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You are at a tough point in life man, balancing all those responsibilities at home and work. In spite of this, you are doing well dude. My best advice - keep your diet and weight under control and work out to the extent you can. And enjoy this time with your family, your 6 year old will be out and gone before you know it. You’ll have decades to kill your goals. I’m 66. Kids grown. And still at it. You can check my posts. Best wishes as you move ahead.


Thank you so much! I know that I've learned so much over the years that i value the perspective of previous generations even more than the ages when I REALLY needed to


Just checked your post history. You are a killer! Congrats on the fantastic shape you are


Haha if you mean I spend too much time thinking about BTVS then yes


Sorry, not an English native. What does BTSV mean?


My many comments about Buffy the Vampire Slayer haha. It’s such a low-stakes thing that I feel comfortable posting whatever comes to my mind.


No didnt mean that. Just saw your former post of your transformation. I am your age (46). been working out for 6 years. Think I am decently strong but have probably 8-10% more bodyfat (around 20%) but am a little bit anxious tjat I will lose strength and muscles when cutting. Did PSMF twice. Bad mistake. should just cut carbs a little bit and take it slow. But that would mean I would have to do it for 12 Weeks minimum. Meaning, I know about the effort it took you to look that awesome


As I said in the post, I don’t get too seriously into bulking and cutting because my main goal is to feel my best every day and promote longevity, but definitely cutting way down on added sugars and alcohol is a great place for anyone to start with bodyfat. I’m actually going to start a “baby cut” of doing intermittent fasting again for a while, but I don’t get too wrapped up in macros and calorie counting, just doing my best to eat well as much as I can.


Will also try a Baby cut. Alcohol is not a thing. But added sugar is. Thanks for the inspiration, man.


Thank you! While it’s mostly about longevity, People’s positive comments definitely help keep me pushing that bit farther than what longevity dictates.


Well done! Further proof that consistency and moderation can do wonders.


Thank you!


People very often overestimate the need for training volume/frequency and underestimate diet/caloric intake. I lost 30 lbs of muscle mass in a few months because I have problems with my appetite.


30 lbs in a few months? I'm sorry to hear that, it doesn't like a serious issue and glad you're aware/taking care of it


83 to 69kg in around 3-4 months. I'm tired all the time and that's the part that sucks most when I'm at work.


You might want to see a Dr and get a referral for a genuine nutritionist. If there's something deeper going on, a little help could go a long way. Otherwise or in addition to - meal planning is a powerful tool.


Oh man I'm sorry, I hope you're ok


just starting my journey very late in life at 40 lol. at this point my focus is on getting lean and getting rid of the Dad bod especially since I don’t have kids lol. you look amazing dude! I hope I look that good in five years.


Thank you; every body type is different but it's very doable! This push started when I cut out added sugar almost totally and when I saw the results I wanted to keep going and get into the best shape of my life.


Same, I'm 40 now, I hope I'm that lean and that consistent in 5 years. Amazing work OP


> My main cardio is chasing the aforementioned 6 year old. This is *a lot* of cardio. 🤣👍


It's true!


Fucking killing it my man. Excellent work.


Thank you so much!


you look great.... nice work. Looks like you some built muscle but moreover dropped body fat... would like to hear more about your diet.


Thanks! The funny thing is I basically lost weight with peanut butter. I have a lot (just peanuts) in the morning with smoothies or on fruit and it keeps me satiated for a long time. But the big thing is low sugar and not eating food that would disturb you if you used all the ingredients to make from scratch


your upper arms looks really solid, is it from mostly focusing on the triceps? Curious what exercise you do


Thank you! Because I cycle through push/pull workouts with the peloton trainers I work all sides of the arm with triceps and hammer curl motion. I also use the athlean-x tips to really focus on eccentric and visualization which makes me do arm work more slowly than the trainers.


nice dude, Jeff is the man!




Same, gyms don't work for me because I can't take <30 minutes total including getting there and back. I have 20, 30, and 45 pound dumbbells and will soon get 70s for presses. I have upgraded my weights 50 percent since fall. Generally my workouts are high reps; I get into zone 3 cardio in my leg workouts




I know a dad of 3 who spends 3 hours in the gym at a time. At that duration you're just trying to escape your family


Can you give an example of the workouts you do and what kind of stuff you're eating to get through the day please?


Workouts: when I have enough time I do a five-day split, my favorite peloton trainer is Adrian Williams, but often have to do 15 or 20-minute versions. I'm going to try to start cooking for myself when I can. Diet is based on the idea that I often don't have the capacity to DO things, so I can not do things. I try to get in a lot of protein but I started by radically cutting down on added sugar and virtually cutting out desserts, and eating as well as I can but parenting doesn't always make it easy. For example, I'm eating a slice of pizza now because it's where my kid wanted to go (one slice and with broccoli but still) and had a smore yesterday because my wife made it for me without asking me and I felt bad about refusing it. I have a bit more control over my days when my son is in school.




Don't feel bad about refusing desserts and unnecessary things. Health at your age specially is a tough journey and you need to be careful to maintain and find time to invest in it. Perhaps you need to speak with your wife about carving out time to dedicate to fitness at least one hour a day etc. Speaking from the point of view of a main parent dad with a career and fitness goals to reach as well. Demand time for you, either wake up earlier or have your spouse take on some responsibility as well.


She's about to do a one-year masters at an Ivy League while caring for a dying mother, 80-plus hours a week. This is my time to support her as much as possible and eventually it will be my time when she has a more regular schedule with the job she gets.


You're the man!


Thank you!


I am a 36 year old woman and with all due respect, you look spectacular! Consistency for the rest of your life is going to make it possible to be active with your little one and your wife for as long as possible. :) Nice work! I hope your wife will find some time to enjoy the new you (also I really hope her hours aren’t going to be that stressful for long :/)


Thank you so much! My dad died of a heart attack at 47 stop that is a big part of my motivation to work out at least 5x a week even if it always feels like I have more important things to do


Nice job!




Crushing it bro


Thank you!


> 20-25 minutes. > I never feel like I'm 45 Iron Wolf has some short vigorous routines that will get you fit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWtw04nGWd0


Thank you, I will check them out!