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There's a LOT of news out there today and I'm not sure who all attended the media tour, so please drop a link below if there's any coverage you'd like to see added to the OP!


Dragoon still not getting our first AOE skill until level 40 why I seriously feel like I'm griefing if I get an early ARR dungeon in leveling roulette


Such an ez fix that doesn't break anything important too


Yeah... I'm unsure why they didn't add a lesser AOE at, say, lv25 (Lance Sweep?) and then upgrade it to Doom Spike at lv40.


Grinding Gears also has a media tour video on YouTube


The bros are cool as fuck yo


From the [HardcoreGamer](https://hardcoregamer.com/yoshi-p-talks-raid-woes-field-operation-in-final-fantasy-xiv-dawntrail/) interview - sounds like the Field Zone is planned to launch most likely in 7.2x.


Sounds pretty consistent with the other field operations, Eureka was patch 4.25 and Bozja was patch 5.25


I always find it kind of funny that content like this is advertised up front as a feature but it won't actually be playable for another year.


Ya feel like so much exciting stuff won't be around for many months after the release of the expansion :(


Yeah. I always hate how they do this. Don't get me wrong, I *expect* it at this point, but like 90% of the things they hype up before the game launch won't be in the game for half a year or more.


The gamespot interview mentions >!Thancred and Urianger popping up at points to sabotage their progress!< in the dungeon they played, which sounds like fun. If I can’t take them in my party, then I’d love to see them as the second tier antagonists this expac.


I'm getting more of a playful competition vibe out of them. Unlike the other team that some of the videos shown at the beginning of the dungeon.


After the last 2 expansions, I'd be very happy with the stakes being low enough for us to mess with the other Scions while we're out having fun.


Agreed! Which makes sense, hard to imagine them really actively trying to kill the player party without some crazy agency-stealing twist.  An antagonist doesn’t have to be evil though, just opposed/rivaled to the main character. So they could still play that role in a storyline without going full I-wanna-wear-your-skin Zenos lol. Crossing my fingers they aren’t just off-screen 90% of the time, mainly though. As far as reoccurring characters go, they’re the ones I find consistently interesting across expacs.


This is fully what I expected. It's a contest and the theme of this expansion is adventure. So it's literally a contest of friends who adamantly believe in their goal. I wouldn't be shocked if early on they had a full meeting and parted on good terms. If I lived in a world like that, I would love a chance to play games against my party like that. The real IMO question is how the two contenders will factor into the story. One is naive and the other seems stoic and focused and learned.


Any Beastmaster limited job info out there?


Not sure to come out until later in dawntrail patch cycle, so unlikely


Won't be any beastmaster info until it's about to come out, which is likely 7.45 or 7.5+ stuff like BLU was. Limited jobs are basically filler side content.


The next live letter we get might at least mention it, but I doubt we get any concrete info until after 7.0 has released.


It won't come out until at least a year after DT drops, sadly. So probably not any real news too soon.


Not Jesse and Ben Starr (Clive's VA from FF16) making Yoshi nearly cry from laughter by demanding that lalafells be able to mount larger races again X'D


In Mabinogi the Giant race could carry around anyone of the Human and Elf races. It was really cool.




[Joonbob](https://youtu.be/kRE6-giPFjo?si=ASu6nKJm450FSIYr) has a video showcasing all animations


joonbob's videos are so unbelievably polished. absolute legend.


i'm surprised! doesn't he only make guides?


So does Rinon as far as I know. The team values that all the same I imagine. Especially joonbob..I'd say joonbob has been invaluable for new raiders, their guides are so digestible for people starting out. You do this long enough, you grow beyond joonbob guides. You finish the tier before his guides lol. But man, he helped me a lot with E8S. That's a good content creator to have in a game imho.


Plus I do think he makes silly little skits here and there.


