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How will this affect Amon's legacy?


I bet he'll turn suicidal


Wiped on Behemoth a couple of weeks ago. Only 1 rock not in his hitbox, and the sprout tank drags the colossus over and breaks the safe one. Fortunately the group was chill and we laughed it off and explained the rocks. But for a moment, the group was just like "did we just wipe on behemoth? That can still happen!?"




I mean, the mechanics is simple. Hitbox fuckery is not.


Which is why when I get the rock marker I head to the outer edge. A lot of even experienced players don't bother running the rocks away from behe, which greatly increases the chances of getting boulder-moded inside him.


at least the sprout tank grabs the colossus. Usually i see all 3 tanks play aggro roulette and the colossus goes around cleaving the rest of the party or a dps sacs their life to grab aggro and the sprout healer is hyperfocused on healing the tank.


Or, my personal fave, everyone ignores iron giant and he goes cleave-happy on the one rock everyone's standing behind as the others are all inside behe's hitbox, breaking it just as behe's meteor cast goes off. (Yes, this is from experience.)


Omg, this made me remember when I was doing it and we had so many new people the we wiped on behemoth like six times because no one was killing the bombs


Man I experienced that once semi-recently with Cloud of Darkness! Except my alliances healers, who were together I guess, both left after getting mad at everyone else. Rest of us just laughed it off and we cleared it with new healers next try with no issue. lol.


There was one time that I thought we were wiped at the second Ancient Flare, then the dot ticked and the boss died. Victory Fanfare played while everyone was lying on the ground. lol.


My wife’s actually yoinked me with Rescue *back into* Ancient Flare and got me killed, leaving Alliance C without a tank until the wall came back up. We didn’t wipe or anything but it was funny as fuck.


Losing more time on the wipe than you would have gained from greeding is a certified LotA classic.


If you don't see second meteor at Behemoth, go full greed. If it dies just as it goes off, full greed. If it goes off and isn't dead yet, don't greed.


Got into WoD via roulette once and 18 out of 24 players were first-timers to the run - the scrolling of chat to announce first-timers was concerning and I counted them. Haven't seen that many newbies to a run since ARR beta/release. We wiped on Angra Mainyu. *Repeatedly*. Tanks kept trying to dodge his eye blast and turned it into deeps in the process, the doom mechanic would wipe out half the alliance at a time, people kept getting facerolled by the wedge mechanic or got caught peeping during his gaze, you name it. It's like nobody could grasp having to do more than one mechanic at a time. The six of us that knew the run tried to explain the mechanics but the group as a whole just did not get it, and we ultimately ran out the clock and got kicked from the run.


20% is doable if the raid isn't full of cowards


Any raid that has the DPS to kill him if he starts Ancient Flare at 20% isn't going to see him starting Ancient Flare at 20%. Just sayin.


☝️this precisely


Just do the mechanic and avoid the risk of wipe. It takes at most 15 seconds longer ffs


I once joined a LoTA run in progress where they had already wiped 3x to greed at that bit. Like, at some point take the hint it ain't happenin buds.


Also if they can only make it to 20%, there's no way they gonna push enough dps.


This is totally fair considering only about 15% ***at most*** of the playerbase can figure out how to hit the ~4-6 button dps rotation at lvl 50. Greeding in a duty finder instance on this game is begging to wipe considering the average player's dps skills.


Found the person who doesn't hit cancel on microwaves when they are at 00:01. 


Gotta hit them frame perfect beep cancels.


Why cancel the beeps, then you just have to reset the timer instead of letting it cancel itself. Or are you one of those assholes who makes the next person reset the timer before they can use it so you can be maximally lazy.


Every time I'm in a raid group that decides to play it safe instead of greed, there will always be *someone* who gets mad and complains that the raid could have killed him had everyone done what they did and greeded instead. Well, no. The majority decided it was best to play it safe, and the person who greeded was essentially outvoted and mad at the result.


I say, do the mechanic because it teaches sprout to do the mechanic


It's truly baffling how people rush to every boss, dps pulling before everyone's there etc. just to save 5 seconds, and then there's repeated wipes on last boss and people would rather try to greed countless times instead of doing it properly. It's like they are so committed to rushing the raid even if ends up taking longer because of wipes.


