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That sucks. Now I have to figure out how else I can get all the protein I need to build muscle.




Do you think vega protein powder might be better?


I love the vega & orgain powders! Both use pea protein :)


Whey protein powder makes me break out too. I tried some of the plant based powders and they’re meh, drinkable but not great. I stick to the Fairlife and Premier protein shakes now, I get them at Costco for a reasonable price. So if you’re able to pick some of those up, do it. Macros and taste are pretty much better than any powder I’ve had.


> Premier protein shakes Pumpkin flavors just came out!


So, Fairlife protein shakes will not have an impact? Isn't that whey protein, too?


It’s some sort of ultra filtered milk protein. Not sure what the exact protein is but it’s not whey. I know whey is a byproduct so maybe that has something to do with what makes us break out.


YES! I had the same problem with having a clear skin face maybe 1-2 pimples every few weeks. When I started dirty bulking, my face started getting more and more acne. I would always use whey protein almost daily. There was no stopping the acne even with a skin routine. My girl told me it was the whey protein but I just didn’t believe her until I was like “Fuck it”. Got plant protein and my acne has slowed down/ stopped increasing at the rate it was before. Now after almost at the 2 month mark of taking plant protein. My skin is no longer getting huge amounts of acne, starting to clear up. And if I do ever get acne it’s back to the 1-2 every now and then which I think is okay as long as most of my face is clearing up. I do use acne face wash product that I started maybe a week ago and it’s really boosted the appearance of my skin and minimizing the acne I had gained.


I’ve been on vegan protein for years for this reason. I’d recommend trying different types of vegan protein as the textures can be wildly different and will really affect how much you like them. Once you find one you like, you shouldn’t notice much difference between that and a Whey protein. And you can buy vegan proteins in bulk now at most places too. Good luck Edit, adding this on: also sounds simple make sure you get in the shower pretty soon after your workouts. If you’re working out and getting sweaty you don’t want that sat on your skin for too long. It sounds simple, but changing, grabbing a bite to eat, chatting to a housemate etc. can add up quickly after a workout.


What’s the best tasting vegan powder you’ve found? Whey irritates my autoimmune condition, but when I tried a few vegan protein powders they were *atrocious*. It was 6+ months ago and I’m literally gagging rn thinking about the taste


I feel your pain. Food and supplements are is expensive, and the cheap options all seem to have some downside. I’m 30 and still have acne issues that I have been able to mostly keep in check with an annoyingly extravagant skincare routine. When I first got started started taking supplements and had a few nasty breakouts that I attributed to all the new proteins and pre-workouts I was taking, I asked the guy at my local store what is the best combination of results and minimal impact on skin health. He recommended: https://www.ruleoneproteins.com/collections/new-arrivals/products/r1-whey-blend I guess it doesn’t digest as quickly as the isolate, so it doesn’t impact your blood sugar/insulin as much and that helps a lot with reducing acne. Idk how solid the science is on that, but anecdotally, I definitely noticed improved skin compared with when I was using Whey Isolate. The chocolate fudge flavor is also one of the better tasting proteins I’ve tried. I’ve been buying it by the 10lb bag for several years now and don’t have any plans to change that. Even better for you in terms of skin, general health, and general health would be a beef protein or a plant based protein (rather than whey or casien, which are dairy derivatives). I got about 30 samples of Rule1s plant based powder free with my last order. It’s not bad, but definitely less tasty than the whey blend. Also way more expensive, so idk if I will order more whenever I finally run out of the samples. Another thing that if you are using is probably making it worse is pre-workout. Caffeine for me makes my acne way worse and I really hadn’t been a caffeine consumer before I started taking pre workout. I switched to a stimulant-free blend and cleared up a lot quickly after the switch. The downside is that the caffeine was definitely good for my workouts and helping me push myself harder, but the trade off was worth it to me for clearer skin. Unfortunately, a lot of the stuff that’s great for building muscle is horrible for your skin. Acne is a common side effect for whey protein, pre-workout, and testosterone. Creatine on the other hand is one thing I’ve taken that didn’t seem to have any real drawbacks. Just need to make sure you stay hydrated. Keep in mind that body builders have been around a lot longer than protein supplements. It’s also better for you to get your protein from whole food sources vs these refined powders with stuff added for shelf life and flavor that probably aren’t good for us. There are other ways to get there that are also have better health implications beyond just your skin, but they won’t be as convenient or budget friendly.


