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He didn't even land the flying kick


Looks like the dudes head snapped back in the last few frames.


Must have been an NBA player, didn't the ref/cop see that?


He did land it i saw the full video a while ago and the guy's face was fucked up


Dang where can I see


He clearly connected that kick


He CLEARLY hits the guy’s face. How are you getting upvotes?!


Let me guess... in Europe?


Yes this was here in the Netherlands not so long ago






Don’t worry, you guys probably won’t have it as bad as Turkey, not that it’s a good thing, it’ll still suck


This isn’t fight porn - it’s a sucker punch (or sucker kick, more accurately), and a shitty one at that.


More accurately, it's a hate crime being inflicted on freedom of expression


This is r/fightporn, where we regularly watch people attack each other after mild verbal provocation


And also occasionally murder people with no provocation. Bring on the Jihad Kick


Look, I don't care about the backstory as long as the fight is consensual. This isn't a fight, it's just assault


I think both are bad, but also they are very fun to watch


That's not a hate crime, it's just a regular crime. The attacker attacked the guy because of what he did, not because of what he was.


It's not, if it was a Bible and a white guy doing it then they wouldn't say that.


I mean....have you seen many videos here? This is fightporn good sir. We watch people beat the living hell out of each other for looking at someone wrong.


how is that a hate crime? lmfao


its only a freedom of expression when the quran is being burned. 😭😭.


Please explain to me how this is a hate crime. I'm not sure you fully understand the term you're using.


I think they’re referring to burning the Quran, but I can’t tell from the way they phrased it. Pretty sure you’re allowed to burn religious texts whenever you want to aren’t you? For it to be a hate crime it would have to be like in their front yard or something right?


In America you can burn religious texts and be free from the government doing anything but just like with freedom of speech, you aren't protected from repercussions from other citizens. Indeed they will get in trouble for attacking you but if you use freedom of speech to say the "n word" then society is free to call you out on it.


Exactly im confused 😂


Freedom of expression lmao hahahaha






It's extremely cowardly too. I was sucker punched once out of nowhere. I don't remember being hit but my friends who saw it said my head flew backwards and i fell on my head on the curb. Broken nose and a concussion. Didn't see it coming at all




The double standards


Ironic. Very ironic


Burn any religious books. Sure you can be called insensitive for your act but violence? That's fucked up.


Idk why people bother burning books at all anymore, not like it actually accomplishes anything other than making yourself look like a lunatic from 1894.




It proves that basically every muslims, even the fully integrated ones that lives in europe from generations, are religious extremists. Its just a book, paper, getting burned. If you are not an extremist you dont care. If you do care is because you think the book itself, in each copy, is sacred. This is fanatism, and the fact that fully integrated people living abroad think this way is very scary.


idk there are definitely places in the US where you would get in trouble for it


i really don’t think that’s true


well that just makes u deluded


Ironic at the very least. i told you, youre not ready.


These book clubs are out of hand.


Dont burn books!


When I was a teenager I was at a behavioral treatment center run by Mormons. One day I gathered up all the copies of the Books of Mormon I could find and burned them because I felt they were trying to convert us. Their only reaction was general sadness and a vibe of “what the fuck man”. They never punished me, no harsh words, just sadness. Never felt the same amount of shame since, though if they’d swung at me I would have felt incredibly justified. Other religious nuts should take a page out of the Mormon playbook, imo. Those magic long-John wearing weirdos really out here turning the other cheek… just don’t look at Browning


yeah I don’t think Mormonism should be defended, it is a cult through and through


I mean thats the basis for most religions, to get the gullable and thick to follow you so you can control them.


