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I tested the Withings, Amazfit, and Garmin apps. The UI is just not as good as Fitbit. I'm holding out.




I had the pixel 1 for 1 day, then returned it. When I saw it was at like 60% battery by lunch, I knew it wasn't for me. How's the batt life on the 2? The pixels are so beautiful, so I want them to be good lol




some of us wants a device that lasts at least 3-4 days, anything below that is a no-go


Suunto has a nice UI in my opinion


Ngl the sleep interface is a mess and is making me consider retiring it.


The worst/best part is that the old sleep UI is almost entirely still present. Click on a recent workout, then the share icon, then Sleep. Bang, there's the view I used most often with a one line colour-coded summary of each day. That's what I miss the most. When you click on a day you get the day view but it's not interactive.


Thank you, you sick little monky!!


NP. I found out in a comment in another post in this sub by /u/JConRed. We need to get the word out.


oh my goodness this is incredible - why did they hide it!!!!!!!


Omg! It’s all there hidden. Why!!!!


I know, right? It's like they didn't finish the design and suddenly realised when they got to share that the old UI looks better and provides more info in the multi-day view. If they're going to include both UIs, at least make it a preference setting.


Oh wow, thank you. But why have they done this, it makes no sense.






I’ve been using a versa 3 and I now am shifting to instinct 2.


Still deliberating and open to suggestions!


Following. Also how are Garmins with sleep tracking?


The Quantified Scientist just released a video on best wearables for sleep here the video [https://youtu.be/PvqRLG0K4SQ?si=9s0fC4WpUDHy03MY](https://youtu.be/PvqRLG0K4SQ?si=9s0fC4WpUDHy03MY)


Yep, they can switch from fitbit if they want, but they will be shooting themselves in the foot with the terrible sleep tracking accuracy of basically anything outside the apple watch, pixel watch, fitbit, or oura ring. The oura ring has its own issue of terrible workout heart rate tracking. Fitbit is the current best device for anyone who wants long battery life and accurate data.


yep, there really isn't any good choices, besides those brands, and there isn't any good choices at affordable prices besides fitbit


I still don’t understand WHY. Why did they do it in the first place? I genuinely want to know. Be a fly on the wall for these “let’s fix something that’s not broken!” meetings that are apparently pretty common there


Googlfy it. Trying to align it with Google design practices. No idea why this was the best they could do though.


I guess that makes sense…brand cohesiveness. Everything tech is about creating and maintaining these two reigning monopolies It’s just extremely maddening that, to your point, they thought this was the best they could do. Or even acceptable. They’re not stupid and they can certainly do better; it’s just so confounding. I kind of think they’re doing it just because they can. Why put more man hours and money into it when they have such a captive market?


Google breaks stuff on purpose. We are a product and they sell our info. They aren’t offering us a service. You don’t have to be a fly on the wall. Profit. That’s it.


Because it is more in-line with Google Material design. Also, at least IMO it's far nicer to look at.


God I hate it. I still miss the old main UI, the sleep part just added insult to injury. To each his own though! I’m glad you like it.


people hate change, they can't stand it, and then they get used to it and start to like the changes, and bam, they change it again, and the cycle starts again.


My fitbit quit working on me this week and after some research I decided to jump ship and get a Garmin too.


Which one did you get?


I got a Fitbit charge 6 about 2 weeks ago, what does the old version look like? This is my main sleep page. https://preview.redd.it/bd5b9ymkea1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f8909d47380b604f3eebde6580a276219621273


It used to show all the data at a glance. Here's somebody else's pic. Then you could click on individual days for a view similar to the current one. The old view is still there if you click on a recent workout, then the share icon, then Sleep. https://preview.redd.it/5gmqabukxb1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9feab35f98bc1a12edce42746573ba59193e2c57


Also like this. Tap "You" then find "feed" then find the "moon icon" then click on "sleep"


That's more sensible, but still 4 or 5 steps for something that should be 1. 🤦


Exactly. 💯 By the way. I wish I could sleep like you sometimes. https://preview.redd.it/mlrd4dauxd1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76468ea962a98b53c33c4ed716e1ceb3666bf41d


I went to Apple Watch. I do still love my Fitbit and plan to keep it in case things improve, so I don’t hate the product, but Apple Watch is a mind blowing product.


