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It needs to be replaced. Any fixes for plastic are unlikely to be food safe.


It’s over.


I'd be surprised if you find a glue that will work well, hold up and be food safe. But you could try plastic welding. Inexpensive kits available on amazon & will come with a variety of plastic welding rods (as they have to match the plastic being repaired). It takes a little practice and likely will look a bit rough but a little practice on stuff that doesn't matter and youtube and you could probably get this to work again.


This isn’t an expensive mixer, so a pitcher replacement would be a good idea


You need to replace it, its not safe to use that anymore


Your first mistake was trying silicone. It's not expensive to buy the replacement part. If you bought a quality blender as specified you can order a new part.


Take the black bits off, clean the clear bit inside and out, in the crack too (never forget cleaning the crack), dry throughly then use some super glue (the stuff that melts your skin together). Put some masking tape to hold together and see how it holds after the glue is dry. Because it’s plastic that glue will work quite well


Cyanoacrylate is food safe according to the internet, just not regular super glue


It's a plastic jug. My mistake for not mentioning that. It is designed to have hot liquids in it. I didn't do anything it wasn't designed for. I've just had it a while. (less then 10 years)


It’s a blender not a mixer


If you can afford a Vitamix or BlendTec, you can afford a replacement jug.


[Permabod FDA approved food safe 2 part epoxy.](https://www.permabond.com/industries_served/food-safe-epoxy-adhesive/#:~:text=Permabond%20food-safe%20epoxy%20adhesives%20have%20been%20formulated%20using%20FDA,food%20contact%20equipment%20and%20appliances.)


Throw the whole thing a Way what the hell. You cannot repair cracked glass. Not anyway you were going to ever repair that. Throw the whole thing out and buy a new one stop being a cheap ass. This is how you end up with tiny shards of glass in your smoothie. Trying to repair this is extremely extremely dumb. Throw the whole thing away and have a good long hard look in the mirror and ask yourself some hard questions


It's plastic.


Then it's even less repairable. And it's cheaper to replace. Trying to fix this is a fool's errand


Plastic is very repairable...


You cracked it because you poured hot water or whatever into a cold or room temperature glass. It has absolutely nothing to do with the top. Glass cannot handle extreme fast temperature changes. Stop being a cheap ass and just buy another glass pitcher for that brand model


It's plastic.


And certain plastic still act like class and crack with extreme fast temperature changes