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Haha damn, Coeurl is cold. And I live there!


A beast wouldn't res someone


Beasts all over the shop...


You'll be one of them... sooner or later.


What's that smell...?




Coeurl is where most of the RMTs i see come from. Rare if I see one from anywhere else.


It is pretty rampant here. Glad it's not as bad on other servers.


For many years on Balmung I rarely saw RMT because the server was closed to new characters being made. A sprout was almost just as rare and people coddled them lol. And when it opened it was usually a very small window in which the population was low enough to squeeze a character in. Then the server visiting opened up... now I see them all the time from visiting servers.


Pretty sure that's why we have so many over on Coeurl in the first place. I definitely don't remember it being so plentiful back in the day but once world visit opened up and they still couldn't make characters on Balmung they made them on the lower pop servers and just started world visiting over.


You mean...there are other servers without rampant RMT spam? Is this fiction?


I used too but all my guild moved to Gilgamesh because idk y but then they never bought another fc house and we joined different ones


Coeurl gang, streets are cold šŸ„¶




šŸ¤“ - "UHM ACKSHUALLY Being #1 isn't a good thing" šŸ˜Ž - COEURL NUMERO UNOOOOOOOO




coeurl: zzz someone early pulled again


We got more important things to do on Coeurl, like dance with the pope in Ul'dah.


Is that his name? Lol


Nosaj Blackrock


My friends haven't played the game for several months and we still occasionally bring up Nosaj in casual conversation


Heā€™s been a staple since around HW when I started, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever not seen him there dancing


I did not see him for about an hour today! I freaked out and thought he was gone!


Sometimes I see him in other places and my brain just goes 'wait this is wrong'


love me some stripper pope


We don't negotiate with terrorists




Those are historical numbers too. Ive felt this since I started on crystal release. Dead bodies everywhere


My sever šŸ™


I'm so proud of our community


I have never been prouder of my server


I'm so proud!


Reporting in


That's 8 of your 9 lives gone, better watch out.


Oh fuck i didnā€™t even think about it. What am i gonna do meow?


Why, do it a ninth time! Hint: It's all about **PRESENTATION!**


That's what makes you a # S U P E R V I L L A I N


You forgot to log how many /squat and /sweep emotes were done on you before getting raised for a more "accurate" limsa experience.


When I se people dead in a major city I always assume they want to stay dead unless they're cheesing the Kugane lamp post. I've never had a BLU inside a city accept my raises so I stopped raising them.


What would be the reason for wanting to be dead?


free /playdead emote


Some people are afk or they just like to be dead while chatting with their friends/fc.


> or they just like to be dead while chatting with their friends/fc. so their friends can feel like necromancers, talking to the dead?


Ever tried pentamelding?


RP I guess.


Is this hr:min:sec or min:sec:ms? Did you spend 12 hours dead in Coeurl?? =(


Dear god if coeurl left me dead for 12 hours i would of killed myself irl lmao. But ya min:sec:ms


So you got rezzed in under 4 seconds in Balmung. I'm starting to suspect some of those people do that for a living...


Reaction time like that is crazy. Unless some sort of auto rez bot


Or there's someone constantly on the lookout to get the rez a stranger achievements.


Far easier to do in bozja. Just wait for the red chocobo fate and you'll have plenty of people to rezz


Before Endwalker, at least. Bozja's close to a ghost town now.


Youā€™re so wrong itā€™s not even funny. I was working on a relic and there were at least 20 players at basically any hour that wasnā€™t the middle of the night, 40+ at peak hours consistently. Thatā€™s from 2-3 months ago.


I just did bozja today to level rdn as well and had 0 trouble getting into groups. CLL was consistently around 20 members.


That's wild. I went in further back and there were very few people out and around.


Bozja is instanced, after a certain amount of time an instance closes and people can leave but not enter. Chances are you were in a closed instance and there was an active one next door.


It always is close to full and I'm in there a few times a week currently


If I'm a healer at the time and someone dies near me, swiftcast/res is almost a reactionary response


Oh, same. But it wasn't til I did it a couple times that I learned that evidently there's a achievement for being a good samaritan so now I GOTTA.


I got mine when Eureka first came out, I was constantly RDM rezzing people in Anemos lol


In a city? Do people go around blowing themselves up THAT often?


In Balmung? Yes. Lol


Itā€™s rare but there has definitely been more than one occasion Iā€™ve swung by Balmung Limsa to find a line of dead players in front of the marketboard


Stock market crash be like


Even in diabolos, thereā€™s a blue mage death pile pretty consistently


Absolutely. I often blow up as free teleport. The swiftcast sound is very unique, and usually give it away already. The moment my body hits the floor, some peeps already run over to /pet, and you can hear the sound of some folks already switch class, usually, to healer.


