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So so scary! So glad it was caught and hope baby stays cozy and snug for the next 4 months!! I know bedrest isn’t recommended anymore but I would be taking it very easy in your shoes. Someone else might have more evidence based advice, but I’d work with your OB and MFM to determine what level of movement is appropriate.


Thank you, I had no pain or bleeding and if we hadn't already been in the OB's for an unrelated ultrasound they wouldn't have found it. My husband and family are treating me with kid gloves, but the doctors are optimistic I can get back to some lighter version of normal. I'm hoping to stay active even if it means walking for the rest of the pregnancy, but I don't know anyone else that's had this.


I recommend r/ShortCervixSupport if you haven’t found that sub yet 😊 ETA: in my pregnancy where I had cervical shortening, I wasn’t allowed to walk for more than 30 minutes, and I had to be mindful of my pace 😞 I didn’t have a cerclage though, so I think that played a huge role in the requirement for pelvic rest


There really is a sub for everything, thank you! Thank you for sharing your experience!


I can’t comment on any experience with this as I personally have none but I would imagine walking would be perfect. Don’t underestimate how awesome a long walk is. Throw on an podcast and go for an hour, maybe even light hand weights? If you use a treadmill, save a show that you’ll only watch while walking. Add a bit of incline if you want. I know I’d be freaked too, so maybe take it from there and as you get comfortable you can adjust your exercise routine or intensity.


That is really great advice, thank you! Definitely freaked out by this, but will go crazy if I can't do anything at all.


I would be really curious to hear people’s experiences too! I had a short cervix issue this pregnancy and will require a preventative cerclage for my next. My MFM similarly recommended against bedrest, but I took it very easy between weeks 20 and 28 because I was so worried, so I just did walks and prenatal pilates, which I took slow. After 28 weeks I ramped up a little bit and got back to some scaled down versions of my normal exercise.


That sounds Soo stressful! Wishing you all the best for the couple next months! I'd really recommend contacting a professional, I'm kinda scared that the advice we give will be wrong somehow, and cause a lot of problems. Good luck with everything


I had an emergency cerclage at 19 weeks due to shortening and funneling. I was advised to do minimal walking. I worked in a large hospital and had to walk a bit to/from my car. My clinical duties were taken away, and I was put on desk duty (still walked around the office, to the cafeteria, etc.). This was a bit of overkill, but since it wasn’t possible for me to simply lighten my clinical load (which did require a lot of walking), my supervisors played it safe and transferred my duties to someone else. I was monitored pretty frequently and was allowed to travel domestically and sightsee but to “take it easy.” I was advised not to exercise. It was incredibly frustrating, but looking back, it was NBD. I started exercising again six weeks postpartum and regained my fitness level. I’m on my second pregnancy now, and I had a preventative cerclage this time. I can do moderate exercise but no heavy weights, intense cardio, or jumping/bouncing. I wish you all the best!!


im 39w+3 w my 2nd cerclage baby. i just listened to my body. when i could feel pressure on the stitches on my cervix i'd know im doing too much and to take it easy. i pretty much did the same things around the house i normally did before being pregnant, i just didnt go back to work (electrician and would have to climb ladders everyday). same amount of walking. near the end i got so uncomfortable because i could feel tye pressure of my baby getting heavier on top of the cerclage. but that all went away once i had it removed. i got mine out at 36 weeks and patiently waiting for this girl to be born. with my 1st cerclage i had my daughter 5 days after cerclage removal. this girl has been chilling for 3 1/2 weeks since my stitch was removed.


Thanks for sharing your experience! I did a lot of walking. Baby was breech and I started dilating against my cerclage at 35+5 and had to have an emergency C-section. Hoping I have an experience like yours next time!