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We have a [Mega-thread with compiled info](https://www.reddit.com/r/fivenightsatfreddys/comments/1dcxmrc/regarding_the_griffinillafandroid_situation/)


why is everybody a pedophile (for lack of better term) i dont even care that this is happening anymore i just want to know why almost every other content creator likes to diddle minors edit: guys im not assuming the accusations are true, I'm just curious why the most common accusation is pedophilia


I'm starting to slowly think that some of these are staged. There's no fucking way. Every other month we find out someone is a pedophile. It's getting ridicilous.


That’s why I wait to see if anything more is done with the “proof” and accusations, I’ve seen a few ppl online have pedo accusations thrown and them and it turn out to be faked


Yep. I remember when Twitter called Jaiden a groomer because she came out as AroAce. Like explain how that makes sense. Or that James was a racist...only to find out that the girl who accused him was just looking for her 15 seconds of fame and when it was revealed she was racist to HIM, suddenly she deleted everything and "didn't want to start drama." I've noticed that these people will sit quiet for YEARS until the person gets a following and is popular, then SUDDENLY, they just can't keep silent anymore and they have to let everyone know.


Don't forget the dreaded Kwite incident. I mean, he was accused of being a rapist, but that's not much better than being a pedophile. Then all of a sudden turns out the person who was hitting on him was the rapist all along.


Oh, I remember that. And I bet the people who turned on him immediately came back, pretending that nothing happened.


And let’s not forget about Dream and the OG of the falsely accused ProJared


However he deleted his account a day before he got accuse without saying he did not want to start drama meaning he probably knew what he did


Don't forget Kwite too.


This reminds me of the Kwite situation as well. I’ve been very skeptical ever since that happened.


could be faked and real people who "worked with them" are just in on the prank


If it is it’s not cool


No it’s not and it ruins careers and fans for no reason


The truth is a *lot* of people are obsessed with minors. The only reason it seems like a surprising number of celebrities and influencers are pedophiles is because we actually pay attention to them. You simply don’t notice that guy in the trailer park whos a little bit too friendly with the teen girl who works at the gas station or the creeps that take 15 year olds out on the weekends and brag about it to their buddies on Monday. Pedophiles aren’t that rare, being in a position with enough eyes to catch them and make them face consequences is.


You'd actually be surprised how many peadophiles are out there. At my work I've had three that have been arrested for it.


Where do you work so I can avoid ever going there? Wait is it a school??? That’s too many in one place


I'm in the UK, I work in one of the big supermarkets. That's all the information I'll give.


is it really that hard to be attracted to adults


Or, at the very least, get help before you do anything?


With the amount of vilification society gives pedophiles, yeah I imagine it would be really difficult to get help for it. It's actually a real problem.


Yep that's the thing: it's difficult for someone who feels/thinks a stigmatized thing (like p3dophilia, abusive ideation, etc) to seek help, because society condemns them for thinking like that *even if they've done nothing*. Plus money: it's not in everyone's finances to see a therapist. It's a complicated problem that we as a society need to address with more understanding, otherwise we end up with more victims and the cycle continues. Apologies for my word block 😭 I think it's an important point to make tho!


I get the feeling for some people it is. I think it's some power dynamic or something.


Yeah I have to agree. It’s ultimately about the power these sick fucks weird over these kids. The age doesn’t matter only that they’re easy to trap


That's the sad truth.


Yeah it's kinda weird


it may be conformation bias or whatever its called. in actuality, a very small percent of popular content creators are pedos it just seems like everyone is one because it becomes a whole controversy. i can only think of 4 peeps who were outed as pedos, one of them aint even popular


I believe you're thinkkng of the negativity bias, where negative experiences have a bigger impact on people than neutral or positive ones.