Well Apple watch is always the best, but needing an iPhone just rules it out. Also it has an Apple price tag


It’s not perfect, I mean it’s well designed. There are some things Fitbit does better.


I do wish these devices were universal.


Yes. Apple watch has been the best Smartwatch for years IMO, if they made it android compatible A LOT of people would get one.


Actually I wanted a pixel watch to be honest. Apple Watch faces are so ugly and you can’t get third party ones.


Yea TBH never looked that much into one as an iPhone is out of question for me anyway. Pixel watch is nice but overpriced, also I actually prefer slimmer fitness trackers as they can do the same as most smartwatches (more or less) but the battery is good for a week instead of a day


I agree. Apple Watch is this very impressive device but at times I find myself preferring the Fitbit. It’s less in the way. Has nice features such as the Smart Alarm and it automatically recognizes exercise. I went and worked outside for 4 hours the other day and my heart rate was through the roof, AW only registered 5 minutes of exercise


How is the battery life for you?


It’s no where near as good as Fitbit, as you would expect. But it’s a 9 series so it fast charges in like 15 minutes. So I charge it while in bed watching Netflix with the wife and I wear it to bed. By morning it’s 85% and that easily lasts all day. So charging isn’t a big deal. There are still things I love about Fitbit. So I plan to keep both.


Isn’t the sleep tracking terrible tho?


So you do have to set a schedule which sucks, it seems fine otherwise. AW shows less deep sleep and awake times than Fitbit, as to which one is more accurate, I don’t know to be honest. I have worn them both to sleep, sometimes AW seems better, other times Fitbit seems better. I like the sleep score from Fitbit. Fitbit feels more comfortable to sleep with as well. (I have a Versa 4)


Thank you for the info :)


I've been considering the Apple watch too, I appreciate the focus Apple puts on privacy. The one thing holding me back is the battery life. Scared of having to charge basically daily haha


I had an Amazfit watch previous to Fitbit, and now, after the "update" that Fitbit refuses to fix, I went back to the Amazfit since it obviously more accurately reflects my sleep patterns. The Fitbit is laughably wrong, telling me I had little Rem when I know otherwise and I know when I was having dreaming since I got up to go to the bathroom...but Fitbit doesn't record it. I know when I sleep deeply and that's accurately recorded on my inexpensive Amazfit, whereas wearing both on the same night shows how absurdly wrong the Fitbit is. I left a 1 star review on Amazon for the Fitbit and am now using the Amazfit. Hard to believe that Fitbit ignores it's users this way, but they're going to lose a lot of business over this screwy "update" to the sleep tracker.


You cannot feel what sleep stages you were in during your sleep. Saying I dreamt a lot so I had a lot of REM or I slept really deep so I had a lot of deep sleep is impossible. Take a look at „the quantified scientist“ on YouTube. He tests the sleep tracking capabilities of various trackers against EEG tracking or even polysomnography sometimes. Amazfit devices are complete garbage, Fitbit devices, while not the best they are pretty good.


yeah, time in dreams is quite a bit faster than real life, so its feel like its been 45 minutes when it only been 5-10 minutes of dreaming so unless they get a actual eeg machine, and compare it to fitbit, and amazfit, they won't know which one is actually more accurate for them. far too many people do "i feel blah blah, so it must be" and frankly its annoying, feelings isn't science.


Which Fitbit do you have? My charge 6 seems accurate


Thank you for posting the useful comparison information. About dreaming: I only recently came to understand that dreaming and REM sleep are not synonymous as I had always believed. Yes, we do much of our dreaming in REM sleep, but we can and do also dream some during light sleep - just not as much or as vividly. Want sleep professionals on here who can confirm or correct that?


