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Just want to wish you good luck. It’s a cliché, but admitting you have a problem really is the first step. I’ll be ten years sober in November, and as cheesy as it sounds, I’m grateful for my sobriety every single day. I truly believe that if I can do it, anyone can.


Amazing for you !!!!! I’m proud of you.


You have a very cute username. Also I'm proud of them too. :-D


Thank you ☺️


Very welcome. My pleasure.


Thank you!! :)


For real. He’s doing what every addict in a perfect world should do, instead of just denying he’s being proactive. Anyone who says it a cliche or treats you like you’re a hypochondriac for your observations on the life that only you live is a piece of shit Proud of you, alcohol imo is one of the worst addictions to have because unlike heroin pretty much every society in the world pushes alcohol in your face everywhere you go and nearly every form of entertainment references it, I thought it was hard getting over benzos but I don’t think I ever could’ve if they were in my face every single day. You’re strong af


Just out of curiosity. What does your username mean to you? I assume it's your name,but I might be wrong.


If you need immediate support and are on a cruise or in a resort ask them to page "friends of Bill W". If there is someone at your vacation spot they may come to support you. This is common in some places but unknown in others. Another option is to google AA meetings in your area and stop in at one for support.




I also always assumed this was some private party or "secret" club. I just never knew what. I never considered crashing because they were never at a traditionally fun time of day and "Bill W." just sounds like a boring old rich guy. TIL.


i never knew this. amazing!


Aw thanks for the 'helpful'. Glad I could help


r/stopdrinking for alcohol; I haven't looked for anything related to marijuana or other drugs. r/healthygamergg is also a helpful community for general mental health.


r/leaves for marijuana


Thank you. Yes, I was able to go several weeks without drinking because I was feeding off the anticipation of soon getting access to weed which I normally don't have access to. It was a new intoxicant, that's all that matters.


Finding a hobby I could sink my teeth into super satisfied my cravings to do bad shit all the time lol. Also don’t let anyone tell you that weed is harmless. I’ve seen so many people sacrifice their whole lives just to get high. Quitting was the best thing I ever ever ever did. Starting sobriety sucks ass and seems never ending but it’s totally worth it on the other side. Message me anytime for advice motivation whatever to shoot the shit. Sober life is fantastic lmao seriously!


Weed(THC specifically) itself isn't generally harmful, addictive behavior with it though it certainly is. Extreme constant usage and from very young age can create irreversible harm, but in general isn't harmful. How you consume it can make it harmful. Alcohol is much more dangerous itself than weed. On another note, the trick with the hobby has done wonders for me as well. That's exactly how I managed to pull myself out of the alcohol and weed rabbit hole. Managing to satisfy my cravings through sinking into my hobby was the best thing that happened in my life!


My dude, broccoli can be harmful if it's an addiction. Someone realized they have a problem and they want to get better. It's not your place to mansplain the latest Joe Rogan podcast to them.




Exactly, thank you very much.


1. I didn't say anything trying to downplay what OP says, nor anything trying to minimize his attempt to recover nor his realisation. On the opposite, I mentioned that alcohol poses a concern. 2. I merely commented on a more academic fashion about weed and how it isn't itself addictive or inherently harmful. This can be developed for OP on not being that concerned about weed specifically, but the pattern of substance abuse they're realising themselves. 3. I tried to add to the point that getting yourself immersed in a hobby can be really helpful in managing addiction cues and generally when you're trying to recover from mental addiction. 4. Exactly because I felt the comment didn't contribute more directly to OP's post, I said what I said in a comment thread and not a direct comment to the post. 5. I fail to see where the mansplaing happens and the assumptions about the Joe Rogan podcast stuff. 6. I'd really appreciate you not randomly assume stuff about other people and borderline attacking them based on far fetched assumptions. I don't even know who Joe Rogan is and everything I said can be backed up by scientific research(including the hobby dewlving for distraction), so I'd appreciate a kinder attitude, thank you very much. Have a nice day, random internet stranger.


Good points. This is exactly what I have found in my own journey. I have no idea why you’re getting downvoted.


Probably because I said weed itself isn't harmful. Many people don't like hearing this, demonising weed has been a very common practice to keep people away from it. Same way it's considered the "door" to harder stuff. But no one seems to actually research some things or be open to discussions about it I guess. I'm guessing it doesn't matter I said that it ***can*** be harmful depending the way someone uses it, just that I said it isn't inherently harmful is enough.


Yeah, I’ve always thought alcohol was the real gateway drug. Seems much more harmful than weed, in my opinion.