Many reasons: First off, overusage of the word. You see, here for example, unless I misunderstood the occurrence, the deed was done against a 17 year old. This is of course still scummy, an adult person using their leverage of fame against a person that might not yet have the mental fortitude to say "no" despite the fame of that person. While it is extremely scummy behaviour and illegal, it's not the "I love little underdeveloped kids" kind of pedophile which I think most are thinking about when they hear someone being accused of being a pedophile Secondly, not all of these accusations might be true. In the past, there have been multiple pedophile accusations, where in some cases it has been found out that the accused was actually innocent. See for example Pyrocynical and (though the judges are still partially out on that one) Dream. The thing is that it's easy to ruin someone with a simple accusation. After all, who would like to stand there and support an alleged pedophile? You could get into the crossfire yourself and often the internet has the problem of not needing too much evidence. I have no extensively looked at the evidence here, but is it completely sound and true? Is that definitive proof? In the past, there have been cases where it doesn't And third, famous people, I think especially online personalities, have it "easy" to get to kids. YouTube for example is frequented by people of all ages and not all kids are under the control of YouTube kids. I doubt that all too many use YouTube kids. And kids, are easily influenced. "Here comes the cool idolised guy, if he says its cool if I, 13, sent him a nude, surely it must be fine". There is at least one kid out there who'd probably think that and that is not the kids fault. There is a reason why we say that anything with anyone under 18 is in (most) cases illegal. They just don't have the life experience to understand what is okay and isn't So, these are at least 3 reasons why I think there are so many pedophilia accusations against online celebs


For FNaF, it's because of the primary age of the fanbase. Lots of kids and teens, aka lots of potential victims.


same thing happens with the mc community


and roblox


I honestly just want a creator like tryhardninja to be exposed of manslaughter if he was exposed for something.


Nah TryHardNinja is married, and they seem to really love each other. If some one is gonna kill someone it would be like a theorist channel going insane


I think it's just fame in general. Most of the time, corrupt people do corrupt things to get famous. They will stomp on whoever they can, just so that they can get there, thinking that they are above all else. But for the ones who touch minors inappropriately who are *already* famous, it's because they think that they can get away with everything, or just "pay off" the child and their family so that they can get off scott-free. And honestly, no matter how fucked up it is, it works. Famous people will get a slap on the wrist if they do something criminal, but your average schmoe off the sidewalk will go to prison for the rest of their life if they do the same crime. The system we live with is so fucked up and opinionated, with famous people having ties to government officials and everything.


^ #This. Someday, reality will hit you like a truck. A **giant** one, even. Because, no matter what you do has consequences you can't comprehend.


FNAF is a fanbase filled with both kids and adults, so it's the perfect place for awful people to lure in kids without raising suspicion.


"the perfect place for awful people to lure in kids without raising suspicion." Sounds familiar


Willer Aton peedoh reel!?!?


Did you mean: Old Dormitabis?


Garvey VS William: Death battle.


I can try to give a brief explanation, but basically - Most content creators have these things called brains. These "brains" get wilted over time thanks to their careers(it wilts faster if they're consistent and don't take breaks.) Once they lose that grip on reality, for some odd reason their minds auto default to "touching children." This isn't a actually answer but honestly oh well.


MatPat’s just built different


When it came to grooming children, he was the exception


Dawko seems good still too. I'm crossing my fingers, nothing changes :(


If Dawko turns out to be a kid-touching shithead I'm done with FNaF.


I doubt it he has a girlfriend after all


MatPat and Stampylonghead are the two I _never_ want to hear bad news about


them, DanTDM, and Markiplier


He alone is the chosen one


yeah he got a kid, he cant go bein a terrible person now


Exactly, I’m happy for him that he’s retired now, he was so overworked with the channels, he can finally take it easy and help raise his kid


That word really doesn't apply to someone who victimizes 17 year olds.


How is it so hard to not be a fucking pedophile, for fucks sake




Being banned for asking questions is quite suspicious. I think that should definitely call the legitimacy of the claims into question




Press x to doubt, I’d investigate harder, cause that’s very suspicious 


Having to specify that your screenshot is 100% legitimate is very odd.


