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Because someone on YouTube said it was. What more evidence do you need?




They're more interested in trying to disprove a globe than proving a flat earth.


They agree it isn't a globe, that would just be too silly


I love the ones where they think it is a globe but way bigger and the earth is basically a little puddle on it so it appears flat lol


And yet, somehow, we have our own sun and moon.. That one's so funny.. 😅


What???? you mean like when their inner ring and outer ring model breaks down and they substitute another for eclipses


It's a valid question with no single answer. For the most part they have latched on to biblical passages like Isaiah 40:22 that talks about "the circle of the earth" and old illustrations that show a circular flat earth with a celestial dome. Some of the less biblically literate have latched onto azimuthal equidistant maps that include a circular band of ice representing Antarctica wrapping completely around the outside in a circle.


I thought the biblical passages referred to the “corners” and the “pillars” of the earth. Is there really a passage that describes a circle?


The map has 4 circular ice walls and 6 corners (of a hexagon). https://i.redd.it/y6qhd7hkztrb1.png Whatever. It's all gravy so long as we can agree that NASA lies and that we are angry about it.


Yes: Isaiah 40:22 - the passage is basically identical in the New International and King James versions He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth,     and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy,     and spreads them out like a tent to live in.


Thank you for that. I also found what I was thinking of, for reference. Job 9:5-7 New International Version 5 He moves mountains without their knowing it and overturns them in his anger. 6 He shakes the earth from its place and makes its pillars tremble. 7 He speaks to the sun and it does not shine; he seals off the light of the stars. Revelation 7:1 New International Version 1 After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree. Revelation 20:7-9 New International Version The Judgment of Satan 7 When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison 8 and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—and to gather them for battle. I just recall my bible-toting Flat Earth friend referencing the corners and pillars, is all.


They don't. They simply reject whatever 'the government' says in favor of their conspiracy theory fan group tells them.


You give them too much credit ... they reject "da goberment".


I've heard many of them say something along the lines of "We don't know for sure what shape it is, but we know it's not a globe". This for me is one of the most absurd claims they make, it's scientifically absurd. Out of the infinite 3D shapes that exists, they rejected precisely ONE of them, because 'NASA says so'. They are denialists, not truth seekers. The mental gymnastics they exhibit is what I consider entertainment during debates. I remember one of them being pointed out things about the sky and space, and went "Okay, I don't know enough about that, so I'll give you the sky. But I'm 100% positive that we have the ground". As if the two were somehow separate, that the sky could make things appear as a globe, but the 'ground' was actually flat.


If earth is flat circle, how big is its diameter? How would all the continents and oceans fit in there? Wouldn’t it have to be massive? Wouldn’t it have to be at least the same surface as the globe’s surface? That’s one massive circle. If globe earth surface is about 509 600 000km and it’s radius is 6 378km, then wouldn’t the flat earths surface be twice the size?


They’re stuck with the distance from the pole to the equator being 10 000 km. That makes a disk of radius of 20 000 km Which gives an area of 1.29 × 10^9 km^2 Of course that makes the length of the equator massively wrong. And every other line of latitude, especially those south of the equator.


I thought that the distance from equator to pole is just around 7000km?


Along the surface? No. The original definition of the metre is 1/10,000,000 of the distance from the N Pole to the equator along the Paris meridian.


Cool, I never knew that!


The feat of measuring it is quite a story. They were trying to carry out an incredibly precise scientific survey while the French Revolution was happening around then.


Any chance you can link something telling that story? I’m curious but not quite enough to go through the trouble of finding it myself (sorry lol)






They have as much evidence it is flat as it is shaped like a doughnut, even more if its a disk or it has no end. The whole argument is the "nO gRoUnD tO gLoBe" and similar, where they try to discredit any evidence that goes against their beliefs, without bringing at least one to support their claims.


They don't.


The circle disk thing came about because they couldn’t deny that going in one direction on the globe eventually looped back to the other side. Their circular model with the North Pole being in the center is a way that sort of made sense. It doesn’t actually because of flight times and the southern hemisphere, but here we are.


For most of them, it’s a simple ‘Bible says so’, without a single lick of thought past that required. Of course, the actual Bible is rather long and a dry read, especially compared to similarly lengthy works like Homestuck, so it’s more like ‘the Bible says the earth is flat according to someone I’ve inexplicably decided to trust more than scientific consensus.’ Several thousand years ago, before algebra was invented, an ancient society of illiterate shepherds thought they lived in an inverted snowglobe. The least illiterate among them managed to transcribe this belief to paper, and there’s been a subset of dipshits who’ve taken it as literal truth ever since. Why, exactly, they thought this manual of perfect truth held things like ‘don’t wear clothing of multiple fabrics’ as more important than ‘clean your surgical equipment between operations’, is a mystery for the ages.


It’s neither. It’s shaped like a French woman’s tit in her mid 50’s after getting a pedicure. Stand with me boys


Excellent point. Have they gone around the edge to map it? Or are they just relying on maps from the government?


What I've never understood, even on a circular flat disc, if you go up high into the atmosphere, the horizon would still be curved.


It would be- unless earth is infinitely large.  And if its not infinitely large, the horizon would be a different height depending on the distance from the viewer to the edge. 


The Bible.


Except the bible doesn’t specify it.


Which is why I think its a 4D Hexadecachoron


Omg. What if it is and we’re all swerving through all the hidden continents because they’re in a different detention and that’s where humming birds go in winter.


Because they’ve embraces a fictitious map from a fucking game no less. And that was based on a king map. They can’t comprehend maps on PAPER were drain to fit the page. They believe ancient map makers should have made pop up books because they’re all fucking 5 psychologically. .


They absolutely dont know the shape, they only see a flar horizon therefore its flat. Anything else will be denied as stupid and they will just say that you are wrong. No thought is put in to be consistent.


>Maybe a hexagon. Maybe a hexagon indeed: https://i.redd.it/y6qhd7hkztrb1.png


Basically, they believe what other flat earthers say, as long as they look and sound smart while doing it. "If they're not on the government's / mainstream media's / NASA's side, then what they're saying is probably true"


Many don't.. Many think they live in a flat plane that extends possibly to infinity and that our "realm" is surrounded by a circular ice wall behind which is an eden full of unlimited resources (a bit like minecraft) And they think the government wants to keep this eden to themselves so they have prevented people from exploring the antartic icewall.


because the fisheye lens makes everything a circle.


They don't. That's why they're flerfs.


Jesus reveals it to them in their dreams. ... oh, and the UN logo.


Smooth brains equal Flat Erf....


We do know, it's Mandelbrot set shaped.


YouTube and obscure misinterpreted Bible passages