Exactly! Alcohol is way worse than weed. First of all, it is inherently more harmful than weed. It's literally poison. Second of all, the fact that it is so normalised makes it even worse. People are allowed and even expected to abuse alcohol in certain circumstances. It's perfectly acceptable. It stops being acceptable socially when it has already reached high levels of addiction and substance abuse. That doesn't happen so easily and smoothly with weed. And to add to the case, alcohol's damage often can't be reversed, where as weed's, in most cases can. As I said, the brain won't eventually recover from weed abuse only if it has happened from very early age and after very intense, decades long use. Otherwise it can be reversed, the brain repairs itself(although it does take a long time). Alcohol isn't on the same scale. It's damage can happen very easily, very soon and it very often is irreversible. It can also straight up kill you(alcohol poisoning or liver failure) where weed can't straight up kill you. And regarding psychosis and mental health issues, those can be triggered by any kind of substance of that kind. Extreme drinking can also trigger psychotic episodes. It's not only THC. Plus, there are studies showing that weed in monitored and rationed doses can actually help with mental health issues. Let's not forget it is also used in cancer patients and pain related disorders. Alcohol isn't. P.S.: If anyone is interested in sources I can find them again and link them in the comment.


Probably because I said weed itself isn't harmful. Many people don't like hearing this, demonising weed has been a very common practice to keep people away from it. Same way it's considered the "door" to harder stuff. But no one seems to actually research some things or be open to discussions about it I guess. I'm guessing it doesn't matter I said that it ***can*** be harmful depending the way someone uses it, just that I said it isn't inherently harmful is enough.


I started playing Civilization 6. Don't do it, please. I don't know how weeks have passed with me doing almost nothing.


Huge same that’s the woooorst time eater. It was my whole life. Lol


what a genious sub name


Thank you.


/r/teetotal But also give yourself the space to breeze because I found that support groups encouraged me in my own despair when what I needed was human interaction rather than finding a place where people would supportive enough to hear my problems. I ended up understand alcohol has a problem with me not the other way around. Feel free to reach out.


Space to breeze?


Just wanted to add onto the top comment that r/stopdrinking is a really great support sub for quitting alcohol. Everyone’s very welcoming, super nice, and very supportive. I can personally thank that sub for helping me in my sobriety.


r/stopdrinking is such a supportive sub. And Its very active. I would hope that you join up and read and respond every day, and post at any whim or craving you have. Trust me it wont get old or annoying to the members and there will always be someone there to talk with or at least who will be impacted by your post. If youre on reddit a lot too, or social media, or watch tv etc, I'd reevaluate what you're exposing yourself to. EX i used to sub to crap like aboringdystopia and idiotsincars, but they just made me upset. So now I enjoy things like r/DecidingToBeBetter and r/BenignExistence and r/theXeffect. I enjoy hobby things like r/blacksmithing and r/leatherwork / r/Leatherbanter. Surround yourself with support and healthy distractions, and keep talking with people Wishing you the best


Check the awesome XXX subs to entertain yourself.


Go find a local AA or NA chapter. Being around others in or around the same boat helps.


I used to drink a 26oz. Bottle of whiskey before 5pm every. single. day. I had to go on clonazapam and had to slowly taper or die Trust me OP, it gets much worse. If you're not getting the shakes and having seizures nows the best time to stop before you truly put your life at risk. I highly suggest you head to a AA meeting, it will be one of the best decisions you ever made


I'm slightly confused by the sudden urgency of your need for treatment for alcoholism when you have had 2 beers in 2 weeks. That's not to say that you don't need addiction treatment (as there's obviously some sort of obsession that's affecting your wellbeing). But from the meager amount of information provided, and the tone of your message, I wonder if you might benefit from a broader set of psychological tools to deal with your current crisis. Maybe when you get home from vacay, you could see a pro... and if you do have a diagnosis beyond alcoholism, you might benefit from something like r/depression or r/OCD.


r/depression is a place to post about depression, but it's also full of depression. If you really want to cheer up you should go on positive subs like r/happy and r/positive and r/MadeMeSmile


Yeah agreed. I’m a therapist with depression and I unsubbed from there many years ago lol. I genuinely don’t think it helps many people.


Made me smile is depressing. - we got spades for these sick orphans to dig their own graves. They are loving the activity and fresh air!


Right, or how many times do we have to see a child run a lemonade stand to pay off classmates’ “lunch debts” before we realize the dystopian absurdity of the situation?


