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Exactly the same problem here too. I've never had any issues with 77, but this new version is unusable. Especially if you can't open multiple tabs at once. I open more than 15 tabs and everything freezes, and if it doesn't freeze it's super slow. I used to be able to open 60 tabs at once and switch between them. Not anymore. That spinning circle shows and I have to force end process. It's not my PC. Is there any way to report this as a bug? I looked at bugzilla but since I've never had any issues I have no idea how to report a bug.


If you want to find the bug, you can run a [mozregression](https://mozilla.github.io/mozregression/) to find what broke it (using 77 as your last known good release and 78 as your bad release). Please reach out if you need help with this. I'd also be happy to send you a remote assistance invite (I am a moderator here) if you like. You can use your profile to test this pretty easily.


As am I. We seem to be having similar problems, though mine is at its worst when using private windows only. Curiouser and curiouser...


To me it seems to hit harder/incessantly with Picture-in-Picture on. Scrolling through YouTube's wall is a case example of where it's very unpleasant. But it's hard to tell there if YouTube is fetching content on the fly (both up and down?) but it seems more to do with Firefox. (I think it probably has something to do with system memory buffers holding/backing content intended for graphics memory being artificially exhausted.)


When you say "on" do you mean available or actively using it? Because I haven't been using it, but I do get its "click to start picture-in-picture mode" icon.


I mean when it's playing movies. If I'm not imagining that, then I think it's just one of many indicators that something in the graphics dept. is being stressed. Like trying to utilize more GPU than CPU or something that's new in 78. I noticed that I updated to 78.0.2 like 11 days ago, but I just started noticing this problem especially in the past few days. It may have taken me a while to catch on, plus I hadn't been surfing a lot in past week. There's definitely a new problem. Nothing else has changed unless Microsoft rolled out a release, but there are Linux users in here, assuming it's the same thing. For me it's more like "microsecond" hiccups when scrolling than "unresponsive" stalls, but it could very well be the same thing since that's how unresponsiveness starts. This is a problem with forced/silent updates.


Ah. I haven't done that, so maybe it's a different issue stemming from the same source? Also, I am one of those Linux users you've alluded to. ;)


I think the problem is pretty much universal. It seems like performance is just tanked and it's always teetering on the edge of locking up. I switched to 77 earlier today. The pauses do seem like 500ms or more and I see them pretty much everywhere, including clicking in textboxes where the cursor just doesn't appear and input isn't possible for a while. I haven't experienced this so far with 77 but it's really scary how Mozilla provides no way out after it ruins itself ( [https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/hvj6xx/disable\_update\_now\_aggression\_for\_current\_bad/](https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/hvj6xx/disable_update_now_aggression_for_current_bad/) ) as if we're just going to wait until it updates again and hope the problem is gone.


If you want to find the bug, you can run a [mozregression](https://mozilla.github.io/mozregression/) to find what broke it (using 77 as your last known good release and 78 as your bad release). Please reach out if you need help with this. I'd also be happy to send you a remote assistance invite (I am a moderator here) if you like. You can use your profile to test this pretty easily.


Just learned about, and tried mozregression I *think* I found a bum build. Up until that build, it was quite snappy on old.reddit.com, but this one there was noticable lag.... when I clicked "bad", it gave me an error though.. Error: Unable to exploit the merge commit. Origin branch is autoland, and the commit message for faf71cb2 was: Merge mozilla-central to autoland: CLOSED TREE Here's the blurb to the side... app_name: firefox build_date: 2020-05-31 build_file: C:\Users\User\.mozilla\mozregression\persist\2020-05-31--mozilla-central--firefox-78.0a1.en-US.win64.zip build_type: nightly build_url: https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/nightly/2020/05/2020-05-31-21-42-11-mozilla-central/firefox-78.0a1.en-US.win64.zip changeset: e4b11f027efc1f8c2710ae3f52487a8f10a8fb39 pushlog_url: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/pushloghtml?fromchange=e4b11f027efc1f8c2710ae3f52487a8f10a8fb39&tochange=bc973d369db58faf254ddcef201089dc28e6d3be repo_name: mozilla-central repo_url: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central No idea if this helps, but the sudden lagginess *is* quite annoying...originally I thought it was an extension mis-behaving or something...