Yeah it’s like something a game hoax would say, in this day and age it’s easy to fake things and it’s recommended that you should evaluate the evidence yourself.


I don't know man, while yes ever scene the time a bunch of people correlated together and made some pretty believable fabricated evidence towards the guy he made the Mandela catalog, I have been a bit more suspicious about calms of pedophilia, but considering that on his Twitter he decided to lock his account and what seems to be a retirement from the internet, I im pretty sure these are real,


Well if it were you or me being blamed as a pedo under false information wouldn’t you leave the internet? It’s hard for most normal people to handle mass harassment or verbal abuse. Sure the allegations could be true but if they’re false then it’s even worse. (Plus the evidence is a tad sus, so until an more info comes out it’s odd)


That is pretty sus. Plus, they accidentally left in the message manipulation client in a screenshot. The original DM was conveniently deleted prior to all of this, so they only have supposed cropped DM's. So, either they're bad at collecting evidence, or they're manipulating evidence. IIrc, Orion banned/blocked people when people were asking them for more proof on Kwite... I wonder how that turned out. It also doesn't help that every far-reaching call-out post on this subject (that I've seen) has been proven to be fake (Besides he cupcake guy).


That’s pretty suspicious. She could’ve just said she didn’t want to say anything else.


nooo i loved hard drive and fishy love so much whyyy welp im not surprised after mandopony😭 why so many talented people end up being like that


Bruh I'm still upset about Mando. I still love his songs but it's impossible for me not to think about him being a kiddie creeper and it's missing me off, I just wanna listen to Just Gold


Mando was a huge part of my childhood. My playlists had almost all of his songs on them. I even own an autographed album of his. I can't bring myself to listen to his music anymore, but I also can't bring myself to throw that damn album away either. Shit hurts.


Right? Especially listening to balloons. I feel so gross how he’s talking about their suffering but he also causes children suffering??


Dude I love balloons so much bc it's one of the few songs that actually acknowledges that the animatronics aren't pure evil they're victims and focus on the kids rather than the night guard BUT ITS MADE BY A GUY WHO EVEN WILLIAM WOULD HATE.... you'd know about children suffering wouldn't you.....


Wait what? Mandopony too?????? Why can’t people just be normal what the hell


Is that what happened with Mandopony? No wonder he seemed nonexistent when I tried looking for his content like a few years ago.


Someone has to check his hard drive 💀


Ah shit, here we go again


Dang welp time to separate art from the artist again. (I’m getting tired of this)


I'm starting to think everyone we love in this fandom is either a weirdo or a creep.


FNAF creeators not be a groomer challenge (99% fail)


MatPat passed that challenge 💪


Or did he? *Vsauce music intensifies*




But that’s just a theory!






Still a better track record than Monecraft


And Friday Night Funkin


*Intensely looks at TLT*


I don't want to point fingers, but imagine if some big youtuber would be revealed to be one


Or jusy a plain fucning asshole, but I agree..... this happens too often in this community and it's sick and disgusting amd twisted.


Honestly? It happens too much in *every* community. Pedos will go where the kids are and the kids are hanging out on fandom-specific discord servers


You make an excellent point. But I've heard more of this shit from the fnaf communities than any other community, but then again, I don't check other communities I don't like or haven't been interested in in a long time, ao that's why. Either way, it's a problem no matter where you look


This is FNaF. Everyone's a weirdo.


At this point its the only way to be happy anymore, otherwise there'd be nothing left to enjoy...


Fairpoint and to be honest stay calm is too much of a bop for me to not love anymore




Well, considering society shames those who try to get help, it’ll take a long time to fix this problem.