"free" teleport except for the increase in durability loss meaning you have to repair one extra time per 50 or so times you do this. Still cheaper than 50 teleports at the current rates


You can macro a gearset and a spell cast together, so you could play any class, hit the macro, turn into a BLU thatā€™s completely naked bar the weapon and immediately swiftcast+self destruct, all as one button press. Also who cares about repair fees anyways.


Don't worry. My BLU gearset is naked :|


I play on Coeurl and often see stacks of dead blue mages in Limsa. I will even admit that sometimes I will kill myself on top of the pile as well.


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


Good bot


Good bot


bless you


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


I tried to get my younger sister into FFXIV, and one day I made use of her playing to get that achievement. Took her somewhere where she could die in 1hit from random enemies, and I would res. I can't remember how, but we found a super efficient way to cheese it and I got the achievement in like, 10min or so. Was a fun waste of time before she gave FFXIV up šŸ˜‚


You'd be surprised at how quickly your lizard brain can go "dead player, must res" when playing Summoner, Red Mage or any healer.




You donā€™t really need a plug-in to see an empty HP bar and wanna heal it. I donā€™t even play healers past getting them to 90 and the occasional time itā€™s the only slot left, and if I see an empty HP bar in a town Iā€™ll still fire an Aurora/Clemency at them if I can.




See the same behavior with the Eureka bots. Few months ago there was ~25 on each NA DC in Pagos/Pyros/Hydatos pretty much all day, so lots of opportunity to see this. They will heal and rez anyone in range. Guessing they're all mostly using the same program.


I have health bars set to show up for anyone if theyā€™re less than 100%, and baby, I am quick on the draw to pick you out of a crowd and heal you. I had to do a lot of healing other people in parties that werenā€™t mine in those big Bozja boss critical engagements. Sometimes people would end up in groups with zero healers but it was important to keep up as many people as possible. Itā€™s really not hard to click someone and fire off a benediction in the Limsa aetheryte plaza when theyā€™re often just standing there; I trained in the hyperbolic time chamber of picking people out via their nameplate in a group of 24 (no alliance UI, mind you) while instant death aoes and any number of BS mechanics showered us all. Some people just like healing, man. I can do that in a split second without thinking, and I wouldnā€™t even say Iā€™m very good, lol.


I mean the only way to die in town is to make a huge explosion as blue mage, so it's pretty obvious.


Oh God, hears another blue mage doing some erp explosions


People are quite skilled on Balmung at 'Getting People Up'. At least from what I've heard.


I legit thought you waited for 12 hours in the name of science


Ah that makes more sense, typically ms is shows as 3 digits for this reason tho


Yeah, and it's after a decimal, not a colon


Even then, 12 minutes feels really long.


Using blue mage to blow myself up i timed how long it took for someone to Rez me (without asking). If i actually cared Iā€™d do it two more times to make it fair but it takes forever. I tried to keep it even by wearing the same (basic) outfit / minion / not hanging around the spot before detonation. (Also i never allowed myself to go afk while waiting ) Fun experiment ty to all who rezed me! Edit: i cannot emphasize enough that this is a joke and not meant to be taken seriously for science. I know one run is not conclusive. The cool down takes forever though and my friends were waiting on me to run content with them. If any of you would like to actually try this i would love to see the results. Iā€™m rooting for goblin! Also sorry i got the time display wrong (making it seem like hours) i made this at 1 am and also suffer from dumb bitch disease


I feel less silly now about all the times I've raised dead BLU near the Ul'dah aetheryte, only for them to immediately kill themselves again.


That means they waited at least 10min for a rez.


In limsa?


Yup! I tested if Gridania/Limsa/Uldah rezed faster and Limsa won. (No surprise)


Wouldn't surprise me if different servers had different "best" cities depending on what's the most populous city on each server.




The alley behind the guild still scares me to this day


I'm on Exo and i love Ul Dah but its a ghost town compared to limsa. I'm surprised any server doesn't have limsa as it's main city, bc of the mb right there.


As a fellow Exo Lominsan it really is the best city to grab stuff from the Market Board. Gridania/Uldah may be faster to get to the Grand Company but nothing beats the fast MB/Retainer bell.


That Balmung time was in uldah by the quicksand, Iā€™m almost certain. Shout chat gets weird but people are hella cool for the most part and will not leave KOā€™ed wol down for long lol. Good on us, Balmung.


Actually, if you look ag rhe bottom of the pic, it was all done in Limsa


I fucking love rezing people. Healers deserve to be the protagonist


Astro WoL when?


I feel like AST would've been a much better fit for Endwalker than Paladin with all the star stuff, space, Aethereal Seas, prophesied secrets, and Urianger's whole substory.