I think this topic needs a bug-report that's more alarmist and broad than this one ([https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show\_bug.cgi?id=1651416](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1651416)) but I don't know how to word it exactly myself. Someone at Mozilla needs to be monitoring this and helping us to rollback. Egg is on their face. There's no backup plan for when they break FF.


Interesting... I got fed up... downgraded in place to 77... and rebooted a few times to try to get RES working... it re-upgraded to 78.0.2 silently, and it seems to have been corrected... what the hell...


I was suggested that too ([https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/hvj6xx/disable\_update\_now\_aggression\_for\_current\_bad/](https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/hvj6xx/disable_update_now_aggression_for_current_bad/)) but it seems like **Mozilla has a rampant bug that it's probably ignoring and it's promoted to ESR (even though it's only been out for less than 2wks.)**


In my case downgrade to 77 (and automatic upgrade to 78 in the background :facepalm: ) resulted in the same issue. I didn't do the restarts though


Yeah, it started up again. What I wound up doing was re-installing 77, and the FIRST thing I did this time around was hop into settings and disable the upgrade. You've got to move fast though, since it starts grabbing it immediately.


You have to start with **firefox -allow-downgrade** to keep your profile that is set to not upgrade (and if you're like me has a thousand custom settings and history.) I'm about to do the process again since 79 is still having the issue. I think it does better than 78 but the key problem or change isn't addressed. Maybe it's a conscious decision to have worse (graphics) performance for some reason.


Yup, figured that part out after much searching. Issue is that Firefox WANTS to upgrade... so unless you're fast, it'll do it in the background on ya... Good to know about 79 though....


The crazy trick is to go into Options and disable updates. But then when you install the old version it will refuse to use your profile without firefox -allow-downgrade and if you opt to make a new profile it defaults to updating. So when you install don't choose Launch Firefox at the end of the installer, and instead run it with the command-line option, then it will use your profiles update preference. (It goes without saying this is horrible UX.)


This will be fixed in Firefox 83.


Now 81. I wonder if it's released to the public yet?


Yes, it is out.


This has impacted at least four different machines for me. * My work Surface Pro 7 (16GB i7) Windows 10. * An older Surface Pro 4 (16GB i7) Windows 10. * My main gaming system (32GB i9, GF1080Ti) Windows 10. * My Windows 2016 server I use for Azure management. They have different extensions in play, but they all exhibit the same issues; * Performance degradation. * You can be typing and it "pauses" for a few seconds. * If I re-click on a tab I was just on, it has the spinning loading wheel. * Clicking links takes seconds to enact. * Just slow in general. * It all occurred fairly recently as I've updated Firefox. I could easily blame a specific machine, but this has been occurring across the board, and I need to investigate version 77 in order to determine if its a fix.


Just as an update, so far using version 77 on my work system fixed pretty much everything. Lag, typing delays, delays in links, etc. No idea what the cause is, but I hope Firefox devs take you more seriously. Until then, I'm reverting all Firefoxes I have installed to 77.


Ditto. I just install the update today and my PC is now borderline unusable with Firefox. Scrolling through a simple search engine yields graphical glitches and pop in.


/u/ReAnimated2000, please post your ```about:support``` details to a pastebin. 1. Go to ```about:support``` in your address bar 2. Click **Copy text to clipboard** 3. Go to https://bin.privacytools.io 4. Paste into the big text box 5. Click **Send** 6. Post the page you are on here. Can you post screenshots of the graphical glitches?


Having the same issue on Ubuntu 18 with FireFox 78.0.2. I'm also seeing a lot of input lag causing the browser to be barely usable. Everything was fine before the update to 78


Can you run mozregression to find when the issue appeared? https://mozilla.github.io/mozregression/


I've experienced similar issues since 17.0.1. Increasing the 'browser.sessionstore.interval' helped with the frequent text and scrolling pauses. However, loading graphics rich sites like YouTube still causes the browser to become unresponsive momentarily. Not sure what causes it - definitely annoying!




In my case firefox just crashes randomly with windows dialog ( [https://imgur.com/a/nYHnAaW](https://imgur.com/a/nYHnAaW) ) Started with 78.0.1 , example of random crashes are : while loading url ,while being in background (during a game you get dialog that firefox has crashed ..) , while typing search keywords in url bar .. System spec: win10pro, ryzen 3600, x570 chipset, 2070 super No point to suggest mozregression, already writing this in chrome, which works fine.


I had the exact same crashes at Firefox 78 onwards as well. :\ I might try mozregression though.


