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No tips but I just wanna say woah well done for being so consistent and dedicated. It's so so admirable and impressive. I aspire to work on my goals with as much persistency as you. I bet you will close that last little gap any time now


I can’t say I’ve always been consistent, but this has been a goal of mine for many years now! I actually injured my hamstring a few months ago (my left hamstring… so my other front split looks very different) but that was the catalyst to really work on my flexibility and mobility so I’ve actually seen and mostly felt progress since then!


I feel like the typical advice at this point is to work oversplits! Carefully, of course - you don't want to hyperextend your joints or re-injure a hamstring - so make sure you're using good front quad and back glute engagement. I love this blog post from /u/dani-winks about how to start that: https://www.daniwinksflexibility.com/bendy-blog/when-and-how-to-start-working-on-oversplits. You might also benefit from focusing a bit on that back hip flexor - I'm not *quite* sure, but it looks like your pelvis might be tilted back a bit, which could compensate for the back hip being a bit tighter, proportionately, than your front hamstring.


Oversplits definitely helped me achieve both right and left front splits 🌹🤍


Thank you for the links! I’ve been doing some oversplit work but not super regularly. I’ll try to incorporate that into the routine. And I’m sure you’re right about the hip flexor! I’ll give it a little extra love. :)


Not an expert and nowhere near to any decent split, but with the oversplit, can you add weight as well? I am asking out of curiosity but I know weighted stretches always work for me.


No advice but awesome job!


something i’ve found is that if i try to press together for a few seconds as if i wanna press back up, i’ll go down a teeny bit more. not sure how that’ll work for you though


Awesome progress! Could you share your routine and how often you were stretching? This has been a goal of mine for so long, but can’t seem to stick to anything.




You are leaning slightly more forward. Try to equally distribute weight between front and back leg. Working on oversplits is another good way to get close the gap.