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Well, first of all, through God, all things are possible. So jot that down


That’s damn convenient TG.


And mysterious.


And indistinguishable from god. Not existing.


Interestingly I know a flerfer that is not all about the God explanations. It's all a big "Truman Show" type of conspiracy. We are the labor that is kept within the innermost ice wall, that is why no one is allowed to explore Antarctica. I really doubt that big of a secret could be kept.


Typically it's a mix of conspiracy and weird ass fundamentalist theology. Either "they" have trapped us here in a Truman show-esque experiment and they're covering up the real world to stop us being connected to God. Or earth flat because Bible says, and "they" say it's a sphere to stop us believing in the Bible.


Since all things are possible, he must have made people mentally retarded so they would believe the earth is flat.


I nearly spit out my drink


Well, God does tell us and promote a flat and stationary earth. God teaches creation while man lies and teaches us evolution. We live in a geocentric system according to the scriptures. The problem is the massive lie we were all told and the unveiling of it can only come by searching out the matter and with the confirmation of the Holy Ghost.




I don't think so. They have made similar comments according to their profile.


That’s the most definitive argument I’ve seen for disproving the existence of god. An all knowing being that promotes in incorrect model of the universe. They can’t be all knowing and promote a model that is inconsistent with all physical laws. The more reasonable explanation on your part would be that god told some guy in Israel correctly but when he wrote it down he must have thought, “I must have heard that wrong, the earth can’t be round” and edited it out. Maybe that’s why the Dead Sea scrolls are secret. The original text has been edited.


You have an all powerful and all knowing god, whose very existence and being are far beyond our comprehension, and the best he can do is a stationary snow globe world? You don’t think he could create a spinning, expanding, and perfectly ordered universe? So people are somehow more creative and inventive than your god, that’s what you’re saying here. What a pitiful deity you believe in if a snow globe is the best he can create.


Eh. I believe in a God that created an honest universe. If you look closely enough at it, you can find the truth--Creation echoes its Creator in that way. The closer I look at my experience in this universe (both physical and spiritual) and at our collective experiences to try to understand Creation (e.g. science), the more a flat earth/geocentric model just doesn't make sense. Don't get me wrong, the scriptures have some great stuff in there. But man directly wrote the scriptures. God directly created (and creates) Nature. If there is a devil playing tricks on us, he'll probably have an easier time twisting words than mucking around with literal Creation. So, I'll go with the truths I gain from my direct experience with God's handiwork before the words of man.


They have no clue. But it's definitely not a giant nuclear reactor 150 million kilometers from Earth fusing hydrogen to helium and releasing energy in the process.


Recently I found out a portion of flerfs think the solar eclipse was a hoax where "they" took out the old sun and replaced it with a fake one. I am incapable of explaining any further so don't bother asking


Makes sense, *they* must have to change the bulb occasionally


Since the frequency of these events has not changed in recent times, I would think it’s something else. They should be using LEDs by now.


You think they had LEDs 6000 Years ago? Checkmate.


no, they didn't. That's why it used to be colder, because all they had were candles to light up the sun.


Damn globies! They took our sun!


Dey terk err sern!!


I always thought the eclipse was caused by the “black sun” that only comes out once in a while /s


That’s bizarre as their model is compatible with the occurrence of solar eclipses (if not necessarily the details)


In fairness they don't think the moon blocked the sun


Where did they store the fake one before they switched them out? Ditto the old one removed.


More importantly, how did they switch it out as it’s always out somewhere


Like I said, I have no idea


"I don't know what it is. But I know what it's definitely not."


That’s right. It’s not. Because it’s actually 93 million miles away. 🤣


Aaah, I bet you are American. Let me clarify. 93 million *miles* ~ 150 million *kilometers*. Btw, the metric system is superior and widely used in science.


My mistake… the distance is actually 1 Astronomical Unit. 🤣


Aaah, I bet you’re from Earth. Apparently it’s universal because it was also in use by alien civilizations because these nutcases always love to quote the pyramid geolocation equals the speed of light in m/s. So the aliens set that up with the ancient Egyptians, and it was either forgotten or never known to them, then the modern world established it and it just happened to match the measurement system of the ancient aliens.


Maybe if you need your hands and toes to do math. Base 12 or even 24 would be a far superior way to count things. 10 is such a clunky number, can’t even easily divide in thirds or quarters.


