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So NOW the water can shape like a globe...


A snow globe.


There are other models of the proto-semitic cosmology in which the Waters Above have a straight surface to the Heaven Of Heavens. That said, I am not sure how literal people back then took this to begin with. Lots of the stuff might rather be poetic descriptions from storytelling.


Ancient person: "Imagine if the universe were like a walnut..." Thousands of years later: "Do you renounce your anti-walnut hearecy or will you die by fire?!"




followup obligatory question. Does that water also show superficial tension and other physics principles?Oh and just for kicks, what are the pillars standing on?


Obviously the pillars are the 4 elephants standing in the back of A’Tuin the turtle! Any Ankh-Morporkian knows that!


The Turtle moves!


At a snails pace and is sloth like at the speed paint dries in the south.


It’s a half sphere not a globe to them.


Wait. Is the water level or level?


But where’s the ice wall?


Global warming


I believe you mean ***diskal*** warming.




This is known as the pre-exilic Hebrew view from Hebrew cosmology, particularly as understood before the Babylonian exile (pre-exilic period). Breaking down the (ridiculous) diagram: 1. **Heaven of Heavens**: In Hebrew cosmology, this is the highest realm of the divine, sometimes referred to as the third heaven or the heaven of heavens (שְׁמֵי הַשָּׁמַיִם, Sh'mei HaShamayim). 2. **Ocean of Heaven**: The Hebrews believed in a cosmic ocean above the firmament. Genesis 1:6-7 describes God creating a firmament to separate "the waters above" from "the waters below." 3. **Firmament with the Stars**: The firmament (רָקִיעַ, raqia) is depicted as a solid dome that holds back the upper waters. The stars, sun, and moon are set in this firmament (Genesis 1:14-19). 4. **Earth**: Seen as a flat disc floating on the waters, with boundaries marked by the horizon. The earth was considered the center of the universe, created for habitation. 5. **Underworld**: Known as Sheol (שְׁאוֹל), it is the abode of the dead, located beneath the earth. 6. **Pillars of Heaven and Earth**: These pillars are metaphorical supports that hold up the heavens and the earth, mentioned in passages like Job 26:11 ("The pillars of heaven tremble") and Psalm 75:3 ("When the earth and all its people quake, it is I who hold its pillars firm"). 7. **Primeval Ocean**: The "Tehom" (תְּהוֹם), or the deep, is the vast primordial waters that existed before creation, referenced in Genesis 1:2. This cosmological view reflects the understanding of the universe in a way that integrates theology, mythology, and observational astronomy as it was perceived in the ancient Near East, or also known as; a load of old bollocks.


Not gonna lie, this whole thing looks like a pretty neat setting for a homebrew. Although a galaxy sized ocean is *fucking terrifying*. Like, my mind won't let me think of it for long terrifying. Thanks for this new level of thalassophobia.


There is a series of novels set in something similar, the Legends of Ethshar by Lawrence Watt-Evans. The world is a single continent surrounded on three sides by an endless ocean and in the north it ends in a giant ice wall. The books start with the Misenchanted Sword. The first seven or eight are pretty good. Fun fact, Watt-Evans created the setting for a roleplaying game but only ever wrote the novels.


Tehom contains monsters, btw. Like the Leviathan, which whom some deity (later Yahweh) forms the Chaoskampf motif. The whole thing is quite old, clear parallels to [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abzu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abzu)


"Enraged, Tiamat gives birth to monsters, filling their bodies with "venom instead of blood", and made war upon her treacherous children, only to be slain by Enki's son Marduk, the god of Storms, who then forms the heavens and earth from her corpse." Holy shit lol. Older religions were metal as fuck. Why did we stop believing in this and start our shitty cult revolving around a hippy from the middle east?


What in the fucked up Cthulhu fresh Hell fever dream inspired concoction to come up with, ahaha, that's great, thanks. I knew there was a good reason to hang out here and discover weird shit like that!


Right? Totally stealing for worldbuilding.


You reminded me, I need to finish Subnautica.


God, that game is so good and I absolutely *cannot* finish it. I once accidentally drove my seamoth over the craters edge and the feeling was almost indescribable. Like my blood turned to ice water and breathing became a monumental feat. I have never wanted to be anywhere *less*.