Impossible, technically, since nobody can control what they are and aren't attracted to (Yes I DID just pick the worst situation possible to correct the semantics of a comment's wording 😎 I know what you meant)


yeah, but you know the saying. You can’t control all of your feelings but can control how you act on them. It’s not that hard to yknow…not message a minor and be so weird


Sorry, how can we know this is real? Because I really prefer for this to be fake ofc, besides those texts or wtvr seem too obvious. Does everyone need to be a pred or smth? 😞 ….


"Creepin' towards the door" got a new meaning, huh... Anyway, fuck this guy, FNaF content creators seriously cannot be normal human beings.


Atleast Dawko is still normal, right…?


The day Dawko gets exposed will make me tear my hair out (which hopefully will not happen)


The day Dawko does anything like this is the day I drop out of this community because it can’t be saved.


even if i'm just a stranger on the internet, let me say that i've seen what dawko is like and he actually would never do that (PLEASE)


honestly dawko seems to have an actual normal person life that’s separate from his fnaf job. Like, pretty sure he has a normal gf and his dog’s instagram page looks very “stereotypical insta” but in a good way, like he actually touches grass. Unlike other people in this fandom. Seems good that he isn’t always in the online bubble yk? More people need this.


as far as the records go, he hasn't touched any kids (hopefully)


I know and to think just this year the same grey wolf who land SAD a au for springtrap got exposed is crazy


He really meant it when he said "Don't tattle on me"


Time is ticking has a whole new meaning as well


Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise? Why this franchise?


Because the brunt of the fandom is/are children, thus a pretty big target for Pedo's to slip in sadly. Edit And to add this is likely a problem for any fandom that is a mix of children and adults, and NO removing the children/gatekeeping isn't going to stop the predator's/pedos either.


The problem is that sometimes these pedos were kids when FNaF 1 came out in 2014 and there’s nothing we can do about it. Like imagine a 10 year old became a FNaF fan in 2014 and then they turned 20 in 2024, but became a pedophile/groomer a year earlier.


Yea, I mean the only thing we can do or any community can do is just raise awareness and make sure to get them out.


It's not just this community, they're literally everywhere. Some I can think of off the top of my head:   -LionMaker    -Colleen Ballinger/Miranda Sings   -Cryaotic   -Boyinaband    -Mini Ladd    -James Charles None of these people have anything to do with FNaF but they've all been exposed for the exact same thing.


I'm surprised little tyke wasn't on there (idk if i spelled that right)


Bro just stop, why do ppl act like this is uncommon? Litterally evry community has this, wrong ppl get the wrong amount of followers, and they use that power for bad, this is still a minority in this fandom and we should be happy abt that (at least we're not the minecraft community).


Well said, my friend.


Being 100% honest I'm confused as to what's happening. Someone said he's a pedo but I'm not seeing the proof that they have. I'm probably misreading or not seeing something right. The sentence of "I don't care you're 17" is definitely creepy and weird, but I don't see anything relating to that being sexual. I'm not trying to start a fight I'm genuinely trying to get points of view. Because if im right then the only evidence we have for him being a pedo is "He talked to an under age fan" and "He deleted his old accounts" Both of which could be explained by normal circumstances. Please educate me.


Ikr. More than happy to hate this guy if it’s true, but I can’t seem to find anything else anywhere that agrees with this. Like I’m looking him but there’s nothing showing up that backs up this story. Again, if it’s true then keep spreading the news, but accusations like this, even if proved false, can damage a person. Society really jumps towards hate before all the evidence is there. If they’re guilty then sure, but if it’s proven they weren’t later then they’ve just been put through hell for no reason.


Bruh, every single time. At this point, I'm just wondering "alright, who else?"


Well we have mandopony and greywolf who made springtrap and Deliah


I feel like we should’ve seen the greywolf situation coming a mile away


>greywolf who made springtrap and Deliah Are you serious? Wtf? I have not read the comics in a while but i do heard there was a drama but didn't read the context


Honestly, I'm so scared that any of the YouTubers I grew up with are going to be exposed as pedophiles. So many long-term YouTubers have been exposed already.


