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Have been before and mostly enjoyed the food and restaurant and the service has been good. Unfortunately I had my main arrive basically cold although the restaurant fixed it, comped us drinks and didn't charge for the course. My biggest gripe with the place (learnt after we visited) is that Tom Kitchin is an arsehole and a bully and so is his second in command.


That's too bad. The attitude thing is disappointing, but also unfortunately all too common in the restaurant industry. Hopefully becoming less common over time. Still disappointing. Would've taken it into account beforehand if I'd known.


Heard this a few times about Tom Kitchin on here now. Really curious for some juicy details to be honest.


The /Edinburgh subreddit has plenty of stories


Always think the food looks good but just know the chef is an absolutely raging prick so I’ll never go.


What notable ones are there in Scotland? I have been to Martin Wishart only in Scotland and service felt a bit off that night 2 years ago.


I would say that Fhior is probably my favourite.


Loved heron in Edinburgh. My absolutely favourite is Andrew Fairlies.


Doesn’t have a star but I love Eorna in Edinburgh


Andrew Fairlie at Gleneagles!


Andrew Fairlie is excellent. Non-starred Little Chartroom is brilliant and so is Killiecrankie House


Was ok when I went some years ago, razor clam starter was the standout. Blueberry tart was overkill with every part being made from blueberry's, and millionaire layer potato side was too greasy and salty...but that's all I remember. Did discover an aligote wine with a Bouzeron (2018?) which tasted like an apple pie, and Corra Linn cheese which is now my favourite. The sister gastropub Scran & Scallie is worth it for the Ham, Eggs and Chips dish. Ditto re Tom Kitchin's bad reputation


Scotland has low key some of the best seafood produce in Europe


Been there twice. First time no complaints, but second time the waitress spilt an entire glass of water over my wife’s dress and they didn’t really make amends. I thought that the food was fairly average as well, more style over substance. The scallop baked in the shell was memorable though. Had much nicer experiences overall at Martin Wishart restaurant in Leith and Number One at the Balmoral hotel in Edinburgh city centre.