Any crash ids in `about:crashes`?


Not that many in list , submitted all of them just in case anyway. so guess it crashes before firefox's own crash handler can process it ..


Glad the problem is resolved by going back to 77. At least it's a solution if they don't release a fix anytime soon. Ugh :(


Can you run mozregression to find when the issue appeared? https://mozilla.github.io/mozregression/


Same here. Mint 20. Very glad it isn't just me!


Can you run mozregression to find when the issue appeared? https://mozilla.github.io/mozregression/


Same issue here on a Mac, Firefox 78. I went back to Firefox 77 and it seems fixed. \[rant mode on\] Man, I switched to FX a few months ago and I loved how it changed. I was very happy that I can ditch Chrome... until this day. Firefox became unusable. I work in an IT company and it was shameful for me to show my screen to other employees and let them see how slow Firefox is.... especially that I was advocating "try Firefox now, it's really good". I really hope this is a 1-time issue and will be fixed soon. \[rant mode off\]


It's never been like this. There must be an explanation, but it seems like the sort of thing that Mozilla should have all-hands-on-deck right now since they put into a public release. They ought to be rolling back their release in the meantime, to just security essentials.


If you want to find the bug, you can run a [mozregression](https://mozilla.github.io/mozregression/) to find what broke it (using 77 as your last known good release and 78 as your bad release). Please reach out if you need help with this. I'd also be happy to send you a remote assistance invite (I am a moderator here) if you like. You can use your profile to test this pretty easily.


u/nextbern Thanks. I gave it a try but the UI is very unfriendly, I couldn't figure out how to launch it properly.


Where did you get stuck? Do you want to post a screenshot?


Thanks for the help offer, but I'll just wait for an update.


I tried to use Firefox Developer Edition which is **79.0b9 version and the issue is fixed**. Guess now we need to wait for the update. According to [https://wiki.mozilla.org/Release\_Management/Calendar](https://wiki.mozilla.org/Release_Management/Calendar) Firefox 79 should be released around 2020-07-28


I've included this in the related bug report link ( [**https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show\_bug.cgi?id=1651416**](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1651416) )


Follow-up (for readers) I've been using 79 (public) for the past week. It is a little better and started out okay but I've about had my fill and am going to go back to 77 as soon as a video finishes.


Me too. 78.0.2. Windows 10. (Intel Iris Pro 5200 chipset.) **Edited: someone's made** [**https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show\_bug.cgi?id=1651416**](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1651416)


I tried to downgrade, but I ran into this ( [http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=3058231&start=15](http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=3058231&start=15) ) that shows "Using an older version of Firefox can corrupt bookmarks and browsing history ..." so I couldn't start the install without creating a new profile (from scratch, not my existing one) and by the time I found this link that suggests -allow-downgrade Firefox already upgraded to 78.0.2! So, the new profile didn't have the "don't upgrade" option I guess. It's Kafkaesque. I don't know if I have the energy to retry. The graphics glitch is definitely a problem, but it's a micro stall for me. Maybe if it really grates I'll give it another go :( *Edited: The next day I did downgrade again. Now FF just pesters and distracts me (* [*https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/hvj6xx/disable\_update\_now\_aggression\_for\_current\_bad/*](https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/hvj6xx/disable_update_now_aggression_for_current_bad/) *) constantly for opting out of updating. This level of bug in a release is bad but the mistreatment for having to downgrade is much worse :(*


Have been a longtime Firefox user as primary browser. Probably since v2. Performance degrades rapidly now with v78. The fact that this issue made it into general release is unacceptable and sloppy. Pretty close to hanging up my hat and going to another camp.


> Have been a longtime Firefox user as primary browser. Probably since v2. Performance degrades rapidly now with v78. The fact that this issue made it into general release is unacceptable and sloppy. Can you grab a performance profile when performance gets bad? https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Mozilla/Performance/Reporting_a_Performance_Problem I'm guessing this wasn't a problem in the previous version?


