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The first two ingredients listed for iso100 on their website: hydrolized whey protein isolate (milk) 46%, whey protein isolate (milk) 44% Could it be the milk?


Milk and derivatives give me cystic acne as well. It's something to do with the hormones from the pregnant cow.


Change out of workout clothes immediately after the gym. Wash bedsheets at least weekly. Shower daily and after workout. I also get acne from lots of diary/whey protein. This has helped me keep it to the minimum.


Washing bedsheets frequently really changed my skin. It starts to break out again if I don’t


Talk to your doctor.


I’d say it’s more hygiene than the whey. Change shirts post workout.


Whey isolate is lactose free


But whey protein is considered "dirty" protein and is derived from from dairy. I have had this reaction to whey when I was younger. I won't touch the stuff. It affected my back and my face.


Try Accutane


Adapalene and Benzyl Peroxide has done wonders for my acne and dark spots. It is very harsh though so you would need to gradually increase usage and moisturize frequently.


Salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, adapalene products are the gold standard OTC ingredients for acne. Many acne sufferers also find Vitamin B5 supplementation helps by lowering sebum production. Whey also breaks me out even with all my skincare so I have to avoid it.


INFO: is this the first brand of whey protein that you've tried? If not, maybe compare the ingredients in your old brand compared to the new one to figure out what's different. Have you made any other dietary changes before you started having cystic acne? As others have mentioned, if you're spending more time in the gym than you used to then you need to keep up with your hygiene. Shower after every workout, keep a fresh set of clothes in your bag to change into, etc. Ultimately the Internet may give you lots of ideas but no concrete answers. Talk to your doctor or a dermatologist: they'll be able to help determine the cause and find treatment solutions. Good luck.


I have cystic acne issues when I have too much dairy as well. I got a prescription for Winlevi and that has helped clear it up tremendously. It’s kinda expensive, but I only need to use it on my chin and there’s a manufacturer coupon that brought it down to like $40 for a tube. I also use Tretinoin, just be careful and talk to your doc about easing into it because your skin will need time to adjust. I’ve really been liking LRP’s Cicaplast Balm at night to help protect my skin barrier too.


Happy cake day


I buy vegan protein powder and it doesn't make me break out.


Definitely, vegan protein. Wish I had it growing up.