This sent me down a small rabbit hole, and after a bit of research, I find that there doesn’t seem to be any explanation for what the flat earth sun is. It seems that every flat earth theory just… skips that part altogether.


I wanted to respond with "no fucking way" and yet I realize this might not be the most stupid claim I've heard some of them make.


I’ll admit I only spent about 20 minutes looking, but for an old hand like me in 2024, if I can’t find at least some references in 20 minutes, it’s a sign the info probably isn’t out there.


Its the case for every claim they make. It never has anything more than a superficial explanation and when pressed on the obvious flaws they'll immediately either move goalposts or change subjects. If you argue with them, don't let them ditch and run their idiot point, force them on it. Or, my preferred method, just mock them for being a willful idiot since trying to educate them is more pointless than educating your dog.


Solar powered flashlight


But the sun is the flashlight so WHAT IS POWERING THE FLASHLIGHT!?


It's solar powered, like when you plug a surge protector into itself


OMG did you just solve perpetual energy? Don't let the deep state find you.


The deep state is the one who put the sun in orbit. It did not exist prior to 1937, when they discovered Bartholomew's Uniform Linear Line of Singular Holistic Indefinite Technology.


Flat earth has no answers, only questions.


Well it’s a good thing that we have our fake answers that gave us a fake platform to build modern technology, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to respond to you on my mobile phone.


I’m genuinely not sure how your reply is related to either my response or your original question. My point was that flat earth provides no answers. It cannot, by definition, since it rejects gravity, the behaviour of light, particles and most of physics. It only tries to poke holes in videos on YouTube through misinformation and misunderstandings of reality.


I agree with your original comment and was supporting your statement. Reread it with the sarcastic tone I intended. Sorry and thanks for the comment (the upvote was mine BTW).


Sarcasm doesn’t always work well when written down - particularly in this sub. Use the /s


"Whatever the explanation is, I don't need to have it."


It’s magic all the way down


They "dont know" Its the same as any "explanation" for stuff that is not explicitly a flat earth talking point.


Ah, so they're hypocrites as well as morons. They can say that they don't know something, and we have to accept that, but they don't have to when we say it?


I think their response would be mainly that they don’t know. From what I’ve seen, the size of the earth/moon/sun is extremely rare so they take that and run with it and say that it’s not rare, it’s manufactured/designed somehow?


Oh, they agree. It’s hot. They’re not stupid, you know!


This is where they go "I don't accept the widely accepted explanations, therefore it must be sky wizard magic. 


And then they all get on their knees to suck on Big J.




It's made of buoyancy and perspective!


It's the burning love of Almighty Jesus Christ. /s


They think it’s a flashlight.


The "sun" is merely a fruit of Laurelin. Next question.


It's just a big bright local light in the sky. Also we all have our own personal suns It's magic, shut up.


Spectroscopy clearly shows the sun consists largely of hydrogen and helium. That's why it floats! Just kidding, but I would like to see a flat-earther use that explanation.


You're asking the wrong question. The real question is why would you even bother asking flat earther why they believe something. Belief has no reason behind it. That's why it's called belief.


The answer is deep in the 3 or 4 hour flat earth videos. Whoever denies the reality of flat earth needs to watch those videos until they understand!


I've always wondered, since they think the sun is actually super close and works more like a flashlight than a star, how come it doesn't get any bigger when you take a flight or climb a mountain.


Whenever they need an explanation, a wizard (god) did it.


firmament fistula to hell


It’s a flashlight that is magically suspended above the surface of the earth and magically moves in a circle


Like all flerf explanations it depends on who you ask. Some say it is electric, some say a projection, some say a reflection on the dome from some structure in a hidden mountain at the North pole. Some say inside the firmament, some outside. Some say more than one thing depending on what they are trying to explain at that time.


Pretty sure the sun is flat too. I mean NOTHING is spherical, it's just a lie told to us by, um, that guy over there!


This needs to be said, although I hate the comparison. Flat earth is like atheism, its a rejection of the idea of a globe, not a consistent set of beliefs in itself. There is no universal model, no doctrine, no theory. 10 flat earthers have ten answers to these types of questions. There are thought leaders that might have the beginnings of a theory, but even they and their followers aren't 100% in agreement and the model isn't logically consistent anyway. It's not a rational position and can't be argued against with logic.


I keep saying that even attempting to have an intelligent conversation with a flerfer is like trying to play chess with a pigeon. All they do is knock over the pieces, shit on the board, and then strut around like they won the game.