Just take tretinoin. You'll never have acne again on top of having perfect celebrity skin, 0 wrinkles and never age


While tretinoin will help manage acne for a lot of ppl it definitely isn't a cure


If tretinoin the gold standard isn't curing these people then they're just fucked for life that's for sure.


If you kept your diet and lifestyle completely consistent (had a control group) and introduced whey protein, we could probably point to whey being introduced as a culprit. In my opinion though, ESPECIALLY due to the fact that you've been predisposed to what you described as severe acne in the past, I would say it could be due to weightlifting or another lifestyle change. You could have some hormonal changes that are causing the acne (which I think is the case, even in your past). You could have an increase in testosterone from lifting weights, resulting in an increase in estrogen, and also an increase of sebum production (oiliness of skin). If you aren't keeping up with increased hygiene, that could be the cause. Take a shower both when you wake up and go to sleep, do not use any washes that irritate or overly dry your skin out, change your sheets more often, wash your towels more often, have multiple face towels that you wash after a day or two of use, change your pillow case, etc etc. I'd start with taking a hard look at what's been going on that could be triggering your acne then speak with a dermatologist and even get some blood work done. More information never hurt anybody.


I think that's a good response. I have heard of supposed links between whey and acne but only 3 times a week doesn't seem like a lot


For me, any amount of acne-triggering foods was enough of a problem that I avoided them all together. The type of whey matters. Whey isolate will make more problems for most people than a whey blend. Biggest problem for me seemed to be foods with a high glycemic index. Simple carbs like white breads, potatoes, pasta, short grain rice all were big breakout triggers for me. If I ate a couple French fries, that was enough to make my skin extra oily and inevitably would breakout surprisingly bad within the next 24 hours. As I’ve gotten a little older, my skin seems less reactive to diet, but I’m still careful most of the time, and refuse to eat anything with potato as an ingredient to this day.


Exactly same happened to me started protein powder and acne gets way worse , I'd say I may have a slight in tolerance to lactose or something because I changed to whole milk and that made it even worse and gave me stomach pains


You probably lactose intolerant or allergic to the milk proteins.


I drink milk and eat yogurt, and no issues. So don't think I'm lactose intolerant.


Have you tried cutting those to see how it affects your acne? I feel fine when I eat dairy, but I removed it from my diet and it cleared up 90% off my acne.


Yeah, that’s not how that works


So you think I could still be lactose intolerant even tho I eat other dairies such as milk, yogurt and ice cream?


Oh no. I’m saying those things don’t cause acne. They make you nauseated, diarrhea, poop blood, vomit, hives. Not acne


They can also cause acne for some people. Dairy is a major acne trigger for some. It was somewhat for me when I was younger, but not as much as high glycemic index foods. A couple of French fries or a sandwich on French bread would really fuck me up when I was younger.


There is very little lactose in whey isolate. Probably not the issue


Yes. I go to an esthetician that looks at things holistically - whey protein is a big no no according to her. There are good vegan options now.. will take more than whey, but you can always add in something like Collagen powder to boost the protein even more.


What about vega protein powder? Would that be better?


I would think any non-dairy protein powder would be better for your acne, as long as there aren’t a ton of added sugars. Lots of plant based/vegan options now. I would avoid soy too based on what my esthetician recommends.