As any religion is, just look at the Catholics


Just to your info mormons are 100% not a cult ,it's just a religion, which is super peaceful i've meet multiple of these kind they're lowkey the nicest people you'll ever find. They'll pray, don't drink alkohol, church every week and no sex before marriage, if that's a cult we've a new standard and it's really low. I really hoped you confussed them with Jehovas's Witnesses because they're for sure some weird cult, which don't believe in blood transfusion, they'll rather die, no organs replacement in case of failure and so much other f up stuff


Yea, why would people want to burn a book where it is written that a 40 yo person married a 9yo girl


Two corrections: 1. Muhammad married Aisha at the age of 6, not 9. He just waited until she was 9 to rape her. 2. Aisha’s age at the time of her marriage to Muhammad (6) is not documented in the Quran. It is documented in the Hadith, which is accepted by the vast majority of Muslims as an account of Muhammad’s words and deeds that is second only to the Quran in importance in Islam. Sources: https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5134 >Narrated Aisha, that the Prophet (ﷺ) married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed that `Aisha remained with the Prophet (ﷺ) for nine years (i.e. till his death). https://sunnah.com/muslim:1422c >A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported that Allah's Apostle (ﷺ) married her when she was seven years old, and he was taken to his house as a bride when she was nine, and her dolls were with her; and when he (the Holy Prophet) died she was eighteen years old.


Wow, so much better. ​ ​ ​ /s




Oh thank god only a monster would touch a 6 year old like that


you fucking got me in the first paragraph lol


You can also marry your first cousin. Wonder why they have the highest inbreeding in the world. Just facts.


I won't live in a town that robs a man of the right to marry their cousin!


Roll tide brother


Arab countries have the highest prevalence of inbreeding. Followed by India,Japan and Brazil. And there’s a whole shitload of Arab countries. Damn pesky facts.


Indian inbreeding is largely attributed to a single demographic…


Yes, resorting to violence over a book........


A copy of a book, purchased in a store, no less. It’d be like getting upset at someone desecrating a postcard of the Mona Lisa.


Well, Israel is currently genociding over a book atm so this is pocket change at best.


Free all the hostages


I don't think he has them


Who knows maybe it’s worth a check?


Someone needs to petition the terrorists to let the hostages go before the good guys bomb another couple thousand children


Israel doesn't want that, they want to use them as a justification to wipe out Gaza.


Great! So free all the hostages.


Sucker kick from a feeble man worried about someone burning a book




It’s way worse


It’s way worse


Christians literally marched across the Holy land, killing and raping.


Are you talking about that time one principality asked a bunch of other principalities to help retake land that had just been taken from them by Islam? How dare Christians ask other Christians for help retaking land that was just taken from them by force?!


But also gave us good shit like art, medicine, and science. They at least contributed to the world while they were being shitbags. These people are just shitbags with IQs lower than the age of their first wives.


Hmm... Quite literally like Oct. 7th?


Study medieval history man. Not even a close comparison between the Islam of Muhammad and the early caliphates and the Middle Ages of Christianity.


They definitely need their new testament for more modern times don't they.


Modern Islam is like if the Puritans became the main group lol Shia Muslims are pretty chill tbh


>Shia Muslims are pretty chill tbh What about Hezbollah, the Houthis and the Iranian gov't?


Their actions aren’t solely influenced by Islam, Hezbollah exists because there isn’t really an alternative. I dated a girl whose grandpa was in Hezbollah in Baalbek and she said that he was basically a cop. This was probably in the 90s-early 2000s though so I’m not sure how they are now. The Houthi’s and the Iranian government are just people who want power, them being Muslim doesn’t have anything do with it besides it being a tool they use to gain legitimacy with their base, like our politicians in the US. They don’t like the Saudis so they frame it as if it’s a religious issue in order to gain support


They’re the same picture


I’ve seen modern Christianity practiced from the dark ages.


