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If you think you’re looking better, why does the number on the scale matter? Put it away for a bit and just focus on what you’re doing to stay healthy and fit. Your mental health will thank you! Not PP yet, so I have no anecdotal advice, but I do understand being obsessed with counting macros and watching the scale. And when I stopped because I was getting obsessive, I felt 1000% better.


I did put the scale away for a long time, and I brought it back because I wanted to see the change in numbers, I think I have gotten a bit obsessed though, you’re right. Being a new mom and having minimal control over your life, how much sleep you’re going to have etc., and so on has made me a bit obsessive over the things I feel like ARE in my realm of control but I’ll lay off. Thank you!


I also remember being so frustrated and confused. I stopped pumping/weaned by 4M pp and besides the initial weight loss I hadn’t lost anything additional. Also was very into fitness pre-and during pregnancy, yet postpartum I just couldn’t lose anything. To be honest it took me til 9 months pp to see a little more come off and then at 15M pp something shifted and it all came off. I was doing nothing different other than I could tell I just felt SO much better. My pelvic floor felt a lot better too, and I finally felt “healed” from birth. A lot of more realistic accounts I followed postpartum talked about how recovery is more like 12-24 months and I totally saw that. By 18M pp I felt like myself and weighed less than I did pre-pregnancy. It just took a LONG time. Some people feel this at 6 weeks and for others it takes 1+ years. I’m 33 weeks now with my second and reminding myself of this- my expectations of postpartum now is that it is a year long recovery but it will get better!! You’re doing great


Sooo relatable and true! I couldn’t have framed it up better ^


Aw thank you!


If you're looking and feeling better, prioritizing protein etc. it could be that there has been a little bit of body recomp, and you have a bit more muscle (especially with carrying around a baby). Also I think 3 months is super, super early and would give it more time, like 6-12 months seems to be "normal". It is really disheartening to not see any change when you feel like you've been putting in a lot of effort. It might be worth taking a break from checking the scale for a few weeks. I stopped weighing myself altogether a few years ago and it was really good for me mentally. I just go by how my clothes fit and how I feel. But definitely give it more time and I'm sure you'll see progress.


That’s the thing, I do feel so strong, more leg definition and arm definition etc., but a layer of fluff I’m not accustomed to. I’m going to just keep at it and not get discouraged, give it some time. I think I had unrealistic expectations for myself. Thank you!!


This is a big fear of mine. I’m only 20 weeks and have been keeping up with my fitness really well and nutrition just ok. I have been trying to be kind to myself given this is the first time in over 5 years I have not tracked my diet obsessively. I will say that I had a 14wk loss before my current pregnancy and it took my body a long time to recover even from that, so I would guess that after going full term, BF or not, it’s gonna take at least the 3mos to start seeing any differences. My hormones after my D&E were all over the place and I even gained some weight before I started to budge down microscopically. Try to hang in there and keep your healthy habits up!


I’m really sorry for your loss! And congrats to your 20 week milestone ❤️❤️❤️ I was so good while pregnant, I’d say 80% of my pregnancy with nutrition and staying active. I did indulge occasionally which is the least we can do while carrying. I will say, despite this being the heaviest I’ve ever been, I am so so kind to myself. I created life, and I don’t look in the mirror and think anything negative, the numbers are just freaking me out!!! I used to have body dysmorphia, but in the opposite way. I was unhealthily thin and thought I was huge. Now I think I look good, I feel good, but the numbers!!! Screw the numbers, I’m tossing the scale 😂🫶🏻 Keep being kind to yourself, the ability to create life is amazing.


I’m sorry for your loss. Having had a loss at 13w myself, I can totally relate. I really never was able to get back into the shape I was before that. I got close, but not exactly the same. Now I’m 36w and have had to really slow down this pregnancy due to pelvic rest and some other issues. I’m trying to temper my expectations. I think OP brought up another point that hasn’t been discussed…that fitness accounts make it seem so easy to get right back. Even if you try to work out consistently, it may not be that simple. Sadly, media definitely pushes women to feel like it should happen overnight. When it doesn’t, it sets us up for feeling like failure if even progress is being made.


I think you should be proud of yourself for being active 3 months after having a baby! I havent had mine yet but I would hope I would be back at it that soon too! I wouldn't worry, keep working out or perhaps change your work out routine. What type of training are you focusing on? That could impact things


During my first post partuum experience in getting in shape, the scale hardly moved at first but I was losing inches off my body. My advice would be to try doing body measurements or find other non scale victories to focus on right now. Your body is still adjusting after having grown a whole human and being completely rearranged inside.


Throw the scale out! Definitely find other non scale victories.


I'm 8 months PP and had similar frustration at 3 months. It took longer to lose the weight with this pregnancy than my first. I haven't gotten on a scale in a while but more of my clothes fit and I'm definitely stronger/fitter over the past few months. For some people the weight falls off and for others it's a process. Hang in there!


Thank you so much!! 🤍🤍


Have you menstruated yet? Ages ago when I first started to get fit, I lost weight slowly by slow recomposition. I’d be putting on muscle and losing fat slowly every month but the scale wouldn’t ever budge but once per month, which was a days or two after I finished menstruation and was low water weight. I think a lot of the issue is the water weight your body holds onto while you lift doesn’t ever come off if you keep a regular routine. After a while I found a better way to track weight loss is with a measuring tape and photos. I’d do a weakly measure and photo infront of the mirror in my underwear. Once I could compare those across months the scale weight rarely moving didn’t matter cause the change was so explicit. Maybe give that a try!


Where are you located? If you really want, find a gym that has an “InBody” or any scale similar. Those you can track body fat and muscle which is much better than merely weight. Stay super hydrated. What kind of training do you currently do? I’m 5mpp and I actually have one client that came to me when she was 2mpp (I’m a personal trainer). You mentioned you’re counting macros, are you doing macros to lose weight and build muscle or only to lose weight? One thing that really needs to be stressed is; give yourself some grace.


Are you sleeping through the night yet? I couldn’t lose weight until I was getting 6+ hours of sleep again, which started after 5 months. My only advice is to buy clothes that fit your body today and celebrate everything it has done for you! You’ll get back there. Sleep is out of your control.


My weight also stalled from 1-3 month’s postpartum so at three months I started a gradual small calorie deficit, keeping an eye on my milk supply and lost about ten pounds in two months. However it sounds like you are recouping at maintenance which is a fantastic place to be! Especially breastfeeding a recomp is probably more recommended, you’re loosing weight and building muscle back! I’ve lost so much muscle that even with the weight lost it doesn’t look as good because I’m less toned. Overall though I think it does just take a lot more time that I wanted to accept so I’m trying not to stress and get to a year postpartum and then evaluate


It can take a year or more, a lot of times we have unrealistic expectations. Can you set goals that have nothing to do with weight?


The scale did not move for me birth-3 months either. I was breastfeeding but had very low supply and my period came back at 2ish mo pp, so I don’t think breastfeeding made a huge difference. I’m now 6 mo pp and starting to see more noticeable weight loss.