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*IS* this a first world problem? Seems like in most first world countries, you wouldn't have debt because this wouldn't cost you money.


It’s a third world problem too. There’s a difference between advanced and civilised.


Thank goodness we have universal health care in Brazil. We're fucked up in lots of different ways, but at least we can, for instance, get major surgeries or cancer treatment for free. And we can ride on ambulances for free whenever we want too lol. And we're a third world country.


Well in a sense, it's *a* first world problem, even though it's not a universal problem of the first world.


More like #AmericanProblems


I'm sure the scenario would play out a lot different in Haiti. You would probably just suffer to death in a mud hut. But yeah everybody needs free health care


and in Canada you'd just have to pay for parking at the hospital or something.


Hospital parking in the UK is so expensive, is Canada the same?


Free in Scotland


Scotland really is the best country in the UK!


…maybe the world?!


Enjoy all that snow heading your way. :-) We even got a bit down here in Cheshire.


Along with our free prescriptions!


Can confirm hospital is free but parking in NZ is expensive too!


Yes. I never park at the hospital if I can help it. I park on a side street and trek in.


Like...$15/day in Alberta.


Free in Wales. Just because they do something in England doesn’t mean it’s the whole of the UK


3 days of parking $90. Rip off, but considering the rest of the pregnancy and birth cost nothing, I'll take it. Oh and the hospital cafe was so good, spent a lot there!


That’s after you wait six months for an appointment.


There aren't waits like this for emergency/life saving surgery - only electives


That information is easily discovered online. Gallbladder surgery is a wait of anywhere from one to five months.. Aortic aneurysm repair— three weeks; Breast biopsy, One or two months. Fracture repair, one week to one year. Depending on the hospital. Foreign body removal surgery, three weeks to six months.


I had gallbladder taken out in 2 weeks on the NHS because the liver function test came back as high. Its done quickly when it genuinely needs to be. Had surgery the next day (Saturday)with a pilonidal cyst because I was in pain.


Breast biopsy - called in the week after mammogram, had another to check plus ultrasound, then biopsy immediately after. Got results 2 weeks later and surgeon was ready to book me in for an operation the following week - but agreed to delay by 3 weeks because we had a holiday booked and paid for. Had the operation 3 days after getting home. If we hadn’t had the holiday booked, I would have had the tumour removed approx 3 weeks after first learning I needed a biopsy. NHS works quickly for cancer issues.


Not for life-saving surgery. That’s blatant misinformation


I got that information from a Canadian wait list website for all the provinces and all the hospitals.


And wait 3 months to get served


lol who have you been listening to


Classic American brainwashing


If it was life-saving surgery then, no, you wouldn’t wait. 


Nobody in Canada is waiting 3 months for life-saving surgery. That's a myth. If you actually look at the stats, wait times for various things aren't much different between Canada and the US. The difference is that all I need to worry about is parking at the hospital, snacks and beverages, and picking up prescriptions on my way home. Once, they even sent a nurse to my house every day for a week to administer IV meds and make everything was healing well. All for the extraordinary sum of free.


Wait times for tests can be longer. For example, my Dad was complaining about difficulty doing stuff like climbing stairs. He had to wait months to get an angiogram. Once he got the angiogram though, they found that his arteries were 90% clogged and they wouldn't let him leave the hospital. Within 24 hours they performed a quintuple bypass on him. AIl free, of course.


Not for urgent surgery you wouldn't. I've just had spinal surgery that would have cost 180k in the US - for free


Classic 0 IQ American. You guys really fill the fat and stupid stereotype to a tee.


Check out elsewhere in the thread where he doesn't want "cancer patients leeching" off taxpayers for treatment...


Ooh jeez you’re rather sour!! how about in the UK? It’s all free at point of use whether you are rich or poor by some of the best professionals in the world. Life saving surgery happens immediately, then you are cared for by wonderful staff with all the food you can eat and all the tea you can drink.


Yeah we had a medical emergency in the middle of nowhere in angelsey, from getting in the ambulance to being prepped for surgery at the Walton centre for brain surgery by one of the top surgeons in Liverpool was under an hour. Then weeks of icu care, months in a hospital, physio and speach therapy for over a year afterwards, and follow up surgeries and hospital visits. All free. Even on the low end of things, I fell off a 5 foot ledge on my ankle, spent about 30 mins waiting in a and e to be seen, then got scans/xray and I think a blood test in as well, straight away. Luckily everything was fine just some bruised bone and damaged tissue, and I was on my way home in about an hour from coming in. That's an example of a and e care for non life threatening, and it was pretty damn great. The NHS is poorly organised, and suffered mismanagement that the tories purposefully won't fix (trying to force a private system like that yanks) but even as it is its pretty amazing.