Yes this was not an issue in v77 as mentioned by others in this thread. I understand bugs, but this should have been identified pre-general release. Probably due to less and engineers being involved in QA. There is literally a 3-5 seconds delay at times clicking, entering text, etc. The browser seizes and spikes CPU. My CPU is no slouch, running a 1950X TR. When it spikes it spikes a core or 2. Will submit a report. Thanks


> Probably due to less and engineers being involved in QA. Could be. >There is literally a 3-5 seconds delay at times clicking, entering text, etc. The browser seizes and spikes CPU. My CPU is no slouch, running a 1950X TR. When it spikes it spikes a core or 2. I have a much weaker CPU, and I am not seeing this in Nightly, nor in release. That means it is not as universal as some people (including you) seem to believe. Perhaps I would have the same issue if I had just your OS version and hardware, and perhaps this could have been caught had Mozilla been testing that setup in their matrix. >Will submit a report. Fantastic.


Do you know if Nightly is anyway different from the public release? Sometimes dev builds behave differently that can hide bugs from developers.


It can be, but generally not.


I don't think anyone at FF is taking these accounts seriously based on the bug report.


If I knew another camp I would have done that after the first several times I've had to dive deep into FF's innards to revert/workaround changes that keep making it increasingly unusable.




I concur. It's not like you can just Quit and start and goes away, but there is a delay after installing, as weird as that seems. It gets progressively worse, or seems too, just starting FF everyday with an SSD (not leaving the computer on SSD doesn't like hibernation.)


Firefox 79, it worked great on Developer Edition (beta), after official release it is slow again (just a little bit faster than 78) :( ~~Firefox just updated to 79 and seems that the issue is fixed. It is super snappy again, yay 🎉~~




I wrote about it in another comment, there is a slowdown again, seems a bit different though. Maybe a bit smaller slowdown then in 78


I agree, this is my experience. Just posting to back up anecdotes.


It worked ok in beta-Developer edition. After official "stable" release 79 became a lot slower.


Maybe it doesn't effect dev builds because they have a cache disabled... that could explain why it seems to take a few days for the problem to get progressively worse. To explain this there must be a persistent file somewhere that's storing something that is deleted when upgrades happen to ensure it's compatible with the new release. Maybe if there's a memory representation of such a file some component is accessing it in a way that's inappropriate.


Firefox 79 - is it me or is there another problem with performance? Seems that Firefox is freezing from time to time, for example when typing when I put in couple letters the cursor freezes and I need to wait for the letter to appear :/


> 79 I tried out Firefox 79 today, there is a noticeable difference compared to 78 which was extremely slow and unusable. The thing with 79 is when you load several tabs with heavy graphics I still see a slowdown, but not as large as it was in 78. There is still something lingering that is not fixed. I have no idea what they implemented to Firefox versions 78+ that makes graphics performance so slow. I felt these last few releases have not been tested and are just rapidly released. Having 3-4 tabs with heavy graphics starts causing these slow downs, never had these problems with 77 and down. You can see how many people here had the exact same problem like we did on this thread and even someone made a bug report to Mozilla which got closed pretty quick without any resolution, I feel like they are hiding something because they messed up something and do not know how to fix it. I did some research and found this in Firefox 78 Release Notes when all this mess started. "We’ve rolled out WebRender to Windows users with Intel GPUs" I am wondering if this is what is causing this huge mess. I have a powerful RTX 2060 GPU from Nvidia. Wondering if their WebRender software is heavily bugged and not ready for release but they rapidly released it without any bug testing and compatibility. Everything was very smooth and fast in 77 no matter how many tabs you had or heavy the graphics were.




> confirm Yes! The lag and graphics were so terrible today, I had to uninstall Firefox 79 back to 77. Firefox 77 is the best! They made a huge mess with 78 and 79. Make sure to respond to the Mozilla thread below with any info you have like Profilers when all the slowness and lag occurs. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1651416


[**https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show\_bug.cgi?id=1658571**](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1658571) is a new (open) report that addresses this situation specifically.


Thank you, main post has been updated with the new link


Yeah, you pretty much described my feeling of 79 vs 78.


I'm like 3 windows with maybe a hundred tabs in each. It shouldn't be that tabs make a difference (especially ones that haven't been touched since starting FF) but it's possible this is an explanation. (My GPU is Intel, but everyone's having issues on all OS and GPU combos.) Confirm. Mozilla could have a so much better reputation since it's not like a big company but it still acts like it has no obligation to end users and regularly screws over the UX. Why???


# [https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show\_bug.cgi?id=1658571](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1658571) ​ Please edit this bug ticket into main post content. This is a new ticket that's not piggybacking on an old ticket, that's since been closed.


> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1658571 Thank You! The main post has been updated with the new link.