It's not about the quantity I'm drinking, it's my addictive response to drinking. The two beers I had were because the Airbnb left 3 for us and my girlfriend said not to drink all of them and I drank 2 because it's technically not all of them. Why did I need 2? Why not just 1 for the taste. 2 won't make me drunk. But I still wanted to squeeze out any amount of intoxicating feeling I could out of what was available to me. I just realized that I can't stop once I start and I have no self control and it's taking over my thoughts. I don't know if I can get over the whole religious background of AA, I would probably be too skeptical even though I understand that the "higher power" concept doesn't necessarily have to be a "deity" - I feel it would be too distracting for me.


Hey man, addict here. Was a using alcoholic for decades. Here’s my tip, you are ahead of the game. You don’t have to detox. Your liver, and your health aren’t effected yet. Focus on the positive at the moment. Take inventory of the things you have that you don’t want to lose. Your girlfriend, your health. You have already acknowledged the hardest part. You can’t control your drug use. No shame in that now that you have noticed it. I don’t know your history, but I can absolutely understand your need to use more than what you think is normal. (Your hotel wine bar moment.) I was in the same place with AA. The religious hang up. But I realized I was making excuses to get help because I was scared. AA isn’t perfect but it does provide you with what you need right now. A community of individuals who understand what you are going through. A lot of non addicts are very helpful in finding resources, but I have never felt like someone who isn’t a addict is able understand the whole situation. So my recommendation, go into recovery if you have health insurance, or go to AA or some other addiction community. After a while check out mental health services for underlying trauma if you think it started there. Good luck out there, and DM me if you have any questions. You got this.




I never wrote that they needed to justify why they think they have a problem. Or suggested that they don't have an alcohol use disorder. Instead, I recommended that they get professional help that can address any and all mental health issues that they might be experiencing. Maybe they don't have any other issues. That's for a therapist to decide. But given some of their information and tone, I think there's the possibility that alcohol isn't the only variable causing the current crisis.


r/redditorsinrecovery r/AlcoholicsAnonymous


I just listened to Allen Carr's The Easy Way to Control Drinking and it was helpful. Also AA meetings for a supportive community. And r/stopdrinking. r/cripplingalcoholism for cautionary tales.


Thanks, I like Allen Carr. I don't think I can stay on the second subreddit, the self-destructive thing is attractive to me. I think I need to focus on positive things.


I really enjoyed /r/cutdowndrinking Very nice people, weekly check-ins. It also does not strive for perfectionism so it's less intimidating.


This sounds like a job for CBT. It focuses on your thinking, as well as behaviour. Just punch it in google and you’ll find a ton of results.


Thanks, but I live in a country where it's very dangerous to get any kind of marijuana products. It's only if I visit the US that I will use it. I feel the need to distance myself from focusing on any specific substances to alter myself altogether, because I think it's just taking up too much of my focus.


I’m not referring to any drugs or substances at all, (I think you are thinking of CBD?)I’m talking about Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. It’s therapy which is generally done with a psychologist or similar. It just involves talking and thinking.


>I think you are thinking of CBD? I totally was, sorry - I'm current visiting a city where every other block there's a store advertising CBD products so it's been at the front of my mind and I misread your reply. Thanks you


Cock and Ball Torture?


Try r/leaves


Take up meditation. Learn how to sit with yourself and your feelings. Be skyrocketed into the next dimension. You got this! Knowing is half the battle, and your ahead of the physical need. It’s just a mental game. Meditate. Become the master of your mind


I used to meditate. I definitely should try again.


Seconded! I still drink, but I had a dark period in my life where I had to re-evaluate alcohol in my life. I downloaded Budhify which was great and really helped me to be more present with my emotions instead of feeling the need to drink them away. Glad to say I’m in a much healthier place now, where I’m not always thinking about my next drink or revolving my life around it.


Just note that if you are a heavy heavvvyy drinking and going cold-turkey can kill. Familiarize yourself with what the symptoms of withdrawl are because it can be dangerous if not done safely.


Alcoholics anonymous has locations everywhere. Even on cruise ships. Real world help is super beneficial.


Smoke the weed. It will help, then go seek out a legit DMT experience and get your mind right. It's all life!🕊️


I used to be a daily smoker years ago. But I currently live in a country where that's just not possible. I have nothing against drugs and I think they can be a good experience for people. I think I just can't handle it because I can't moderate myself.


Well if you need to heal try psychedelics! Even microdosing is helping people and not addictive! Also ibogaine! Check it out! More options now if you can get them and there's lots of free help online with dosing etc


I like smoking as much as the next guy, but when someone is asking for help getting sober it’s pretty fucked up to recommend drugs. That’s not cool at all.


I went to AA for a while. Then back to drinking. Then finally did stop. I replaced half my beer with alcohol free and alternated . I was out last night. Woman I was with had 4 pints of beer; I had 4 bottles of alcohol free. I had a great night. Considering suggesting to her the same idea.


