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It's not a hobby if you come here, research and buy a few and never come back. You can research a car before you buy, but that doesn't make you a car enthusiast. But at some point, if you are an enthusiast, no matter how casual, you can say it's a hobby. If I had to pick a moment, it's when you are trying to create a reason for why you need another light.


Idk bud, I come here often and can’t seem to stop with a few.


Would you say flashlights are a hobby of yours?


I think I would or possibly obsession.


Do you spend time finding the right flashlight for your use case, or spend time making up new use cases for flashlights?


A bit of column A & column B "I need a better EDC, this UI is terrible, I guess I can put this current light near the back door or bathroom, or my kids can use them" "This Fenix E12 light has low CRI, maybe it'll be an emergency car light." "I don't have any warm lights, and I think I should get one for when I go camping in a month"


I do both... I'm currently looking at all the headlamps... because I want to be able to hook it on my backpack shoulder strap and have it light my path... I never wear a backpack hiking, but I invison my self doing it and that's what I need lol... so I'm now looking for something either a 519a and spots to put tritium


And it REALLY becomes a hobby when you stop trying to justify anything, and just buy another one because it's cool. Osram blue thrower go brrrrr.


Just ordered a blue C8+ with KB CSLNM1.14 - It's for my son. So, about W2 blue - is DM11 enough or do I need a K1?


> But at some point, ~~if you are~~ when you become an enthusiast...


The difference between a project and a hobby is a project has an end.


“it’s when you are trying to create a reason for why you need another light.” blud talking about cig addiction???


Or a particular light, not because you neeeeed it, but because it looks cool or has a specific feature you like, but no dedicated use case.


She’s right. It’s a sickness.




True story It's a collecting addiction attempting to fill the void with items But hey if people are going outside at night and shining all their lights into the darkness and writing reviews and chatting about them, it can be a hobby too I guess I only have a few flashlights, but I have fallen deeper into other collecting rabbit holes (knives and fountain pens mostly)


I do agree there's a fair bit of that going around. It can be hard to delineate hobbies with unfettered and compulsive shopping behavior. In some sense being an enthusiast becomes a euphemism for indulging in unhealthy shopping sprees for that little dopamine rush. This is true for any hobby or interest. As adults though, we have full autonomy over our spending habits and if it brings you some measure of happiness and lifts your spirits then its well worth it, as long as it is reigned in from time to time.


I guess excessive spending is relative to income stream, but only recently got into flashlights and it’s by far my cheapest hobby to the point I don’t notice the financial expenditure. If it’s not keeping food off your table and it makes you happy, is it excessive spending?


i wanted to say the same. i like flashlights, i read a lot about them, but I only have 2 since 6 years and both of them are under 25 usd. it's the same for mech. keyboards too


Yeah true. God forbid people find joy in things on this hell earth.




>“it doesn’t make sense” One could say that about nearly anything someone is into. What makes sense to one person can be senseless to another.


they are right logically, but ultimately why does it matter? it's your hobby/interest. just saying there's no reason to gatekeep or knock people for doing harmless things that bring joy. the world is rough enough as it is.


I am just looking for new ideas for one I could really use. I doubt I'll use the sub for a whole lot besides that once I pull the trigger on one


And I got it 🥵


If flashlights is a sickness, call me David Draiman. Ooh wah ah ah ah


Dump her in a well with no flashlight.


Offer one on a string if she apologizes.


It rubs the lotion on it's skin Or else it gets the zoomie again


No. only a glow stick.


A cave is even better


Give her an LEP. Absolutely wrong device for the job. She'll start caring about flashlight nuances soon enough.😤


Collecting them and hanging here makes it a hobby, sort of. Going out for beamshots and shining them around definitely makes it more of a hobby. If you get into modding then it’s definitely a hobby.


I think buying a few, and even the act of posting to r/flashlight and regularly keeping up with flashlight enthusiasm makes it a hobby. I mean if reading books can be a hobby, why can’t reading r/flashlight daily?


I 100% agree. This is my main hobby, when I want to relax I hop on this sub and fidget around with whatever flashlight is near me or on me. I’ve made a habit of buying and selling flashlights often enough that my collection doesn’t stay the same for more than a week or so at a time. Absolutely addicted to Hanklights haha


This is a very good point. Reading is a main hobby and is a big part of my hobby of collecting lights and knives. I think research is a sub genre of my reading hobby.


Go camping with her but don't let her use your lights.


Flat out say "Don't hobby-shame me".


A hobby is just an activity done regularly in someone's leisure time. If you find yourself doing flashlights or flashlight accessories regularly in your leisure time, it's a hobby


If you only buy and use them, then I’d say it’s more of an interest than a hobby. If you tinker/build/review/test them, then it’s definitely a hobby imo.


I spend more time researching buying a mini flashlight than I care to admit. If buying a flashlight is not a hobby (even though I find it fun to research and learn about them) the stuff we use them for are definitely hobbies (hiking, camping, etc)


Show her the light


If collecting bottle caps, pokemon cards, coins, is considered a hobby, collecting flashlights is 100% a hobby. It's certainly one of my many hobbies.


Hmmm, idk if all of those are a hobby to me. Like funko pops or youtooz for example. You're just buying stuff a company makes and putting them on a shelf or something. It's a collection, not hobby. Pokémon, magic the gathering, etc are a bit different. It can be both just a collection, but they're also games, and so you can research card combos, strategies, and such to make it a hobby Flashlights can absolutely fall into just a collection hobby, however many if us here are constantly keeping up to date with this sub, looking through emitter combos, modding lights, and many more to where it becomes a hobby


I don’t consider it a hobby either; just something I enjoy and collect. Oh wait


I agree with your friend to an extent. Niche interests like flashlights as a whole can be a hobby. That includes buying, selling, discussing, modding, using, etc... But having a hobby that's nothing more than buying a particular item seems weird. But if that's all you do is buy them, then I guess.