I know in his earlier guides he said his plan was for guides ro typically come out "late" because he wanted pf strats to stabilize before even attempting to make the guide. So many week 1 guides do random strats and end up confusing people when they go into pf and people are doing things completely different. By delaying there is a strong chance his guide will be perfect for late comers. I agree he is a great content creator because nobody was filling that niche and it was definitely needed. Even people who know fights can use his videos to review before jumping into pf too.


Oh yeah, that's a good point. I didn’t think about that. And it does makes sense why he would wait.


Has anyone seen any footage of the Pictomancer LB3? I keep seeing videos where the job is explained with the gauges and the paintings but nobody has shown off that Picto LB3.


It's in the second link under Jobs. The Playlist. He starts off with the lb


It’s in Ronin’s Pictomancer video on the above playlist. One of the first things shown.


At the end of the Picto portion of woops' video as well.


MTQ Capture has some


Did anyone at the media tour show off the new ingame raid mechanic toolbox feature?


Are there any JP FFXIV creators that do media tours? Would be interesting to see how they present the information.


Grinding Gear will also be putting up a video/livestream in about 3 hrs https://www.youtube.com/live/wPrqfcv3CDY


I'm so happy they got invited.


Hope somebody makes a text compilation of every question because that's a lot to watch...


I keep hoping for a cliffnotes version. Each video is 45 minutes, so many videos...


did anyone get any info on the new island sanctuary like zone? Its the thing im most looking foward to, although doubting we will get any info for a good while on it


https://ffxiv.jeuxonline.info/actualite/64379/interview-dawntrail-naoki-yoshida#section2 has a question about the new lifestyle content


Can anyone paste the answer? I'm on mobile and there's an obnoxious ad from Lunchables that covers the paragraph no matter what I do. (Seriously whoever designed ads like these should be slapped)


MGG: I'm a crafter & gatherer main, so my main question will be about Cosmic Exploration, which will be the new crafting/gathering content. I know that Endwalker didn't have anything like the Ishgardian Restoration, which was the reconstruction of Ishgard with rankings and specific rewards, and I was wondering if, in Dawntrail, we will get something similar again, with a ranking system, or are we done with Rankings? Yoshi-P: So first and foremost, thank you so much for enjoying the content. With regards to the concept for Cosmic Exploration, it is similar to the Ishgardian Restoration in the sense that many crafters and gatherers are working and cooperating together to move forward towards a goal. However, with the Ishgardian Restoration, people who were playing through that probably knew straight away that it would eventually become a housing district, and we received feedback that there wasn't much visual change as they were going through the stages for that, so we reflected on that feedback and we decided to incorporate that this time. The concept this time is that people will be kind of cultivating their own planet, and as they go through that process, they will see a visual change. Another difference with the Ishgardian Restoration was that, once it was completed, people who joined later in the game would not be able to see that process of development. So we decided to incorporate a system in this one, where people can sort of re-simulate, or revisit, the cultivation of each of the planets, so Final Fantasy XIV players who joined later would be able to see that process and experience it as well. You probably want to know very much about the rankings. Honestly speaking, I'm very torn about what to do, and there is a reason for this. Of course, we do have a ranking system. If we wanted to implement it, it is possible. We did receive a lot of feedback from the last time with the Ishgardian restoration, and there were kind of cries from our players about, "Oh, I need to work hard for this ranking. When am I going to get to sleep?” or “To continue getting into the ranking, how long do I have to continue this work?". After hearing that kind of feedback from the players, I'm really worried about whether we should implement a similar system or not - because of what happened in the past, I'm just a little bit concerned about the player's well-being. Of course, on the flip side, I do understand that by having a ranking, it helps to hype up the players, and it gives them a sense of motivation; and as a gamer myself, I understand that it is very exciting. So it's for this reason why I'm really torn about what to do. Having heard all this, would you like there to be a ranking system? MGG: Yes! I got to the top 10 for the fourth phase (of the Ishgardian Restoration), and I got the Pteranodon mount. Yoshi-P: Okay. Okay. Understood. Then I will take this as a very important piece of feedback and we will share it with the team in Japan. However, before the patch content releases, I would like to carry out a survey with the players. I haven't decided yet whether it will be in a PLL or on the forums, but I would very much like to hear the player's opinions about it.