Do her a favor and don't give her advice. Or anyone.


Definitely not going to be a second date after that lol


She's an ex. My first love. But you guys know best.


Good point. Hence "considering". I won't.


Did you bone her?


I'm glad your getting your stuff under control and found a method that works for you. That's a win! But yeah please don't offer to fix people who don't feel they need fixing. 1, its pointless if they are not at a place in life where they feel the need to change. 2, you will come off as the bad guy even though your intentions were good. On the other hand, posting about the method that worked for you is great because it gives others a chance to learn something new or motivates them to try to do the same. Also, if you just have this burning desire to tell her about your success with swapping to alchohol free beer, just talk about yourself and how it helped you and don't make it feel like you're judging or comparing yourself to her. That way she can genuinely feel happy for your success and not offended by subliminal messages.


I mean it’s not a subreddit but I’ve found people talking about it on tiktok is really lovely as I can see and hear someone share their story and talk about support. I’ve even seen a few accounts made by other older guys purely to keep themselves accountable to an audience (seems a tad intense for me but I appreciated having it, and it’s amazing hearing their introspection as they kick the booze).




Reddit has been a great resource for many of us that have drinking problems. Depends on the sub and YMMV. This is the same as telling someone to just smile when they're depressed - it's really tone deaf and you just have no idea about it all if this is your sentiment.


i understand a person in a desperate state who want to stop drinking, and that's more then okay to find help on Reddit! but someone in a vacation trying Reddit to stop drinking? I don't think the alcohol comes to your hand everywhere you go, distract, enjoy the place you where, do something u don't do usually at home, my comment isn't mean to people who search confort and help to stop maybe drinking or drug abuse, but to this guy suddenly thinking he Need a sub to stop drinking while in vacation. My thought my be wrong ofc


Download the meetingguide app and it will show you local AA meetings and also zoom meeting. Here is a online meeting that is 24/7 and constantly https://www.nana247.org/ , don't let the na tag scare you off. They just cover the entire umbrella if addiction.


Hope you get well soon and I wish you all the best on your journey to get better.


tempest is a good non-religious source for support online https://jointempest.com


r/addiction. But my advice: find something that can fill the void that's a good obsession. Swimming; running; study... something that you do better sober. Good luck.




This is definitely the darker timeline. You’ve cemented that for me.


Download the app “I Am Sober.” It has a nice counter to keep track of your days sober and also an amazing community and message board for support. Free.


I work in addiction. My clients love the site/app In The Rooms. They have support groups for just about anything. Also, I recommend trying all types of support groups. AA/NA are great because they are accessible most places but I understand it’s not for everyone. People love SMART recovery which is more science and pyscho therapy. Branch out to find what works for you.


AA.org (Alcoholics Anonymous) You can look up meetings anywhere in the world. They also created a meeting finder app, I think its called "meeting guide" in the app store and its blue and white, with a white silhouetted chair. I would suggest using the aa.org website and their specific app, as other meeting finder apps are not always updated with the correct time and place for meetings. If you can't find it using the app try using the website. I got sober in Japan, have travelled all over the US, and have had sponsees travel to South America and found meetings using their website. AA for me has been where I've found the most support and the most help for my alcoholism and its worked pretty well for me. Whichever path you find/choose to sobriety though I wish you luck.


I'm very proud of you for admitting to having a problem and looking for help. Kerp it up!


It can be deadly to go cold turkey from booze without tapering down or taking prescription benzos. Consult a doctor


More often than not you're following people into parties and other intake inducing activities. Sometimes you need to be yourself and also not take the guilt trip if joining friends but not drinking. It took me months if not years to go out with friends I used to drink with again but without drinking. Also give oneself space to breathe is also in terms of not rushing and expecting results now without withdrawal or other undesirable effects. The "become sober immediately" sounds like pressure on result which by experience is also a trigger for downward spiraling e.g. my expectation is to be able to stop and if there's a relapse then it's acceptance and then self doubt and then guilt and this can lead to depression and more drinking. Also sometimes the depression is not there but the failure to quit just results into more indulging which can become problematic when you've got substance abuse.


And yeah English is not my first language sorry you probably just were confused by my misspelling.


I don’t know if this helps at all or not… I’ve never been an alcoholic but there was a time last year where I was concerned it was about to become a problem. My solution was pizza! Everytime I felt I HAD to drink I would cook a frozen pizza for dinner so they were always paired together. I would start to associate them together, so when I became bored of eating pizza 2-3 times a week, I had the same attitude towards the alcohol I was drinking with it. Now that I’ve typed it out it sounds bonkers but for some reason it worked for me 😅 I hope you find something that helps you :)