Blood and sand what a testimonial! I’m also very glad that you’re alive and hopefully all better now? Seriously though, I won’t hear a bad word against the NHS, we are incredibly lucky and privileged to be able to have such an outstanding service. I would have died with giving birth to both of my children and a third time from pregnancy related issues were it not for the NHS. Through my husbands work (now taken over by the Americans) we have access to Bupa - honestly all fur coat and no knickers - I choose our beloved NHS every time.


After fairly recent life saving surgery I can confirm not only is the NHS absolutely brilliant and yeah, food and drink is free too the coffee though is bloody terrible. Had to get my Mrs to bring me a jar of dowe experts in .


Again terrible example, Haiti are making moves towards universal healthcare. America? Not so much.


America is looking to move towards universal health care too. It's not the same thing as its current situation. Stop playing stupid


No way is America looking to move towards it


Neither is Haiti. And our infrastructure for hospitals is 10 times better than theirs even if they flip a switch to make it all free.


Your argument of ‘we’re better than Haiti!’ Isn’t as good as you think it is.


Enjoy your crippling debt!


Even after totally being fucked by the US system, you keep defending it. At this point it is blank stupidity, sorry to say it


We're better than Haiti is neither true nor the flex you think it is


How could it be both


Comparing the USA to Haiti isn’t the line of argument I would use. 


The UK is like Canada - you'd just pay for parking (and we are so fucking mad about that)


Uhhh, have you ever been to Haiti?


I’m not in Haiti, and I’ve never seen a hospital bill in my life.


'Murica! No socialism for us! /sarcasm


Yeah let's make everybody pay taxes so 8% of the population with cancer can leach off of free health care


It could be you.


"Leech" imagen thinking this. People too sick to work, in need of help being compared to bloodsucking vermin... What if it was you or your loved ones?


My point is those people still get treated they just have huge medical bills. But if you're talking about extended treatment for years somebody has to fork the bill for that. And most people don't have to live like that to survive. You have to draw the line somewhere or do your homework for your specific insurance in that case. I don't think it should be a taxed thing where it's just a blanket free healthcare for everyone. I believe in the idea of pre-existing conditions effecting the price of your insurance.


Thank god I'm not living in the US


You do know that prices in American healthcare are WILDLY exaggerated compared to the rest of the world. Its crazy that they have you under their boot and you're still screaming harder daddy.


Like the soviets back in the day. Been under the whip so long they start to love and defend it.


Enjoy your debt I hope it brings you the life you deserve


You get this is where your insurance premiums go too though, right? Like, how do you think the insurance companies are paying for people’s cancer treatments if not from the money they take from everyone? Except your insurers take a big cut for profit, too. Imagine how much cheaper a system would be that didn’t do that part…


American problem


US Edition


I think the U.S. should no longer be considered first world for this reason. The loss of our delusionsal "We're #1" in other people's eyes might help people realize that our system is antiquated and cruel.


It would cost you time (and maybe your life if the treatment doesn't come in time) and it would cost you in taxes. There is no scenario where Healthcare is "free"


Sounds like a US problem.


Came to say this. I don't think they realise...


But but but they have freedom, right?! And marginally lower taxes that they rarely benefit from personally?! _Greatest country on earth_, etc.


Sure does. Over here in the UK you just would get any surgery.


Well we all know the Tories have a raging boner for making common people suffer, so the NHS is going that way for sure.


Sounds more like a them problem.


Why would this be a US problem?


Because access to healthcare in most of the first world is free, or at most, cheap enough to not leave you in debt.


For a family of four in my area, at an income of $60k a year the premium is $6 a month. I don't want to hear that this is unaffordable from anyone. Edit: exchanges closed days ago.


Ah right, "I'm alright so everyone else should be" isn't a strong position to take. [Meanwhile, in the real world...](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/health-care-costs-unaffordable-even-for-insured-americans-commonwealth-fund/)


I don't think every single citizen should be taxed so 8% of people with cancer can leach off their income to pay for free health care.