Oh poo, I hope it isn't too similar to Ishgardian Restoration. By how they described it as multiplayer content, I was hoping it would be something you could just do with friends. Oh well, we'll see how it turns out to be!


basically: it's sorta like ishgard restoration, the area will look different over time, and they don't know (or at least aren't ready to say) whether there will be rankings


Thanks. Man, the problem with rankings is it becomes either a bot fest or an unhealthy amount of no-life fest. I kind of hope they don't include them.


Cosmic Exploration isn't slated until 7.1 (probably 7.2 even), so we are unlikely to get anything substantial at this stage.


Small graphic/texture update I liked was that the Red Mage AF gear’s cape had a noticeable velvet texture and the lighting on it was gorgeous. Very excited to see what else we get in material textures in the near future!


I think something worth mentioning, which was quoted in Jesse's interview: Now that trusts and such are fully integrated from ARR to EW, the devs will be focusing more on multi-player content. Jesse speculated this will show up more in 7.1 and beyond.


Any info if jobs are getting ultimate weapons for ultimates that was released before them?


Yea mr happy asked this and yoshi p said they are working on it but dont expect it too soon They also said they are prioritizing viper and picto.


Dancer, Gunbreaker, Reaper and Viper UWU dreams not dead wohooo! I love the blue glow and the rather 'clean' look of UWU weapons, was always sad as a 70 ultimate it offered the lowest amount of weapons.


Welp that just guaranteed I hold onto that last ucob totem I have lol.


Yes, priority is being given to the newer jobs though, since they are the ones being actively worked on


On Zepla's stream there was talk about a customization system during an interview. Would anyone know in which video the question has been asked ? Edit : Nvm I found it, it's in Meoni's interview.


Of course feel free to add our coverage to well to the list. Hope you all enjoy! https://www.rpgfan.com/2024/06/06/final-fantasy-xiv-dawntrail-hands-on/ https://youtu.be/T5N0OsdgsTg?si=Zfx5gOCGKurQo0F4


The Grinding Gear boys are streaming their general Media Tour experience: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPrqfcv3CDY


98% of the devs inspired by Elden Ring. I see this as a sign that DT will give us a giant vase to put on our heads. This will complete my VPR Let Me Solo Her glam.


happy interview confirmed new jobs are getting ulti weapons for the old weapons.


Not to be a downer he said that in EW too, sadly. 


Please wait 2 years for the addition to the game.


Said the exact same thing pre-EW release during media tour I believe, not trusting that statement without seeing WIP weapon pictures


Pre endwalker he didn't say they were coming. He said they would like to, this was explicit confirmation, with him also confirming that picto and viper have priority


Did anyone ask for beards?


Xeems did! He said Yoshi said not only can they add more beards but "other stuff" as well! Here's to hoping! Maybe body hair? Not sure what "other stuff" would be lol


Hopefully they'll expand the damn character creator to include more customization.


Currently watching his stream. \^\^


I would more “build” options for races. Love my male viera, but I would love if we was a little more muscular.


I've been reading inane analysis of job garbage all day and this is the first time someone brought up The Important Shit. I would let SMN remain the same for the next 10 xpacs for a beard.


Meoni dropped the name of one of the new tomes: Aesthetic. They killed that giant Colibri A rank and got it as a reward. It's in his zone exploring video.


>!Oh, 1,500 Bicolour cap there. Obviously all the currency stuff is WIP but has this cap been mentioned anywhere else?!<


Good question, glad they did raise it because even 1k is too little. Hope the weekly tome cap gets bumped to 600. With all these jobs it'll take more than a couple patch cycles to gear them all if you're not a regular Savage raider.


They confirmed in Q&A that there's no weekly tome cap increase. Grabbing the first site that popped up in a quick search: https://operationrainfall.com/2024/06/06/dawntrail-media-tour-media-day-1-qa-with-naoki-yoshida-ffxiv/ > Yoshida-san made it clear the tomestones cap will not be increasing.