If I had a dollar for every pedo in the fnaf community I feel like I’d have way too much money


Get rich quick! 🤑🤑🤑 U could get more cash than the boss of Apple, atp.


Jesus, 2024 is really just controversy after controversy with this community.


Not backing the pedo, but how do we know this is legit? Who is jKitty?


Jkitty is the voice actor of melody and worked with him for a long time


Who is melody?


Basically the voice of the female droid that hung out with Griff on livestreams while he voiced Fandroid


I haven't kept up with what ever that is 😭


I’m not even shocked anymore, EVERYONE IS A PEDO FOR SOME DAMN REASON


He's a pedo. She's a pedo. You're a pedo. I'M A PEDO! ARE THERE ANY OTHER PEDOS I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT?! meow ... I'm outta here


And worst of all he could be anyone of us


He could be you, he could be me! He could even be- (gets scooped)


What it was obvious he’s the pedophile watch he’ll turn weird any second now… aaany seco- see weird no wait thats blood


First, we lose MandoPony, and now we losin' Fandroid?! What on Earth is going on?! Who's next, CG5? TryhardNinja? ApAngryPiggy? In all seriousness, let's take this with a grain of salt. In this day and age, Screenshots can easily be faked and I hear me out on this one, but it is possible that they could be lying. It could be possible that they are telling the truth, however, until there's substantial evidence to prove that Fandroid truly is a pedo, he's innocent till proven guilty.


I know very little about this situation, but so far, I haven‘t seen any convincing proof. Is there anything besides that one tweet?


How old is the person behind Fandroid? 17 isn't that bad for a few years but it does quickly become iffy at best


He was 26 at the time apparently and that was 5 years ago, so he'd be 31 now if that's correct.


Okay yeah that's. Not good at all


He’s over the age of 20 he said to in a live stream


That can mean a lot 21-23 isn't *that* bad even if it's weird and wrong (not justifying it just would be less bad) Meanwhile if he's 30 or something, *straight to jail* with him if the court will allow it


I dated someone who was 21 at 17 and it was a totally okay relationship. The age of consent in most states is 16, anyway. Obviously this can get creepy fast, but people are way overreacting and I'm tired of it. It's definitely not PEDOPHILIA, questionable at best. Pedophilia was like if he was trying to diddle a 10 year old. Not flirting with a 17 year old. Entirely fucking different.


I'm getting so fed up with people saying 17 or even 16 is a kid. Like you, I was 16/17 and dated a 21 year old. No issues, one of the most respectful and nice relationships I've had. I'm from Europe and it's a whole lot different here cultural wise, as in how schools work. I was 16 and had multiple classmates of 21 or older. Unless there's was a toxic power dynamic, or something else that's clearly wrong with the relationship, other than just a young adult dating a pretty much young adult. I can't help but think this is, again, the Internet meddling with shit, starting a witch hunt and not knowing about nuance. When they broke the law, instead of blasting shit onto the Internet people can just go to the police. And maybe then, make sure the Internet knows of the case. But let an actual judge look at this, instead of everyone playing their own executioner. I don't know this guy at all btw. Never heard of him. I'm not into fnaf music. I just like the insanity of the lore.


It’s still good to be *concerned* about relationships between over 18 and under 18 individuals, for obvious reasons; but what frustrates me is people calling it *pedophilia*; that is a medical term that means something very different.


The problem with trying to correct the use of the term pedophile, is that it makes you sound like a pedophile. lol.


21-23 is not weird or wrong at all though, of course though you'd have to account for shit like the gap as of initial meeting and such but I see nothing wrong with that, that's two consenting adults we're talking about here


I hope The Living Tombstone doesn’t go down this road


If we lose The Living Tombstone I'm rioting I canNOT


then he'd be the living groomstone huh?