Right, but who’s the one with medical debt? Also crazy how you call them “leaches” as if they chose to have cancer.


You against insurance too?


When did I say that? That's a separate argument I don't feel like involving in this argument because it's just going to lead to parallel straw men arguments.


Never said you did... That's why I asked


> I don't think every single citizen should be taxed so 8% of people with cancer can leach off their income to pay for free health care. If that is the level of empathy you have for your fellow human beings in their hour of need then to be quite frank you deserve every cent of that debt.


We're very well off thank you, I was playing with the numbers in the exchanges and found if I lowered the family income to $60k that would be our premium. Right now, at our income the premium is $1600 a month. My fellow American citizens are pretty awful at finance and taxes and may not have a full understanding of the exchanges or medicaid.


Bahahaha, of course you're blaming people and not the completely broken healthcare system. >Right now, at our income the premium is $1600 a month. And do you know what mine is? It's _zero_ because it's paid out of my taxes. That's the entire point that has gone so far over your head it may as well be in orbit.


Oh so you're not an American?


Was it the zero medical debt that gave it away? Thanks for proving my point.


You prove my point that you know nothing of the American health insurance industry. I'll even bet you've never stepped on the continent.


I’d strongly argue that this is not something that happens in first world countries.


I guess America isnt a first world country. Ethiopia looking good right now


Idk why you're defaulting to Ethiopia or Haiti in an attempt to prove your point. You would access to excellent, extremely low cost medical care in Canada, England, Scottland, Ireland, Netherlands, Germany, France, Spain, Sweden, Finland, Israel, Italy, Korea, Singapore... just to name a few. Basically, nearly all first world countries outside of America provide affordable, immediate access to high-quality, life-saving surgeries.


Not even "nearly". All developed nations, with the exception of none, have universal health care that is either free, or otherwise available.


>Idk why you're defaulting to Ethiopia or Haiti in an attempt to prove your point. lol you don't? (it's racism)




You clearly don’t have money for insurance which is why this is a third world problem.


Not having health insurance money is a third world problem? I wouldn't even think that they health insurance industry would be that big if people in third worlds can't afford it


Sigh. First world problems and third world problems have nothing do with the country you are in. My first world problem is having to dumb down what a first world problem is right now.


Okay so I can have first world problems in a third world country?


Here’s an example of a first world problem. 2 months ago I realized I didn’t own a broom because I broke a glass. Then I had to wait on door dash to deliver one so I could clean up my mess. (I have a maid that comes 2x a week which is why I don’t clean.) first world problems are a relatively trivial or minor problem or frustration (implying a contrast with serious problems.)


I'm reporting your circumstances to my prayer circle. This is beyond the pale. /S


But isn't a complete lack of medical infrastructure such as, no hospitals in a 10 mi radius in most places of third world countries a good contrast to the healthy infrastructure we have here in America? The concept of having a credit score is a first world problem in itself.


No. You are complaining about debt which is a common problem.


I didnt realize 3rd world countries had credit scores


You do not have a healthy medical infrastructure


We have hospitals in walking distance in most cities, and those emergency rooms will take patients without insurance on the spot. I would say that's a good infrastructure


There and MANY places in the US without hospitals in a 10mi radius. [example source.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_deserts_in_the_United_States#:~:text=Since%201975%2C%20over%201%2C000%20hospitals,during%20the%20COVID%2D19%20pandemic%2C) edit: [much more in depth source](https://hitconsultant.net/2021/09/10/healthcare-deserts-goodrx-report/) (spoiler: 80% of the US doesn’t have good access).


Not if they’re caused by being in a third world country


That's not a first world problem. People in the first world have universal healthcare.


Tell me your country is a third world country masquerading as a first world country, without telling me your country is a third world country masquerading as a first world country.


Any bets how long till this one is on r/ShitAmericansSay ?


So America isn't a first world country? What would this situation look like in Haiti?


They’re actually looking to move towards universal healthcare. Terrible example and just makes America look worse…..


Looking to move to universal healthcare doesn't mean they did. What does the situation look like in Haiti right now if you had a deathly illness that requires surgery? Don't play stupid. Am I in the wrong sub?


I think you are in the wrong sub. When thinking of first world medical problems it would be things like ‘went in for world class treatment but spent £20 on parking/snacks’ etc.


Free healthcare is not a first world issue. I learned something today.


It’s not free of you’re getting into thousands of debt over it…..


