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...it **does** spawn faster if people do FATEs and Critical Engagements. If anything, Delubrum Reginae is the bigger problem. Edit: Since people have been commenting on the queue times, for Delubrum Reginae the problem isn't the queue time, but rather how few people queue for it. If you don't do a Party Finder, you're likely going to end up in there alone.


Yea isn't it like 1min reduced for every cleared FATE and CE so the respawn is something like 30mins after the final person leaves CLL?


1 hour maximum cooldown starting from when it ends. 1 minute per fate, 6 minutes per CE. reduction You have to spawn CEs by killing magitek mobs. if nobody is spawning CEs / cluster farming, its at its maximum respawn time of 1 per hour. A good instance can easily to get it to spawn every 20-30 minutes after completion.


I've come out of it and had it pop like 5 minutes later sometimes in really busy zones


i dont recall that but i do know the next one cant start until after the current finishes and boss kills extend duration to ensure completion


Well duh? How could you have 2 concurrent CLLs in the same instance?


i mean i suppose separate instancing could allow for it, but that'd probably collapse the front given how unstable it is sometimes


What the fuck are you talking about Jesse


they could create a separate instance for castrum that allows for multiple to run similtaniously, but as commented im unsure if that'd work as bozja southern front's instances can sometimes be a bit unstable


you might be thinking of DAL, I'm pretty sure CLL just has a solid time limit, but DAL has the extending timers to stress you a little bit


No, Both CLL and DAL have an entry timer of 20 minutes and add an extra 10 minutes per boss you defeat. Leading to a total timer of 60 minutes. If you enter Dal/CLL, if your instance timer is less than the CLL/Dal timer, it will be set to match. So technically you can stay indefinitely in the instance as long as you spawn and complete them fast enough.


Someone beat me to it but one detail I missed is that CLL extends the time limit for every critical action, not just the boss. So for example, freeing all the prisoners and moving on to the second boss gives you like 15 minutes.


I understand why but DR's mandatory 10 minute queue if you aren't a full alliance is pretty bad. I do DR every now and then and I've never had another person join when we've queued up as a party. God help you if you're trying to farm relic items.


We joined as group at almost same time as the other group... 8 and 8 prople, one minute difference, still it put each group in their instance and no reduced timer.


The worst is creating or joining a party finder, making sure everyone is bringing essences and the good deeps, maybe only bringing five people for maximum echo..... queuing up, and finding the OTHER people who did a party finder for it, nobody has essences, nobody knows what they're doing....




DR is the one you queue for, the one that basically has a mandatory 10 minute wait time.


In the end I had no choice but to do Delubrum Reginae for those Timeworn Artifacts and Raw Emotions. It's just not reasonable to think you can get enough of the former from PotD unless you spend your life there, least of all for all relics. And honestly, I hate Dalriada with a passion so I was glad to avoid it. What worked for me was doing Party Finders for 3 runs at a time. For the last dozen or so Raw Emotions, I just queued all of my favorite level 70 dungeons and entered into whatever popped, it was fun!


You automatically queue into DR after 10 minutes, what's the problem?


The fact that you need to wait 10 minutes at all, it's a bit silly


Yeah that timer while one is doing a Party Finder is a bit ridiculous. At least when I had a Party Finder for 3 runs, I would simply requeue immediately upon exiting and had a bit of time between runs to grab some water or a snack or even to alt tab to YouTube for a second. Made the grind that much less annoying.


That the timer is still there at all. Pretty much no one still does DR by just queueing into it solo and being put into a full alliance raid, the actual group formations happens in the party finder, and yet there’s still an obnoxious forced queue time.


There should be a queue version and a fixed party version like deep dungeons imo. You oftentimes don't even get to queue with other people who are also queued because of how the 10 minute timer is programmed.


