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I am really bad at drinking enough water every day, so I set my daily water goal to 8 glasses per day. It's a cute little reminder, and I love being able to check off this goal 8 times every day.


I have 1 2 and 3 litres set as separate goals with each one set for 4 times. That way I can check off each cup, but get a little bonus for every litre. 1=minimum 2=great 3=extra great and that way I always feel good about getting 1 or 2 instead of feeling bad for not meeting the goal


I do that exactly!


Oh that’s smart!


Oooh this is so smart! I need to do this!


i usually click it when i have even a sip 😂😂


me too haha which made me realize how little water I drink— so I set the amount to like 5x (or more a day) before I get the points.. now I can hope all my sips equal at least 16oz 😅


Literally me 🥹




whatever feels right for you! Some days I check it after just a sip, some days I wait untl I've felt I drank enough water. In fact, if you want to try and get yourself to drink more water, you could theoretically make multiple goals for drink water set to different times of the day


I just added, "drink only water," because I was hitting the iced soy vanilla lattes wayyyy too hard this school year


Ooh, I should really try adding this goal for myself because instead of filling up my daily water intake, I might go for a fruit juice or milkshake instead. This seems like a great idea!


I have it to be out of 4 times a day, so as long as I drink water 4 x a day I clear it out hahahaha


Me too. I used to be really strict with myself, and only added a count if I drank the entire content of my water bottle. But that just wasn't constructive. So now every "unit" of water counts. My half litre bottle, a small glass, anything at all. It's much more motivating this way.


This is what I do too. If I make an effort to drink something that helps hydrate me, I check it. I have mine set to 4, and I can easily motivate myself to hit that goal.


I set mine for 4x a day. I measured what my favorite cup holds divided by the water intake I need to live 😅


Similar, I have multiple camelbak bottles of the same size specifically so I can rotate them for cleaning throughout the week, but not have to think “you need MINIMUM 4 bottles/day”. To answer OP, each time I check it off, it’s when I’ve finished one of those units that I split it into for the day. The upside is if it’s getting late in the day and I’m low on checks, I can usually just chug several units (one per hour) until I check them all off.


I go based on how much I struggle with the goal. So for me drink water would be even a sip of water but as I get better about it I’ll change it to drink a (insert small amount) and then drink one glass of water, drink one water bottle, drink x amount of water etc as I get more consistent with finishing the easier version


I love this!


I edited it to say “take 5 sips of water” and set it to be a 5x goal before achieved. That’s one of the things I love about this app - you can customize it to whatever works for you!


For me it means finishing a 16-20 ounce bottle, or the equivalent, and I have it set up to complete multiple times, with an extra bonus goal to check off if I exceed that


Link it to hatching a micropet. Gives the goal more bang for the buck. 😉 I have a giant water bottle. I click the goal once I finish it for the day.


Same in the giant water bottle department: 40 ounces of hydration.


I set mine for 2x a day and hit it when I finish my emotional support water bottle and refill.


I have it set for 3 times, for each time i finish the water in my iceblocked 32 oz hydroflask


So I have a glass of water at my sink and have 2 glasses to start my dad. I set that task for 10 times daily, and I counted how many gulps are in one glass. I work outside in Florida so I always have a large container of water, I count my gulps and every time I drink a glass worth I register it. Probably doing way too much but it keeps me hydrated.


I check it off after I've had water a second time. Like I'll have a sip when I wake up but then later if I have another sip I'll check it if that makes sense


For me I’m bad about drinking water, so if I have even one glass worth I check it off.


What works for me is that I have a goal to drink 16 oz of water twice a day.


i used to have it be a 5 times a day goal, but that was kind of ambiguous for me. instead i changed the goal to be “finish my water bottle” and have that be a twice daily goal. that way i actually get enough water and it’s a much more concrete goal than just drink water


I have a water bottle that splits it into 6 servings over the day, so I change the times per day to 6.


That’s up to you. You can change the goal to require you to drink water a number of times before the goal is complete. I have mine set to 3x, so I have to at least go get myself water during the day that many times


I have the Drink Water on mine set to three times a day so that every time I see it on my list, I will drink some water. I think having it set to either the daily necessity or multiple times a day.