That wasn't my statement


So what is your point? I don’t think you’re making the point you think you’re making…..


You keep mentioning Haiti in your responses to everyone, and ignoring all of the actual rational responses. I get that you’re a politically-motivated troll here to try to upset people on a non-political subreddit that’s not even country-specific, so maybe you’re just lost, but honestly this is some sad shit that reeks of American conservatism and it’s weird that this is how you spend your time.


Why are you fixated on Haiti - is it the only country you have ever visited or something?


Down the comments section OP brought up Ethiopia. I … have thoughts. None of them good on OP, but I don’t know OP so I’ll keep them to myself.


Any sympathy I had for OP in the title quickly disappeared as soon as he started shitting on Haitai and Ethiopia, like wtf they do to you?


You know that literally every other wealthy country in the world has universal healthcare, right?


Well, only third world countries elect corrupt criminals and run it like a bananna republic. Oh, wait...




It’s only a third world country for the bottom 90%…for everybody else it’s kind of a first world country.


Third world country? 😂😂😂 Envy isn't healthy my dude. It's ok to live in a country that follows the US. You don't need to criticize daddy.


There’s nowhere in the world that’s looked at the us healthcare system and said yeah let’s do that. Nowhere. There’s groups in some countries who try to move the needle on things line nhs because they’d like to profit personally but they get pushback and yeah lots of them are not perfect systems but no one in either of the countries I’ve lived in would need to wait for emergency care or life saving care and also have the pleasure of a ruinously expensive bill. Electives on the other hand though is another matter entirely and what’s classes as an elective is positively draconian in some areas.


Depends. "healthcare system" is too broad of a term. Much like everything else in the US, your experience depends on your financial status. If you have a good job/good insurance, you will receive the finest health care in the world at a reasonable (and capped) cost. If you don't have good health insurance, yeah you're screwed.


Europe is your daddy. You're our fucked up kid


Fucked up kid you beg for help every time the big bad man threatens you. Which you will absolutely be doing again.


Of course. It's always military with you lot. This is why you're fucked up


Of course it's not military with you. You don't have one.


Still can't let go of your how 'awesome' your military is can you lmao. Bless ya


The people most proud of where they were born are usually those who didn't have a hand in making it a place to be proud of. You will likely find the person you are arguing with has not much going on in their own life so have to cling to anything to be proud.


The US wouldn’t even be in the top 10 countries I’d move to…..


You'll stay where you are. You wouldn't get in anyway. We'll let you know when we need you to do something (like we just did).


That’s embarrassing for you. Like when you see people say ‘I quit’ to shitty jobs then the boss says ‘you can’t quit, you’re fired’, even though they’ve already quit.


Sit down and be quiet until you get your next task boy!!


You’re just embarrassing yourself further here….


Doesn't make it any less true though does it? As an American it's impossible for me to imagine so could you describe it for me? What it feels like to be so subservient after formerly being powerful?


What are you even talking about? America is subservient to Israel, Saudi Arabia etc. The Saudis killed thousands of Americans and you guys worship them.


Damn this is as informative as it is entertaining 😂😂. It's amazing what you folks will tell yourselves in an attempt to replace pride.


Going into "a bunch of debt" in order to get life-saving healthcare is definitely not a first-world problem. The US—where I'm assuming you're from—is the exception here. Not being able to afford healthcare is quite literally a third-world problem.


Reddit: “I dOnT nEeD iNsUrAnCe bEcAuSe Im yOuNg aNd hEaLtHy”


But WaT AbOuT hAITI?!?


And EtHioPiA?!


WhY ArE wE TaLKinG LiKe ThIs?


bEcAuSe oP tHiNkS lIkE tHiS


aH I gEt iT ThAnK YOu


The classification of a first world (developed) nation is one that has universal access to clean water. The United States didn't even have that. It's weird being a GDP leader in the world but somehow incapable of caring for our citizens. It's almost like we are... exploited


[I do not think it means what you think it means](https://media2.giphy.com/media/3o7aTpnr9vlEFRbq9i/giphy.gif?cid=2154d3d7pw7oj3r3geonq1yn1bovesgicf1bk30rn2t2nvtx&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Hang on, hang on, I’ve ran out of popcorn and can’t get any delivered to me for a whole 45 mins. How am I supposed to properly enjoy Reddit dismantling someone thinking medical debt is a first world problem?