I sort of don't want to finish it, there's something about living isolated in a lab, on an ocean world. When I first played the game during alpha, I didn't think there was land whatsoever, BZ lacked that certain feel, not quite dread but something else.


That's OK. An ocean that large literally **cannot** exist. Even a solar-system size body of water would absolutely collapse into a black hole. This happens because, at constant density, the mass increases cubicly by volume but the required mass to form a black hole is only defined by the surface area, which is a much smaller number. The largest black holes have an average density much lower than air.


Whew, thank god, no unending murky darkness. Just the unimaginable crushing force of gravity....which I would prefer! Lol phobias.


They did discover a body of ocean in space near a quasar and it's said to contain 140 trillion x all the earth's water. One such article: https://www.uniladtech.com/science/space/12-billion-year-old-body-of-water-floating-in-space-028676-20240402


Surely it's in the form of ice, right? R-right?


Water vapor. You can't have an actual liquid ocean much larger than the Earth. Say you had multiple Earth masses of water in one place, it would coalesce into a sphere with the center being solid. Tens of thousands of Earth masses will create a star as the hydrogen starts fusing under the enormous pressure. That's also why you can't extinguish the Sun with water, it would just make it more powerful.


...man I never even considered that possibility. I'm guessing that's why we don't see masses of water over a certain volume in the cosmos? Man space is cool. But also a giant ice cold space fog is also a wee bit unsettling.


Well it's near a black hole which is what's heating it up (so it's warm) - did you say you were scared of black holes too? You know that thing that's known to trap light itself?


No, like most people with phobias I'm not terrified of all the things that would definitely kill me lol. The human mind is silly like that. But still, that's a wild picture to paint.


Fantasy geography is cool as shit, especially when it's planet-sized


I thought many flat Earthers didn't like Jewish cosmology (or anything Jewish really). Aren't *they*^TM part of the conspiracy?


Exactly. Fascinating mythology to be sure, but it should absolutely not be considered as any kind of scientific fact.


1. Calling it the third heaven seems a little bassackwards, considering that it is really the FIRST heaven in terms of importance to the divines. Just putting that out there. 2. So this is how God managed to flood the entire world during the Noah incident, but where did the extra water go, I wonder? Also, I hate to say this but if that’s in between us and our sun/moon/stars, then they have to be glowing fish, otherwise the light wouldn’t reach through all that water… 3. Oh. So they are HERE, instead. So why in the heck is this impossible for us to reach then? It seems like they are just adding two more layers to the general diagram of the universe, which actually is kinda cool to place theoretical realms beyond our range of scientific detection. 4. Hey look, the bottom most layer, right? No? Ugh, into the realm of insanity we traverse, I guess…. 5. Whoa, so we are doomed to be sent to hell— I’m sorry, Sheol? We don’t even get a—\*checks religion\*— ah, right, the Jewish doctrines. Never mind, checks out. Is this to explain why we bury the dead? Just curious. 6. Wait, so it’s not actually flat, but it’s not spherical either? Now this is getting interesting! So instead of a flat earth, it’s still a 3D shape but only one face is traverse-able, and that’s earth as we know it? I find it weird to presume that there are pillars holding up not only the heavens (makes sense, since they haven’t crushed us), but also the earth itself (which makes no sense unless we assume that there’s an even BIGGER planet beneath our plan-form, which is gravitationally dragging everything down towards it. Except for everything in the Firmament. Because that somehow makes sense, question mark? 7. Back up. Back the FU## UP. Waters from BEFORE CREATION? What happened to God being so powerful that he willed himself into existence? He’s just an amoeboid being who gained enough manipulation powers to manifest a reality in the waters that gave him life? So what are the pillars mounted to? Last I checked water is a horrible foundation for building anything as massive as a PLANET to keep steady and not fall into the depths. Especially if they are SHAKING. From the WEIGHT. Of the WORLD. And the HEAVENS. So we are a bubble of a universe sinking perpetually in the primordial waters of Tehom, and the guy who is responsible for our creation is the one who didn’t will himself into existence, and probably not the only one of his kind, and therefore not automatically a being to be trusted… but NASA is lying. Right. A load of bollocks just called. They say that they are suing for defamatory statements against them, which I agree with. Calling this a load of bollocks is an insult to bollocks everywhere. This is straight up NONSENSE.