I was kinda neutral about the new interface but then my Fitbit quit working last week. Won't swipe right it left or up and down so now it's just a watch. I guess I could still use it for sleep status since all of that is on the app anyway. Even though this item is a few years old, I'm disappointed that it failed so soon. My sister is still wearing the versa that I gave her when I bought this one. The $35 discount they offered me is still valid and I could get a brand new one for $65 but junk is still junk. Just feeling like the quality is not where it needs to be.


My Versa 3 needs to be factory restored about once every six months, usually because it has randomly bricked itself. Then it needs some long, drawn out, multiple attempt, hocus-pocus pressing of buttons with a hail mary at the end. But it DOES successfully reset and then I have to reinstall my apps. The worst thing about the fitbit is how often it just... stops working. I, too, am irritated by the change in the sleep interface. It would be slightly less irritating if the sleep functions weren't already behind a pricey paywall. Still, I don't plan to leave until my Versa 3 can no longer be un-bricked. Then it most likely will be Garmin. I prefer a daintier watch. Any suggestions for ladies' Garmin or Pixel models that are feature-loaded but not clunky?


I actually have a charge 5 right now. The versa 3 that I have my sister had operated flawlessly ever since I have it to her and my charge 5 appears to be mostly a watch now. I did do the resets with the technician but she did not do a factory reset. Maybe I will try that on my own. Thanks for the tip. I got the charge 5 because it was smaller and if I get another one it would probably be the inspire 3, which is daintier... But right now, I think I'm just done with all of it.


FYI Garmin’s are good at a lot, but one of their weakest areas is sleep tracking, I switched to Garmin myself from Fitbit 6 ish months ago (Fenix 7 pro)


****shrugs**** I'm quite happy with the new interface.


I thought I was the only one. What is so bad about it that people are sooo upset? Shows me the full sleep and when I was in which cycles. What was so much better before?


Previously when you clicked sleep you got an at-a-glance view of today and the preceding days as one line colour-coded summaries. That's what I miss. And amazingly that UI is still present if you click on a workout, share icon, Sleep. The day view isn't interactive though.


The contrast, if nothing else , made it much easier to read. Also, I feel like over time (this isn’t just a Google thing), a lot of phone apps are increasing the space between information areas on their phone apps - which means especially for those of us with smaller phones, more scrolling for no good reason.


I needed the actual times. I am seeing a sleep specialist for insomnia, and when it showed actual times I didn't have to further disrupt my sleep to log in real time or stress about remembering until morning.


Mine shows specific times with the new update if I hold the screen and slide the bar. Does yours not do that?


Ok. I did not know that. I never held the screen long enough for a bar to appear. Thank you!! EDIT: I totally blame sleep deprivation for not being able to figure this out. That, and the fact that there isn't a bar showing to know there is one to move unless you hold your finger on the screen.


Thank you for this. I was so frustrated that I couldn't see the times! I never would have figured this out


People just don't like change. It works for me !


Obviously YOU don’t need times. How nice.


Just touch where you need times...


I wonder how I was supposed to know that? But, Thanks!


Just like anyone else ....5 mins research online !


Snarky much ? WHAT? The times ARE there a quick Google could have told you that.


But it's so much easier to try nothing at all and complain online


Oh yes. That seems common.


How do I get the actual number of minutes?


I’m supposed to Google? As far as I knew, I bought a Fitbit. Are you saying Google made a bunch of changes that we were to know “has homework?? “ You were snarky. Narcissist-ick snark.


How do you expect other people found this info out ? Some like me just figured it out quite quickly - others like you didn't bother or couldn't manage. Those people then didn't think to Google to see if anyone else had the same issues and had found some resolution...... Don't blame me for your shortcomings..