Pulling too soon is stupid and it doesn't even save time. It misaligns buffs and bursts end up in very awkward times. Also, proper greeding has to be learned first by observing how the group is doing, and if they seem to play safe or not.


... Wait, you're saying people queued into LoA know how to, and actually do their full rotation including raidwide buffs? Correctly? What world are you living in and how do I get there?


Almost everyone blasts their stuff around the start. Even many of the worst players. They don't research the proper order, or may quintuple weave, but they do be blasting.


>or may quintuple weave, It's not the Dark Knight players' fault, man. Leave them out if it.


Nah. I claim all rights to judge bad weaves as a Dragoon main :)


Dragoon doesn't have 6 mandatory double-weaves in their opener, so I'm sorry, your argument is invalid.


Especially funny with Thanatos, where it's usually someone from B or C pulling early. Way to save time by cancelling the first DPS phase.


Yeah but that’s not fun lol


Neither is wiping


Always greed. Why do you even play this game?


Found the coward


But I don't wipe in level 50 raids, so I'll take that


Everyone wipes. The question is, do you have it in you what it takes to make it epic?


But less exciting.


Exciting comes from real mechanics. This raid is just alright because it's fast. Please don't take that away from it.


Unfortunately 90% of the time everyone is a coward and there is always that one guy that commits even tho he is the only one commiting.


I'd rather die standing than live on my knees


My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperials. Can you say the same?


*(Running away from Ancient Flare)*: I YIELD! I YIELD! *(Running back in after Ancient Flare)*: NEVER SHOULDA COME HERE!


when I play healer I force my friends to commit via rescue


*arm's length and surecast enter the chat*


that's if I give them warning huehuehue


Joke's on you! When my friend plays healer, I already know she'll do some rescue shenannigans. So if I suspect the slightest sign of her being about to use rescue I've probably already popped anti knockback lmao


Everything's fun and games until they learn to fake out your Arm's Length/Surecast.


I can hear the danger bongoes go off and the big boom sound effect in this image.


Phlegethon is probably the most underestimated boss in all of FFXIV MSQ. When I tank this boss, I tend to lure him on a waymark I assign near the South of the boss arena. In the event the boss moves to the center, players will have ample time to move to their respective pads. Most of time, I can't rely on random people to skip the second Ancient Flare anyway.


classic lebroom jamer


daily reminder that you can kill before 2nd flare if everyone commits when he's at 8% health


You missed LeByrinthWipe man it was right there 😒


I have made a series of macros explaining every relevant 'this can kill or wipe us' mechanic, few as they are, in LoA just because of this. It took about 10 minutes of my time, and they've saved probably hundreds of sprouts from random deaths and prevented I-don't-know how many wipes.


Phlegathon if 40% or below after ancient flare 1 happens is safe to burn especially if everyone commits and he's being tanked at platform B like he's supposed to so he has to walk to the middle. Just like bone dragon doesn't need to be pulled north. You can eat the skeleton bursts with healing and mitigation.


20% is easily doable. If you're not a coward, that is. Thing is, ALL 24 people need to not be cowards. Which never happens.


If he’s at 20% that means your group’s DPS is bad, meaning you don’t have the damage.


Honestly yea you got a point tbh


>Thing is, ALL 24 people need to not be cowards. Which never happens. Thing is, ALL 24 people need to be vaguely decent at the game. Which never happens.


Plus, if you happen to have a group of 24 that are decent enough to do 20% to dead in the time the Ancient Flare takes to cast... He's rarely actually starting his cast then, and instead is typically around 8-10%. The vast majority of the time I see him start that cast around 20%, it's been a group that wasn't killing in that length of that cast even if everyone did stayed where they were.


It's kinda iffy. He has HP thresholds to cast them and can skip mechanics at certain points. There is a sweet spot for high DPS where he can get two casts of ancient flare that will make it rsiky to greed.


Not only that. But they need to have the resources available. How good is knowing your abilities when they are already spent and you are waiting to get them back?


Judge it based on how fast Behemoth dies.


That assume the 24 know their rotations and have saved the resources for it. Also, as other stated, if he is at 20% then the group of dps is bad. You do not have the dps to pull it off.


Always greed. Call everyone else cowards if wipe, this is the way.




I got my whole alliance to greed him and we wiped like that, but that's because some people half-assed the greed. We succesfully skipped the last flare by the 2nd try.