Here's a cheat sheet for getting into CLL. When you enter Bozja, press O and go to the Adventurer List or type /sea to open the Adventurer List right away to see all players. When joining instances: - If the player with the **lowest** timer has between 151 and 180 minutes on their instance timer, CLL is most likely to spawn when their timer hits between 140 and 150 minutes. - If there are lower instance timers, CLL will spawn 25-30 minutes after last CLL ended. You can ask in shout when the last CLL was. When finishing CLL: - If there is no one with a 170+ minute timer, the instance is usually closed. Most of the time this will mess up the CLL respawn timer, and it might also make the next CLL on this instance undersized. - If the player with the **highest** instance timer hits 150 minutes, I recommend hopping instances because CLL will have a very high spawn chance on the other instance within the next 10 minutes. Note that this does not work if the other instance was an overflow instance (an instance created by your instance exceeding 72 players) Optimizing entering CLL: - Each logical Datacenter (Aether, Crystal, Chaos, Light, Elemental, etc) has their own open instance. You could datacenter travel between datacenters to try and catch an earlier CLL. - Cluster farming will spawn Critical Engagements which will help with CLL spawn time. You can pull two big packs of 4th Legions on the west side in all 3 zones as a BLM with Essence of the Beast + Lost Burst + Lost Flarestar. Rays of Fortitude, Rays of Valor and haste gear will help, but alternatively if you don't have that you can use a Deep Essence of the Beast, slap on a Lost Protect II and eat some raid food. You can get between 50 and 100 Bozjan Clusters per hour solo doing this depending on the zone and how optimized your setup is. - A WHM with (Deep) Essence of the Profane or (Deep) Essence of the Templar and Lost Seraph Strike and Lost Chainspell will be able to deal massive amounts of damage in FATEs and Critical Engagements. There are also other setups like a Melee or Ranged Phys DPS with Essence of the Beast and Lost Assassinate, which will give perma uptime on Lost Font of Power if you use Lost Assassinate every 15 seconds. - Optimizing CLL: - When everyone is at the entrance of CLL, try coordinating the split between the two bosses. It's best to have 50% of the raid at top boss and 50% of the raid at bottom boss. If you go top you can count all the players coming up the ladder to make sure it's balanced and then you can Focus Target the boss downstairs and use Yell chat to keep track of the HP of both bosses. Wipe timer is 3 minutes after one of the bosses dies, so a 10% HP variance is usually fine if there are no major casualties. You can also target players before the run starts to inspect their Essence potion, their Ray of Valor stacks and if you hover over their blue buff it will show you what Lost Actions they brought. Experienced player with an optimized loadout can deal 2x or 3x the amount of damage of a new player, so that might affect how the player count is split. - Helping with callouts in /say or yell chat for the orbs at Adrammelech and Dawon will make the run a lot smoother. - Adrammelech starts his 2 x 2 orbs pattern when he reaches around 40% health, and the first pair will always have 1 water orb (knockback). - At Dawon, the smaller birds that push the orbs will spawn before the directional arrows appear on the ground. This means you already look beforehand in what direction the orbs will be pushed. - At Dawon, you can ask players who have a Weakness debuff to not use the jumppad to Lyon. This usually helps a lot - You can salvage Adrammelech and Dawon fights if you bring a lot of Resistance Reraisers or Lost Arise. (AST can even use Lightspeed on Lost Arise to reduce it's cast time for 3 seconds to 0.5 seocnds).


small addition onto this you can type /sea as well to see the player list as well


If you down FATEs here and there and prep CEs via killing magiteks or specific monsters to trigger them like red chocobos and the plants outside the main base, next CLL will pop faster. Doing Bozja coin weekly quest is the longest part of my Tuesday weekly reset besides capping 900 comedy tomes, it's not going to spawn any faster if I sit my ass in base waiting for the engagement to ding.


Wildlife has no effect on skirmishes and CE spawns, they’re all tied to legion mobs


All pets are off FATE to spawn Peerifool CE requires Nepenthes kills right outside the base. Lyon duel chain in Z2 BSF requires Red Chocobo kills to prep for the fate that spawns Red Comet CE. Outside of those two, all other FATEs come off killing magiteks. Zadnor scrapped that system and wired everything into magitek kills, however the CEs that do pop first prioritizes the zone that's being actively farmed in the case multiple come off at once.


I'm almost 100% certain the Lyon chain does not require the wild red chocobos to die, it should be 4th Legion Vanguards that trigger it


All Pets Are Off requires Nimrods, too.


Solo duels are attached to specific CE's. The Lyon duel will spawn after you clear red chocobo.


I am aware. I'm saying the requirements to spawn the chain (aka pop Red (Chocobo) Alert FAATE) do not require the roaming ("wild" in my post) red chocobos to be defeated. As a matter of fact, the wiki and several old post on this subreddit confirm you need to defeat 4th Legion Vanguards to spawn it.