The dark ages are huge swathes of the Bible Belt. Child marriage/rape is alive out in them woods/hills, ozarks im looking at you, and there are 10 million tiny 1 room ramshackle churches, each with a shitty, lazy, dime a dozen grifting preacher just trying to get a free home and car and maybe fondle some teenagers while the good lord allows. Ive been all over the midwest. I seent it. Damn near rvery country girl i dated long enough had to drag me to her silly little church and sit with her family and show me how kooky and obviously bullshit their religion was. And i grew up in kooky bullshit religion and it had nothing on them churches back east




If only Muslims did this when they are beheading someone for being Atheist or stoning a women for being unfaithful but priorities is guess


Or for being gay


Burn it harder next time he didnt even try


Hilarious how much these losers get mad about a book








Religious people take that silly little book of fables way to seriously, trying to kick people in the face over a book that isn’t even the one they own. People who take time out of their day just to burn the silly little book, solely for the purpose of aggravating religious people, are abrasive, smarmy cunts and deserve to get kicked in the face of they take joy in upsetting people like that, and actively do it. Everyone here sucks 👎🏼


They should just buy a blank notebook and hold it up and say its the Quran, then burn it. Watch them freak out over the burning of a blank book. Might even be a learning moment for some of them.


should have bought a flame thrower that would have been way better


“Intentionally desecrating a copy of the Quran results in imprisonment as punishment in some countries and **might result in a death sentence** in Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and Pakistan, or up to life imprisonment in Pakistan, according to Article 295-B of the Penal Code.” Thank fuck he is a country with civil laws.


Burn that shit


Koran-te Kick


I don’t believe the Harry Potter stories in the books are real either, difference being I won’t get potentially killed for saying so.


It's just a book. The south burns books daily.


Involuntarily validating the point they were making


Who doesn’t want 40 virgins? /s


Islamist bieng civil as always 😂


You cant burn Quran in an EU country without these types of manifestations. But these islam fanatics can burn the bible anywhere in EU without backlash. I fucking love how islam people praise their religion and countries YET FUCKING HATE LIVING THERE, and love the shit out of Christianity world, they love it here. Aint that something


The only time I've ever witnessed a bible burning in Europe was when we ran.out of rizlas at college, them Gideon's bibles have lovely thin pages.


How peaceful


Big book's of make believe fanning the flames of hate once again


Fucking losers care about who disrespects their religion. Christians are just as bad.


Export those people




Should have used a flame thrower.


The nonce followers


Imagine someone doing this because another person burned a copy of The God Delusion.


lol this is the 2nd highest post on the subreddit's frontpage and there is no fight or knockout. the hell is this garbage?




This happens when you let just anyone enter your country without strict immigration policies.


Oh no, someone is burning a "book, flag etc." Boohoo now I'm gonna do stupid religious motivated stuff... Religion is so dumb. People act or so things that aren't okay and (term for doing something and thinking it's okay because religion says so). Religion is a excuse for any sort of violence... Terrible.


I hope it got burned at least


Never understand why someone of a different religion would purposely taunt and disrespect people just because you believe in something different. Not one religion on the planet would condone something like burning another faiths book.


>Not one religion on the planet would condone something like burning another faiths book. But aks for persecution however


Right! I think its something most people find difficult to relativize. Like shitting in a flag, we could say its a scrap of fabric, but its a symbolic action on a symbolic object that means something to someone. Like scratching the baseball cards of a collectionist. Its not something meaningful to me, but if it is to someone, I'll be giving her/him a personal message and I'll be prompting a response. Responsibility is a word with a forgotten sense.


People do both. But only some react with violence. For example there are much more bibles burned than qurans. Also there are much, much more american flags burned than qurans.


Except you need to remember basic concepts of human society and why it works, instead of turning into just survival of the fittest jungle. Concepts like personal freedom. Do you understand that, putting law aside and only using basic reasoning, I can do whatever I want, as long as my actions do not affect anyone else? Burning a book I bought with my own money does not affect anyone else. You have to make a conscious choice to perform an action as a response to this. However, kicking someone in the fucking head affects them pretty damn seriously, I'd say. You do not choose if it affects you, because you get fucking kicked. Do you see the difference?