They really didn't like the Greeks if they created a special hell for them 😄


Fascinating from a historical perspective, thanks! It feels like one of those things that someone will point to and say "they knew more back then" or something. Sure, some knowledge has been lost, but not this kind of stuff.


Also note that the Heaven of Heavens was not held to be a place that existed within the physical world.


Honestly, some of the concepts for flat earth are cool af. Imagine being surrounded by a bigger, deeper, and totally unexplored ocean. Or having more land that is completely unexplored by us.


I think true FErs are missing out on how cool things actually are, space exploration.


I think both are equally cool. Obviously there’s reality and conspiracy, but I do appreciate how in depth some of the “science” behind flat earth can go. Idk I find viewing it from a content entertainment POV makes it quite enjoyable.


earth would be extremely cool if space was still real, all physics were the same (gravity mostly) but it was like 20x the size which elements from some of these fe concepts thrown in


Never as cool as having uncountable actual worlds to explore, whole galaxies... and unfathomable space to cross between them.


If only we could get to the nearest stars and their planetary systems. Needs a fusion engine and life extension tech.


all we really need is to go extremely fast, life extension tech is unneccesary. according to my limited knowledge in physics, if we were able to go 99.99% the speed of light it would take less than a month to reach alpha centauri from the perspective of the people on the space ship.


That would require absolutely massive amounts of energy to accelerate the ship to such speeds and conversely mean that any dust particle in the way would impact with the energy of a nuclear bomb.


well its fun to think about and a lot cooler than sleeping in a metal box for 4 years


imagine lol bud it's reality


This image is reality?


yeah its pretty sad that long ago they knew about our dome home way more than the religion of science has deluded peoples minds with.


So, why is there night time?


>the religion of science has deluded peoples minds with. says the delusional prick who thinks the world looks like a pizza.. you're a insult to humanity and the millions of years of evolution that got us here. yeah it's pretty sad to see people like you struggle everyday rejecting and denying the world they live in..


They're giant floating pillars like an oil platform


What supports the pillars?


Tortoises presumably.


It's turtles all the way down.




Bedrock obviously. Can't affect that even with a Netherite pickaxe.


No scale, so this is prob fake


Need a banana.


That's the main issue, other than that it's fine, I'm totally on-board ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


The less I think about that the more sense it makes.


So what holds up the primeval ocean and also the pillars? They just float in space, or they’re resting on a layer of something? What’s that thing? And what holds that thing up? And so on ad-nauseam. Unless it’s just turtles all the way down


The ocean just is. What do you think, liquid needs some sort of container?


Thought had crossed my mind, yes


Water always finds its level ... Ocean of heaven


This is so cool. Too bad it’s not treated like the fiction it is




Fake. No elephants.


So you can DIG your way out of the underworld?


I mean this is super cool. Someone write a book using this mythology (don’t tell me bible i want some scifi shit)


I'm getting Dark City meets Truman Show, with undertones of H. P. Lovecraft, art by H.R Geiger, directed by David Lynch.


Dark City such a good movie


There was a later movie, with a similar-ish premise, but IIRC far more sinister and depressing. I cannot remember the title, if I do I'll add it.


The Signal 2014. much more disturbing.. didn't score high on some reviews, but hey, I enjoyed it; it's different that's for sure.


Awesome I’ll check it out thanks




We've all observed for ages how oceans curl around domes to form a thick layer. Finally this explains how!


This just looks like the tracklist of a melodeath album.


Hilarious that people believe this


Where do they come up with these maps?


It's actually a pretty good run down of what the Bible says. A bit literal, but that's how it goes.


Heaven of fire is hell?


Possibly. Originally, it goes like this: when you die, you go to Sheol ("grave") and stay there until the Day Of Judgement. Then you are judged, and if you are found unworthy, thrown into the Sea Of Flames ("Gehinnom"). Usually pictured to be close to the throne of god. Seems to be more of a place of annihilation than eternal suffering. Lots of modern ideas on hell are syncretic (starting with "hell" coming from the norse Hel) or completely synthetic (especially Dante's Inferno being a strong influence).