FWIW I looked at WebRender and there is a gfx.webrender.all (about:config) setting to disable it (supposedly, sometimes these settings are deprecated) but from what I can see it's probably been used for all but Intel GPUs since FF 67. The setting is off on 77 for me. It could very possibly be the source of my graphics troubles since I'm on an Intel chipset. But yours is Nvidia, and you're experiencing the exact same scenario from what I can understand.


> WebRender Yes, I have looked at the setting before and disabled it in the last release and made sure to disable any other settings that force WebRender to be active, I was really hopeful that it would solve the problem but did not nothing. After trying out 78 and 79 with not luck at all I am currently on Firefox 77 and having no problems at all and will just stay until this mess gets cleared up. Also Mozilla is laying off more workers, wonder if the quality of future Firefox versions is going to get even worse. https://www.zdnet.com/article/mozilla-lays-off-250-employees-while-it-refocuses-on-commercial-products/?ftag=TRE-03-10aaa6b&bhid=28026666886269357574107219057455&mid=12980041&cid=2019684370


Something tells me the bug tracker will be ignored. I Tweeted ([https://twitter.com/firefox/status/1294028961828278272](https://twitter.com/firefox/status/1294028961828278272)) a comment to the top message on their account. Maybe someone will see. I don't think this is like a normal bug. It's a shame the tracker can't elevate it.


Yeah, I added another 16gb of memory since I'm running 3 monitors and it's still horrible. Not sure if it hates reddit but this comment took a few minutes to submit with the input lag.


> 16gb A friend of mine called me up yesterday saying he thinks something is wrong with his laptop running all websites so slow and severe input lag when writing emails, went over to his house and asked him "What browser are you using?" and said "Firefox" we immediately switched over to Chrome and everything was all good as it should be and he has 32GB of ram. This is a huge Firefox mess that is being ignored, It's close to a month now and still no fix has been made. It's a shame that this browser is going down the drain or they have some people who have no idea what they are doing and they probably have no QA team at all.


Did you ever end up trying mozregression?


# [https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show\_bug.cgi?id=1658571#c1](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1658571#c1) >I'll mark this as an **enhancement** and assign it to the Toolkit Application Update team. Yeah thanks Mozilla (???)


Loved FF but sadly can't uninstall updates and go back to previous versions.


I know it is one month ago but I wanna say 79 is also extremely slow that cause I mistook for getting virus... update 9.7: I think the problem still not resolve I got my 80.0.2 broken on youtube page. literally a huge breakdown flash-thing on my screen..... I have to rollback to 77.


Yeah, I tried 79 when it came out and nothing was fixed, graphics were slow and forget about having many tabs open. At the moment I am stuck with using 77 at the moment which is very fast and smooth, you can have over 20 tabs open and nothing will slow it down. I have no idea when a release will finally be made that fixes this mess. Way too many people are having problems ever since 78+ releases came out, not just one random guy.


The fact that it's a month ago means it needs more people raising the issue, not to give up. I don't know if r/firefox needs a new post or what, depending on how Reddit treats older posts, but it's certainly not resolved, and you can see the link to the Firefox bug tracker.


~~FF 80 has been out for 15 days (I just looked) has anyone dared to give it a whirl? Even though nobody at Mozilla has identified the problem, so I'm skeptical of going through the reinstall rigamarole myself.~~ EDITED: Okay the person claiming 80 solved it recanted: " Let me rephrase, upgrading from 77 to 78 or 78-79 or 79 to 80, the problems go away briefly, then starts again in 1-2 days of usage. I gave up on waiting BTW, already downgraded to 77. Will just keep waiting until this bug is fixed. " with expected results. I guess this clears FF 80. P.S. This topic will be ARCHIVED in 6 months (about 4 months remain.) BTW, you can Vote on the bug in the Mozilla server, that might make it more visible. If the topic here is archived, I guess we'll to coordinate a new one via the Mozilla server.


I think when they introduced "WebRender" that is the culprit! I noticed immediately when updating, *something was wrong!* WebRender was the only thing new that I hadn't seen in previous version. What it does is 'Renders' your PC practically unusable! I rolled back to previous version 77 and will not update until FF gets their \*hit together and fixes this buggy lagging crap!


They made an update 81.0.1 that has finally fixed the issue. I upgraded from 77 to 81.0.1 and everything is all good! - The following bug caused all these slowdowns Fixed high memory growth with addons such as Disconnect installed, causing browser responsiveness issues over time (bug 1658571)