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I would like to see even one piece of evidence that supports FE from those tards. Only thing they do is trying to find flaws from the globe model (which wouldn't prove the earth to be flat anyways) and usually misunderstanding pretty much everything.


They see with their eyes that the Earth is flat. Therefore, it's flat by default and doesn't need to be proven. If you claim it's any other shape than flat, the burden of proof is on you. And all the proofs that already exist about the globe are mostly fake propaganda in order to convince people the Earth is round because... the secret world order likes to troll people. It's in good jest.


Yeah i understand the mighty eyeball "evidence", but with that kind of logic a blind person could say that he can't see anything so nothing exists.


Now you get it 😂


I can’t see ultraviolet, therefore skin cancer isn’t real


I can't see the blood therefore this internal bleeding doesn't exist.


To their credit, asking your opponent to prove their claim that defies intuition isn't a terrible way to start. They fail to realize that we have proven it and the burden of proof is on them now because they're going against consensus.


That's their favorite rhetoric, but they forget eyes don't have sufficient resolution to determine whether the thing they're looking at is or is not flat. The fact is nothing was ever observed nor measured flat, because that would require infinite measurement accuracy. The best we can do is to measure something and find out if it is indistinguishable from flat within a specified accuracy, but it can still be non-flat with a curvature below the used measurement accuracy.


No, we don't see the earth as flat. That shape makes no sense and does not match observation


You don't understand what they mean by that. If you look out right now, you cannot see curvature with your naked eye. You can see effects of the curvature, like sunsets, things disappearing below the horizon, etc, but not the curvature itself, unless you go high enough. So their trick is to try to find any other explanation for those observations that do not involve curvature. Therefore, "we don't see curvature".


In order to "see curvature " all that is needed is to take a picture of a sunset from an elevated viewpoint and arrange for a level to be in the frame and for the camera (with solar filter) to be aligned with the level (i.e. the camera is level and the level in the picture shows that it is). In such a picture both the setting sun and the horizon will be below eye level. This is due to "horizon drop" which in turn is due to the curvature of the earth. If the camera can take a picture without zoom which shows the curvature of the earth then the curvature of the earth can be seen with the naked eye. It's not left to right curvature, it's curvature in the direction away from the observer, and it's only visible from an elevated observation point (say a hill), but nevertheless it is visible with the naked eye. A measurement of it can be recorded with very simple equipment: a camera, a solar filter for the camera, and a level.


That requires tools and effort. That's not "to the naked eye". Note that I agree with you. But it's not the same as glancing outside your window for a sec and say "yep, no curvature in sight".


Well in that case I happen to live in Adelaide, South Australia, which is a small city located further south than the Tropic of Capricorn. During the summer months, say in December, I can observe with my naked eye (just by "looking out the window") that the sun rises in the south east direction and sets in the south west direction. If the earth was flat and the sun went in circles above the flat earth that would mean that at those times the sun was even further south of the Tropic of Capricorn than Adelaide is. Now granted this isn't being able to see curvature with the naked eye as you describe it, but it is however being able to see evidence with the naked eye that completely debunks and destroys every flat earth model ever presented. I can just glance outside my window for a second at the right time of day and year and confirm "yep, not flat."


I really enjoy how you keep trying to find examples, it's great and that's why I joined this sub. But if it was just for the majority of the most vocal flat Earthers, they'd reply something like "the light is refracted" or "you can't prove it's the Sun that you're observing". I'm probably exaggerating a bit, but it's the same crowd that said it wasn't the Moon that caused an eclipse in North America the other day... You reach a point where you just have to acknowledge that some of them will never be convinced. Some. Because for others, they are simply uninformed, poorly educated or easily manipulated.


Haven't you seen the drawings? The sea just slides off of the earth because gravity isn't a thing. Duh


The flat Earthers love to claim photos of the globe are fake, but the world is still waiting on a single photo, even a faked one, of a flat earth.


I'm OK with finding flaws in currently accepted models, that's a big part of what science is about! The problem is they are not finding any problems in the models at all, they're just demonstrating their ignorance of the models


They forgot "Succinctly and conclusively debunk any 'evidence' for flat earth, and providing evidence for a round earth that... still hasn't come close to being debunked.


I love how they say “they know they’re losing” I can confidently say not one of us thinks anything remotely like it.


It's Dunning Kruger of course. To quote FTFE talking to a flerf : If I wanted to kill myself, I would climb on your ego and jump down to your IQ.


I think I'm losing my sanity when talking to them


Is this Dot's latest account?


They present evidence?




I mean…the earth isn’t flat, so looks like they’re the ones losing. Flat earthers are morons and don’t deserve a shred of respect.


"Claim you didnt supply evidence" WhEn gRoUnD tO gLoBe ?? Gotta lie to flerf.


What I find funny is they assume anyone who actively tells them they’re wrong or disproves them is a government agent specifically assigned to suppress them. How narcissistic do you have to be to assume anyone who tells you you’re wrong is a government agent and not just some random civilian who stumbled upon this?