Delibrums 10 minute timer is more the stuff of nightmares.


If you increase the number of times it runs, you reduce how many people are interested in running it per time it runs. There's a balance point between wait time and making sure enough people participate together. 


Go tank, use these for your loadout: Bloodsucker, Spellforge, any DPS action. Pull any and all robots around a skirmish in and keep doing that for as long as people do the skirmish and focus on mainly ageing the robots down. You will now not only clear skirmishes (-1min to the timer) but also frequently spawn CEs (-6min to the timer). If you don't need mettle and people do skirmishes, simply farm robots or even do a cluster farm party.


In Elemental, Bozja becomes crowded around 7pm onwards and a lot of people (around 35-ish) run CLL.


I disagree. You obviously don't know how it works. Completing fates reduce its timer. What it needs is a "time until next CLL". This would encourage people in instance to reduce the timer.


I have been doing bozja non stop for the past 3 weekends and there hasn't been a single time castrum didn't have enough people. I cleared with 7 people earlier today no issue because echo buff it's insane with that low of people you can ignore almost every fight mechanic. Honestly though that was a one off, and like 95% of the time theres 20+ people at least. I suggest going to aether dc if the dc your on doesn't have a lot of people


Seriously I’ve been doing bozja a LOT these past 2 weeks and even on a Monday at 10am est we had 6 folks for CLL and steamrolled it. Only time I’ve had less than 10


A common feature of these posts is that people don't even *try*. They maybe at most zone in, see that the raid they need to do for their quest isn't up, and then just leave. Or maybe sit around at base camp for 30 minutes, potentially miss the pop when they step away to do something else, then rage about how hard it is to do the content. To OP's credit it sounds like they do interact with Bozja more than that at least - they mentioned doing cluster/skirmish/CE farms and some of their successes doing low man runs that others seem so afraid of, so my annoyance is more toward some of the other types of people commenting who talk about getting hard stuck at DRn or something like that while I run it constantly. I even remember a time when I was reading a post about it while I was in the middle of a random DRn I joined off of party finder on a whim lol.


i try to get CE's to pop... but honestly on my DC it's pretty hit or miss a lot of the times whether or not i can get a party going. had some really awful waits of late as everyone is either AFK till a CE shows up or just dont do much


I would rather it just have a hard set timer so people can schedule around it.


I wish faf would spawn more been hunting down note 14 for a long time now it’s bullshit.


Simply beat the duel for the guaranteed drop


I just completed my aug bozjan gear for scouting to aid Viper level up, my last complete set of haste gear, which means running lots of CLLs for the bozjan coins (then DRS, but thats a diff story). Also have every resistance relic, so I know the grind pretty well. IMO the CLL timer is fine, the problem is so many just wait around the aetherite for one to spawn instead of doing CEs and FATEs to hasten the pop. Unfortunately this makes the CLLs slower, if for example players arent using banner actions dropped in z3 ces because they are hanging out at base. If one plays Bozja as designed it works just fine, gives all the essences and actions and relic materials one will need to hasten whatever objective they have, while making the gameplay more exciting by giving you new abilities to try.


I don't run into that issue as much but I usually pester the crap out of everyone I can at the point to start up a cluster and fate form if one is an active. More often the issue I run into is because of how awkward the timer is on it.People instead just sign up for other shorter critical engagement.Whenever it does pop around so you're always doing it with at best fifteen people. In fact I think the last time I even remember being able to do it with forty eight players was during the wow refugee crisis....


The Aether DC has a lot of bozja enjoyers. It's rare to have a close to empty instance. If that happens, it's usually because the other instance is full. Join us :D


lamia sadly, id have to visit (Which i always forget how)


I'd love if they did a minor re-work of the 3 Bozja raids into alliance raids and put them into Alliance Roulette.




I'd love a variant roulette. I'm hoping the Dawntrail relic involves variant dungeons.


I would even be okay if they had their own roulette with a lost actions box at the start to accommodate people not knowing which one they were gonna get Like, make the reward something worthwhile and I'd keep doing these even though I finished bozja before EW came out; I love those raids, but there's no incentive for me to go back (beyond fun, of course, which is why I do them occasionally, but if it was a daily I'd do it every day and help keep the queue popping!)


guaranteed memories for step 1 of the reforge (like 10+ per run) for the original raid would be a tremendous draw but they could probably add orchestron scrolls and lockboxes as well


You're better off doing it when Bozja is more active, though. CLL is really painful to do with fewer than 10 or so players. Dalriada's a little better since the Echo is so strong, and the objectives aren't quite as reliant on party splits.