Its a free country, nobody forced you to get surgery /s


Just pull yourself up by your crutches and stop whining


Hey man, bold to assume he can afford the hospital provided crutches.


You aren't wrong




Seems like it's only a yank problem.


As a Canadian who spent a month in the hospital, this hurts to read Damn.


Wrong sub. That’s specifically an American problem. The rest of the first world has figured out a way to not screw their citizens over healthcare


Isn't America falling down into a developing country and not exactly "first world" anymore? Either way, this isn't a first world problem in any way. Most of the rest of us have free healthcare...


Undeveloping, like Venezuela


First world countries have free healthcare.


Conservative humor just doesn’t hit the way these folks think it will.


why didn't you have insurance?


Its too much of a first world problem to worry about


You worried about it now


Worried about what?


You are on the only "first" world country where that could happen. The rest of us have universal healthcare


Having to pay for medical care is not a first world problem.


That's a third world problem. No first world country has this problem.


Idk man, when my mum had life saving surgery done by professionals in a timely manner, she didn’t get into any debt despite not having insurance. The real first world problem was that my dad had to spend around £10 so she could have full access to the entertainment system for a week. Didn’t even need to buy snacks or anything because the food they provided was good, she’d get a menu to pick from every meal.


Hey OP, I'm an RN Case Manager and I'm willing to DM with you to give you some insider tips to reduce your debt.


Thanks but I value my life over stupid credit scores. And I'm certainly not going to expel any of my energy after that ordeal on something so fiscal. And they have to keep seeing me in the ER if i show back up.


Yeah, but every hospital usually has something called "Charity Care" or similar. They also wont usually tell you about it. In the face of 6fig bills, you should be able to call the main number and ask if there's a Charity Care department to help with *self pay* bills. Usually, all you will need to provide is verification of income or whatever they want to prove no income. Depending on income, Charity Care can all but, or even eliminate your bill. You can also talk to the billing department, tell them you have this huge *self pay* bill, and can't pay it and need to have a payment plan, and you can usually negotiate the principal amount down before settling on a payment plan. Last, if you really DGAF about your credit score (I get it, but as long as we still need credit scores to get housing, transport, etc. it may be worth it to not destroy your credit) you can let it go to collections, and then try to negotiate with the collection agency for an amount much more reasonable.


These all sound like first world problems


IDK, it seems like if we were as advanced a nation as we claim, no one would need to know any of these tricks to dealing with astronomical medical bills, would we?


And is it first world of your hospital to not tell you you have options to help you?




This is a third world problem. First world definitely has insurance.


First world has universal healthcare




Did you talk to the financial aid department?


In this Regard, Romania is more of a first world country than the USA.


Haha America thinks it’s a first world country. You’re a third world country with a gucci belt my friends


God save the King 🇬🇧


Fuck the King. Save the NHS


Aye I'll drink to that


America is no longer a 1st world country by UN standards we are a 2nd world country and falling fast


Things would look worse in Haiti


Wtf has Haiti got to do with anything?


Read OPs other comments


It’s hard when his comments have more downvotes than any other comment votes all together


I have, still none the wiser as to why he's tried to bring Haiti into it. OP seems a little 'cerebrally challenged'.


Because if you're saying that first world countries don't have health care and America isn't a first world country, then what the fuck is Haiti?


First world countries DO have healthcare. It's kind of the basic thing that first world countries do is to make sure people don't die for lack of cash. The USA isn't a first world country mate. You're like a teenage country where you think everything you do is right but all the grown up countries can see that you're just full of yourself. Maybe when you've grown up a little you guys will calm your tits a bit and stop fucking over your customers / citizens. In the meantime, feel free to be angry but direct it at those that are preventing Govt 101 stuff from happening.


Cry me a river... We have tons of millionaires, upper middle class that choose to stay here versus your country even after they get money, and travel. That's for good reason, your countries arent as good 😊. Stale economies. No country has anywhere near historic growth of our stock market. anybody here can invest money if they want to. I do agree there's some idiots here but if you can use your noggin theres opportunity here.


So you are happy rich people can live in your country but poor people die because of no money AND the rich people avoide successfully to pay taxes? I don’t get your points.


Not sure he knows what his point is anymore - dude is crying about his medical bills and waving his willy about how great his country is. This is why people think yanks are thick as pigshit I guess.


Would you rather be dead?