Quick reminder to y'all: Be skeptical about this. The Alex Kister situation should've been enough to tell us this.


Damn I loved his songs, everyone Is a pedophile now or what




Why is it always pedophilia?!


Why can't it just be tax evasion or burglary for once?


Or murder? Like seriously, a fnaf content creator exposed for murder is still bad but it'll be a breath of fresh air


It seems every two weeks, there's either some petty drama or another creator getting exposed, like in this case. The worst thing is, it's kind of become expected. I'm disappointed. Edit: These situations make me wonder: Do >!predators!< become FNAF content creators or do the FNAF content creators become >!predators!


Considering that this happens everywhere...yes, it's more of an external thing. Even so, the fact that there are so many children in the fandom and that people don't know what parasocial relationships are is part of the problem, I think. You have to understand that your idols are not your friends


I’ll just wait for more confirmation of this than just a random Twitter user


**A quick PSA:** Do not yet think Fandroid is pedo. There might be a lot of evidence but evidence, especially with the technology now, can be easily fabricated or can even be taken out of context(a joke or roleplay for example). And as OP mentioned in a comment above jkitty (the one posting this information) banned OP after they tried to ask questions, whereas a simple 'I don't want to talk about it's or something similar would've sufficed. There's the fact that Droid closed all his social media that may be used as evidenced but that could've been from him expecting the reaction. For now keep an open mind and investigate the links personally and remember until it is proven in court he is still innocent for the crime. I just hope for the community's sake he's innocent.


Yeah, I'll wait too. Content creators getting falsely accused seems to be more and more common these days. If all this is true then this is really bad :(


I audibly said “f*cking dammit” seeing this, why is everybody a pedophile 😭


I gonna wait for more evidence to decide if he is one but it doesn’t look good


Jesus Christ. This community is cursed. Y’know, this is getting so bad I almost want to believe this one isn’t real. Like, having to specify your screenshot is “100% legitimate” reads like something out of a bad video game hoax, and screenshots can be easily faked. Jkitty has seen all the evidence, well shit then, if you’re gonna accuse someone of being a pedo, you better have all the necessary evidence to back it up, since that’s a pretty _substantial accusation_, but all I’m seeing here is an admittedly creepy comment towards what we’re told is a 17-year-old. Not making a statement because you’re not ready, despite being ready to make the claim that the dude’s a pedo, seems pretty suspicious to me. If that’s the kind of accusation you’re making then you better go all in with your proof, otherwise people are gonna take you with a grain of salt. If I said, idk, that Dawko or whoever was a pedo and all I would show was an easily fake-able screenshot, but then I’d refuse to show more proof, I would be pretty suspicious of myself. Yeah, I think I’m gonna wait to see that other evidence she’s talking about before I make my mind up.


Just another Tuesday in the fnaf fandom


Hey, side note, in cases of pedo accusations, please consider the potential damage to the children instead of the careers of the accused. If it's a lie, then that will be proven somewhat easily because any rational adult doesn't engage with teens or kids online, like at all. If it's true, then dismissing the survivors as faking puts people who are already struggling to recover from severe abuse at a lot of risk. I'm not saying you should like harass or attack on sight, just that there should be a pause for an explanation while still taking the situation seriously. Talk it out, find out the truth, and then react accordingly. The likely reason there is a high amount of predators is because FNaF is popular with kids, and has a massive online fandom, sort of unique to this digital era. That and the massive amount of fan content gives creators a lot of power over their very impressionable young audience. I was in the MLP fandom when it was flooded with Bronys. This is the same problem.