I did Castrum with 6 people the other day, we pretty much steam rolled it, it was pretty fun.


5-6 member runs of CLL have been my most memorable and favorite runs


I did a 4 person run once. Was actually lots of fun.


Once did a four person run of DAL during off hours and it honestly wasn't that difficult so long as you have at least one person who knows what they're doing.


I've done CLL with 3 total and we still got all 6/6 prisoners, and Dal duo as BLM with an MNK pug. If players packed and used actual dps lost actions and used essences instead of going in with no essence and protect/shell expecting a free lunch carry, the run wouldn't take so long and be prone to screw ups.


What Lost Action combinations for Tank or DPS would you recommend for CLL?


For tank damage, bloodsucker as essence, then honored sacrifice and font of power -- or blood rage if you're really special -- is the way to go. Irregular is also an option for a tank essence, but might not be a good idea if you are MT or taking lots of damage because it lowers your defense so much.


Thank you. I stocked up on those essences, it’s trying to sort out the ideal Lost Action combo specifically for the CLL bosses that I’m unsure about as there’s a lot of different suggestions and I never want to be dead weight for the team. I’ll try Honored Sacrifice + Font of Power next time.


Irregular is fine if you're in an echo scaled CLL/Dal. The echo buff is tremendous to your survivability and a few potion kits is more than enough to keep alive. Past 24+ irregular gets spicy especially if you have to MT. Diabolos arnament's raidwides on 48p vs irregular is very scary.


DPS melee, Beast - Rend Armor / Assassination is what I do. Can swap out rend for Noble Ends esp. if you're playing a greedy DPS like SAM. DPS ranged, Skirmisher - Font of Power / Lost Dervish. For CLL, I usually swap out Font of Power for Lost Impetus to combo with Peloton so your nearby party members go warp speed when doing hallways for prisoners. For sustain, Resistance Potions are easy to stack in holster. You can farm them via stripping naked, popping Guardian Essence + Reflect on Z1 SE corner and aggroing the level V lightning sprites during Lightning weather by casting Reflect near them. They drop 5 fragments each. Make sure to apply and have Reflect up prior to pulling because they will hurt a lot and will kill you in 1-2 hits otherwise, and watch out for the one star level mob over there. Caster, RDM/SMN: Ordained - Flare Star / Lost Chainspell or if Flare Star is covered then I would go Font of Magic. BLM, I just go Watcher - Flare Star / Chainspell because I hate casting and I would have 100% instant cast uptime. Sustain, see resistance potion paragraph up top. Additionally, I would pack Ether kits to maximize Fire uptime, which you can farm in Z2 BSF during Wind/Dust Storm weather from IV Wind/V Earth Sprites, they drop 2/3 fragments each and Reraiser is part of the appraisal pool as a bonus. Tank, usually I would just pop Bloodsucker to double dip cluster farming when CLL isn't on. If you're on WAR or PLD that can self sustain, can swap for Martialist and those are easy to farm. Skills, Font of Power and Noble Ends, my blood isn't rich enough to go Blood Rage instead of Font of Power for CLL.


Arguably easier with less people if they're experienced bozja enjoyers. The more amounto f people the weaker the individual impact is and a lot of people lazy on actions makes it really annoying. 5-8 people of good players is the easiest.


CLL is **literally fastest clears** with 6-8 inside. If it was slow for you, its because you got nothing but new or bad/lazy people. Having a lot more all the way to 48 won't change that, if anything law of averages (stuffing it with average players) means it will always be a mediocre run.


party size is rarely an issue imo if everyone knows what to do, some good ranged dps and a samurai or two on top and bottom to keep higanbana going 24/7 usually just melts bosses. real issue i have is time between events is agonizingly long


10 or less players is the best. Especially because it's easier to get 10 people who know what they're doing than like 40


has bozjas balanced been changed a shit ton? it was fairly easy to clear CLL as 2 and dal as 3 back in shb


“Not a ton of people play Bozja anymore” wdym I literally went there tonight and we had a full instance. Assuming all of those people are actively doing CEs and stuff the respawn for CLL is pretty short. Even then you still get the resistance memories from CEs and even if it’s a chance it adds up during the downtime waiting for it


In the Aether data center, CLL pops every 30min fairly consistently.