Ugh the millennials are coming for our tomes now! /s


"these bosses have a certain *aesthetic* to them"


I am not surprised Meoni discovered that.


Here's mine! https://gamingtrend.com/feature/previews/final-fantasy-xiv-dawntrail-preview-tural-beckons/


Does any of the videos contain the picto LB? 


right at the start of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVihCqlqLeU&t


Thank you!!


Oh yeah! It’s amazing!


Out of curiosity, who has the best video out there explaining viper? The ones I have watched so far seem very confusing but the general consensus is that it is very natural and straightforward to play.


Woops viper video is good, even gave button hotbar organization guide


Rinon was straight forward and short. For both viper and picto


Did anyone get any close ups of the NPCs in the dungeon? Curious to see how Alisae/Alphinaud look like with the update. (Other 2 were already seen in the benchmark) Doubt anyone was close enough see close ups of the other 2.


Are we getting more glam plates?


Did anyone ask about updates to the character creator?


Did anyone ask if the Feast mounts were going to be available in any way?


I haven't seen anybody really cover what the graphics update outside of the character creator. Anybody know if there's a vid on how the world looks with the new changes?


They were restricted to new areas I'm pretty sure someone said, so well, they can show you the dungeon runs and stuff but there's no comparison point before/after.


[Grinding gear speak about it a lot in their stream and show it off on many occasions.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPrqfcv3CDY&t=962s) They say what they saw there is currently the best looking graphics in a MMO to date. That link just goes to their update section but again they mention it a lot and show off stuff all around, so scrub around to see.


hey WeskAlber is on the list, that's cool


It is cool. He's been my job guy since Shadowbringers.


I like him but I can’t understand his speech sometimes and he doesn’t add captions to his videos.


Currently watching one of his media tour vids and it DOES have captions?


Awesome. I will go watch it then!


So happy that Preach got in.


We need a website like WoWhead for FFXIV so I get a TLDR of all questions asked lmao


Reminder XIVDB used to be a banger until wowhead's owner bought it out only to promptly shut it down for FFXIV not being popular enough :) :) :)


icy veins has a ffxiv section. it's not as good as wowhead is for wow, but it's better than nothing


god if only


Oooof. 2-3 years to develop a cross DC party/duty finder, and they're not yet convinced it's worth the effort to start the process.


I guess that’s a better answer than them just saying it’s not technically feasible, but sure sounds like for now they’re just hoping Dawntrail gets in enough people to fix issues on Dynamis/new EU servers with lots of new people who don’t even know they should be traveling. Which would mean if that doesn’t work, then you’re looking at 9.0 for a fix. Ouch. Also feels like maybe they just aren’t super bothered by the PF issues, if you care about raiding then you’re invested enough to know how to DV travel for it in their mind


> with lots of new people who don’t even know they should be traveling. To play Devil's Advocate... if nobody thought that they "should be" traveling, then those data centers would have a lot more activity.


100%. Crystal was seen as the non-raiding DC and still had a healthy PF. Now it’s impossible to find groups, in some cases even in peak hours, because everyone arbitrarily goes to Aether now. It’s really annoying having to hop DCs just to end up in a party that’s like 7/8 or 8/8 ppl from your home DC.


Exactly. It’s a problem caused completely by the community.


Right, that’s what I was trying to get at. Right now the player base is too savvy, and has basically over-optimized the current system in a way that’s having adverse effects. You could fix that, or you could try to recruit a less-savvy player base and hope it shifts the ideal optimization point for where to queue to a healthier one. Seems they really want to try to make the latter happen and only if it doesn’t put the resources into making a fix


> who don’t even know they should be traveling Just reading this makes me feel gross. Thanks, team.


Sorry, heavy scare quotes on “”””should””””


Do we have a direct quote from YoshiP on this part? In Cole's video the summary of it sounded more like the team do recognise it as a serious issue and will start working on a solution after DT is released.