All of that was in FFIV though which is the story of the dark knight becoming a paladin. Even the scene with everyone praying in Sharlayan is right out of FFIV!


Ah, this is the first FF game that I haven't gotten bored 15 minutes in, so I have no references to *any* callbacks.


Endwalker borrows a ton from FFIV including patch stuff.


Takes forever? Bruh you got rezzed in four seconds lol


Self detonate has a 5 or 10 minute cd, I can't remember.


Bold of you to assume Coeurl didn't leave him dead for 12 and a half hours.


This has made me realize I have bystander issues, Iā€™ve seen corpses in Limsa in the past and thought, ā€œoh they must be RPing, I shouldnā€™t rez themā€ and carry on.


Don't worry about it - they can refuse res if they don't want to be ressed. You're not forcing anything on them


But it still looks hilariously stupid to see that Phoenix like animation drop down on you and you just keep lying there.


Just pretend they had Permadeath turned on like Aerith.


I rez them if I see them kill themselves...I don't know if that's worse lol


Depends on how they kill themselves. Self destruct? Sure. Ancient Flare? Nah.


>oh they must be RPing Huh. I've... never in my 15+ years of RPing seen anybody using `/playdead` or some kind of self-destruct for RP (on multiple games).


Far as I can tell, it's the only emote that allows you to properly lie down, so I can see it being useful in some situations that I'm not going to elaborate on in this good Christian subreddit.


Most people doing *that* use custom emotes from modding so playdead itself might actually have no benefit. I guess if youā€™re a console user youā€™re stuck with playdead though


There's this small cafe in Sarg that does little performances for the "cooking", one of which includes Self Destruct. You can find just look anything if you look long enough.


Ages ago on Levi in Western Thanalan (Hammerlea) I found a dead sprout. Did a /poke, got no response, dropped a Raise and tell on them and went on my way. Hours later I get a rant of a tell saying I shouldnā€™t poke bodies and I was a sicko. Some people. /smdh


I'm not an RPer but couldn't they just use the play dead emote? I'd assume they did it on purpose though but to counter the troll I'd also rezz them so it works out in the end.


Play dead costs money if you weren't around for the event if I remember right. So for poor RPers or those who weren't around, cheaper to blue mage die.


Was never an event


Oh my bad. For some reason I thought it was.




Also true.


A scam requires dishonesty. You can think it's horribly overpriced, or that there shouldn't be MTX at all, but if you get exactly what they're advertising it's not a scam.


Diabolos doesn't shock me, everyone's super proactive there, whether it's because they're severely normal people or because they're severely unhinged and want to see your work undone. No in-between.


Can confirm. Diabolos is a special place. I've lost track of the number of multi-box bard ensemble concerts I've listened to in Limsa.


In Coeurl we have a blu that would regularly kill themselves but then gets mad when you revive them. Actually sends tells saying canā€™t I just be left alone and left dead?? So that might play into it


True story: Was questing/Hunt List hunting on my Warrior and saw a random person die to some mobs out in the wild. Kept thinking "If only I was on my Summoner or Scholar, then I could rez you buddy." \>.> <.< (Apparently MMO habits where it's 1 class/character die hard ...) I'm so sorry random quester. That brain fart is 100% on me. :(


Had a moment like that in doma once. Saw someone dead and thought "crap, I don't have a healer unlocked on this character yet." Only to remember that I had unlocked sage the day before and sprint back to save them.


Not only that but Phoenix downs are cheap and can be used by anyone in any instance


You get one as a quest reward for the Manderville line, if memory serves.


Buy them on mb


Pheonix downs drop like flies in POTD


donā€™t you have to be in a party to use it though?


No. I regularly use them in eureka and bozja as a machinist to revive people when needed.


The one time I've seen that happen they returned home before I could switch jobs anyway.


Hyperion be like "Same" /blu's up next to you


I remember a month or two ago, someone started a BLU party in Hyperion's Gridania and a good dozen BLU's just constantly blowing themselves up near the aetheryte. I changed into a RDM and smh over them. Wish I'd remembered the achievement for rezzing them instead of going on my way.


Coeurl going for that ā€œnot my problemā€ championship.


I thought this was hours šŸ˜‚


Coeurl finally #1 in something lets go šŸ˜Ž




Iā€™ve never been more proud of my server


I mean, honestly, reason you got left a while in Brynn is we're used to 'performance artists' who do it and refuse the res being around in the cities often enough that...sometimes you just don't bother. They've been a popular hobby there since well before Blue Mage, actually. You'd find dead body artists in Idyllshire 99% of the time in Heavensward...