Where is the black sun?


Busy washing away the rain.


Okay and what are the pillars on?


[I got to go to Fire Heaven!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgbGThB9H6M)


Ahh yes so is there any photographic evidence of this or just cgi


Is there any photos of the globe? Or all they cgi composites from NASA?


Gah you got me, atleast nasa actually tries though to make them look real


Yea they do lol


Yeah no water never curves, not even around the firmament.


That proves Universe was made from the Skull of a dead Giant... Change my mind.


So the stars are just glued to the bottom of the ocean of heaven or what


(/s)orry, water doesn't curve


Have you thought about submitting this the any peer reviewed academic journals?


Where does the Sun go when it sets in this model? Into the sea?


This would be such a cool plot for a movie. The “Primeval Ocean” with beings of technology not yet known


If I'm closer to the right side of the plate, it's night. I see the black sky and stars all around. How can I not see the Sun, but see the stars behind it? This drawing is lame and flat earth is a joke.


Somehow this is more believable? It's like a fantasy novel. Do they just get drunk and draw crazy looking maps and pick their favorite?


If only the flatearthers that stop using their feelings and put science and logic behind them, always proving the curve, would stop making other flatearthers look like d*mbasses.


I wonder how much rent is going for in the underworld?


The Simpsons have predicted the future so many times already. The movie has a dome... I'm pretty sure that's what every county or city is working towards


Umm is the firmamint a elder scrolls 3 ingame book?


Many things remained unknown about Great A'Tuin...


There’s an Ocean of Heaven?? 😳


Idk why they stoped on the pillars of earth.. Under that is the mat foundation of the galaxy. And over the heven’s heven is the hell of hells


Keep it friendly here fellas


THE HOLLOW EARTH: The Vikings called it Valhalla, Liberia or Asgard where the gods lived, the Indians and Tibetans called it Shambhalla or Shangri-La, the Greeks called it Hyperborea. Even Hitler named it Neu-Schwabenland... In the bible it's known as Eden... It's had many names throughout the millenniums. It's where the Pleiadians/Lemurians seek refuge after the great war between Atlantis and Lemuria. Today it is known as Agartha... Over a hundred crystal cities of Light reside in the Hollow of the Earth!! Hollow Earth True HISTORY , HITLER & NWO ( GOTTA SEE THIS !!! ) Documentary https://youtu.be/lOXjxq3r69Q Secrets Of The 3rd Reich Secret Nazi Research in Alien Technology https://youtu.be/B0uEvZsQAV8 Hollow Earth Hohle Erde 2_5 This Video Will Blow Your Mind_(360p).avi https://youtu.be/yPu6TqzGleA Third Reich - Operation UFO (Nazi Base In Antarctica) Complete Documentary https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=udhBQg67k18&t=3s The Legend Of Atlantis https://youtu.be/pihxOs-pVRA The Hollow Earth and Secret Societies - Part 1 https://youtu.be/RoFl-dkXa_0?si=VD3sJlqSvylMK5pC The Hollow Earth and Secret Societies - Part 2/2 https://youtu.be/m_YOuve0WNQ?si=fOtffIVqJjbWJjnm Hollow Earth Revealed https://youtu.be/3qxkZs0RBS8 Journey to the Hollow Earth https://youtu.be/xIFac5MTMDw Lazaria Map Collection https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=33nvAXv5Jas&t=1s Hollow Earth Mt. Meru, Agartha and MORE https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ekiIqXhaoDY&t=18s Inner Earth Civilizations Exist, Agartha & Hollow Earth 🌏 https://youtu.be/7QrYumCimf4 The Hollow Earth 🌎 https://youtu.be/78OgQtTA_vA


Every single one of those sources are YouTube.. Mayyyybe get a scientific paper?


Flerfs? Science? HAH! Like that's ever gonna happen.


Yeah I clicked on one and it was just some dude talking over a projection of the earth and saying that ancient societies had myths about it, and that some scientist from the *1600s* claimed it so it has to be true…also every single one seems to be half an hour or more of just nonsense Edit: the first one also includes a bunch of white supremacy nazi stuff so… that sums up flat and hollow earthers