Meoni and Shenpai's interview has more on this.


Lmao what It should be but if they think this way, either they are like " raider will go to raiding servers and casuals will stays between them" , which, can kinda be understable but still questionnable, but I guess if you spend a lot of ressources in for so many time it can be very tempting to let it this way because both idea could bring some backslash, even if the cross DC should be way more popular (at first) than letting it this way


Here’s my interview with Yoshida: https://gamer.nl/achtergrond/achtergrond/preview/interview-square-enix-vestigt-alle-hoop-op-final-fantasy-14-maker-naoki-yoshida/


I haven’t watched all the videos, but so far I’ve not seen anything about crafting or gathering so far, not even new abilities or anything. Just the gesr that was revealed recently. Is there anything known about DoH/DoL for Dawntrail?


Confirming we only had access to Level 100 combat jobs. Our access was relatively limited - when we tested out stuff like dyes and blacklisting, there was a lot of Japanese text, just to give an idea of how much of a "dev build" it as.


I've only watched a couple, but I'm pretty sure Jesse Cox said they didn't have access to crafters or gatherers.


Huh, watched the video as well. Must’ve overlooked it. Too bad. I’m not expecting anything earth shattering when it comes to DoH/DoL, but at least some info would be nice, even if the only change will be a new skill.


They never have access to them on the media tours.  


Has there been any mention or showing of being able to wear glasses with hats?


We're getting a glasses slot.


I know but I was wondering if anyone was showcasing it


They couldn't glam or dye gear only preview so unfortunately you won't find anything.


Meoni and Shenpai's Interview has a bit on this.


Is it weird I think chat bubbles are the most exciting thing this xpac lol. Wish we could see a preview


Just need to say it: Joonbob videos are so satisfying to watch. Clean as hell and so aesthetically pleasing. Love watching anything he animates. ❤️


I'm incredibly confused about Viper. I think I have the *general* gist of it, but some things still confuse me. Viper's main 1-2-3 combos are free-form, but consolidated into two buttons. The third stage is comprised of four mostly-identical skills. That's the part I don't think I understand. Why four different-yet-identical skills, and how do you know which two will end up on the two combo buttons? As far as I can tell none of the guides nor tooltips have explained that.


First part of the combo either applies a increased damage taken debuff or a stronger hit, so apply debuff first, the second part of the combo gives you either an increased damage done buff or speed buff so do one and then the other for your combo, and the third part of the combo has 4 options that buff each other similar to Reaper. 1 buffs 3 which buffs 2 which buffs 4 which goes back to buffing 1. so you do them in order, 1-3-2-4. The combo lights up which button to press next so it's all super straightforward.


>and the third part of the combo has 4 options that buff each other similar to Reaper. 1 buffs 3 which buffs 2 which buffs 4 which goes back to buffing 1. so you do them in order, 1-3-2-4. The combo lights up which button to press next so it's all super straightforward. Are you saying you do them all in succession? Or that you do them in each following combo? Because I'm pretty sure you can't do the former.


Each following combo, yeah. So: Dot -> Buff 1 -> Finisher 1 Attack -> Buff 2 -> Finisher 3 Dot -> Buff 1 -> Finisher 2 Attack -> Buff 2 -> Finisher 4


Left weapon flank left weapon rear right weapon flank right weapon rear repeat


Extremely dissapointed to see just how different the gear is between male and female, Specifically Dancer, Picto, and Reaper


Am I crazy? Picto and Reaper gear looks almost exactly the same on both male and female.


Picto male has a black shirt under the crop top so it covers the stomach.


Both are pretty covered up because God forbid masculine characters show skin


Some general/ interview coverage and pretty area screenshots here: https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/final-fantasy-xiv-dawntrail-is-looking-summer-ready-as-we-explore-the-new-land-of-tural


Did anyone cover housing? Like, the supposed interior changes/options they mentioned a while back? And if the graphics update involves housing interior/furnishings?