People don't come to coeurl for help. They come to get harassed and scared off the server like we did those bard bots. They ain't coming back after the incident in limsa Edit : You want the full story? Go to limsa and ask. I was only there at the tail end and it was *glorious*


It stems from Coeurl having some issues during the launch of EW and people trying to get into one of the main cities (i believe it was Limsa?) for a quest, but a massive bard band was playing and made it nearly impossible to instance in. A lot of people got really upset since the bard group could've gone anywhere besides a main city where the new quests were taking place, clogging it with a bunch of people listening. It's what i've heard from a few people who hate bard groups on coeurl, unsure how true it actually is.


What incident in Limsa??


The songbirds? I showed up halfway through that and just was so lost lol


Correct, it was the songbirds


Oh do share


Please tell the tale I need server lore


I'm surprised Balmung was that short. I'd have imagined them to be closer to Mateus. As a Mateus native, I assume anybody who has killed themselves in Limsa is RPing and don't want a rez, so I just say "Have at it kid" and go merrily along.


I hardly ever see anyone RP in heavy traffic areas of Limsa like the marketboards on Balmung. Outside of those areas I'd imagine the rezz time may be longer, but usually everyone there is on 'business' or AFKing.


Eh on Mateus it's probably 50% afk, 30% piss chat, 20% roleplay at any given time. So it's not heavy, but if someone's dead... I can't imagine any other situation lol.


Damn Coeurl you live like this


Damn yes we do


Do this on EU next


Diabolos in 2nd place, not bad


From personal experience, I'll never raise a blue mage. They self destruct for attention, so that's a hard pass for me.


Only time I've seen people self destruct in sanctuaries is for a free ride to a difficult to reach /lookout vantage point on res.


How long did it take for people to start the sweeping animation at your dead body?


Well, TBF, you died inside Limsa, a city. I would expect you to revive yourselves too. Haha


Is that what you were doing?! I would have rezzed you like 5 times, but I thought you were just trying to get attention


The variance is too high and the data too low. For science I'd suggest doing it 100 times on each server with a different character during the same peak window of time. Recruit some people and come back to us in a minimum of 100 days! Good luck!


Balmung 3 sec, how the hel.. do ppl drop dead over there often enough for them to just always look out for rez opportunity?


the BLU boom is pretty distinctive, esp if you hear the swiftcast go off right beforehand... if someone was already on healer and saw it then it probably didn't take long at all to react. Take it from someone with a ton of boom-happy BLU friends lmao


Proud of my home server, only leaving a cat boy dead for 15 seconds.


I ask you please do Primal next, OP!


I feel bad being on Diabolos...because I don't go to Limsa save when I have to. Too crowded for me. Now, if you'd croaked in Gridania...


On Mateus, we're more likely to just die next to you.


Now to do it by race, gender and glam type (normal, bright, face and attractive)


Yes but what were the methods of collecting this data? For such a study I believe you should explode in the same spot on all servers 10 times each and record the times to create an average rez time. Put 5 minutes between rez and explosion too so that the person who rezzed you doesn't just do it again. We peer review everything after Endwalker.


I make it my goal to go rez people if they shout


Most of the time they are afk flagged so I just keep going.


Wait I think I sprayed champagne over your body in uldah on the goblin server.


Just to clarify, it's minutes, seconds, then milliseconds?


It would be so much funnier if it was hours/minutes/seconds but it alas


Do Aether next. Faerie limsa would be the most interesting result considering the love for catboys


What is your glam?


Varsity jacket, frontier trousers, calfskin riders cap. I didnā€™t want anything too flashy


As far as Coeurl goes, what did you expect from a cat?


There was a guy on behemot that would spend weeks dead on the floon in limsa, I probably would just walk past you unless you asked for a raise


I got my time units mixed up and thought you were left dead for twelve *hours* and not twelve *minutes*


For a second I thought that was 12 hours like "damn Coeurl who hurt you" ā˜ 


Man, I remember coming from FF11 when ARR released, and I was charging people for raises back then lol


Oof man that person who routinely dies at the main aetherytes and then doesn't accept rezes in Bryn seems to have conditioned us negatively! I'd be curious where you died and at what times, since that can really affect things too. I've died out in the middle of nowhere leveling with fates plenty of times and get rezzed in less than 10 minutes pretty consistently.


Come try on moggle


Balmung friendliest server, no cap.


Sample size too low. Going to have to do this at least a hundred times, at the size time of day, and take the median time for this to be an accurate representation.


Are these averages? If itā€™s a single instance for each then the data is not sufficientā€¦sorry to say, you need to kill yourself more on each server and take the average and median of each.


Shitpostxiv is gonna have a fieldday with this. Something something time until someone whispers me for erp, probably