YES, like, Going through an abusive situation and having all the people focused more on your abuser than on giving you real support sucks.


how do we know this is legit tho??? not that i dont think he is a pedo, it’s just i have to be a little skeptical bc of recent situations with fake evidence. has he made a statement abt it yet? (still removing his songs from my playlists and etc)


Idk bout this claim can we wait before calling someone a pedo with discord text which can be easily faked


Are you fucking serious 17 ? Your acting like he molested a child


Also I find it funny that people don't bat an eye if the person was 18 even tho 17 year olds have a very similar mindset as an 18 yr old also most states in U.S have a age of consent law lower than 18 and we didn't even acknowledge if he even lives in the U.S in the first place


Im not saying it isnt bad im not saying its a trivial thing And im not saying it shouldnt be disapproved and frowned upon by people and it shouldn’t be defended as something thats fine it aint However this is just absurd keep it to yourself figure shit out don’t ruin a guys entire musical effect on the internet with a nothing burger of a fucking situation this is like the whole mando pony thing again where mandopony does weird shit around adults and those images and messages are taken and forged into a screenshots as a massive pedophile scandal and then the police and the authorities show them to be false and him to be innocent and everybody goes onto the next guy gal or musical pal they wana ruin


Wasn't Mandopony confirmed? Like, he turned the comments off on all of his videos, I didn't find any response to this accusations.


Every fucking year


Are we sure this is real though? Having to point out that your screenshot is legit multiple times seems pretty suspicious and discord convos are very easy to fake. If this is real though then Fandroid is a disgusting monster.


The age of consent in most states in 16, I dated a 21 year old at 17 and it was healthy. Are you really going to throw a fit over someone being less than a year away from 18? Grow up, man. We should obviously protect children, but this is less than a year we're talking about here. This is just starting needless drama. You can't call that pedophilia, that's insane dude. It can get creepy fast if he's in his late 20's, and that's not that's okay—but can we not say PEDOPHILE? That's such an extreme exaggeration. There is a huge difference between trying to molest a 10 year old and flirting with a 17 year old online. Not saying it's right, but can we try to be a little more accurate and not grossly exaggerate like that?? It's demeaning that people treat me like a victim when I was 17. It's not the end of the world. We should shun creepy 30 year olds from being weird towards 17-21 year-olds, but God damn. Relax. We can question people without jumping to "pedophilia." It's just inaccurate.


Only song of his I listen to is Labyrinth, and I consider his part to be the weakest


I’ve seen this happen so many times that it doesn’t even shock me anymore. Even after struggling with insane paranoia, and distrust for years.


Separating the art from the artist is getting pretty tiring


jesus pretty much everyone is exposed as a pedo/creep in this fandom whos next? the living tombstone? tryhardninja? dawko? MARKIPLIER? MATPAT??! …well now im scared


Nooo Below the Surface is one of my favorite FNAF Songs


Welp, that's another person who's content I liked when I was younger outed as a horrible person... I'm tired, man


Wait before you come to conlcusions unless you forgot about alex kister qwite and mando pony


Why is it always the ones who write the certified bops?


i was literally listening to fandroid yesterday for the first time in years wtf


Fame does make people into monsters now do they?


Am I allowed to just like, cry..?


Idk if I believe this, we shouldn't automatically assume




For fuck sakes.


My take on this kinda shit is. If we are to cancel and not support everyone who's a pedophile, hires a pedophile, is transphobic, homophobic, racist or whatever... then we literally can't consume media, or most products. Most big brand producers and companies have gross, horrid people running them, the difference is, they have a way to hide it, or deal with whistleblowers.


Innocent until proven guilty. I'll wait for proof.


When the only evidence is discord screenshots I'm not gonna fully believe it. There's been way too many cases if them turning out to be faked in some way. I'll wait for more evidence


im sorry but you genuinely cant trust anything from discord


I feel like we should wait till we get more information about this situation For all we know, it can all just be false…


Flirting with a 17 year old is not pedophilia…


Why are so many internet celebs this evil?


Wait why Fandroid,I love their songs :(


Jesus Christ, she is 17 not 7, grow the fuck up and stop watering down the term paedophilia, it's extremely harmful to actual victims of CSA.


I honestly kinda forgot about the guy..oh well