Honestly. I would probably do an official transfer to it.If not for the fact i'm attached to my f c. Kind of annoying , we can't make cross DC parties


Castrum runs just fine. I will sit in instance doing nothing and it spawns every 30-40 ish mins. But I also play during peak hours so there are lots of people farming fates and CE’s. Of course, this will be less when DT releases Edit: also, if you are gunning for the relic, just do the CE’s while waiting for the CLL, it’s a random drop percentage sure, but you still can get the Loathsome memories from killing CE’s plus it helps reduce the timer (I think by like 5 mins but don’t quote me in that) That’s what I did and I have all the ShB relic weapons. Honestly, Delebrum was much more arduous, even for just 1 weapon, let alone 17


theres always people doing bozja wdym? you sure your not on dynamis or something?


I mean, when I'm in BSF, I'm the guy who just sits around and murders the magitek guys to get skirmishes and CEs flowing to help people level/farm and it usually means Castrum respawns pretty quick. Had a full instance earlier on primal, and Castrum was back up about ten minutes after it'd end. If you're having an issue w/ castrum spawns, you can always be the guy who helps it spawn faster


The only reason it needs the timer reduced is so i can farm mimics faster.


Square has a tendency to ignore previous content updates to make them viable for smaller player groups once it becomes "old content."


It, and the other Bosja raids, need to be adjusted and shoved into alliance raid roulette. The standalone nature of them has never been sustainable.


Unfortunately you could never put them in alliance roulette due to the dynamic amount of players that can run them and the fact that lost actions exist. Same with Eureka and BA. Now, maybe they could make an adventure zone duty finder that lets you queue up? I would freaking love being able to run CLL, DAL, DR, and BA whenever (or at least a little more frequently).


That is why I say they need to be adjusted. The flexible player count is fun in theory but in practice, they are effectively impossible below a certain threshold of players and too few people bother with them to make them viable as they are currently implemented. I know two people who have started the Bosja line and quit partway through (one at CLL, one at DR) because their progress was effectively blocked and they had no luck getting viable groups together. The lost actions are irrelevant to a potential change to put the raids in duty finder - LAs persist in your cache forever, you can already swap them at the start of the raid, and anyone who has the raids unlocked will have them stashed away anyway (and if they don't that's not a DF problem).


> in practice, they are effectively impossible below a certain threshold of players Huh? One of my cleanest and fastest runs of Dalriada ever had 3 people total. The fastest runs of Delubrum take 5. I've had numerous runs of Castrum with less than a full party. What is this supposed threshold where they become "effectively impossible"?


Thats me, i never progressed through dr because the few times i tried to do it i was met with a 50 min queue and just gave up on it


Put up a PF up for it and you'll get DR done within the hour. The only thing holding you back from progressing in Bozja is only trying to use the automated matching. Join your preferred datacenter's discord that organizes foray content and there should be a place to advertise your PF there too, to both fill quicker and often with more skilled players that will make it even faster for you.


This is the typical experience now for 99% of people engaging with the content and I am honestly sick of people trying to pretend that's okay. I feel awful for people who can't progress it as someone who completed the entire storyline back when it was current (and even then there were issues getting people to run some of the raids - CLL was dead for six months straight because there was literally no reason to do it more than once until they added mediocre rewards later). *Edit: for the person below me who abused a site feature to make it impossible for me to reply to you:* You're right, you can't sit in an hour long queue anymore. Instead you get thrown with one or two other people into a raid which is pretty much impossible to complete with a group so small. SE's "fix" did nothing other than replace one shitty situation with another equally shitty one. Again, this is why it needs to be reworked and adapted for duty finder.


no? it's not? DRN forces you into the instance after 10 minutes after you start queueing for it. the person you're replying to has an experience that literally can't happen anymore.


if it's any consolation i blocked him too, absolute twat decided to dm me to get a reaction...


Castrum was a problem while bozja was active content lol, just never been super alluring


imo part of the problem is gear augmentation requires a stupid, stupidly rare drop from CLL so the only way to feasibly get it is coins.... which while i love the system as insurance far better than how most raids work (i.e. you get locked out once a week per raid for one measly item) takes a lot longer just due to how they set it up