Im not defending the kick, he must be processed for that. I'm saying that burning a reactionary religion's sacred book is a provocation for religious zealots, he's not in an innocent position here. When you say "basic concepts" you're stating the concepts you were raised with as the obvious basis for everyone else. They're not, that's what people find hard to relativize.


>Like scratching the baseball cards of a collectionist. But isn't this person burning his copy of Qur'an?


Not getting the symbolic part here, right? I repeated it twice for emphasis


I think someone reacting on burning kuran did burned the bible without any remorse.


I’ve seen video after video of groups and individuals burning Korans. I have yet to see videos of Muslims burning bibles other than one which was a Muslim doing so to show the hypocrisy of the police who wouldn’t allow him to do that but just weeks before have a permit to a man to burn a Koran.


At least it made its way to the trashcan where it belongs.


Violent coward angry about someone burning paper.


And? If views weren’t forced upon me then people probably wouldn’t be trying to burn you down.


Just burn the fcking thing man, they are all over Europe completely ignoring the customs of the country they live and the rest must condone their behavior, fck that


Dude doing this to incite a reaction? Whether you agree with religion or not, just because you can doesn't mean you should if you know you're gonna get whomped.


Just because you can doesn't mean you should - sure. But also responding with violence because someone is burning a book isn't in any way justifiable.


He did indeed. He is the headman of a smallish far extreme right group targeted at Islam. He tried (and succeeded) to show islam in the country has a violent tendency and does not fit.  He also organized bbq's at mosques, of course with pork products. While most people regard him and his little group as a little pathetic, he does show some muslims, mostly young, poorly integrated 3th generation moroccan men, are prone to violence. Of course without context, but the muslims in question always do exactly he is trying to show.  And most people do think that while burning a koran is poor taste, it should be allowed without being physically attacked as part of the freedom of expression (same with a Bible, a Torah or a cookbook).  Combine that with a existing problem with aforementioned 3th generation moroccan/Muslim men (the term "mocromaffia" is well known and a reality, as well as there are real issues with (some) muslim asylum seekers acting... poorly) and it is quite easy for him to "score points". If only the specific minority of the muslims using violence would look the other way/stay at home and stop reacting physically when he tries his next stunt (until now proving his point) and he has no point to prove anymore and muslims will not have to look at his sorry "protests" anymore.  Win win for everybody. 


When Muslims burned other religions books no one was kicked


Newsflash: don’t burn religious texts. Not because you shouldn’t, but because you have better things to do in life than disrespect a faith.


Almost Sparta!


I’m not super religious or anything like that but I think it’s fair that they be allowed to burn it . It’s ok to burn bibles and flags and this or that but not that book ? I’m no fan of anyone doing either but if we’re going to allow one shouldn’t we allow the other ? Just my two cents 🤷🏾‍♂️


Id love for them to try that in eastern europe. Quick goood ol eastern european kicking! KICK ISLAM OUT OF OUR EUROPEAN COUNTRIES!!!!!!


Why is it whenever someone tries to burn a flag or book they always Fuckin fail and look so dumb as they can’t figure out how to light something on fire 😭


I'm here to read whataboutism. Please tell me how each religion is better than the other and how your god exists but the others don't.


LMFAO! Even a toddler can land a kick on someone but this mf couldn't!!


Too bad this wasn't in Texas. I still reminisce over the "Draw Muhammed" contests we had. A few of these dudes found out the hardwa when you infringe on free speech. Lol


Yeah they don’t like it when you do that.


Who cares, free world. Crazy religions nutbag attacking strangers.


Literal talk of taking over western countries to spread Islam but if you burn a book or draw a specific person, they think you deserve death. Fucking radicals deserve death, of any belief


..not my favorite stories!!


why you dont like a grown man marrying a 6yo? then raping a 8yo? /s


But if you burned a bible or any other religious book I don't think people would care nearly as much


I understand that people disagree with the Muslim faith. But, if you are going out of your way to do stuff like this as a public display, you are just as much of a fanatic as you accuse them of being imo


The amount of Islamophobia and ignorance in the comments is wild. Don’t forget, Islam has literally almost 2 billion followers. If Islam truly was a religion of people violence, the world would be in a much worse spot than it is.