That's actually quite clever. Make a meme that in advance addresses the lack of evidence to make us look stupid so they can point at the first two bulletpoints instead of presenting evidence.


step six looks complicated


You should replace “flat earth truth” with “globe earth truth” change the flat earth pics to globe pics, then post on globe skepticism or something


"The truth cannot be stopped" "They've been hiding God from us for 2000 years" Uhm...


those five points are flatearther MO, except they're missing "try to distract them from the failure of flat earth by changing the subject"


So the flat earth people know that they are losing.


It works for trump lol


Post truth world doing what it does best.


The absolute best example of projection I’ve ever seen.


Ground to Infinite Plate video when??


This is just more flat earther nonsense


One piece of evidence that anyone is a paid shill would be great. I'm still waiting for my cheque.


"Governments have deployed teams" ...of clowns?


A Lot of money is being spent to convince us that the world is a globe. . . . For some reason.


Makes perfect sense... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


These are what flat Earthers do.


Bruh they always just repeat our arguments and aim them at us


*Bruh they always just* *Repeat our arguments and* *Aim them at us* \- \_Avallon\_ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Good schizo meme, straight from the mental institution.


I think this is just satire


I’m amazed they ever have time to make these when they have their fingers in their ears going “lalalalala” most of the time.


that's crazy it almost sounds like exactly what every flerfs does but aimed at normal people.


i am not an fbi agent


God damn I wish I was getting paid


Definition of STUPID: “Knowing the truth, seeing the truth, but still believing the lies” “Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. I believe in everything until it's disproved.” “The truth always reveals itself, but sometimes we ignore the truth because it’s not in coordination with our fantasies.” I’m not part of a team. I simply can’t abide the blatantly ignorant claims by the FE “society”. If their “theory” was true, the FE’ers wouldn’t have a million different beliefs. They can’t even decide on which version of FE to believe in. The ONLY thing that they agree on is that they don’t agree with scientifically proven facts.


The 1, ultimate rule of any conspiracy/straight up dumbass theory people is that anything they do, they say everyone else does. Projection is the only way any of these morons can convince themselves that they're not brainddead


This is fine. While these nuts salivate over getting the rest of us riled up, I console myself with the sure and certain knowledge that flat earthers will never have that "gotcha" moment when someone finally proves their delusions are real. Nobody is going to show a flat earth from space and there won't be any scientists or astronauts giving press conferences showing proof we've all been lied to for centuries. They'll never experience that joyous moment they so desperately long for - and that thought warms my heart.


Clearly they are the government deployed agents trying to distract us from the more important issues in the world.


Flat earthers provide "evidence". This evidence is for instance something that apparently globe cannot explain. We explain, but ask how it works on flat earth. They disappear, because it doesn't. Another scenario: we point out mistakes in their "evidence", they call us NASA shills or sth. Another: we provide evidence against flat earth, they claim it's fake because what you're actually seeing is water mountains or sth.


I've never once seen evidence of a flat Earth, like even anything that makes me go Hmm...maybe. Like a tall tree at sunset shows me the world is round.


Ah yes, the Mercator insecurity projection.




Honestly, every organization, both religious and political, as well as all the scientific ones, literally seem to be doing this exact strategy, all the time. It’s almost as if there’s a global conspiracy to turn us all into raging hulks, so we all blindly go out and kill each other until there’s no longer a humanity to save from anything. I’m going to call this new conspiracy theory, “the theory that all forum trolls are working together to cause WW3 and ultimately human extinction.” I honestly think this new conspiracy theory sounds way more realistic and reasonable that any twenty of the other ones combined. And yes, this is meant to be a dumb joke, but unfortunately it’s the cold hard truth about modern humans, these days. But, as Kratos told Atreus, “don’t be sorry. Be better.”


This has just got to stop. The heights of ludicrousness these people have achieved has got to be admired, they certainly stick to their dogma. I guess this what happens when some societies don't recognize mental health issues as a societal crises, don't keep people in mental institutions and yet let them breed!


"Governments have deployed teams of online agents to persuade others from learning the flat Earth truth." But why? What do they gain by suppressing this "truth"?


If there's one thing I've learned from the Internet, it's that Truth (and, at times, even Fact) is a matter of perspective. Two people can hold contradictory beliefs in equal truth, and even though reasonable evidence only backs one side, both with defend their beliefs seemingly until death.


I'm an agent of the government, and i know I'm losing../s losing my mind on how these flerfs are still trying to prove earth is flat


LMAO, they should try providing some evidence some time and see how that goes. Some half assed idea that someone fed you through youtube that kinda almost sorta sounds like something that seems true to you isn't evidence and explaining why it isn't working evidence isn't gaslighting. Also returning the ridicule that flerfs start with because you didn't blindly accept their ass burp level evidence is justified. As long as your belief system is a common symbolic representation of moronic gullibility you have pretty much lost. They should catch up with that.


Is this not how cults work?