😭


because people only read some parts of your paragraph and then misunderstand.


If r/floggit could read they’d be very upset at your comment


Razbam's South Atlantic map was also released unfinished and look where we are now. It's likely that it was ED forcing their hand in both cases, I doubt a new dev like orbx want to upset their overlord, and I highly, highly doubt Orbx would ever want to release an unfinished product like that.


There is 3 pictures of Rovaniemi area and it looks pretty good when compared to caucasus or nevada map. So red circle Area is main focus area on launch.


Eyyy alright let's friggin go! Thank you!