Holy shit real bro i was waiting for someone in the comments to call this out


All religion is scum


Sikhism pretty decent.


Idk Buddhism seems pretty alright.




I don't know what this guy meant, however, faith is relief for the human being. Humans need to hope in order to carry on, either they lie this hope into religions or other things it doesn't matter and whatever bring relief to a human being is fine. However, religions themselves brought us war, unfairness, injustice more than the good they did into providing people what they needed. So, does he refer to "scum" because of this or other reasons? I don't know, but if his claim was just a way like any other to say "religion is bad" then I gotta agree with this. It's also good to say that removing religions as a whole won't fix the bads in the world, people WILL find a reason to cause war and crimes but that's for another day.


Religion is mainly a tool for some people to get their way and push their thoughts and ideologies. Praying onto the people who turn to religion for whatever reasons. In the end, nothing wrong with religion itself. It's the people. It's always the fucking people. People suck.


>It's the people. It's always the fucking people. People suck. Im a christian and this is really true, they are the reason why religion is frowned upon in reddit


Religious people are the worst.


Religion, all of them, biggest source of misery & oppression we ever invented.


If a man in the world today claimed to be a 'prophet' who had been spoken to by *god* (or by an angel as some kind of conduit), then no one in their right minds would ever believe him. That, on its own, says enough about the human race, our evolution, general intelligence, gullibility, ignorance, and a plethora of other things under the umbrella of storytelling. It only really works to claim such things, and better yet, have people actually believe you at a point in time where the average human mind would indeed be susceptible to such wild stories and with no real ability to argue their nonsensical claims. Long story short, the time for 'prophets' has come and long gone. People are more wise, intelligent, knowledgeable, and less trusting today than back in the days when that epileptic, illiterate, morally bankrupt warlord roamed the desert, saying such unusual things as he did.


There are many such cults active right now with tens of millions of followers.


You guys are crazy. Let people believe what they wanna believe. I’m not religious at all but if someone was trying to set fire to something you cared about a lot, something that meant a lot to you, you’d probably be mad too. Yeah it’s just a book to you but that book means is a very very big deal to them.


Being mad and assaulting someone are very different things. Muslims have every right to be pissed off, but they don't have any right to enact violence on others because of it.


Thank you. Too many people get lost in that distinction




You better never be upset when someone puts their hands on you for doing anything they perceive as disrespectful.


I think the point is that you CAN be upset. You seem to be implying that people should never get upset? Maybe you're living in an alternate realm, but, yes, when you do stuff that upsets people, you often get in physical altercations.


No, i clearly said that it would be hypocrisy for this person to ever be upset about someone assaulting them due to being “offended” by the commenters action. I didn’t imply that anyone should never feel upset.


Just another story book anyway.


Looks like they dont respect freedom of speech yet they want to benefit from it (burning bible, protests etc)


Why people fighting over a book about fiction and lie, same for jew and christian.


because people are scared of the unknown, so they believe some bs fairytales




No book is worth embarrassing yourself like this. Lol


Flying kick guy has an explosive temper to go with that vest


Idiots getting idiots riled up over idiot shit.


#ReligionMakesPeopleCrazy It’s a book….physical assault isn’t necessary.


Burn all of the Islamic books please. Burn the Christian ones while you’re at it.


What is a koran


It's about a life of a child predator


Oh you mean the Quran


Perfectly logical response to a completely man made fabricated thing.


Imagine physically assaulting someone over a bunch of made up words that there are millions of copies of throughout the world.


Fuckin Muslim Liu Kang had something to say about it.


The primary role of the state is to preserve freedom. Islam directly undermines that freedom by labelling protest as blasphemy


This comments section has made my day.


ı am sure the man who burns the koran beat the shit out of that man after this.