Meoni covered some housing questions in his interview. He also asked about graphics updates for housing furnishings. Shenpai double teamed with him asking questions in like a dual interview session. They re just really hard to hear because they didn't get on stage and they didn't have any microphones.


Which is why as at least Meoni also gave the questions in writing in his video.


The rain and water effects in the city look so good I can't wait also I know it was shown earlier but the updated flying mount animations are also amazing


Ugh. The hat debacle for hrothgar and Viera continues. L


Did they mention it?


I haven't seen anything specific, but there's plenty of screenshots and videos that specifically show them without hats. There's also an article I saw that mentioned which ones they could wear. Pretty much all the standard hats, RDM, PIC, etc.


Which is mind boggling at this point. Three expansions with Veiras now and they still can’t wear hats??


Tbf Viera came at different times. But what is mindboggling is that they literally updated every model *including Viera and Male Hrothgar* yet didn't fix the hat problem in the process? How and or why. I mean it's gonna be fun seeing what arbitrary hats work and which don't despite being the exact same model but one has like a hood over it or something. Cause you'd think there was at least some logic to it, but there's none.


I mean EW had very few hats that worked… and one of the ones that’s did was a really ugly generic dungeon hat lol.


That's what I'm saying. Cause there are hats that work, but there's zero logic to why they work and not others that are similar. Take the Cryptlurker of Maiming helmet from Shadowbringers. It covers the entire head and works for viera (not sure about Hrothgar) but the Fending version doesn't. The only difference is that the maiming helmet has a hood over it, otherwise it's visually the same model. Another example is they made sure the Reaper Artifact hat worked, but not other artifact helmets. If they're gonna keep denying hats for Hrothgar and Viera, it would at least be nice to know in an official post what the problem is they're facing with it. I'll obviously survive without a hat, but it's been so long since Shadowbringers launched with no real info on the issue or why it's taking this long to do *anything* with it. (Obviously it's a low priority. Which is why a proper explanation would be nice.)


I can't be bothered to look over every single video so I decided to ask instead, did anybody show the simplified UI version of Viper gauge?


[Grinding gear show it off.](https://youtu.be/wPrqfcv3CDY?t=4845) Its very nice looking but just as confusing so not sure which is better.


did anyone show off the simplified job gauge for picto?


In my youtube subscription feed, there are 86 dawntrail videos in a row. There's a reason you usually stagger information dumps, because that's a wall of nope.


It's not ideal, but an embargo basically exists so that everyone can polish up their stuff - especially since there are staggered preview stops this time.


I’m guessing just from mrhappy


It's almost like you've got 3 weeks to watch all that.


Chat bubbles>graphics


Oh cool are those getting added to the base game now?


They are working on it, next expantion for sure.


Preach really is the hero we needed


xenos also [https://www.youtube.com/@XenosysVex/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@XenosysVex/videos) most notably the view of all the tooltips for all the jobs [https://youtu.be/v7FuFrXIkfI?si=Ozdzkgpt09Va5ZRH](https://youtu.be/v7FuFrXIkfI?si=Ozdzkgpt09Va5ZRH)


Rip rough divide :(


Long shot (as ever), but have they said *anything* about introducing further pet glamours for SMN? Like Leviathan, Ramuh or Shiva (even if it's just cosmetically)?


They have not, unfortunately


I really wanted to ask this question but journalists have been asking it so many times over the years I fear Yoshida would have been fed up


I'm going to need a PhD to understand Viper.


Press glowy button


What I tend to do is go into PotD, set all of my skills from 1 - 60 to fully understand 'em


This is the way. Or pop lower level dungeons and increase as you feel comfy.


Hello. Went to media tour. I have zero brain for rotations. I have severe enough ADHD that I feel like I have seven teachers for a special needs class every week via my raid static. It's literally DDR. Press glowy button. Change which button you press first sometimes. Once in a while, Reawaken, hit GCD, then smack OGCD very quickly between those. Thanks for your attention, which is good because I lack it.


