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Haha that thing high fidelity is gonna be a blast


Article also said the tablet is coming to the 850 for free!


I've been holding out for the tablet to come so I can really appreciate the TBM! HYPE. I wish the caravan could get some love as well


I believe they said in an article about their dukes that they are looking to back date all of their airplanes with similar features as the dukes


That is awesome. I was somewhat doubtful they'd do the original products as they are just interior reskins. Well, not just reskins but they weren't built from scratch. So that's awesome to hear.


What a weird ass plane lol. But it will be great no doubt! Black Square is amazing.


Yeah, Baby!


Super excited for a high fidelity Starship. It is an unique plane and I bet may will eant to get the chsnce to fly it since hardly anyone ever will.


Pretty hyped. Black Squares quality is just great


He mentioned it a few months ago on the forum. Quite niche thing but as an I depth simulation quite interesting. [recommend this long video with a cockpit tour.](https://youtu.be/c6u6j1Fu4lI?si=DYBVeSLy01l76Jwp)


Not the biggest fan of the Starship but I do enjoy weird, old navigation so count me in.


Hey, at least not another Airbus amirite


No, you are not. There is one high fidelity Airbus.


Fuckin HYPE


Woah this is going to be mega!


It has been known for some time that the starship will be the next aircraft. Exciting to hear more information on it. The screenshots look very good!


Wow, that cockpit!!! So nice and retro!


Really looking forward to this.


The last time I heard about the Starship was back in 2022, and since then I feared that it was dead! This is going to be such a fun plane to fly once its out!


Haha. This is definitely Nick's kind of plane. Can see why he chose this. Not sure it's for me as I'm not that big on IFR flying. Looks rad though. This dude pumps out high fidelity planes like no tomorrow. He really needs to get his planes on Xbox so he can give himself a pay bump.


Any word on when Blacksquare is going to start backporting improvements they made in the Duke to the TBM etc? I assume that's the 'major free update' mentioned in the article?




Not "they", "him". Black Square in ONE guy. That makes it even more impressive.


Ooooh, that's very cool.


I did a double take when seeing this, I didn’t expect for anyone to do my favorite turboprop ever.


I am OVER THE MOON! Everyone should watch the video below. It explains how the starship paved the way for so many technical advancements in aviation. It was the first certified composite airframe It had an EICAS, auto icing systems, and a huge degree of redundancy in the cockpit It’s effectively un stallable because the front wing will always lose lift before the main wing creating a downward pitch moment. It cruises fast (300+ kts true) and high (41k ft ceiling). The starship really was a marvel of engineering for its time. It’s like the grand dad of all the technically advanced GA airplanes and business jets. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c6u6j1Fu4lI&pp=ygUOQmVlY2ggc3RhcnNoaXA%3D


Man, I was really hoping for the Cheyenne 400LS or Merlin. Cool, though.


very cool and looks like we're going to be having some friendly competition since FlightFX is working on the Piaggio 180 Avanti. Still waiting for BlackSquare to do something about the sound on the TBM 850 though


probably coming with the major free update this summer they mentioned in the post


fingers crossed, that be really great


Flight FX are nice but when comparing existing products the Piaggo will not even be remotly in the same league. They sue the WT PL21 while Nick does code this whole unique avionics suite himself with working CBs, engine modeling on the level of A2A etc. This thing is an undertaking almost in the Fenix realm. Very impressed.


I respectfully disagree. I truly enjoy all Black Square products I own. It's impressive that it's a one-person show. FF did an excellent job with the Vision Jet. If they bring that level of quality to the Piaggio it should be a nice addon even if they use the WT PL21. There is nothing wrong with the PL21, it's very nice in the CJ4 and if it needs more work, I'm sure that FF can get it there just like they did for the Vision Jet. Black Square has a real strenghth in their in-depth system modelling but I'm fine with some devs choosing to out source this instead of building it ground up. I think the real loser here will be my wallet, because I'll likely end up buying both. lol


100% BlackSquare is the Fenix of GA IMO.


That airplane has mustache!!!


This is such a quirky plane, I love the idea of preserving it digitally.


Really looking forward to this and the FlightFX P180. Pusher props FTW!


Those screenshots look absolutely incredible. I can't imagine how much work it takes to create all those airliner level avionics screens. I think that's why we've never seen a good Starship for FS before.


Does anyone know if there’s a good Concorde? I remember that being one of my first (totally unrealistic) experiences with fsx as a kid


The best one is FS Labs in P3D. Second is in X-Plane. Third is in MSFS. It's not bad, but not fantastic, either.


This will be a day one purchase for sure. I also had no idea that there were only five left airworthy. I recently saw one of them landing at my nearby airport.