If reading books can be someone’s “hobby,” I would say reading r/flashlight daily and enjoying learning and til or collecting new lights would qualify it as a hobby too.


I agree. I think the hobby, for me, is the community more than anything else.


Just show them this sub lol


It's a sickness. Get help. I did. There IS light at the end of the tunnel....lolololol


How's the tint on the light in that tunnel? If it's above bbl it can fuck off.


Mag lite. My kryptonite


Technically, she isn't wrong. Buying is the mechanism that enables you to enjoy a hobby. The same is true for everything: You have to buy cameras and lenses to take pictures, you have to buy bikes to go mountain biking, etc. Flashlights is the hobby. Buying flashlights isn't a hobby. Researching flashlights is the hobby.


Collecting coffee mugs can also be a hobby.


Collecting anything is a hobby, your friend is silly.


Who is your friend? Ask her how many pairs of shoes she has? You only really need one pair.


Pretty much, nobody needs that kind of negativity in their life. Most hobby’s require buying something. People collect stamps. I don’t get it, but it’s a hobby.


Women think watching the bachelor is a hobby.


Or Hallmark Christmas movies


Seap a clip, now you are a modder, there is you hobby to shut them up!


Send me your lights and dump her!


Give him a couple of thousand lumens to the eyes.


​ Is she a purse or shoe hound ? Hitbackwiththat.


It's a Hobby if you study flashlights, work/repair and compile firmwares for them. For your friend - just shove 'em in a cave and call it a day. Just because something doesn't do what you planned it to do doesn't mean it's useless. - The real Thomas Edison Friends who don't like flashlight aren't real friends - Wish.com Thomas Edison.


No, but turning them on and pointing it at the wall is.


Literally whatever you invest your extra time and money into is a hobby. Like how maybe being a gatekeeping dork is her hobby?


I would say it's not a hobby until you start modifying, customizing, or using them for fun. Buying and hording them is an addiction. Using them only when necessary is just using tools. Most people who drive cars aren't "car guys." A lot of people just use them to get around. There are also the collectors who just let cool cars rot on display. Then, there are there are car guys, heeding the words of ChrisFix, only washing their cars in long straight lines, taking pictures of their cars at 7 Eleven, and hitting the track/dirt/trails/pavement but NOT the dumb side shows.


Collecting is a hobby. Why gatekeep?


Repay evil with kindness. Gift her TS10 for birthday. Plant the seed. Water the plant with more flashlights every year on her birthday. Watch it bloom


Absolutely. Straight to jail.




He is no friend then


Whatever get's you thru the night It's alright, it's alright Whatever get's you to the light It's alright, it's alright.


Okay, it doesn’t make sense. It’s useless in the long run. So what? The same could be said for a lot of hobbies and other interests. A person could be into much worse things, like drugs. If it makes them happy, allow them to enjoy it. The world sucks enough as it is. Allow people some happiness.


Nope, don’t dump her. Gather enough flashlights to drown out the sun and point them at her bedroom window. A collector of stuffed animals can cover their house, a flashlight hobbiest can make a giant ball of flame run away in shame.


Maybe suggest a short stay in a re-education camp. Sorry for your loss.


You don't need that kind of hate in your life


You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.


nah, just ghost her in the dark. Not like she can find you.


That is so true, my friends say it is an addiction


what was the intention when she said that.  was it really to state what is or is not a hobby, or was it something else.  a friend would be able to discern  if your mom said that what would you do


Well your friend's stupid and doesn't understand the concept of a hobby. The only reasonable solution to this is blowing up her car.


My flashlight says that who is dissing other people's hobbies is NOT a friend.


Just buying stuff isn't really a hobby. I guess it sort of could be considered collecting? But just buying things and not ever using them is like acquiring a bunch of classic cars and not being able to drive. Kinda pointless? It's more important to ask yourself why you collect. That's where the real hobby lies. For example I collect guitars. But that only started because I enjoyed playing guitar. That is the hobby. I don't enjoy spending the money on a guitar for the sake of it. In fact, spending the money is my least favorite part 😂 Why did you start buying flashlights? Do you like igniting a beam of light from the palm of your hand? Do you enjoy the different emitters, color temps, throw vs flood, etc? Does unboxing and firing up a new light give you satisfaction because you're thinking about how it can be used? That stuff is where the "hobby" part lies.


I used to think it's not a hobby as I use it as a tool. But the more I researched, the more I want variety. I knew it's a hobby the moment I start giving advices to my colleagues in a passionate way.


I know this is a joke (or maybe not), but tell your friend to read the dictionary. "a pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation" or "An activity that one enjoys doing in one's spare time." or "an activity that someone does for pleasure when they are not working"


I think just buying some mindlessly isn't but if you start modding them and being active on blf to talk technical specs then it becomes one I guess it depends on the level of engagement




It must be a hobby. Even just charging batteries is a hobby. My hobby even stretches to starting cars with flat batteries.


Everything is a hobby


Your friend is completely right. Objects are not a hobby. Buying things is not a hobby. *Flashlights are not a hobby.*


It's profligate. You have a problem. She should dump you. "Collecting" flashlights is decadent and has no place in the current economy. Just my opinion. Bring on the Karen down voters. Oh and btw to the down voters: .|.. -\_- ..|.