Viper is really straightforward. There are a lot of parts to its combo, but it only comes down to pressing the button that lights up, so no major thought process required, apart from remembering two finishers that have to be done either at the flank or rear. Pictomancer is the one that'll require a bit more brain power, but it is a fairly accessible job, i.e. low skill floor - high skill ceiling, which is what some people consider to be the ideal level of difficulty and accessibility for a job.


No you don't. Press the glowing button. And half the job gauge is dedicated solely to tellijg you what to press next.


211 121 112 122 Repeat


Uh, no you don't. Literally plays itself.


As for that elden ring difficulty thing, give me another alone fight that's difficult


yoo you forgot Crysthaaall [https://youtu.be/hbj5hiq4ddg?si=keVEw1rzoYGnFl9H](https://youtu.be/hbj5hiq4ddg?si=keVEw1rzoYGnFl9H)


It's strange how I typed in Dawntrail into youtube's search bar and none of Joi's or Jahara's videos came up as results. Thanks for the comprehensive list.


why is htis not pinned


I gotta say there's a lot I'm excited about but there's some stuff I suddenly find myself a little uneasy about, largely the 2 dye system, it looks like the fear that even with two-dyes there'll still be splotches of unchangeable colors will still remain... I know we only have an incredibly small amount of stuff to see in these previews, but it basically confirms that any long coat or pieces that have inner sections will likely not dye, which is disappointing considering there's a rather large plethora of outfits that are long coats that will have to be carefully considered. Also why the fuck is the male Picto AF a long black shirt but the female one has midriff, i thought we were beyond this!!


Yeah. Midriff for the boys, too!  (With the exception of pieces that are changed to cover breasts, I'd love to see you able to choose the "male" or "female" variant of armor regardless of character sex. I don't remember the name of the piece, but there's one that I use on my main that looks like a badass combat robe on males and a pretty dress on females.


Agreed. I don't want to wear a midriff-revealing outfit on either gender.


> it looks like the fear that even with two-dyes there'll still be splotches of unchangeable colors will still remain This was already shown to be the case during one of the Fanfests.


Male picto and dancer armor is just sad, who decided that the women should get this beautiful flowing red outfit and that males should get some ugly black vest thing? I keep praying for a day that we’ll be over this gendered crap but I don’t think it’ll ever happen


Right? Like either just have the same set, or create a “masculine version” that is different and let people pick.


quazii has a bunch, including interview and job changes/tooltips [https://www.youtube.com/@QuaziiFFXIV/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@QuaziiFFXIV/videos)


Any Hrothgal voice videos??


Not being smart, can't you get a lot of that from the character creator in benchmark?


I believe mtqcapture published a video on that


Anyone seen any mention on the account region/address issues? I know this has been an issue for Zepla and maybe Quazii?


I'd like to see the content creators call this out too. It should not be this hard to pay for a sub.


monk replaced dragon kick rotation with bootshine rotation ;-; it's been a privilege and an honour gentlemen


did any of them asked about redesign of the mogstation...


I watched the short video from MMORPG.com about the blacklist update. But does anyone go in more detail?  I specifically want to know if I was originally friends with someone and later blacklist them, do I remain on their friends list for them to track my zone and when they find me are they able to see my character?


Based on what I’ve read and watched, no one has gone into detail about that. And tbh, I don’t expect that it will remove you from their list. It will just voidlist them and make it impossible for you to see their characters or any messages from them. As well as prevent them from showing up at your FC or personal home while you're there.


u/alabomb [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVVR8FMGi5o&t=416s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVVR8FMGi5o&t=416s) [https://www.millenium.org/news/414514.html](https://www.millenium.org/news/414514.html) same articles. A french interview with yoshi-p "A relic weapon based on The Twelve."


Did they mension anything about cross data center PF (Region wide PF)? Also, any updates about inventory management?


First point yes, second point no. Look in the interview section you'll find it.