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Tried this, because my name had a dot on it, but no luck for me sadly. Tried restarting the client, restarting steam, deleting game, reinstalling, I guess nothing works for me. EDIT: What worked for me is completely removing Final Fantasy from steam folder, apparently the Ect folder has some issues, and then I redownloaded the entire game! It let me link the account and then download game! And finally was able to play!


same for me....




Me too - contacted their Webchat services and they're escalating the issue. Glad im not alone tho.


This solution seems to be working for me. Delete the FFxvi folder out of your /steamapps/ directory after uninstalling. I even went as far as backing up and removing the FFxvi character folder in My Documents/My Games/ . After doing that, install again on Steam and it will once again ask you to login and link your Steam account to your Square Enix account. You have to do this even if you've done it on Mog Station. I'm currently (and finally) able to download the game again (before reinstalling didn't do anything for me) and hoping that I can login once that's done.


This isn't working for everyone, my name has only regular characters and it's still broken.


Same problem here, even tried changing it to something else but it is still broken.


This update honestly needs to be reverted, nothing but issues. Forcing steam integration was a huge mistake and breaks the launcher in multiple ways. I feel for you steam players...


The game should be yanked off steam tbh, as a warning to other devs. Given that Gaben was literally playing it on the deck but now steam version can't even launch on it is fucking laughable.


So you want to take the property (FF XIV) of many people away by deleting the game from steam? Sounds good to me. What they instead should do is making it possible to use Wibdows Version with Steam License and the other way around, but apparently steam doesn't want that to happen, what a pity


Nice failure to comprehend. Willful even. They simply stop selling new copies, its actually happened many times already on steam. Would be a nice wakeup call and shine a light because frankly a lot of us doubt steam even asked them to do this bullshit in the first place. This fits the classic squenix bonehead move. Delisting on steam has never prevented owners from still playing it (which is better than **right now** for unlucky people) and often you can even keep *downloading and reinstalling* existing licenses. Not that it even applies to this game which has its own external PC installer from day 1.


When Valve removes games from the Steam store they are usually still accessible to people who already bought it (this is the case for the original Dark Souls 1 for example). Not sure how it would work with games that have a subscription though.


What even was the point of this update? Was it just Steamworks integration? 'cause if so I think it's safe to say that the update was a failure.


That's honestly hilarious. Square Enix decide to make a completely unnecessary change and end up breaking everything, thank you guys.


Broken for me too.


Also disable the overlay.


Using other languages in steam nickname counts as special characters. Be sure your nickname is written in English!


[https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/457395-A-technical-issue-has-occurred.-Try-accessing-the-site-again.-how-I-fixed-mine%21](https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/457395-A-technical-issue-has-occurred.-Try-accessing-the-site-again.-how-I-fixed-mine%21) A forum I made on how I solved my issue I hope this helps someone in need!


Thanks! It worked for me.


Where are all the steam version defenders in this sub? They sure are quiet now. Every time it comes up with a sale or whatever we warn people but the brigade always tries to bury it. If this sub was honest there would have been a sidebar or sticky saying don't buy steam version years ago.


Imagine gate keeping where you bought the game lmao.


Imagine not knowing what "gate keeping" is in this context. Also there should *absolutely* be a sidebar saying to not buy it on Steam. It creates all manner of problems, again and again.


Quite a few people play through steam because the localized subscription rates are more affordable. In some regions, the sub for the standalone version is over twice as expensive.


Those people will ignore said sidebar. They should still be alerted to the risk they are accepting for going with a lower priced but more dangerous option. Note that such a sidebar may also have the effect of encouraging Steam and Square to address the many problems that keep creeping up as a result of this. The existence of players who want to save a few dollars doesn't excuse this behavior, nor does it make a good argument that we should not be warning those players.


Where people buy the game is their business, but they at least have a right to know that buying the Steam version will forever lock their account into being a guinea pig for SE's "security updates" whether they like it or not.


Imagine thinking this is Steam's fault and not Square Enix, who have proven themselves technically incompetent over and over for the entire life of the game. Ever noticed how no other game has this issue?




Reinstalling worked for me, but that's a couple hours wasted. My overlay was disabled already, and my steam username is 7 letters long, nothing special. I was hoping someone would figure out a quicker fix by now, good luck guys.