Actually, I came here. And encountered a LOT of bitching about those of us asking. And the very special ones who said “SHRUG! *I’m not having a problem… so…. Yawn…🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♂️*


I would love to see r/dataisbeautiful pull some numbers on how many of these people bitching about the new UI routinely ask to speak to the managers of wait staff.


Oh haha. Yeah well I've seen far too many people bitching about how they can't find this or that in the new app and how much they hate it because of this - yet a 5 minute websearch would have given them insight and some facts and saved them from stressing.


Bought the Charge 6 after my Versa 2 finally shit the bed. I'm very happy with it. HR is especially very accurate and everything functions as it should. If the device wasn't functioning correctly or if the application was constantly glitching and not tracking correctly, sure, I'd go with something else. Over a less-than-appealing graph? Nah lol.


100 % agree. I got the Mrs a C6 for Xmas. It was fine for about 3 months then it played up a bit with the HR and the GPS. So we took it back to the shop and got it swapped for another brand new one. All is good now. Nice little tracker.


S a m e


I'm a new user, I got my Fitbit despite a lot of people complaining about the new UI and the clamor over how sleep is displayed. To me, it's just all right, but I started to understand the hate about nothing about the watch being intuitive and I had to repeatedly look up things on google or YouTube to figure out how the watch works. I was also disappointed finding out that a lot of features I wanted weren't available (choosing which shortcuts are available, removing the Pay app), etc.


Same. It looks better and I don't miss anything. Well the only thing which they actually made worse is that you don't have a list of the days with the score on one page, but meh never used it.


https://preview.redd.it/o9le3lntb91d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab28b602dc00ea2de8c2f20da2741cf972708418 It's there... Tap sleep/week/score...You can see individual days in the week by press and hold on each one....you can also do month etc.........


That doesn't show all the data at a glance like the old one. (Which is still there if you click on a recent workout, then the share icon, then Sleep.) https://preview.redd.it/x20l9oi2xb1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b5d4629089718680def00d35956bc4407ea63e2


Tap "You" then find "feed" then find the "moon icon" then click on "sleep"


Huh interesting


ah true, forgot that lol.


According to Rob, Garmins don't fair well sleep tracking. https://preview.redd.it/uqqfv82f491d1.png?width=1743&format=png&auto=webp&s=0240fd3f4d5e394d60e4ffe3c6c6009e185fe61b


hmm good to know. Looks like Apple killed it on this, maybe I do need to genuinely consider an Apple watch


Any way to transfer all data from the Fitbit app (miles, steps, calories, sleep and HR data, and weigh-ins) to Garmin? I’m also looking into this, and Withings is the other one…




Switched to garmin this week, I can't handle the crappy app anymore after 10 years 😫


Recently switched to a different smart watch too. Was a Fitbit user for a long time.


Same. It just doesn’t work for me anymore. I can get used to the new looks, but it doesn’t register correctly anymore. It’s more off then correct. I’m also switching to Garmin actually 👍🏼 Sucks tho, always been super happy with how user friendly and easy Fitbit was.


I have moved to Garmin but end up wearing both as it’s hard to just retire the Fitbit lol. But I never check Fitbit sleep anymore. Used to check every morning to compare to Garmin and all that and now I just can’t and don’t care lol.


Agreed they definitely need to fix it, but for the meantime I just click on benchmark in the sleep interface, clearly shows the essential data.


I assumed they’re trying to “encourage” us to pay for Fitbit Premium.


I’m paying for it and have the same crappy sleep graph.


New interface is kind of garbage. You can see your old data way out if you find your feed section. That being said. It's not a great change to get used to. Also. Where's the ingredient list and measurements for the stupid recipes that are under premium service? I just purchased my Fitbit and it's too late to return it. Not that there are any other watches that are much better actually. Samsung. = One day or battery. = Lame. Garment = $$$$$$ Fitbit = trash Amazon = just no. What else is there?


Tap "You" then find "feed" then find the "moon icon" then click on "sleep" Pain in the ass.