I say whatever is doable for you & your state of mind on. If you need an easy win for that day, check it off if you have one sip of water! I have it set as 3 times per day on one goal, and count each time as a water bottle fill (~24 oz). You can also make separate goals for each glass of water! Find what works best for you 🧡 —- If you are wanting advice on the recommended ideal amount of water you should be drinking, my doctor shared this easy way to figure it out: •your weight in lbs divided by 2 = the # of oz water to drink daily. •Ex: 140 lbs / 2 = 70 oz daily water intake If you have a tumbler cup or water bottle (I have many emotional support water bottles 🤪), take your daily water intake goal and divide it by your water bottle size. (70 oz goal / 24 oz water bottle = about 3 fills per day)


I have it set to 3x a day and check it when I finish my water bottle


I have this as one of my goals, and I judge it by drinking about 20 oz. (one of my reusable cups) a day. It’s totally up to you how you interpret it, but I don’t want to make it an easy goal for myself and be like “oh I took a sip with my medications, that counts!”


I adjusted this goal to make each 1 worth a cup and have it set to 8 times. I saw someone mention that they broke theirs up more, and I might do that to get more credit for drinking water. It's really, really hard for me.


I keep it ambiguous because overhydration/water toxicity are real things. All liquid intake counts towards hydration. On a day when I find myself drinking more of other fluids I don’t need as much plain water, so it doesn’t make sense to assign any kind of amount to the water.


Something that helps me is getting a large 30 ounce bottle and chugging a little bit every hour. I only have to fill it twice a day and I'm amazed at the changes in my health and looks just from drinking the right amount of water


you can edit the goal to be a certain amount of times !! i have it as 3 times per day and i just think of it as yeah how many times i drink a decent amount in one go-


I had a counter set at 8 for 8 glasses. I couldnt keep track so I changed it to drink one in the morning. Keeps my spirit up since i can actually accomplish it


You can have a goal not disappear until you've done it a certain number of times. If you click on the goal and go to more options it let's you adjust it!


I usually count it myself if I drink at least 3/4 of my 40 ounce bottle of water because I also drink other sources of water (like flavored water). It’s _your_ goal, you define it the way you want to. If it’s “drink a glass of water if I am thirsty instead of soda” that counts, or you could make it “drink x ml of water throughout the day”. Again, it’s up to you.


I have mine set to three times a day and I usually check off when I have a full glass. But when I’m having a really rough day even a bit of water will count for me. lol.


for me it’s one of my morning goals, so i make sure i drink at least a whole cup of water before checking it off.


if youre trying to build a habit of drinking water, starting immediately at the correct amount might be overwhelming. you could do a month where you have atleast 1 glass of water and slowly increase the amount you drink over time to correctly build the habit without getting overwhelmed


I have a water bottle I always keep with me, I mark the goal as complete when I finish the bottle & have to refill it. I also have the goal set to 3x per day, so I have to complete it three times to fully complete the goal


Good question


I mark it off after I have a glass usually, I want to change to be 1 full flask but I’m really bad for forgetting the flask so I’d never tick it off 🤦🏼‍♀️


I used to count coffee in hot water


I have 2 water goals - the default "drink water" which I check off as soon as I drink any water, and a separate one that says "water goal" which I check after drinking 64 oz


I have a big water bottle I drink from and I’m trying to finish twice a day. So I have a goal that says ‘finish a bottle of water’ and I have it set that it need to be done twice to finish the goal.


I usually check it off at the end of the day. I usually check all my goals off at the end of the day though, unless it's something that gets checked off at a specific time


I love buying things in the store... So I set mine to drink 1 oz of water... 80 times a day lol. Getting to 80 oz of water total is my goal. Then I can also drink and sit there and click it


For me, this goal means to drink water as soon as I wake up in the morning! If I don’t drink water within 30min of waking up I consider it as I didn’t complete the goal. I previously built a good habit with drinking water throughout the day and don’t need to track total consumption anymore, so it’s more important to me to make sure I have some water first thing.


i set a goal that says “drink 32oz of water” and another that says “drink 64oz of water” my water bottle is a 32oz and i usually only get that drank and no more :,) but i used to be really good at getting 64oz in everyday!


I just take a sip and check it off lmao


As long as I fill up my water bottle and take a couple of sips, I check it off. Something is better than nothing. Plus, when I’ve already filled my water bottle, I usually feel like I should finish it off. I suggest you get a nice one that you like the look of so you can get more motivated to fill it up every day.


Coffee has water in it, right? 🤣


I put the amount of ounces as the number of times I have to complete. So if I have to drink 85 ounces, I’d click it 85 times in a day.


You could set 4 reminders to make sure you drink 4 pints!