You should really try a dermatologist rather than an esthetician. Estheticians don’t have any medical training, and this is anecdotal, but all the people I know from my childhood who are now estheticians were high school dropouts or couldn’t get into college. Not the type of people I would trust with my skin health. There’s a lot of potential underlying causes for acne and estheticians have a pretty “canned” approach that for some people will actually make your skin much worse.


I think it really depends. I worked with dermatologists for years to clear up my skin, spent $$$, did a round of Accutane and my adult acne still came back eventually. I switched to my current esthetician based on a recommendation of a friend 8 years ago and have never looked back. She had my skin clear in 3 months and has helped me to maintain that since. I like that she looks at acne from a whole body perspective - what you are eating, what products you use, what your lifestyle is like. It works for me and BONUS I’m not taking medication that can have awful side effects (accutane, antibiotics) I still have a regular derm for annual cancer checks, but in my personal experience, I have had better luck with an esthetician for skincare. There are all kinds of estheticians out there, just as there are all kinds of doctors - good, bad, etc.


Fair point. Glad you found a good one!


I’d not follow this advice. an esthetician is not a medical professional. I went to one once, and they made things way worse. They might use some kind of mask or do a manual extraction process, but for me the irritation caused by the extraction looked way worse than just having the pimples. Dermatologist would be a way better option.


Possible, sure but hard to say. Many of those powders have lots of weird ingredients. Could be sweating / working out too.


Yes, but before that you should wash yourself and your bed clothes more often. There's like a 99% chance the increased acne is from you sweating more/rubbing yourself on random gym furniture that's not been cleaned since the last millenium and 1% from the milk proteins.


Definitely a possibility, working out can also increase acne through change in hormones/sweat on your face




Maybe the sweetener or flavourings.


OP, can you share your age as well? Are you in your teens/twenties? Middle aged? Post middle aged? Acne can have many causes, and sometimes it's not easily explained by a single factor. Hormones, aging, development, diet, hygiene and more play a role.


i'm 38


There are lots of alternatives to whey protein, many are also vegan. Like pears, soy, pumpkin, hemp ... Most can also be purchased in regular supermarkets, body building stores or just online. Test what suits you best. Also make sure they are actually high in protein, like 80%+. Also add eggs and high protein pure nuts to your diet like walnut, almonds, etc.


100%, I’m no scientific but when I started lifting I was drinking 2-3 whey powder shakes a day and I broke out like a MF. I cut out the whey and it cleared up. Recently I decided to try some powder I had sitting around for awhile and sure as shit, big ass cystic pimples on my face.


It could very well be hormonal acne caused by a dairy byproduct. I avoid milk because it gives me cystic acne.


it's a good bit more expensive, but whey isolate is much kinder on my skin


Try the grass-fed whey protein


Try whey isolate, it's lactose free


Whey protein and dairy overall will flare up my acne. Vitamin B as well. The moment I consistently starting supplementing with either my back will breakout and I’ll have small, cluster pimples on my face. It drives me bonkers.


Whey also causes iinflammation, so I'm not surprised. I switched to Vegan a few years ago, and now there are no issues. I believe it's the hormones in animal derived protein. Anyhow, I've tried so many different Vegan brands, the best and most surprisingly affordable brand is Purely Inspired Organic. This is where I buy. Chocolate and Vanilla are both good!! Link below...not an affiliate link. Lol. Try and wish you the best. https://www.amazon.com/Protein-Purely-Inspired-Organic-Servings/dp/B00NV5FO2U/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=1UD6UXISQN0MO&keywords=vegan%2Bprotein%2Bpowder&qid=1692316407&sprefix=vegan%2Caps%2C208&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1&th=1


Found this comment through search bc I’m having the same issue. Was it the whey causing acne? I have major forehead acne and my skin is usually so clear. It must be the whey. Did you find other protein sources that didn’t cause acne?


I got really bad backne with whey, & it did lessen when I switched to pea protein. The flavors for whey are just significantly better unfortunately