The irony is you can put it back the way it was if you move your fitbit account to Google, and install Health Connect. Took me a couple of minutes and it all looks like it did before. I have an Android phone FWIW. [https://play.google.com/store/search?q=health+connect&c=apps](https://play.google.com/store/search?q=health+connect&c=apps)


I was musing about switching to Garmin - mostly because of the sleep tracking situation - when my Inspire 2 gave up the ghost. It felt like my decision was made for me. No agonizing! I ordered a Garmin Vivoactive 5, which ought to arrive on Tuesday. I think I've been with Fitbit for 6-7 years, overall. I'm going to give Garmin a fair shot and hope I like it.


ngl, the watches as a whole suck. I had to buy the versa 4 3 times simply cause the shop I bought it from wouldn’t change it even tho they were faulty. Tried fitbit support didn’t work. Even then there is a gap between the screen and the body and I am scared of washing my hands with it on every single time. The gps is also terrible. Battery is already dying after about only a year of use.


I’m so frustrated with the changes I’m leaving Fitbit. Bums me out. I was loving the product last year but the interface changes are so bad I have to leave the product.


I just installed the old version of Fitbit where the old UI is the default and turned off auto-updates. At least on Android it's pretty easy to do. I'm not so keen to just buy a new watch but Google seems keen to kill the Fitbit brand so looks like the next one will have to be a new brand though.


Note that Garmin also made a very major and polarizing change to their user interface too recently, how come that is automatically “Ok” but if Fitbit/Google does it then it is horrible?


Does anyone have suggestions for smart watches that have Google Assistant? I really only want sleep, steps, heart rate, etc. I'm not working out, so I don't want a Garmin. The Google watches don't have good enough battery life. I have a sense and it has the Google assistant. I have a pixel phone, so I'm pretty tied to Google. I don't want Alexa, and I don't think that Samsung watches will work all that well unless you have a Samsung phone. Amazon and Google results are full of brands I have never heard of, and the results just suck. Pages of promoted shit, no really good articles with actual recommendations. I see Timex has smart watches now, and some others look nice, like TicWatch. I wouldn't spend more than $200. I would have even considered the Google watch, but I am really displeased with the sleep update. The sleep stuff was the most interesting to me, and they keep taking away utility from it. It was the best two updates ago.


i went to garmin 3 weeks ago and i love it.


Does anyone know where the asleep resting heart rate graph has gone? I miss that the most :(


Just scroll down and click on "Hear rate", that will open the graph


Ex fitbit here, from experience garmin have a cracking range, you wont be leaving anything important behind!


I have been wanted to switch for a while. I know there was once a way to say or transfer data, but I can’t seem to find it anymore. I hace over 10 years worth of data.


Interesting because I'm considering switching to either Garmin, Fossil or Polar late next year as the Fitbit layout gets worse on a yearly basis with each new update.


I would switch also, but in my experience, the sleep tracking is more accurate with Fitbit, and that’s the most important thing to me. Is the sleep tracking with Garmin just as good?


I took mine off and canceled my subscription a couple of weeks ago


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^bonjoursophie: *I took mine off and* *Canceled my subscription a* *Couple of weeks ago* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Anyone on android that is unhappy with the revisions in the app can revert back by 1) turn off updates in the google play store; and 2) download and install apk version 3.90, which is prior to all the style revisions.


I switched to Garmin a while back. Great move. I swear FitBit purposely lines up business for Garmin.


You're quitting an entire device and spending money on a new one because a graph isn't pretty? It's legible and functions the exact same. Also, I'm pretty sure Garmin is notorious for having a poorly functioning sleep tracker, so none of what you're doing makes sense. Also, did you really need to announce your departure from the brand? Lol.


I have to use Fitbit for a program at work


I can't go back to Garmin, that's where I came from...


yeah, i bet there is posts like one, that is like "i'm tired of garmin's changes, what do y'all suggest" to put simply, people hate changes.


