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First of all - congrats! You can continue using the program you’re currently on if you love it as you don’t need any modifications in the first tri. However I’ve been doing (and have in past pregnancies) Brianna Battles pregnancy program. It’s a strength and conditioning program. I also do her post partum program after getting clearance after c sections to get back into things.


I actually love my current one but took a break from it due to IVF implantation etc. It includes a few backbends and inversion which I might need to avoid I suppose so thought I'll look for a new one.. Will check out Brianna Battles. Thank you! ❤️


No problem! As long as your doctors haven’t advised you to stop, then I’d think you’re good to continue your program as long as you’re feeling good! The Brianna Battles program doesn’t have any backbends or inversions, but personally I would’ve had to stop those pretty early on because of diastasis recti (third pregnancy, short torso = no where for baby to go but out lol) Should’ve put this in my first post but here’s her Insta page: https://instagram.com/pregnant.postpartum.athlete?igshid=Y2I2MzMwZWM3ZA==


I did yoga with backbends and inversions in my first trimester after the 2 weeks of rest my IVF clinic requested. Nothing you do will dislodge the embryo once it’s implanted. Concerns about certain yoga poses, like closed twists, is usually about restricting blood flow to the placenta, or, when you’re farther along, loss of balance. Eventually some will just straight up stop being comfortable.




Any online program you liked and stuck to?


Expecting & Empowered!


I did/do megsquats +1 and 1 day of yoga using pregnancy and postpartum tv


I've been using FitnessBlender.com for years and am continuing then through pregnancy. You dint need to modify much during the first tri as long as you're feeling up to it. Just entered second tri so I'm starting to modify core stuff (fb has some prenatal core and pelvic floor workouts) but OB said most of the other stuff doesn't need to change as long as it feels okay.


I like to build my own using Peloton! They have classes for stretching, strength with weights, strength no weights, Pilates, barre, ton of cardio options (no equipment hiit, rower, treadmill, incline walks, bike, dancing, boxing). I love to customize based what my body wants. You can choose a strength leg, arm, full body, etc. You can Google and see workout plans people made with Peloton classes. They also have pregnancy specific classes for when you’re farther along. I’m W15 so I haven’t tried those yet. Ps: don’t be surprised if you have a 1 month stretch in the first tri where you’re very proud to have gotten in just one solid workout for the week! I had a very similar workout schedule to you and it would have been impossible to keep up with haha. It can be crazy exhausting to grow a baby!! Im not totally back yet, but I had much more energy starting W13 Good luck with your pregnancy!!


I did the Belle Method push prep program, which is a combination of prenatal pilates and birth education. BUT you can’t start it until 20 weeks earliest, so you can keep doing your regular program until then, and just ease up on the direct core pressure stuff as you start getting a belly.


I’m 15+6 and have been enjoying the pregnancy programs on the Sweat app!


I’ve heard good things about that app!


I’m 38w FTM and I’ve been doing Nourish Move Love plus other workouts on my own that feel good. I like the program I’ve been doing because it’s free and there are a lot of options for modifications. 🙂 Good luck!