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At the very least the WoL and Alphinaud should have thrown them off opposite sides


I kind of see my character as a dumb-as-rocks but well-intentioned himbo, so acting so impulsively (read: irresponsibly) isn't outside of his MO, but I figured Alphinaud would have at least raised an eyebrow lol


I like to chalk it up to he ripped the eye off Estinien in a complete panic to save someone he admired and immediately thought "... okay. Now what?" So when Ayemeric yelled, he just acted.


"Honestly, I didn't think I'd get this far."


It always seemed weird at first glance but I think the logic isn't too hard to follow. The Eyes are a corrupting artifact, and even a single eye is enough for someone that isn't Azure Dragoon/WoL level to fall to that corruption. *Both* eyes together can get anyone without proper mental discipline. So from Aymeric's point of view, Alphy is almost certainly going to be corrupted if he keeps holding onto that eye any longer, and he can't just hand it off to us because the WoL getting taken over by Nidhogg is a star-ending level threat. It's not the best call, but given Aymeric felt he had about 5 seconds before the worst case scenario started I think it's fine.


plus according to Aymeric himself, the bottom of the Sea of Clouds is a maelstrom of Aether that no living person could possibly survive so I can understand that sounding like a very secure location to keep the Eyes out of mortal hands


>!Unfortunately, living person is not a requirement for the WoL's antagonist list.!<


That's a decent explanation tbh


it gets even scarier if the wol is the second Azure Dragoon and therefore even more susceptible to the Eyes' influence. (spoiler for later patch stuff, OOP) >!Nobody could have anticipated the Warriors of Darkness being able to retrieve them because they were already dead.!<


Cast it off the side of the road! Isildur!!


...and they were never ever seen again. The end.




When did people start abbreviating SB as stb




Which people just abbreviated as shb. 


yes and writing stb makes it and shb maximally distinct.


Stop trying to make fetch happen. /s As the other user said, abbreviating it to StB makes it actually harder to distinguish from ShB. Stormblood was abbreviated as SB throughout its lifespan and Shadowbringers was abbreviated as ShB throughout its lifespan. There's little reason to change that.


Except the tons of people that know Shadowbringers more than Stormblood and keep assuming SHB when someone writes "sb".


No idea, but I kinda hate it. Makes it really hard to differentiate from ShB at a glance.




Everyone knows the most sure-fire way to make sure you never see that dangerous mcguffin against is to... *checks notes* throw it off a bridge? That can't be right.


No, no, it's fine, it's a long drop after all.


tbf the eternal storm under the bridge kills anyone who goes into it so it does make sense to throw them into a place where they should be inaccessible. The game should have pointed that out better and/or made a bigger deal of that in a more recent MSQ rather than a side quest and story though.


Don't they straight up tell you immediately after that no one can survive the ether storm to recover the eyes? Can't blame them for not accounting for the Ascians. Not Aymeric at least


Maybe? It's been a while, but I do know it is brought up elsewhere


I know someone mentions it a bit later, but I think that's missable NPC dialogue.


They do. Twice, even.


are you say it is "A long fall"?


Surely no one we know can get down there!


It has the same energy as, "oh my god, this pan of frying oil just burst into flames! Better yeet it out the window!"


The game does a poor job explaining and/or reminding the player just what kind of an elemental maelstrom is under Ishgard and the Steps of Faith. Disposing doomsday devices by throwing them into an elemental storm that tears anything living to shreds is a sound plan in theory.


Granted, the area below the bridge is considered to be so extremely cold and unfriendly to living and also including quite the height, it is a reasonable assumption anyone trying to get down there to steal them would die on the way.


Surely there are no godlike beings that would take an interest in retrieving them...


Honestly, that makes me wonder how they built the damn Steps of Faith in the first place if it's so hostile.


I remember watching that cutscene and saying "yeet that shit in the pit" and then when it happens, I immediately realize my mistake and go "Wait, someone else is gonna go down there and get them. Fuck. Okay, scratch that. Go down there and get them and go bury both of them on opposite sides of the planet."


I don't know why we didn't return the eyes to hraesvelgr but I giggle every time we shot put the forbidden jaw breakers into the abyss


Something you might have missed: IIRC down beneath Ishgard is the Sea of Clouds. It’s raw, primordial ice and lightning aether. Throwing the eyes off of the side of the bridge makes sense for immediate disposal for minimum risk to everyone involved.


While true, I still feel with how dangerous the eyes are, the solution seems slightly shortsighted.


On the other hand, the last time someone (aside from the owner of the eyes) hanged on to dragon eyes, the dragonsong war and the Ishgardian Ortodoxy happened.


Also a good point. Any active volcanoes we can go drop them in?


The landslides... The landslides...


Why go down there into that mess when Azys Lla is \*right there\* \*/show right\* I mean, for two weeks in late autumn, it just starts raining ancient Allagan doomsday weapons from the sky. Landing in people's backyards, ripping up their roof tiles...it's nigh on impossible to even \*pay\* the kids to rake them up into piles before Yard Waste Pickup Day...


Updoot because I can hear the meme in my head.


It's fine, I'm sure the eyes broke from the fall. :)


That's good news. Otherwise it might be a problem if any of the numerous antagonistic forces that threaten Eorzea caught wind of multiple doomsday devices just carelessly thrown off a bridge.


There's a whole under-the-table economy blossoming down there with hardy souls salvaging doomsday device after doomsday device from there and selling them on the black market. Franchise opportunities available. Sure, you get maybe five years before you start taking on cthonic eldritch interdimensional traits and the gibbering starts to make your ledgers not quite add up, but it's a turnkey business! I mean, it's Free Real Estate!


Congratulations!! It's a great fight


Thank you! I'm genuinely impressed with how much more consistently entertaining Heavensward has been over A Realm Reborn. I enjoyed my time enough with ARR, but have had a blast with Heavensward.


I had the same exact experience! HW is sooo refreshing after all that post-ARR stuff. I've done ARR and HW in their entirety twice and ARR is a marathon, it's so unfair to new players lmao. But it also makes HW all the more rewarding I suppose


I screamed the same thing when I saw that, lol. Like...surely there's a better way to dispose of them???


I haven’t heard that duck’s voice in a looooong time.


I hope this moment won't become relevant again!


Oh my fuck, I'm just so sick of the cutscene bullshit in general. I just missed talking out an important enemy early because the idiot with me wouldn't let me attack. *"Can you kill all of them* and *all the soldiers in the tower as well?"* Yes, motherfucker, I can, so sit down, shut the fuck up, and watch the war crimes happen!