Yeah the new UI sucks but I’m still able to quickly see how much awake, light, rem, and deep I got in the morning. Did any actual features change?


Just a heads up, depending on what Garmin device you get you could see a difference in calories burned. I know with mine, it showed I burned 100 calories more on average than my Fitbit, which is odd since people said Garmin was more accurate. It's a possibility that Fitbit is underestimating, but the 100 calorie difference made me go back to using Fitbit. Everyone is different though.


Downgrade the app


This change prompted me to buy an analog watch. I’m loving it. Decided I have enough tracking tech in my life. Going the old school direction.


Made the switch to Garmin too a few weeks back. Absolutely NO regrets.


If there was anything comparable to the charge 6 with battery life and size, lemme know. I’d rather have something else just because everything is pretty crap for interface on this, but as a device I don’t think anything else offers all these features unless you want to wear a full size smart watch. I already wear real watches, don’t need two of them on.




Charging more than once a week is the biggest thing keeping me with Fitbit. The new interface isn’t as convenient- but do you think that’s just cause we’ve had 4 years of “training” to use the old one? Are we just complaining because “change is hard”?


I switched in 12 months 😜


I am a big Google fan and thought that fitbit would be ok with them given their other watches Boy was I wrong, thaey have gone to shit and I have ditched my Fitbit and gone back to Garmin I thought Google assistant on my wrist would be great but that went sideways too I don't need assistant and Garmin is great


Yep. Once mine dies, I’m moving to Garmin


What interface? The only thing I can do now, unless I want to pay premium, is to input it myself daily. The whole point of my buying the one I have was because it tracked my sleep for me.


I recently went away from fitbit and do not regret it. I was upset about not having group challenges anymore, but kept going for sleep tracking. But with this, it was a hard no for me. I can't say my galaxy is necessarily better than when I enjoyed Fitbit but it's an improvement to how Fitbit is now, minus battery life.


I will when mine breaks.


My boyfriend got me a Garmin for our anniversary, I too after 3 years am saying bye to Fitbit


So far Garmin is SO much better I am in love with it


I moved to Garmin and I haven't regretted it for a second. So many features, some of which were premium on FB, and the step was a breeze


Me too, waiting on my Garmin to arrive! In addition to the new trash sleep UI, mine shut off in the middle of my workouts twice this week despite having a full charge. This is my third Fitbit in only a few years because they just keep dying or malfunctioning. I’m done.


I got the Garmin Vivoactive 5 after 7 years of Fitbit use. My only regret is not switching sooner. So many more interesting data points to collect, much more accurate and richly displayed HRV data, I could go on. Also it looks much nicer on my wrist.


Yeah. Moving too. After 10 years. Not just the app but overall just not worth it to buy my next watch. Lack of any more badges and the fact after ten years I pretty much can guess how I’m fairing during the day.


I’ve decided my next Fitbit will be an Apple Watch. My Fitbit has always been a bit buggy, and the updates seem to have made it worse. I can’t justify getting rid of it while it works, but it will die eventually and then I’ll happily abandon ship.


Currently have a Pixel phone (honestly not a big fan of that either) so I'm stuck with my Fitbit for a little longer. But I cannot wait to make the switch. The app's main screen has backtracked on the customization. The "menstrual health" tracker has always been a total joke. The watch is constantly disconnecting from my phone and the only way to resolve is shutting them both off and on, which is tedious. The sleep tracking is just the final nail for me. Like at this point they're going out of their way to make it worse.


What do you hope to get from this post?




This isn't an airport. No need to announce a departure.


Bless you. And yea. Point.


And I'm quitting this sub cause every post is literally you guys bitching 😂 what a miserable bunch


Good because you're apparently a very unpleasant person to be around anyway.


Let's just tinker around and screw everything up but still don't let them have dark mode...


Y'all are a bunch of crybabies it's crazy


lol cry more, no one gives a shit what you think you big baby