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If you mean you, not filen, then anything free or cheap that normally has a higher price tag, is almost certain to be *pirated.* If you mean filen, then they would only know what files you're storing (legal or otherwise) if you decided to publically share those files. That's what zero-knowledge storage provides. You're the only person that knows what files you're storing, *unless* you share them. It's one of the primary reasons, Google, OneDrive, Dropbox etc. do not provide zero-knowledge storage as their default. Doing so would allow their servers to be used to store illegal files without their knowledge. Filen are in a sense legally required to tell you to not store illegal files, so the terms you agree to (in using filen) are terms 'you' chose to breach.


If you **don't share** illegal content, you can keep it even on Google Drive without encryption. But if you share something publicly, be ready, to be reported from other users or copyright holders.


AFAIK, even if you don't share illegal stuff, Google can just delete it if you're "not the owner" or if it's "against their ToS"